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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6842940 No.6842940 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: the most recent shameful/pathetic meal you've had

tonight I had:
>1 slice of shitty wheat bread with blackbery jam
>1 small mushy dill pickle
>1/2 glass of carnation vanilla instant breakfast with 2% milk
>jabbed my index finger into a jar of cocktail sauce and sucked the sauce off like an animal three times
>two large glasses of cheap gin and orange juice

>> No.6842954
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Well I had ONE of these. I'm also lactosintollerant so I was kinda lucky it was a rave yesteday so nobody could hear my belly.

>> No.6842959

>four burgers
>24 nuggets
>12 wings
>six large chips
>15 tenders
>a mountain of potato and gravy

That was over the course of 24 hours, after I quit my job at KFC.

>> No.6842963

420 joints

>> No.6842965

Nigga what the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.6842971 [DELETED] 

This sounds like a fuck everything everywhere else kinda day

>> No.6842979

Unheated chili straight from the can

I had Stagg and Dennison's and chose the Stagg because it was a pull tab lid

>> No.6843002
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>Wheat tortilla
>Canned Salmon
>Two pints of beer

>> No.6843089

>half a plate of brown rice
>chicken breast

yumm yumm cutting never tasted so good

>> No.6843093

That sounds awesome, what's wrong with you?

>> No.6843102

>two tortillas
>painted with Worcestershire sauce
>microwaved until almost a leathery texture
>chew on for a while

>> No.6843114

A shitty microwaved BarS hotdog with ketchup and mustard on a piece of sandwich bread. I was starving..

>> No.6843124

last night i ate three tins of tuna with a little of the brine still in so it wasn't too dry. that was my dinner

>> No.6843125

This has been my lunch for 2 weeks and the more I eat it the more I like it. Good luck on your cut brah

>> No.6843127

thanks man
just started and trying to lose some weight while working out

also I put cayenne pepper on the chicken and poach it
it tastes bretty gud

>> No.6843128

I just do salt, pepper, and some onion powder and bake mine.

>> No.6843129

I poach it for the fat content from EVOO
Tastes good, isnt dry, spicy
You should try it out

>> No.6843133

last night i made a cake for my mum's book group and lived off the scraps they gave me, which consisted of cornichons, kettle chips and a knob of blue cheese. got completely hammered off apricot bellinis though.

>> No.6843134

I'll give it a go m8. I've been relying on sardines for that fat content

>> No.6843145

I don't each much so...
I had three bowls of cereal and 3 slices of pizza yesterday. Along with 3 cans of sweet tea.

Day before that I had two bowls of cereal, a ciabatta with mayo and canned tuna on it, and some Cheetos spicy fries.

I usually only eat about 1200 calories a day on average.
>tfw 6 foot 2 inches and 125 pounds
I've also been sleeping a fuck ton of late.
17 hours one night, 20 the next.
However each time was after having only gotten 3 or 4 hours of sleep the previous night.
Still more then I would have expected.
It's 5 AM and I still haven't gotten back to bed yet.

>> No.6843147

Jesus christ dude. Eat more.

>> No.6843148

1 min medium heat fry in EVOO
flip over
Put lid on
Put down to low heat for 10 min
Turn off for 10 min

Comes out perfect and moist

>> No.6843151

I'm not that hungry though mate.
Besides, I can't be bothered to make anything worthwhile most of the time. And I have a very distinct lack of good food.
No I can't go buy more shit either.
I find it takes a lot for me to finally eat something.
When I do I usually just grab whatever tastes ok and requires the least effort.

>> No.6843154

holy shit
Sleeping that long isn't good for you, man. Go to the doctor and eat more. Shit.

>> No.6843156

Are you depressed or something?

>> No.6843157


eat some vegetables dude seriously.

>> No.6843159

Can't go to a doctor.
Besides last time I did go, well, nothing's changed since then.
The doctor had no problems with my weight and or diet so meh.
I'm content more or less. I learned to be that way though. Started studying Taoism. In a pretty crappy situation right now (can't go into detail, too long) but I've learned to live with it.
>tfw don't like vegetables.
Well okay I do. But not shit from the grocery store. And I have no space to grow my own.

>> No.6843161

How old are you? I'm going to guess 20

>> No.6843164

18 actually.
19 this December.

