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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 164 KB, 400x260, Midwest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6842016 No.6842016[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone who criticizes the Midwest actually been there?

>> No.6842023


>> No.6842035

Yes, It's fucking terrible.
Bunch of Trump drones on welfare eating watergate salad.

>> No.6842038

I've lived in Nebraska my entire life and I'm critical of a lot of food around here. Namely the patronage to chain restaurants and fast food and being largely skeptical of anything that isn't bland really limits the dining and grocery scene here. That makes discovering new things even better though.

>> No.6842048

Wow you're fucking nice, asshole.

>> No.6842054

I grew up on the coast but lived in a few different midwestern states for several years as an adult. I guess it must have been about 5 or 6 years total.

As you flyovers like to say, at least you're not the south. And people are pretty easily impressed by the most ordinary things. Like if you say you've been to some country that isn't Mexico or Canada. But don't push things too far - if you cook a dish made with ingredients not known to the average American in the 1960s, they'll say something polite but you can tell it really freaked them out. And the drinking scene is basically beer, brown liquor, and vodka (but this last only if you're a woman). Some people drink wine but it's considered pretentious, and the wine selection isn't very good.

Also, the obesity rate is staggering. My brother, who lives in flyover, sent me some candid pictures he took in a public place in one of the allegedly healthier states in the Midwest, but nonetheless, most people in the background were at least moderately overweight. You don't really notice it if you do something non-flyover like cycling or walking or some such thing, because the hambeasts are all at Applebees inhaling HFCS, but if you go to something more populist, like an amusement park or a popular music conert or something like that, you really see it. They're just so goddamm fat.

>> No.6842063

My old job had me travel to most of the US and I've always made it a point to get to know the locals to some degree.

The Middle and Roseanne seem like the most accurate television portrayals of average Midwesterners I've ever seen: white trash, can't/don't cook, yet still hardworking and generally good people.

This does not, however, apply to Minnesota, Wisconsin and the UP of Michigan, which I think should really be separated out from the rest of the Midwest. That's not to say those snownegroes can actually cook: their culinary abilities tend to be just as abysmal as the rest of the Midwest, but they're culturally distinct from them nonetheless and are generally better educated and not as trashy.

Ohio is by far the shittiest part of the Midwest.

>> No.6842064

It's always seemed strange to me that the American region known as the 'Midwest' doesn't seem to be in the middle of America or the west.

>> No.6842074

I lived there for 10 years and I can confirm that it is every bit the shithole it's made out to be. Holy fuck I hated it so much.

>> No.6842075

There's nothing strange about it. The area now known as the east coast was for most of our history the only part of the country that mattered, since all the whites lived there. They pushed west, and what we call the midwest is midway to the far west. Remember what we call the "old west" included places like colorado and utah since those were really far west, especially before railroads.

It's like how "oriental" used to mean the levant, and now means japan.

Did you not study any history? Where are you from?

>> No.6842078

The midwest is the only place that I've ever heard of that gets Mexicans confused with people from Spain.

>> No.6842079

Thanks I bleach it.

>> No.6842081

das lacist

>> No.6842090

It's because subconsciously, racist people think "mexican" is an insult because they tend to speak derisively of all these goddamm dirty mexicans in private. So they feel they need to say something to "soften" the racial stuff and since they are generally clueless about race relations and completely forget that "mexican" is actually the correct word, they think "oh well they speak spanish so I'll just call 'em spanish"

There's a bit of this with other hispanics on the east coast though, and the hispanics themselves make it worse because they're racist as fuck and they like to brag that they're pure spanish even though it's obvious to anyone looking that they're more african than idi amin and robert mugabe combined. And then non-hispanics get wind of this and default to saying "spanish" for a variety of stupid reasons.

>> No.6842091
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I have, but I have better things to do than shit talk flyover country.
It's like the Europeans that think I'm sitting at home wishing Europeans liked America more, Europe please I don't care.
I have to assume the only people that are shit talking them are people that have nothing other than "I'm from California and were the best" as their top achievement in life.
Note I am from California.

>> No.6842096
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>as you can see from my elaborate long winded post, I don't care
I suppose you don't give women the attention they crave either

>> No.6842098

>Oklahoma not the midwest
The South doesn't want us either.

>> No.6842102

Why would anyone criticize the midwest? You guys are beefy and chunky and square, just like all the heifers & steers you raise & eat.

>> No.6842103

Huh? You seem to be lost European bro, the handouts are in /biz/.

>> No.6842104

>implying not whites don't all suck equally

>> No.6842106

>that guy who thinks everyone who disagrees with him is from Europe or Australia
You forgot the reaction pic saying I don't think about you. Delete your post and let's try this again.

>> No.6842111

>not whites

You mean "non-", you fucking retard. Posts like these are the best way to spot flyovers, by the way.

>> No.6842112

I doubt I pissed off the guy from cali with my post, so that makes you a troll or European. I made the most logical assumption, or who should I have assumed i marginalized with my post?

>> No.6842113
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>> No.6842124

Autism: the post

>> No.6842125

>awake at 4am and trolling /ck/
it's very unlikely that it's a european, genius
by the way, since you're clearly an imbecile, i feel it necessary to spell it out for you that i meant 'genius' sarcastically and am therefore implying that you are really rather unintelligent and not at all of genius-level intellect
hope that clears it up for you!

>> No.6842127
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Logic doesn't seem to be your strong suit, but I'm glad you've agreed to join the funposting.

>> No.6842132
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Why do they always build unnecessarily large parking lots in flyover land?

>> No.6842137 [DELETED] 



>> No.6842139
File: 75 KB, 344x500, mnmeme-e1366318256711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lived in minnesota for 10 years.

It's called the land of bland for a reason. Very heavily Scandinavian culinary influence means lots of cream, butter and minimal spice.

I don't hate on it. I honestly miss Minnesota, because the culture there is a lovely place to grow up.

>> No.6842140

>Americans constantly brag about being a United Nation better than every other country

>Shit talk about a large geographical location within their country constantly, calling them culture-less fatasses

>> No.6842143

So who are you pointing the finger at? Also why can a European not be in the united states?
places to gather in case of natural disaster fire etc.

