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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 126 KB, 646x478, sweet-and-sour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6845858 No.6845858 [Reply] [Original]

Why does Banquet think they can get away with selling chicken nuggets as "sweet and sour chicken?" I mean, I know the bar for frozen dinners isn't exactly high, but this is just ridiculous.

>> No.6845863

I expect they think that "sweet and sour" has the most brand appeal, while keeping the sauce on the side means that plebs who buy it will be more likely to buy it again if it's bland (they bought it because it's a recognizable name, not because they like sweet and sour foods)

tl;dr the joke's on you for buying tv dinners

>> No.6845865

>"welcome to faggot's frozen dinner restaurant!"

>> No.6845871

That shits fucking delicious when you're drunk as fuck

>> No.6845872
File: 57 KB, 620x670, 1438161664033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>"He buys frozen dinners!"

>> No.6845873

I bet even Peggy Hunt wouldn't eat that shit.

>> No.6845874

>discussing banquet frozen meals

about to hit rock bottom?

>> No.6845879

>>discussing banquet frozen meals
>about to hit rock bottom?

Sup reddit

>> No.6845958

I whole heartedly agree the shear simplicity is marvelous. Plus they one fucking dollar a pop. God bless America.

>> No.6845988

Same way they charge a fucking dollar for them. Get a job and stop eating them.

>> No.6845990

These nerds just don't understand that after a night at the bar you're drunk as shit you just want something quick and cheap

>> No.6845996

God damn fool do you not understand God gave us frozen pizzas and burritos for a reason?

There are certain foods man was not meant to freeze!

>> No.6846005

The microwave is so much simpler than anything else

>> No.6846013

They are for the working man that's why they are a buck fool. Salisbury steak will rise again ya hear me boy!

>> No.6846028

*Hank 3 plays softly in the background*

>> No.6846036

I drink more than ever but leftovers have generally replaced 'now with 5000% more sodium!' frozen dinners.
Definitely not a health freak but the amount of sodium in those things only makes your hangover worse.

>> No.6846055

I just drink tons of water when I eat drunkenly and it helps with all that

>> No.6846063

You could just hide the thread if you do not like it. Or, you could make threads that you think are good instead of shitposting.

>> No.6846071

shutup you sad piece of trash. if you identify with banquet frozen meals you can gtfo to the dollar tree board

>> No.6846073

Epic :^)

>> No.6846078

Here's your reply.

>> No.6846100

I will always love my double meat Salisbury steak more than you ever loved anything. I will die with my freezer filled with banquet dinner until the very end they will be consumed. I will burn your cadaver upon the boxes I cast aside for that exact reason. Nothing will prevent me from this pleasure.

>> No.6846128

What do you expect for $1?

>> No.6846167

Jessica Tandy

>> No.6846220



>> No.6846239

>implying 3x your daily value of sodium in one meal won't give you an insane amount of electrolytes and cure your hangover

it's like your a stupid bitch or something

>> No.6846244

I work at a grocery store and the people who buy these are always so sad. Mostly elderly men and middle aged women who smell like booze and cat piss.

>> No.6846257

You must never see me with my chipper attitude cuz I'm bout to max on my life force consisting on Salisbury steak.

>> No.6846304

>Regally buy the low calorie frozen dinners because its easy to count calories that way
>No reason to cook a big meal when you live alone
>Gotta keep losing weight because you want to see someone better in the mirror

Anyone else know these feels?

>> No.6846316

Ha!. Op's pic looks like a cattle class meal I had on US air.

>> No.6846324

Well yeah you should always do that no matter what. You're never gonna eat a salad or something when you come home after drinking a dozen pints but yeah having easily accessible leftovers helps. I have a reserve of frozen things in my freezer but I rarely eat them anymore.
While I recognize your point

>> No.6846881


>you are now imagining the Queen of England purchasing these frozen dinners

>> No.6846912

>how does hydric balance work
If you don't drink lotsa water with that you're going to feel worse.

>> No.6847142

i also buy the pizza ones with chocolate pudding and put the pudding on the pizza lmao

>> No.6847166
File: 16 KB, 280x280, REX-Baked_Beans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She goes for REX brand beans,
They're fit for a Queen.

>> No.6847228

nope because I know better than to think that counting calories is how to be healthy

>> No.6847263
File: 150 KB, 646x478, salisbury-steak[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they're a fucking dollar

>> No.6847269
File: 116 KB, 646x478, turkey-meal[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6847279
File: 152 KB, 646x478, chicken-fingers[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6847286
File: 143 KB, 646x478, chicken-pasta-marinara[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6847291
File: 177 KB, 646x478, sweedish-meatballs[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6847296
File: 131 KB, 646x478, meatloaf[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6847302


All of these look so utterly depressing.

>> No.6847307

that's the only one that looks at all edible

>> No.6847352

>Hello Wildcats!
This things should be illegal, they doesn't look remotely close to the pictures in the box, they literally looks like some pre-suicide dinner.

>> No.6847364


>> No.6847368

You must be an amerilard

>> No.6847408

this leak from /pol/ posters into /ck/ seems to be getting worse by the day

>> No.6847410 [DELETED] 

Suck a nigger cock, newfag

>> No.6847414

>I know better than to think that counting calories is how to be healthy
They said to lose weight, not be healthy.
Does that trigger you, fatso?

>> No.6847418

Until they create a /polck/ board, also racism is always fun.

>> No.6847423

shouldnt you be in school? summers over

>> No.6847424

>flyover cuisine

>> No.6847428

Shouldn't you be in reddit? Being a faggot is over.

>> No.6847431

fat is healthy? those tumblr bitches must be quite persuasive

>> No.6847436

yeah, lol

>> No.6847439

lolol le reddit such troll
next youre gonna hit me with a WA LA

>> No.6847523

Why are you so obsessed with /pol/?

>> No.6847625

>what is reading comprehension?

>> No.6848907


>> No.6848960

>not even posting the best banquet meal, BBQ rib

>> No.6850388

The mashed potatos are too white.

>> No.6850488

man these shits be hittin on the low

but you gotta stir it first what the fuck is you doin

>> No.6850523

they show chicken nuggets in the picture