>> No.6843170

It's all the same. You're doing what I did back then. Dont. You're headed towards a brick wall. Get an okay job and start lifting. Skip the retarded stage of going no where for a few years and find something to progress in that isn't some faggy philosophy

>> No.6843175

I actually have a job in mind. Along with a pseudo plan.
But I can't get any job currently due to the circumstances I mentioned before.
I'm charged with some felonies and have a case against me.
It's false and I'll leave it at that but I am severely limited in what I can do. I already went through a big downhill period over it and recovered for the most part.
For now though it is a waiting game.
Luckily things seem in my favor as they have almost no case due to their "witness"(my former best friend) going missing, and by missing I mean he has gone on the run or some shit idk.
Shit sucks dude.

>> No.6843177


what would you grow that you can't get from the grocery store?

>> No.6843179

I didn't mean I can't get.
I just meant their quality is crap.
I used to homegrown tomatoes and loved them. The only other place I have been with good tomatoes is Italy. The stuff from the stores just doesn't do it for me.
That kind of stuff man. Nothing exotic.

>> No.6843183


find a better grocer or at least eat something other than tomatoes buddy. there's no good reason to give yourself malnutrition.

>> No.6843188

>I actually have a job in mind....
The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

>> No.6843194

It's not just limited to tomatoes but eh. I could and should buy more fruit. I'm ok with that, I just don't buy it often.
It's nothing out there. But I can't get a job right now with the court case against me. If shit goes tits up I'm fucked getting a job anywhere as a felon. Hopefully that won't happen but I just don't know yet. If I pull through this, I plan on applying to the merchant marines academy.

>> No.6843226


no, you should buy more vegetables. fucking vegetables dude. you can't say 'oh the vegetables here aren't great so i'll just buy cheetos'. that makes no fucking sense. are the cheetos conspicuously good quality at your grocer? are they super fresh? stop being a self-indulgent dickhead and either kill yourself or make some FUCKING broccoli soup.

>> No.6843237

>Half a pound of quark
>A semi frozen banana
I've started to put peeled bananas to freezer so I have something different to eat.
They're actually quite nice.

>> No.6843342

Sometimes I like to grate really nice parmesan ($20/lb) onto a totino's party pizza. I usually eat about 4 pizzas at a time, too.
>tfw they just went on sale for 50 cents apiece
I just can't resist.

>> No.6843357
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I'll cook you meals, anon.

>> No.6843382

i put all the potatos into the oven yesterday

had 1 for lunch

then 1/2 of one for dinner

gonna be more of the same today i guess

>> No.6843443

>cheap gin
>orange juice
welcome to my world, brother. i keep the shitty liquor in the freezer so it goes down faster ...

>> No.6843467

Are you Danny Sexbang?

>> No.6843504
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The only food I have eaten today is the skin of a chicken breast rolled into balls
I wanted to grill some chicken but it came out pink and bloody, so I gave up and wrapped the skin into balls to pretend it was popcorn chicken. I can't cook. I am so hungry and my stomach is rumbling

>> No.6844404

Tonight I ate:
>One can of spam

Bonus round: my breakfast was
>Maceroni Cheese from a packet
>A cigarette

>> No.6844430

>I wanted to grill some chicken but it came out pink and bloody
So you didn't think to throw it back on the grill? In the oven? Microwave? You undercooked the chicken and thought, "well, what a was, guess I have to throw it out... BUT... this skin -- you know, the part where all the bacteria are -- is JUUUUST right. SAVED!"

>> No.6844644

i've literally had tendies and fries for dinner for the last 3 days
i'm transforming into a meme
send help

>> No.6844731

>2 cups of instant mashed potatoes
I can't wait to die of hypertension.

>> No.6844817

I haven't eaten in 2 days now.
Cycling to a breadline tomorrow.
Meanwhile: moar lurking

>> No.6844836

The shameful meal are ahead of me.
>about to move to new flat
>will spend 5 days without a fridge nor a stove
Actually gonna make a thread to ask for advice with that.

>> No.6844853

Hey bud, if you talk to the judge and really present yourself in a humbled and dignified way, the felony can be scrubbed. You'll be on probation for a long time, but your life isn't over.