>> No.6842149

They need room to unload their custom build motor carts.

>> No.6842153

I've been to the midwest from california and I have to say I think the stereotypes are a load of crap. If you don't like fried walleye, roast duck, and broccoli soup, you cant fuck right off. It's a different food culture from either coast, but it's not bad.

>> No.6842159

Midwest threads are just /ck/'s bait threads. People just can't resist gobbling that shit up.

You can tell when someone is taking the piss when you notice someone on 4chan is denouncing people for being racist.

>> No.6842163

Is Ohio even part of the Midwest?

>> No.6842165

Yes, tard.

>> No.6842173

I was there once to deal with some company that was fucking with mine, luckily I was there to just detect and report to the people I worked for. I didn't like what I saw in Chicago vs where I was from in NYC. I had a couple meals there and was glad to be out the same day.

Chicago's not my kind of place.

>> No.6842186

Where in the Midwest?

>> No.6842210
File: 3.86 MB, 306x224, hi cotton2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>at least you're not the south

name one thing from flyover shitholes that's half as good as New Orleans gumbo, East NC BBQ, Smithfield Country Ham, or Memphis ribs.

>> No.6842213

What are the politics like in the midwest? Which way do they swing? Poop eating homosexual liberals or God created burgers Conservatives?

>> No.6842214
File: 36 KB, 283x397, 1273419459100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reason the midwest sucks so bad is this:

Most of the initial population here in the late 1800s and early 1900s were German immigrants. Their culture was raped when WASPs from the East Coast not only banned alcohol (beerhalls were quite central to German community, family life, and social events), but even outlawed things as simple as saeurkrat during the decades around WW1.

If you take away the things that make a culture its culture, you kill that area. This made the midwest more ripe for the introduction commodity culture of the early to mid 20th century than other places. It also didn't have a lot of other immigrant groups moving in. Only African-Americans, and they were much to poor to contribute all that much.

The midwest will continue to be fucked as long as the baby boomers are around and millennials flee to the meme states of the early 21st century.

>> No.6842222

Ohio's cinnamon spagbol

>> No.6842223

It's pretty overwhelmingly retarded jesus lards. The few hipsters we have here are relatively conservative compared to the coasts for the most part.

Just being honest, but beer in the midwest is pretty GOAT. KC BBQ sucks dick compared to Memphis though, and I'll say that as a former resident of KC ( now Wichita).

Other than that, we're kind of fucked on unique things. Indiana fags like to claim muh pork sammich, KC likes to claim muh bbq, and Chicago likes to claim a lot of things that no one really gives a fuck about. Chicago is a shithole.

>> No.6842227

Obese welfare babbies who vote against their own interests.

>> No.6842237

Yes. The problem is not the farms. Some of the best meat and produce in the country is grown there. The problem is the culture. Being a "regular guy" and liking "normal" things is a cultural value there. So you have all these people with access to great ingredients from Amish and Hmong farmers eating shit from Kraft and General Mills because having better than lowbrow taste seems uppity to them.

Sad as fuck.

But they make good beer, because that's a "normal" thing for them.

That being said you can find places there where "normal" still means something good, whether it's Polish food in Hamtramck, Pasties in the UP, whitefish from Lake Superior or the last gasps of German/Scandinavian food heritage. But most of what you find there is truly awful chain restaurants and the worst of supermarket tier food.

>> No.6842242

Jesus Christ kek

>> No.6842246

I understand that you might not like it but that doesn't make it bad. There's
>1 Ample land that's available for cheap, and in general a much lower cost of living
>2 Safer towns which still have local business (if that's your cup of tea)
>3 CHEAP BEER, holy fuck if you live in STL area you get beer so cheap you might become an alcoholic just for the savings
>4 Midwest chains, culvers is pretty awesome
>5 Tomato sauce based BBQ

>> No.6842247

just a bit of an ot question, did that peggy hunt story originate here on /ck/? i dont think anyone ever in the history of our board created such a long, detailed pasta.

>> No.6842249

seriously, there is nowhere better for children to grow up than the upper midwest.

>> No.6842250

None of that sounds great tbh...

>> No.6842253

>spawn of racist, sexist alcoholics

>> No.6842254

Technically yes. Ohio is basically the south of the midwest
The way americans look down on southerners for being poor, fat, and dumb, its xactly thee same for Ohio within the midwest

>> No.6842257

I live here, dude, and have for much of my life. It is bad culturally and for food in many ways. I don't think that's controversial or by any stretch a false thing.

>1 Ample land that's available for cheap, and in general a much lower cost of living

Indeed, that is very attractive.

>2 Safer towns which still have local business (if that's your cup of tea)

Also somewhat true, if you're further west in the Midwest. The Great Lakes suck for crime.

>3 CHEAP BEER, holy fuck if you live in STL area you get beer so cheap you might become an alcoholic just for the savings

Pretty true, it's nice isn't it?

>4 Midwest chains, culvers is pretty awesome

Freddy's > Culvers, we don't have any other good chains.

>5 Tomato sauce based BBQ

Memphis > KC, and Texas > KC. KC could be a lot better if the sauce was more like the other places, but the sauce is far too thick, far too sugary.

>> No.6842258

It's shitposting.

Literally all cooking related deficiencies of the midwest are worse in the Great Plains (inaccessibility to specialized ingredients, lack of ethnic restaurants, not well established regional cuisine) , but not enough people live there to get those sweet, sweet indignant replies.

I live 10 minutes away from Jungle Jim's in a city where violent crime makes front page news. The midwest is doing alright by me.

>> No.6842262

Wichita, KS here, you are 100% correct. Wichita is a cultureless shithole. Even the plethora of American restaurants here are unimaginative shitholes.


>> No.6842263

>It's pretty overwhelmingly retarded jesus lards
Not really, the midwest is pretty much dead split politically, and luckily a lot of its republicans are that way because there are so many affluent people, not so much because of religion as is true in the rest of the country. Once you get to the far southern parts of the midwest, then you are right though

>> No.6842266

/thread. I don't often "/thread" posts, but the first half of yours is dead on.

