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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6849070 No.6849070 [Reply] [Original]

Holy shit /ck/ what the fuck happened to youtube?

>be me two years ago, 16
>loved watching cooking shows on youtube
>absolutely fucking loved it, would watch cooking videos for hours
>get first job, don't use youtube at all for about two years
>be me now, 18
>just looked up all the people I used to watch

What the fuck happened to everyone? Greg from freezerburns freaked the fuck out at a kid cuisine and quit reviewing, laura vitale got a goddamn TV show, nicko from nicko's kitchen wrote a cookbook and became semi-famous, that fat fuck jack scalfani moved to Tennessee, epic meal time (inb4 reddit) broke up, furious pete has fucking cancer, the food review stopped making videos, all the good eats videos were taken off youtube, etc.

Wtf happened to youtube? Why the fuck is it all collapsing?

I'm so damn confused and kinda angry, wtf.

Chef john from food wishes is the only one who remained the same and kept his charm and nostalgia.

>> No.6849086

You only need our true savior, Chef John. Just unsubscribe the rest.

>> No.6849095


chef john is truly a god

why are his videos so good?

>> No.6849110

non-stop dad jokes

>> No.6849122
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>no mention of Masao
shit taste

>> No.6849127

Masao was way before OP's time wasn't he? I don't remember how far back I was actually watching his videos on his channel but it was definitely a while back.

>> No.6849135

Google ruined the atmosphere of the whole thing. Especially when they tried using it to get more people signing up with Google+.

Wait, they had already done that two years ago. It's your own fault. When a ship is sinking, you're supposed to abandon it.

>> No.6849137
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Shit, didn't see how new he was tbqhwyl (to be quite honest with you lad)

>> No.6849139

>check to see if his channel is even still up
>he uploaded a couple of videos 8 months ago
>reasonably clean kitchen/house
>the fact he's still alive
Holy shit maybe we're all gonna make it.

>> No.6849152

Chef steps you fool. Haven't made a recipie that I don't love from them. Yes you need a lot of stuff to do their recipes but damn they are the best.

>> No.6849164

>not watching Pepin on public domain youtubes

pfft why cook?

>> No.6849183
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>tfw normies ruined youtube
>tfw normies ruin everything

I'm not even joking, I don't know what even exactly caused it but around when google was forcing the google+ account shit youtube was fucking flooded with 12 year olds from every single goddamn corner of the internet and youtube was never the same.

>> No.6849215

>tfw normies ruin everything
Yes they do. The internet used to be fun before everyone had it. It just makes me want to die now.

I've been on the interweb since about 96 and it gets worse every year. Eventually I will be forced to become amish or a caveman

>> No.6849237
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>tfw "le secret club gb2 reddit meme" all over 4chan all the time
>tfw the internet used to be my secret, special place
>it was new, it was unknown, it was mysterious, it was fun as shit
>tfw social media and smartphones have absolutely fucking slaughtered every aspect of the internet that was enjoyable
>now the internet is just fucking shitspammed with masses of retarded fucking teenagers on their fucking iphone 5's or whatever the fuck
>tfw nowhere I can go now

yeah I think I should probably go amish too

>inb4 secret club, old hating on the new, out of touch, social media is great and useful, etc

fuck you

>> No.6849248

you can find your child pornography on irc

>> No.6849249

Masao is shit. I understand he's popular here for some reason, but he's shit. Some autist that literally adds nothing informative about cooking. Honestly, Joey/Reviewbrah/TaxmanDomick are superior because they can at least function somewhat normally. Masao is HowToBasic tier garbage.

>> No.6849256
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>> No.6849258

Used to kinda enjoy him, but all of a sudden his high horse "HOW DO WE EAT THIS STUFF" bullshit pissed me off. Glad he's gone, he shit talked the very thing that made him popular.
>Laura Vitale
Still want to see her naked
Unintentional comedy at it's best. Raw chicken whenever he tries anything chicken related. Actually enjoying his Jack on the Go's because Tennessee seems to have more interesting places than Cali
>Epic Meal Time
They broke up? Good. Atari is a flaming homo, Harley is a meme personified, that fat fuck who cuts shit with fork and knife makes me want to piss on my computer and throw it into the abyss

>> No.6849259

The youtube "community" was awful way before Google+

>> No.6849480


fuck you nicko is fucking great

been watching him since like 2008

>> No.6849518

>remember back in the day
>also, i just happen to be old enough to post on 4chan

Nobody cares about your opinion, and assuming you're even 18, you're about a decade too early to be on /ck/ - the food and cooking board.

>> No.6849531
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>a decade too early to be on /ck/ - the food and cooking board.

I think it's past your bedtime kiddo.

>> No.6849729

Watch "Munchies", it's good despite the fagot name.

Why was good eats taken off?

>> No.6849741

>i liked it before it was cool

>> No.6849746

Nah. I mean, it was, but only in the way that people in general are awful. No getting away from that. It was at least fun. Now it's just banal.

>> No.6849781

yeah Munchies is pretty good

>> No.6849782

Nicko used to be pretty good when he only had like 20k subs. Now the only recipes he posts seem to be really simple shit and meme-tier mug cakes and nutella based recipes.

Laura's videos have gotten heaps longer. She throws in way more rambling than she used to, but I still like her because she's pretty and seems nice.

>> No.6849787

I know it is. Don't patronise me.

>> No.6849789

Matty Matheson scares me a little. Especially the episode he did for Halloween donuts dressed up in leather shit.

>> No.6849807
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>> No.6849853
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Go watch " Cooking with Dog ". Coziest channel on youtube imo
i love francis