>> No.6844861

>had half a mango for breakfast yesterday
>no food until afternoon and evening
>still couldn't finish my portion of Thai food
>still eating the leftovers today
>having a cup of spiced black tea and some cold mango white tea

fucking alcohol and losing your appetite for days...

>> No.6844893

Honestly that doesn't sound too bad, that's the kind of meal I have after a long day when I want to go straight to sleep but want to eat something quick so I don't go to bed hungry.

For me it'd be
>a half-eaten In-n-Out double double out of a trash can
>some off-brand potato chips out of a different trash can a block away
>washed down with water from a public water fountain

Also countless meals at random homeless shelters and charities.

Currently doing way better now thankfully, but after living like that it's hard for me to find most of these meals shameful.

>> No.6844902

why did you quit? And how shit did you feel?

>> No.6844910

please look after yourself matey

>> No.6844918

>will spend 5 days without a fridge nor a stove
That's not too bad, buy a loaf of bread, some peanut butter, jam, aged and cured meats (salami and such), hard-ish cheeses (they can last around 2 weeks without refridgeration), along with some fruits, veggies, and random bags of chips.

It might get a little more complicated long-term (unless you're totally cool with eating simple sandwiches every day), but for 5 days it's pretty easy.

>> No.6844928

Was so high and poor I spread yum yum sauce on a stale plain bagel

>> No.6845035

Thanks m8.
I'd take the offer up.
It's two separate charges. I've been doing my best to do that however. Unfortunately the judge is a chick known for being harsh. My attorney doesn't like her. Hopefully all goes well. Trial is set for October 12th.
Thanks. I'm trying.
Based on the fact I don't know him, I'm not.

>> No.6845038


you raped someone didn't you

>> No.6845044

Buddy that's really not okay. Go to a different doctor if yours thinks that's fine. You need someone who knows what they're doing to order a blood test and look at the results. It could be something as simple as a bad case of anemia with a diet like that. A few units of blood will have you feeling 100% better in no time at all.

>> No.6845067

No, fuck no.
I am charged with attempted arson and malicious mischief, both 2nd degree felonies.
Also a gross misdemeanor stalking.
All of which are false. Because it is an ongoing case I don't really want to go into detail but.
I did try to help my friend with some shit he had done. And it backfired when he ended up not being such a great friend and in fact back stabbed me. Like I mentioned earlier. The offense for the case can't find him as he has skipped town and his testimony will probably be thrown out.
It was a couple years ago, so it may not be accurate. Even though I have always been this thin and tall. But when I was tested I was only a little low on white blood cell count. That's it. Can't really afford to go to a new doctor anyway. Health insurance won't cover it.

>> No.6845077
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2 restorill
1 ambien
6 or seven rolling rock beers
hunk of dark choc
some cornbread

>> No.6845084
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>> No.6845088

>ketchup and mustard sandwich

>> No.6845536 [DELETED] 
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Just ate pic related with some garlic buffalo sauce and onion jam that I made stirred into it. Without a doubt the best canned vegetable I've ever had so I guess it wasn't too shameful or pathetic. Canned greens are still kinda pathetic though. Thanks grandma.

>> No.6845549

Peanut butter and jelly, spread evenly over an almost-stale flour tortilla.

3 peanut butter cookies

a mixture of green peas, corn, couscous, and bacon which lasted for 4 meals. I also threw a couple spices in.

Thankfully these were all separate meals.

>> No.6845582

Nigga peanut butter cookies are the bomb.

>> No.6845595

I was 9 and my dad bought a pizza pie. He dropped me off at home with the box. I ate the entire thing in about an hour and later my mom came home and was just astounded and i didnt even consider that it was something to share.

>> No.6845597
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>Peanut butter and jelly, spread evenly over an almost-stale flour tortilla.

Damn man, same. I cooked mine in some butter though so I could try to convince myself I was having a hip quesadilla.

>> No.6845609 [DELETED] 


FUCK I remember doing things like this. I even did it with a pizza recently and I'm 26. I was just drunk

Being woken up to "where pizza?" was so shameful

>> No.6845615
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An entire one of these today.

>> No.6845661

do you live with cavemen?

>> No.6845668

I have to admit, that made me laugh.