>> No.6842271 [DELETED] 

But they love niggers out of guilt.
That's Chicago, niggerbama with a nobel peace prize for what?

>> No.6842272

the upper midwest is the most white guilty part of the country outside New England

>> No.6842276

>The Great Lakes suck for crime.
only if you are in the ghetto, the parts of town where most of the people live (especially those people you think of when you think midwest) are incredibly safe

>> No.6842277

I'm not going to take my chances by moving anywhere in the frozen shitty great lakes region. If I'm moving, it's going to be further west.

At least in Kansas/Missouri it's overwhelming amounts of jesuslards

>> No.6842285

>spawn of racist, sexist
What? You have clearly never been there

and what the fuck is wrong with drinking beer? I'd much rather grow up with parents that drink like upper midwesterners, than have typical low drinking parents such as evangelical southerners or mormons

There is a very strong correlation between affluence and areas that drink more in america

>> No.6842291

That's pretty much the way everyone from Cleveland, Columbus, Toledo, look at everyone else in Ohio.

Grew up in Cleveland. It's not all that bad, really. Good food, great beer, unpretentious people who actually give a shit. But drive 20 minutes south of there and suddenly our state's white trash makes your state's white trash look like fucking Louis XVI.

>> No.6842293

Correlation does not mean causation son.

>> No.6842294
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beer is cool, the South has bourbon and lots of cocktails.

>> No.6842297

If you want provincial children who think Italian food is watered down Italian-American, Mexican food is Tex-Mex and most seafood is gross. You could only do worse by raising kids in the South.

>> No.6842300

well Missouri is pretty much the south

>> No.6842301

Yes I have.
Yes they are.
Fat fucks who drink beer until they pass out or kill someone by drunk driving.

>> No.6842302

note how I used the word "correlation", so obviously that is what I meant

The causative reason is probably religion, poor people are more likely to be more religious and therefore drink less

>> No.6842307

Even KC is that way, plus, most of the midwest is republican and most of them are obese

>> No.6842308

>the South has bourbon
Kentucky is just as close to most midwestern cities as it is to most southern ones
I bet you could get good bourbon more easily and cheaper in a place like Chicago or Milwaukee than you could in Atlanta or Houston

>> No.6842316

>poor people are more likely to be more religious and therefore drink less
Is it backwards day already?

>> No.6842317

>most of the midwest is republican
not really, its pretty much 50/50
>and most of them are obese
Most of every region is obese, the midwest is right in the middle statistically, as you go further south thee fatter it gets

>> No.6842322
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>> No.6842331

That means jack shit.
People who have actual jobs can't drink heavily everyday. Poor familes bring in enough money to get shit faced every night.

>> No.6842332
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>the midwest is right in the middle statistically, as you go further south thee fatter it gets

>> No.6842339
File: 106 KB, 800x945, drinkers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drink heavily everyday
where did you get that from? No where does it say every day. Binge drinking is not associated with drinking very day, its drinking a lot in once sitting occasionally

Every stat I have ever seen shows poor regions in america drink less and are more religious

>> No.6842342

Someone post a map of blacks.
I bet they overlap.

>> No.6842347
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>Middle of the country geographically
>Middle of the country in household income
>Middle of the country in college graduation
>Middle of the country in violent crime
>Middle of the country in obesity
>Politically neutral

>> No.6842348
File: 60 KB, 686x445, Diabetes10pc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better map for you

pretty much as you move southeast you get less healthy

>> No.6842349

That's why I said your map was irrelevant.

>> No.6842350
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>he thinks you can't be an alcoholic and go in to work every day

>> No.6842351

I flew into Columbus for an interview that was one more hour driving further and I really got to see why it's a real shithole.

And what the fuck is with skyline chili?

>> No.6842353
File: 284 KB, 1182x715, Drinking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

show me any data that supports your point

>> No.6842356

It eventually catches up to you.

And I don't mean your job at Wal-Mart collecting carts when I say a good job, I mean something important.

>> No.6842364

My point that every Midwestern family I met was entirely alcoholic and on welfare?

That's just life.

>> No.6842366

>I mean something important.
>implying any significant part of the population does anything important

>> No.6842367

So 3 of the 12 midwest states are at moderately high risk of diabetes?

That's a whole 1 (ONE) higher than the 2 out of 12 northeastern states in that image.

>> No.6842373

Those carts won't collect themselves right?

>> No.6842375
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>every Midwestern family I met was entirely alcoholic and on welfare
Nice anecdote, but what about some data?

Your assertion is ridiculous, and you obviously have never spent time in the midwest, plus you clearly have a loose definition of alcoholic

>> No.6842379

I'm not that other guy, I was just saying none of us really do anything important. I am struggling to think of any profession where people actually do something important besides maybe doctors and scientists

>> No.6842382

I wasn't trying to make a point, I don't care about frivolous maps.

The people I met where literal alcoholics and drug addicts who stole morphine from their own dying grandmother to get high.

>> No.6842386

>90 posts
>25 unique IPs

ayy lmao, now THIS is shitposting.

Real talk, this is a cooking board right? If you can cook, then why does it matter what the regional cuisine is like?
I live on the opposite side of the planet from India, but I can still make some keema matar in my kitchen if I feel like. Nothing's stopping me from making some gumbo, roast beef or garlic pizza either.

>> No.6842387

lol, where the fuck were you? That sounds nothing like the midwest
>, I don't care about frivolous maps.
how are the frivolous?

>> No.6842388

>Infrastructure workers
>Fire Fighters

>> No.6842390


>> No.6842396

>pretty much as you move southeast you get less healthy
Looks like a map of where poor people are. If you want to eat healthy just avoid eating like a poor American.

>> No.6842402

Instead of engineers, lol no bro. The entire reason we need engineers is to make the ideas the architects came up with while drunk or high possible.
The guy driving the bus needs to be alert, his manager can be drunk all day.

>> No.6842407

>wut iz teim zuns?

>> No.6842408

Please tell me you went to Detroit.

I really want to hear about how a worldly, not-at-all-naive citizen of a fly-to state is seriously comparing the midwest to Detroit.

You'll make my goddamn day.

>> No.6842410

>spot the angry engineer
Calm down, I meant no disrespect.
I was just listing things off the top of my head as examples. Engineer is another great example of an important job.

>> No.6842412

I almost did an inb4 <3 angry engineer. But an architects work is too far away from being implemented for him being drunk or high etc to be a big deal. I mean if it makes him really suck at it he might get fired, but no one is getting hurt as a direct result.

>> No.6842414

It was Troy actually.

>> No.6842426

I've only been to the UP, not lower Michigan, but nowhere in the midwest have i observed anything remotely like you describe

>> No.6842439

Well, apparently Troy is where all the white people escaped from Detroit to in the 80s, and it has a 2.7% poverty rate and a median household income of $101,000.

Are you SURE you weren't in Detroit?

>> No.6842494

What sorts of food do you discover up there?

>> No.6842537

>Live in Lincoln, NE
>full of happy healthy people
>low unemployment

Yeah it's a real shitty place you coastal people please never move here

>> No.6842547

>Lincoln, NE
Been there, Your food sucks.
>you coastal people please never move here
No worries, M8.

>> No.6842583

>mfw you'll never get to experience being culturally enriched in an alleyway in a flyover state

Sometimes it keeps me up at night, you know: is freedom from violent crime, access to affordable, the space to enjoy such simple things as driving or riding a bike really worth it knowing I'll never experience the joy of being stabbed by a dindu in an alleyway.

>> No.6842630


>> No.6842649

Literally the only thing I know about Lincoln, Nebraska is that Charles Starkweather, the spree-killer, grew up there.

>> No.6842716
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>Live on the west coast
>Occasionally visit relatives in flyover country
>Everyone there ranges from skinnyfat to morbidly obese
>Every meal consists of huge portions of meat, bread, and cheese with minimal seasonings, if any
>They unironically think corn and mashed potatoes (typically filled with chunks of bacon) are vegetables
>The sight of anything leafy and green on someone's plate is so alien that it requires comment
>If we go out to eat and I order a salad I have to specifically request it without fried chicken strips on top

>> No.6842717
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I think thats probably one of the few things I enjoy about living in the middle of corn and soy country.
The sea of white, bland faces, safe neighborhoods, and cops that don't hesitate to taze/spray your ass if you try to start shit.
Where the liberals and degenerates still know thier place, and thier crazy bullshit is properly ignored and shamed into silence.

Sure, we've got the wannabe gansters that waddle around sipping fago and selling meth, but they generally don't bother anyone aside from bored white kid vandalism.

>> No.6842783

Faygo is pretty tight tbh

>> No.6842847

Midwest is pretty rad, chicago is unmatched in culinary diversity.
And we have culvers
Stay mad flyinto states

>> No.6842893
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Go light yourself on fire, even if your food was good you're such faggots (not in a gay way) I wouldn't be willing to try it because I'd be afraid it's full of seaman(not literally).
Bay Area, come try to step to me for food diversity.

>> No.6842896
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>> No.6842901
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>> No.6842922
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Born and raised in Illinois. This place is nice if u avoid niggers but that's like everywhere else in the US

>> No.6842925

That's not a story, that's reality.

>> No.6842928

unless you live in or around chicago, that's really not hard to do

>> No.6842935

I grew up in the suburbs of Chicago. Great childhood, friendly people. Now I'm living in Chicago for school and work. I fear for my life everyday

>> No.6843143

>The sight of anything leafy and green on someone's plate is so alien that it requires comment
Also the sight of anyone in shape

>> No.6843152
File: 82 KB, 960x960, 11052465_1056484357695042_3210570413837939676_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the Midwest. Grew up there. Moved to Kansas City in '04 then Hartford CT in '12.

I like Iowa pork chops and tenderloins and loose-meat sandwiches and that strip-cut pizza from the Quad-Cities. I like Chicago-style deep dish / stuffed pizza. I like Chicago-style hot dogs. I like tater tot casserole.

I also like NYC and CT pizza. I like the big Italian grinders you can get here. I like the homey Italian restaurants. I like hot dogs from Capitol Lunch and Blackie's in CT, George's in Worcester MA. I like all the Polish delis and restaurants. I like taking a trip down to NYC for an awesome variety of food.

I like it all. And if you're so closed-minded that you condemn the cuisine of a whole region, or city, or whatever, especially without trying it - or if your palate is so inflexible that you can't love new tastes - then I feel nothing but pity for you.

>> No.6843160
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Also I'll mention that I grew in Davenport, Iowa. I would call it a great place to raise a family. It's part of a four-city metro area that is sleepy by NYC standards but it's certainly alive.

All the people in this thread babbling / trolling about the shitty areas or shitty people they saw... I know this is 4chan and everyone focuses on the negative, and it's in vogue to claim everything is shit, blah blah blah, but if we have an actual honest discussion: there are good and bad areas everywhere. It depends on how you yourself choose to live, and who you choose to associate with. I lived 18 years in Iowa and it was an absolutely fine place to grow up. I had a good family, good friends, and a good life, and I was firmly middle-class. This does exist for people, you know.

>> No.6843162

The whole "Chicago pizza vs NY pizza" thing is mostly just a Chicago thing. We don't really care in NY, I actually love Chicago pizza and try to have some whenever I'm there for work, which is a few times a year. Chicago just has a massive (and well justified) inferiority complex so by constantly reminding everyone that they have different pizza, they feel it helps them stay relevant in the food world.

It's also important to note that when you actually ask someone from Chicago for their favorite Chicago pizza place they fly off the handle and rant about how no one really eats deep dish and it's for "dumb tourists" (they feel strongly that a Skokie flyover differs fundamentally from a Chicago flyover).

So in one moment they'll be raging about plastic joke vomit non-Chicago pizza, and in the next they'll change their mind and say "real" Chicago pizza is basically the same as NY pizza but worse.