>> No.6845675
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burger with american cheese, pineapple, and bacon on it. With bbq.
Made a tiny pizza with pepperonis and pickles and ate half of that too.

>> No.6845678

Today for lunch I had to finish assembling my sandwich. My pay schedule is fucked, and I work too much. I didn't have time to cook last night, fridge is almost empty, and there's a grocery store right next to my bus stop. It was just bread, mustard, butter, and cheese and freshly bought bologna. I think my life has gotten out of control.

>> No.6845692 [DELETED] 


No my GF has retardation

>> No.6845727

>only have tomato paste
>want to make pasta rosee sauce
>mix the tomato paste with alfredo sauce
>low on money, have nothing to put in the sauce except onions
>eat finished meal
>not even one mouthful and already feel like dying
>eat it all anyway

>> No.6845790

they are indeed, but not when those 3 are the only thing you had for dinner.

>> No.6845802

lawl, well at least you put in some effort. I really just was low as fuck on food, and grabbed whatever I could find in my fridge.

Is the pic you posted OC? It looks pretty good honestly

>> No.6845821

You have meat, cheese, bread, and a condiment. Your good anon.

>> No.6845834

lentils and rice
lentils and rice

>> No.6845886


>> No.6845893

a margarita popsicle
3 stale nilla wafers
1 package of saltine crackers

fucking field houses man

>> No.6846232

holy shit. LOL

>> No.6846249

Aldi chicken noodle soup, straight from the box.

>> No.6846286

yesterday.I package uncle ben's microwave rice.mixed with aprox 4 oz diced "treat" lunch meat. topped with two slices american cheese. and hot sauce. Cheap rum and store brand cola. A little debbie honey bun for desert. Ashamed to admit it. I need to get a life.

>> No.6846290

>because it was a pull tab lid
we've all been there, you gloriously lazy bastard

>> No.6846294

>cut banana into coins
>sandwich two coins with a smear of peanutbutter inbetween
>(optional) - roll in melted chocolate
fucking ace snack

>> No.6846742

How stoned are you by now?

>> No.6847016

>be drinking heavily
>want chips and salsa
>look in cupboard
>pour that shit on top of the tortilla chips
>eat it cold
>so fucking tasty

>> No.6847022

Garlic mayo and breadsticks, washed down with sugar water.

>> No.6847027

>pbj on a rolled up tortilla
>had to eat it at school

>> No.6847496

Shit, I'm going to have to try that.

>> No.6848082

Don't feel bad, some days my school lunch was a cold hot dog with a slice of white bread wrapped around it.

>> No.6848114

I watched my gf eat a tortilla with hot sauce the other day.
That was it.
I looked at her with disgust and bewilderment and she just ate her shit with shame.

>> No.6848130

I don't have the picture but there was a thread/picture of a guy who just eats sticks of butter at his computer.

>> No.6848144
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I ate that often as a child
I still crave it sometimes

>> No.6848254

I don't think it was sticks, he was eating it out of the container.

>> No.6849604

Holy shit, my RftT nigga.

>> No.6849610

Pretty sure it was I can't believe it's not butter, too. Or something similar

>> No.6849622

Oh boy
>wake up
>5 hours til work
>drink .5 gallon of water and a pint of cold coffee to induce shit
>mill around
>not hungry but fuck
>have a vodka
>done with vodka, what now
>have a beer
>go on porch
>have three more beers
>go to work an hour early
>staff meal looks unappealing
>>ff ten hours later
>2 am
>have enjoyed four 25 oz pissbeers an half a pack of starbursts
>eat two cigarettes
>ride bike six miles home
>lick peanutbutter off of spoon, get sleepy, go to bed after brushing teeth, without washing spoon

>> No.6849701

He's pretty famous on /g/. Goes on /bst/ or screenshot threads sometimes.

>> No.6849707

Godspeed anon, all the best to you

>> No.6849744

Not my story, but I know someone who ate a packet of dry soup after they packed all their stuff up at the end of college.

>> No.6849933

About 4 years ago, I had no food, no money and I was hungry

>tap water

I just fried them into little cakes and put some Texas Pete on them.

2010-2012 was a dark time for me.

>> No.6849985

I'm not even gonna bother with the rest of the thread after this.

>> No.6850005

Ah childhood...
Sometimes it was canned pasta sauce haha

>> No.6850046

I chortled much

>> No.6850063

Cooked rice with butter and soy sauce,
Not ashamed though, I do this regularly

>> No.6850067

I was broke and hungry so I dumped some marinara on a baked potato once

>> No.6850080
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I did pretty good the other.night I think

>> No.6850091
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Smoked ham with bearniesauce.

It was either that or go to the store and there's no way I leave my house during weekends.

>> No.6850129

My sides

>> No.6850158

Sorry about your dark time, but hoe cakes are great

>> No.6850175
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I went through a face 1 year ago where I refused to eat anything other than black liquorice. Like, literally, if my parents gave me anything else I would start screaming and throwing stuff (I actually broke a 90 year old picture frame because my dad tried to sneak a vitamin pill into one of the sweets). In the end they compromised with me that I could have as much as I wanted if I ate my dinner but for a 1 week period the only food I ate was black liquorice. Lel I tried to trick my parents by moulding it into circles and telling them I was eating blackberries.

>> No.6850250

>yfw this guy is 27 years old.

>> No.6850809

>put a cheese slice on a plate
>microwave it until it becomes hard as fuck
>pinch that shit piece by piece
I regret nothing

>> No.6850826

In college my boyfriend would:
>take a glass of v8
>add frozen vegetables and chicken strips
>microwave it

>> No.6850955


You parents should have beat your ass.

>> No.6850995
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>slice of wheat bread
>two pink Starbursts
>one of those chocolate shortbread cookies from the 99 cents store
>tap water
Delicious breakfast

>> No.6850996
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Went to Zip's in Cincinnati for the first time. I never really ate there before on account of they are one of those trendy little hipster joints that tends to overprice everything.

Had one of these bad boys.

That's the 'Train Wreck Burger'.

Burger with all the trimmings, three kinds of cheese, kielbasa and shaved him.

With a side of fries and a drink the damages ended up being 18.20.

It was delicious. So much so that I may turn it into a once a year thing. Still, at those prices they should have had a professional Shame Nun on hand to show me out the door after I finished.

>> No.6851320

An entire box of Barilla thick spaghetti with a pound of fully cooked ground beef, canned meat flavored sauce, and a shit load of pre-shredded mozzarella

>> No.6851342
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>shaved him
Right onto the sandwich, huh?

>> No.6851343

That sounds awful.

>> No.6851363

Instant oatmeal topped with unsweetened cocoa powder and a hotel packet of sugar

and vienna sausage

that's what I get for forgetting my card while on a trip and just having a coupla 20s on me for a whole weekend 100 miles from home.

>> No.6851394

I was travelling in Bali and had a sandwich for lunch, it was

it sounds alright, but the bread was stale and taste really sweet. The mozzarella was bland and tomato was just awful. Never ever eat sandwich in Lovina Beach.

>> No.6851624

Here are some weird things I have eaten before:

>Leftover biscuit (I'm American, so I'm not talking about cookies)
>American cheese

>Peanut butter
>American cheese

>Whole can of refried beans, uncooked.

>Whole can of chili, uncooked.

>Canned tuna
>Hot sauce

>> No.6852362

>paper plate
>microwaved hotdog cut into quarters
>eaten with my fingers

>> No.6852369

tonight I've had
>a hamburger patty, with sauteed shallots, green onions, and shiitakes, topped with aioli (this was fantastic, but I feel like a pig for how much aioli I put on; like almost a half cup, even if it was on like 1.5 cups of veg and not much burger)
>like 5 oz of patron xo cafe dark cocoa ($12 a bottle and absolutely sublime; best part of the night, going to go buy more while it's cheap tomorrow)
>poverty margarita (silver tequila, half a lime, orange bitters, simple syrup. Depressing drink.)

>> No.6852371

Why don't parents trust basic self preservation? Deny the liquorice until the kid passes out from starvation. Put a fried egg in front of him for when he wakes up. Bam.

>> No.6852965

My friday's dinner consisted of a whole little orange bell pepper.

I ate two toasts with some cheese later in the evening, tho. I don't understand why, but sometimes, I'm just not hungry even tho I ate nothing.