>> No.6843165


Who gives a shit what Chicagoans say or don't say about their own pizza?

I like Chicago-style pizza. It's delicious. Everything else is irrelevant trash-talk.

>> No.6843178


why are you posting pictures of some random girl? what does she have to do with your post? are you that guy who makes those creepy images of a girl paired with a plate of food?

>> No.6843184

How is that the midwest when it's in the center of the country

>> No.6843189

You already asked this, scroll up.

>> No.6843192

I stayed in Nebraska once. Was glad to get back to Minnesota the next day.

>> No.6843195


Who cares?

>> No.6843198

I wouldn't go to California if you paid me. Been there twice in my life. The only memorable thing was the mexican food. Everything else was pretty shit m8

>> No.6843207

Not that guy but California has some of the best and worst of everything. You can find areas where the food scene is indistinguishable from the worst flyover shit hole, and you can find areas where that's not the case at all. When people say "California cuisine" they don't mean the Denny's on some highway between Vegas and LA.

There's also a lot of industrialized agriculture, same as the midwest, but also a few pockets of (insert buzzword here) small quality-oriented farming operations. And while there may be some of that in the midwest, midwesterners are generally too gripped by fear to try anything new, whether that means new vegetables, new techniques, or new recipes. So California ends up naturally advantaged in that sense: great ingredients (if you want them), and great food (if you care to pay for it, which you will, oh yes you will).

Personally I do not care for the cager culture which is why I would not want to live there (except maybe Palo Alto where I've lived before... cycling is allowed there). But food wise, it's a pretty decent place to live, if you don't mind being surrounded by cages.

>> No.6843208

Outside of the cities, California is filled mostly with methed up desert trailer trash and crazy paranoid backwoods rednecks. You would fit right in.

>> No.6843210


They're cars you fucking dork. This is the equivalent of a tranny trying to act like normality isn't normal by calling normal people "cis"

You're the odd man out; stop trying to act like it's weird to drive a fucking car.

>> No.6843215

>he will never, EVER eat a friday night fish fry with a brandy old-fashioned
I honestly feel sorry for you all

>> No.6843217

Not a single person at my company drives to work. Stop acting like everyone is the same everywhere.

>> No.6843223

There are 809 motor vehicle per 1000 people in America, excluding motorcycles. You are in the minority, buddy.

>> No.6843233

Tuberculosis is endemic in more places than it is not.

>> No.6843238

I'm trash for not wanting to step over passed out homeless people for an okay meal? Sure.

>> No.6843244

Except people don't spend money to buy TB you dumb fuck.

>> No.6843245

You really missed the point.

>> No.6843249

Not really. You're comparing a disease to a consumer product that people willingly buy because you can't wrap your head around the idea that driving a car is the normal thing to do in 2015, and you're the weird one for not doing it. Calling them cages and likening them to a disease will not change this.

>> No.6843253

You really did miss the point. Some cities have a massive cyclist population compared to others. Just because you live in an area that doesn't, doesn't mean the rest of the country is the same way. White people are the majority of the population in the US but there are a ton of pretty much all black cities.

>> No.6843256

I seriously doubt there are any cities in America where cyclists outnumber drivers. You'll always be a minority/freak.

>> No.6843258

>I fear for my life everyday
Really? Just how much of a fucking faggot are you?

I live right next to East Garfield Park and feel perfectly fine. Lived in Chicago for 6 years in some pretty sketchy areas and never had a problem before.

>> No.6843260
File: 64 KB, 600x400, cagers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people willingly buy
Mental illness is not a consumer product that people pay for.

>> No.6843262

>people who drive cars are mentally ill
No, people who drive cars are normal. Knock it off with your tranny mentality.

>> No.6843268

here again

I didn't say anything about how many cyclists there were. Most people at my company commute by rail, some walk, one takes a boat, a few ride bikes.

Stop acting like we're going to come and steal your cage, this is called paranoia and it is not healthy.

>> No.6843278

>it's weird to drive a fucking car.
It kinda is weird to have to drive everywhere you want to go. Postwar America gave us all kinds of weird shit, like drive thrus, so you can eat in your fucking car. That shit isn't right.

I've lived in places where I was dependent on a car to get anywhere. Would never do it again. Lack of street level goings on makes a place terminally boring. That's why the suburbs are wastelands and cities like Chicago and LA aren't half as cool as they could be. I understand if you live in some beautiful rural area and have to hop in the truck to get to town, but short of that being dependent on a car is weird, unless you're disabled.

>> No.6843281

77 percent of Americans drive to work, and another 11 percent carpool. That means only 12% of people take public transport, bike, or walk. Your insufferable faux-hippy workplace is very much an exception.

Non-drivers are basically niggers.

>> No.6843283

Snow. We need somewhere to put it.

>> No.6843291
File: 36 KB, 400x300, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Get triggered faggot

>> No.6843293

You seem confused.

>> No.6843304

Is Colorado considered flyover? I live in Denver and I'm never sure.

>> No.6843305

>77 percent of Americans drive to work
And 1/5 of all meals eaten in America are fast food consumed in a car. And half of Americans are overweight, with one third being obese. And most Americans think it's perfectly normal to drink soda with meals. And watching 35+ hours of TV a week.

There are many norms in America that are pretty fucking weird, bordering on absurd. Don't kid yourself.

>> No.6843311

Then fucking leave, faggot. Nobody is asking you to stay.

>> No.6843316

>someone didn't express satisfaction with mediocrity ^H^H^Hnormal stuff
>this triggers the flyover

>> No.6843320

Why the fuck would I leave? I live in a great place where I don't need a car on a daily basis. I pretty much only use mine for getting out of town on the weekend. The rest of the time I'm on foot or on a bike. It's a great quality of life thing. And since most of my neighbors are in the same position we have street food available, so I never have to eat fast food.

>> No.6843324

Because you clearly don't stand for what America stands for. Seems like you fit in better in Canada or France.

>> No.6843332

>Because you clearly don't stand for what America stands for
Ha ha! More like I won't settle for the crap many Americans settle for. There are plenty of us doing much better, we just obviously don't live near you.