I'm overweight (~6 foot and ~180lbs), so I'm far from being overweight

>> No.6852967

so I'm far from being a hungry skeleton***

Fuck I'm hangover

>> No.6853001

Cutting the banana is the important part, otherwise banana will take form that is hard to tell apart from black dick.

>> No.6853204

Roasted chicken ramen noodles with colored goldfish crackers. I am the definition of salty.

>> No.6853338
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TVP, sauerkraut, black olives, yellow mustard, MSG

>> No.6853358

I have eaten cold Chef Boyardee ravioli with a fork from the can.

>> No.6853937

your body is making you sleep so much because you're dying man wtf

eat more

>> No.6853978

haven't had a true shame meal in a while but I remember I used to mix butter, cinnamon, sugar, and maybe some flour into a cup and just eat it

>> No.6854042
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Literally just a slab of fried bologna.

I was really hungry and it was the fastest thing I could get ready.

>> No.6854342

I had a date scheduled for monday night. Since it was my first date ever and I've never even held a girl's hand before, I was nervous as fuck.

From the period of 3:30-5:30, I stress ate:
A large chicken parm sub from Jersey Mike's, a triple baconator, a dozen donuts, and a pint of ice cream. I'm 5'10 185 pounds so that was a lot. I ended getting too sick to go on the date, so the girl thought I was with another girl. So she completely cut off contact.

>> No.6854364

lol, that's one of the saddest things I've heard in a while. Still kind of funny though.

>> No.6854368


i don't believe you

>> No.6854381


i believe you

>> No.6854400

I eat pretty well, so I dont have any stories, but my brother was crashing on my couch for a few months and his go to drunk as fuck snack was microwaving ikea meatballs, putting it on a hot dog bun and blasting it with ketchup.

Was pretty gross.

>> No.6854468


holy shit, one time i packed a lunch of TVP, sauerkraut, and brown mustard...i put it in a plastic bag and ate it with a spoon

>> No.6854488

That's not really that bad compared to the rest of the thread

>> No.6854496

A cold flour tortilla with BBQ sauce and ranch dressing. It was a bad night.

>> No.6854585
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Half a pandoro in one sitting before passing out.

>> No.6856350


>> No.6856353

Were you let go for eating the food, that customers ordered yourself?

>> No.6856355
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An entire tin of corned beef, on a plate, with some ketchup.

I used to eat this regularly.

>> No.6856359

Seven (7) frozen burritos, which I tossed into a food processor with salsa and hot sauce and queso dip. Turned into a meaty brownish sludge which I then microwaved again and ate with a fork and chips out of a bowl.

I'm not going to lie, it was very good in a primal, almost sexual way.

>> No.6856362


>> No.6856365

thank mr skeltal

Peanut butter and milk nigga, I had the exact same stats as you a couple of years ago.

>> No.6856446

>broccoli soup
don't do this, you destroy all the vitamin C and you denature the enzyme that creates anti-carcinogenic compounds found in broccoli

>> No.6857434

Careful with the pb and milk... both are quite inflammatory.

>> No.6857538

so bomb

>> No.6857852

>select all images with trees

>> No.6858438

>raw steel cut oats with lite ranch dressing

dude weed lmao

>> No.6858525


just had this

>> No.6858664

> Couple slices of cracked pepper turkey on a folded over piece of bread

> Chili Cheese Burger & BLT from Checkers value menu

> Strawberry milkshake with oreos

> Few pieces of candy from a bag that was lying around

>> No.6858666

but yesterday all I ate was acid

>> No.6858674

There was recently a freezer malfunction at the grocery store I go to, so all the frozen pre-made stuff was on a really big sale. Totino's pizzas are usually like a $1.50, but they were only 50 cents. Anyway, I bought 20 and I've been eating about 6 a day

>tfw I looked at the nutrition info

>> No.6858701

step one toast some shitty cheapest available walmart bread
step two slap some shitty walmart brand mayonaise on one side
step three slap some walmart brand not butter on the other
step four cry because this is what your life has come to

>> No.6858720

Chips with red Leicester cheese
fish fingers
Yorkshire puddings
all topped with chicken gravy

You should have seen it, it was a murky orange/brown mess.