>> No.6843335

You sound like an elitist twat. America is a populist country.

>> No.6843336

>America is a populist country.
Not to the elite it isn't. You have your mythology, I have mine. It has to be that way so your kind doesn't start a revolution. Just keep driving your car, eating cheap fast food, watching TV and getting fat. And buying cheap consumer goods. That's how we keep your kind out of our way. And be sure to lock yourself in at night. Wouldn't want you getting out after dark

>> No.6843339
File: 24 KB, 306x306, fedoras.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It has to be that way so your kind doesn't start a revolution. Just keep driving your car, eating cheap fast food, watching TV and getting fat.

>> No.6843340

btw there's no fedora in this image because you tipped it so hard that it fell off

>> No.6843358

It's a legit counter argument to love it or leave it, even though it's usually left unspoken.

>> No.6843364

Tipping your fedora and acting all euphoric about your enlightened state of existence isn't a legitimate counter to anything.

>> No.6843367

>hamplanet flyover triggering intensifies

>> No.6843372

I bet you're not even American.

>> No.6843374

And three meme responses in a row is?

>> No.6843381
File: 188 KB, 900x1200, 1389258767847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And three meme responses in a row is?

Go shove your banana seat up your ass.

>> No.6843390

So your defense of American populism amounts to muh car, love it or leave it and fedoras for anyone who disagrees. If that's all you've got boy am I glad I don't live wherever you do.

Bet you're excited for breakfast all day at McDonald's and whatever the next new flavor of Doritos will be.

>> No.6843402

I seriously doubt you're even American.

>> No.6843412

Protip, Cletus: being fat and illiterate aren't prerequisites for being American

>> No.6843415

If you're American, what state are you in?

>> No.6843436

It's more satisfying to me if you just sputter with blind rage, wondering where these wrong kind of Americans live.

>> No.6843446

Confirmed for non-American.

I'm in Colorado, by the way. Do you know where that is, Mr. Australian?

>> No.6843458

lel, yes I must be Australian, that's gotta be it.

>> No.6843463

Seeing as you refuse to even say what part of the country you're in, I have to assume you're not American. From the quality of your posts(poor), I have to assume you're Australian.

>> No.6843469

not him but do you think it'd be difficult to google a list of the states and pick one? if he wanted to pretend he could.. yknow, internet and all that

>> No.6843476

He's probably just smart enough to realize I'd ask him questions about it.

>> No.6843505

About a state some fear gripped flyover would never visit because of all the lubrul (sic) eletist's (sic)? You'd be hard pressed to verify my location either way, so... cry those marginalized rustic tears, crybaby.

>> No.6843544

I am from South Dakota and I like it here. We do not have great food but we have good people as long as you STAY AWAY FROM THE RESERVATIONS. Also you can get really top-notch Indian and Nepalese food in Minnesota, especially Rochester. The midwest is not all bad, it is just slow, boring and bland. That is how I like it because I myself am slow, boring, and bland.

>> No.6843558

Hey hey, same here. What part of the state are you in?

>> No.6843562

>I cannot fathom there might be Americans who live and think differently than me.

>> No.6843604 [DELETED] 

cucks detected

>> No.6843946
File: 198 KB, 1502x1058, M7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. It's the Great Lakes. Which is not even close to Nebraskak or Kansas by any measure. The Great Lakes 8 are a region to themselves. The green area on trollfag's pic is a completely arbitrary invention bearing no relation to population, demographics, culture, language, or economy.

>> No.6843950

It don't matter.

None of this matters.

>> No.6843993

>Not that bad

Top Kek

I am from Cleveland hts and have lived many other places in the country and can honestly say it's the shittiest of them all

>River on fire twice
>Awful weather, summer and winter
>More dindus than you can count
>High crime
>Police state

I know you need to justify why you are still there, but get real

>> No.6844000

would have worked if they forgot the comma.

>> No.6844258

lol fucking pussy

>> No.6844265

>talking shit on the south in /ck/

What were you thinking bruh?

>> No.6844273 [DELETED] 

>caring what Jew Yorkers or the rest of country think
>like I'm not glad they call us flyover
>I consider them never-fly-to states

>> No.6844320

I live in southern Illinois, we have plenty of corn
Like seriously
It's hard to go somewhere without seeing at least 3 cornfields

>> No.6844329

Detroit, Chicago, St. Louis, East St. Louis, and Peoria all have large black populations and high crime, and they're all flyover.

>> No.6844400

Must be a bitch having to buy two plane tickets to fit your entire ass.
No wonder you don't fly.

>> No.6844412

>shitskins getting assravaged

>> No.6844480

the midwest is the best west

>> No.6844558

if i took a trip to the mid-west how can i get the full experience?

I want it to be like a raymond carver novel, I want to watch people in their mid 50s watch reruns of Home Improvement all evening. I want to see teens buying the newest taylor swift albums and having beers under a bridge or watching a family reunion. i want to see some gentle racism and sexism. i want to see the fatness. i want to see the normcore clothes and see the cashiers working their lives away at dollar palace or w/e. i want to see qts in bad clothes working cashier in a convenience store selling instant coffee and cigarettes. i want to get an apartment and become part of it.

>> No.6844567

I'm white. I'm just not a trailer trash fatty like you.

>> No.6844570

Midwestern cities aren't much different from coastal cities

Rural midwestern towns aren't much different from coastal midwestern towns.

The midwest/coast dichotomy is a false one, whereas the urban/rural dichotomy is much more apt.

>> No.6844579

I've lived in southern/mid Indiana my entire life. Though where I am now is much more educated and liberal than where I grew up, it's fucking terrible. Moving the fuck away once I finish my degree. Fuck this state.

>> No.6844586

There's no geographical solution to an emotional problem.

>> No.6844595

Lol, there most certainly is a "geographical solution" to relocating to a place not infested by shallow, hyper-religious, rush limbaugh-loving fuckheads

>> No.6844610

this tbh.

You know you're in a bad place when people tell you to talk slower so they can keep up.

>> No.6844634

I've been to Bloomington. They're normal cityfolk like any others.

>> No.6844685

That's where I live now, hence the "more liberal/educated" bit. It is FAR from representative of the rest of the state.

>> No.6844691

If you think Bloomington is "infested by shallow, hyper-religious, rush limbaugh-loving fuckheads" you're just making things up.

>> No.6844707

Where there's a walmart, there's a way.

>> No.6844709

I was referring to where I grew up, and where I have to go any time I visit family. Anyway, Bloomington is a one-stop college town, you don't stay here after you graduate.

>> No.6844713

Im now voting for trump because of you.

>> No.6844719

So move to Madison. They're as liberal as they come, and you don't have the high prices of the coasts.

>> No.6844722

raymond carver is from eastern wa you fuckhead

>> No.6844729

>because of you.
I'm not surprised.
Do you have enough space on your trailer wall to hang his portrait?
Just move Jesus over a little.

>> No.6844737
File: 105 KB, 590x590, toastedravs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

midwesterner here. i love it here. i like visiting other parts of the country and have traveled to europe once but it all feels a bit strange. must say that the western US, mountainous and desert type regions, are the strangest to me. other trees and different landscapes just don't seem right. like i'm visiting.

>> No.6844741

>not Southern

fuck, even Illinois south of Springfield is more Southern than Midwestern

>> No.6844742

Or I could move to a state that I actually like. You've obviously never been to Madison for anything close to a significant amount of time, lol.

>> No.6844749

Madison is literally the home of the modern progressive movement in America. It all started at UW-Madison

>> No.6844771
File: 124 KB, 297x262, 1440728940988.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think theres a plane strong enough to fly over the massive mountain of flyover butthurt in this thread

New Jersey here :)

>> No.6844776

>New Jersey
>not flyover

New York here, the only part of Jersey that isn't flyover is Newark, because it's fly-out-of.

>> No.6844777

I'm not moving based solely on political standing. Madison, like its neighboring cities, is kind of a shithole. Remember, I'm going off of actually having been there many times and having family that live there, not Wikipedia.

>> No.6844786

I'm from Illinois. I've been to Madison plenty. Show me a city with lower crime and lower rent.

>> No.6844796


Everything besides NYC is floyover in New York m8

>> No.6844805

self hating white detected

>> No.6844808

New Jersey isn't flyover. It's drive through.

Plus Philly goes to Jersey shores for vacation.

>> No.6844810

Philly is also flyover

>> No.6844814

Butt blasted fatty detected.

>> No.6844815

Im an almond farmer and I drink weed and smoke beer evrr day

>> No.6844818

Tell that to the Pope.
Seriously, tell him. This place is a mad house because of him.

>> No.6844820


Philly and South Jersey are flyover tier.

>> No.6844822

How many illegals work with you?

>> No.6844824

Tommy Pope, of the Comedy Central webseries "Delco Proper"?

>> No.6844825


>> No.6844828


>> No.6844832

Just a comedian who made a show about Delaware County, PA.

>> No.6844833
File: 14 KB, 288x320, 1410623354323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Philly is alright but south jersey is literally garbage.

>> No.6844840

South Jersey is mostly farms and town homes.

Delaware on the other hand is a complete fucking shit hole.

>> No.6844844

Wisconsinite reporting in.
Our land is lush we have fresher water than any non flyover state.
Our culture is true to itself.
We don't try to be something we are not.
We have seasons and celebrations to go along with em.
>The grass is greener in the middle not on the sides!

>> No.6844848

Then move there if you'd like. I'd rather bite one of my balls off than stay in Indiana.

>> No.6844849

I have.

But I knew it was shit before I actually got off the plane. It's just a sea of fat and pasty with an overall IQ in the low 60s.

>> No.6844852

>low 60 IQ

you're aware that's drooling retard, can't tie his own shoes and go in the bathroom tier, right?

>> No.6844857

>we have fresher water than any non flyover state.
Not with all that fracking.

>> No.6844865

I am a water treatment operator. If someone is will to post a pre/post fracking water report. I willing happily dissect it for anyone who doesn't understand it.

>> No.6844870

Well maybe 70, they have regular bathrooms, although Velcro sneakers are common

>> No.6844874

But that would cover up the court lady who won't marry sodomites

>> No.6844879

>this is what hipsters in des moines tell themselves

>> No.6844880

I take it you've never been to Chicago.

>> No.6844884

Go back to your drought I live on the cost of the biggest fresh water lake in the usa.
>feeling salty yet m8

>> No.6844891

What drought? I'm nowhere near a drought...

Why do flyovers always assume everyone is from California or New York?
Envy much?

>> No.6844892

Im a hermetic not a christfag, i live in a two story house in california and im mexican.

fuck off with your "muh feels" politics.

>> No.6844895

None of that is bragging material m8

>voting for Trump

>> No.6844901

Not all Mexicans are illegal
Not all Mexicans want illegals here taking our jobs and making us look bad.

>> No.6844915

Can someone explain this to me? I don't get it at all.

>> No.6844916

>not flying out of teterboro
poor detected

>> No.6844917

>Not all Mexicans are illegal
I didn't say they were...
Are you autistic? You're really odd.
I don't understand why you care about Midwestern fatties getting made fun of...

You must actually be one, and you're just pretending to be Mexican to make some point...


>> No.6844923 [DELETED] 

The leberal mind at work, struggleing to comprehend that mexicans hate illegals.

liberals are the biggest racists in Ameroca, they feel the need to dictate what all races can and cant do.

>> No.6844929

>struggleing to comprehend that mexicans hate illegals.
I didn't say anything about Mexicans not hating illegals...

>> No.6844931

I lived there for six months
>muh goose island
>muh hot dogs with swearing
>muh italian beef
there isn't an ETOPS rating high enough for this level of flyover

>> No.6844932

Clearly, there is an issue with your understanding of the English language.

>> No.6845007

Good job completely ignoring the punk scene, the garage scene, the hip-hop scene, and the comedy scene.