>> No.6858782

I would have beaten you.
Years later I would still take comfort knowing I did the right thing

>> No.6858790


>> No.6859385

A quarter of a box of chicken biscuit crackers.

That's all I've been eating every day for a few days since most of the food options around campus are closed till schools tarts.

>> No.6859395

a dry brick of ramen

>> No.6859396

>Tescos beef strips
>Oyster sauce
>Store bough egg noodles
Muh look how asian I am :P

>> No.6861591

What is it?

>> No.6861643

A can of corn I guess. There have been times where I just empty a can of corn into a bowl and microwave it with butter.

In high school I used to eat a lot of chicken taco rice. That is a can of chicken cooked in water and taco seasoning and mixed into a bowl of instant white rice.

Sometime I'll buy a bag of cheap breaded chicken patties and while they're cooking in the oven I'll cook and eat them with pasta or rice. If it's rice I just add soy sauce. If it's pasta I add butter, garlic powder, dried basil, salt, and whatever cheese I have in the fridge. Sometimes I add french fried onions or croutons for crunch.

>> No.6861995
File: 72 KB, 500x500, 0068113105226_500X500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The other night I ate a bag of those garlic knots you can get from the Walmart bakery and dipped them in left-over queso dip from a cheap Mexican place I went to earlier in the week.

>> No.6862000

Jesus Christ dude, get help

>> No.6862905
File: 1.29 MB, 3264x2448, 20150404_071311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chocoalte chip pancakes.

>> No.6862922

Why do all anime characters look like they have downsyndrome?

>> No.6862930

Lost it

>> No.6862937

Sleep more, stop staying up late, eat like a man you fucking pussy

>> No.6862938

When I was in high school I sliced spam into 1/4" slices and pan fried them so they have a slight crust on the outside
I'd eat that with rice and ssamjang
The thing is... I loved it

>> No.6862939

Two jack in the box tacos from the night before, cold.

>> No.6862944

You're gonna die m8

>> No.6863119
File: 33 KB, 500x500, pM6Uhbb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These. But I'm not ashamed. Shit's goddamn delicious.

>> No.6863124

The only shameful thing is that your parents didn't abort you when they found out you were retarded.

I think a lot of you are misunderstanding this thread. You being a shit cook is another story and can't be helped. This thread is about shameful meals that are brought about by lack of money or proper food or other circumstances. Not about you being unable to cook simple things because you're a moron. Tbh.

>> No.6863346

Moved out of my Dad's near the end of my Senior year in highschool. Spent the majority of my time avoiding going to my Mom's and living with my friend's Mormon family... weird times, anyways:
I lived predominately off of almonds, dried apricots and milk for about three months. There was some variation, but not much.

>> No.6863358

I ate 16 krab rangoons in one sitting.

>> No.6863378

I ate a 17 cent bag of fry-cut potato chips today, that was about it.

>> No.6863380

raw pasta

>> No.6863381

I just ate a bratwurst for lunch. Just a bratwurst. Nothing else. It was left over from labor day and I already regret not eating something healthier.

>> No.6863496

>Microwavable chicken korma with a bag of peanuts poured over the top.

There was a month when I was in uni where I was skint and all I ate for an entire week was 25p tesco brand coleslaw.

>> No.6863595

Fuck that made me laugh, nice pic btw lol.

>> No.6863611
File: 1.71 MB, 3264x2448, 20140926_022743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6863620


copied and translated from swedish wiki
Whey Cheese is a dairy product which is mainly used as a sandwich spread . It is available mainly in two variants: getmessmör with goat milk base and whey cheese with cow's milk as a base . The production works is that whey pressed out of the cheese by curdling , boiled together until the caramelised and have a brownish color . Of this do you do then whey cheese , getmessmör or whey . Mesvarorna are beneficial because they contain minerals such as iron and calcium , as well as healthy whey protein. Besides a few bymejerier and pastures produced whey of Fjällbrynt AB in Östersund , Jamtland

>> No.6864031

Bag of pizza flavored goldfish crackers.

>> No.6864046

two peanut protein bars and a little milk

>> No.6864050

oh, this was for dinner. i hadn't had lunch that day either.

i had a migraine and no real food in and i needed to eat something so i could take more pills.

>> No.6865334

looks amazing when you zoom in like that