>> No.6845011

>implying rural places aren't hotbeds of musical activity

>> No.6845032

Oh, I get it. You're just baiting. Take care.

>> No.6845043

I live in chicago and work for Paul Kahan. Ask me anything!

>> No.6845045
File: 14 KB, 300x223, ETOPS_sm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you're just dumb
Whether or not there's music going on doesn't say whether a place is flyover or not

>> No.6845046

And whether or not you personally approve of a place doesn't change the definitions of rural and urban.

>> No.6845048

Also, the last time I checked, O'Hare was the third busiest airport in America after Atlanta and LAX. Seems more fly-into than flyover, no?

>> No.6845075

Who's Paul Kahan?

>> No.6845092

Assume I am a victim of fracking Wisconsin has minimal mining for oil or coal even. Non flyover is not based I forgive u.

>> No.6845093

>Who's Paul Kahan
go fuck yourself
What's your favorite meat on the menu?

>> No.6845115

Fracking is going on all over Wisconsin...

>> No.6845119

I've lived in and around the Milwaukee Metro area in Wisconsin for 20+ years. Yes there's every midwest stereotype in as far as foods go, but there's also lots of variety and less pretense for those who look for it. In as far as restaurants, There's a good variety of various ethnic styles and you can get a good meal for a decent price. Yea, you'll see meme chain establishments, but if you take the time and do some research, you'll find some real gems of restaurants and specialty grocery stores from a wide variety of ethnic groups, not to mention some real old school European(not just german, polish and italian) delis and butcher shops. I'm still finding shops and eateries that have apparently been around for generations.

For me, I love this area because you can find all these things and yet the pace of life is still more relaxed than say.. Chicago.

When you leave the Milwaukee area though, things kind of turn to the dark ages. I lived up north Wisconsin, for instance as a child and the selection there for groceries was extremely limited to almost bare necessities and the ethnic aisle in stores was like taco shells and nacho cheese. Restaurants up north were pretty much all diners, MAYBE a "greek" places here and there, with the odd dinner club dotting the landscape if you wanted anything approaching fine cuisine.

One more thing: Friend of mine came to visit from New Mexico and asked me what the deal is with fish fries on Friday. I guess it's something I hadn't really thought about but Friday Fish fries are a big thing here.

>> No.6845134

motherfucker reporting in from the ohio river valley. We got a lot of rednecks, but great ass cheap food. We have a lot of pride in the food we me. Cincinnati has great food, Indianapolis is ok I guess, and all the other states are good. Wisconsin, when I visit family there, has some of the best damn dairy you will ever have.

>> No.6845136

>skyline chili
best chili in the world right fucking here

>> No.6845140

Amen brother,
The next Pabst is on me.

>> No.6845142

for the one day a year the parking lot will be full, i.e. black friday.
Also in the case of Wal-mart, where RVs can park and camp out for a week or two at a time before leaving all of their trash behind

>> No.6845167

>skyline chili
>best chili

why do you lie on the internet?

>> No.6845177

Neither Atlanta nor Chicago are relevant, and Los Angeles is usually misinterpreted as having city status because Paris Hilton tweets about it a lot

You can't really measure a city's cultural relevance by its air traffic, otherwise places like Dubai and Guangzhou would be classified as Alpha++ Global Cities

Chicago just happens to be a convenient hub for the even more podunk towns across the great plains. Yeah, if you take 30 million people and scatter them across an area the size of Australia they're gonna need an international airport, and Chicago is it.

>> No.6845196

>the only city is New York

No wonder Boston hates you pricks.

Do you have any idea how shitty you have to be for someone to side with dumb drunken micks from Boston over you?

>> No.6845201

>Los Angeles is usually misinterpreted as having city status because Paris Hilton tweets about it a lot

What the fuck does this even mean?

>> No.6845205

>Los Angeles is usually misinterpreted as having city status because Paris Hilton tweets about it a lot

Anon the whole "Paris Hilton" craze died out in like 2008. Not to mention what you wrote doesn't even make any sense.

>> No.6845209

It means he's slightly more pretentious then the rest of the people on this hipster ass board.

>> No.6845210


>> No.6845216

You're just proving my point for me.

>> No.6845218

I'm actually

>> No.6845235

>LA wasn't famous before a celebrity talked about it

Dude what the fuck.

>> No.6845236

What are you judging KC BBQ on? Outside of KC Masterpiece (which doesn't even have a location in KC), the sauces aren't sugary.

>> No.6845259

I concur. The thick, sugary style of bbq sauce is far more common in STL than in KC.

>> No.6845282

Not true: besides New York, San Francisco is also a city.

>> No.6845566


>> No.6845833


You can't win with Oklahoma. Either we are the horrible blandness and nothingness that is the Midwest or we are the racist cousin-fuckers of the South.

>> No.6845839
File: 260 KB, 928x728, population_map.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking natives giving us a bad name

>> No.6845892

The midwest is fine. The idiots who say otherwise are probably scared of anything that doesn't look like a piss-rusted streetlight.

>> No.6845961

subtle keks

>> No.6845972

Is it really so bad that they'll learn what authentic cuisines are later on in life? I'd rather my kids went to good schools and lived in a relatively safe neighborhood. If the Midwest has that, then I'm in.

If food's the only reason you wouldn't want to raise your kids there, I'd question your desire to have kids at all.

>> No.6845997

>Non-drivers are basically niggers.

Has to be one of the dumbest things I've read on this whole site, in my 5 years of lurking and posting. /pol/, just fucking leave. We're trying to talk about food.

>> No.6846014


Holy, fucking, shit. You have to be one of the most pigheaded moronic twats to ever post here. I mean, he's being a bit elitist, I'll give you that. But resorting to populism 'just because' or generalizing Americans to such a degree is mouthbreather territory.

I really like America, but I am embarrassed to live in the USA knowing idiots like you are out there. Go eat McDonalds until you have a heart attack, and please refrain from reproducing.

>> No.6846125

WHY would he move from one college town bubble to another? That makes no sense.

Move to Chicago like every other Big Ten alum.

>> No.6846263

all me
: ^ )