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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 170 KB, 1200x873, Burger-at-a-NewYork-Bistro-Moderne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6839687 No.6839687 [Reply] [Original]

Poorfags this is what a burger looks like. If your eating fast food get tf off your computer and get a fucking job.

>> No.6839694

That's gross dude. It's just a giant meatball.

>> No.6839698

That much meat you are not getting any flavor just meat, and meat is not an actual umami.

>> No.6839700

>going to a nice restaurant and ordering a novelty hamburger stuffed with foie gras
This is how I know you grew up poor

>> No.6839711
File: 257 KB, 447x302, OP_IS_A_FAG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what you call a burger?

What a fucking loser

>> No.6839715

>prefers the taste of mayonnaise and wilted lettuce over meat

>> No.6839718

>grew up poor
>still poor

>> No.6839722

>prefers tasteless mouthfulls of dry mince over a synthesis of quality ingredients

>> No.6839729

Nobody in England is allowed to have an opinion about hamburgers, "fam"

I am "smh" at this embarrassing "tbh"

>am i doing it right?

>> No.6839730
File: 136 KB, 610x360, the-spotted-pig-nyc-chargrilled-burger-fries-610x360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair, it's a great burger. And it's big enough that two can sit at the bar and split one for lunch with an appetizer. If you want a more traditional burger in the Michelin star category try pic related.

>> No.6839734

Dry mince cooked medium?

>> No.6839735

Yes. And this is how I know you have taste and didn't just find "most expensive hamburger" on buzzfeed like op

>> No.6839775

>if you like what i dont like you are x

You have to be at least 18 to post on 4chan.

>> No.6839781

You have to be under 18 to eat fast food

>> No.6839788

Helps to live in NYC and have had both. There are even great burgers in the $15 range. And for half that there's Shake Shack, which is still pretty fucking good.

>> No.6839798
File: 103 KB, 1125x701, 1440636242483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it looks good but it lacks scientific perfection ;^)

>> No.6839806

Wow, a New York resident? The big apple itself? I never would have guessed, and right here, on our humble image board!

Have you ever met Robert DiNero? Been to Time Square (sp?)

>> No.6839814

Just when I thought we were done with shake shack shills

>> No.6839837

The place is what you wish a fast food burger would taste like. Given how disappointing most fast food joints are (or have become) that's kind of cool. I get why people are enthusiastic about it. Personally I only need that once or twice a year. There are better things to eat than burgers in this town, even though the burgers can be pretty amazing if you pay attention to who's doing what.

>> No.6839849

If you weren't poor you would hire your own team of chefs.
It's like you're only on a 6 figure salary, lol.

>> No.6839850

That's amazing though that you live in New York. What's it like? Do you ever get tired of looking at all the skyscrapers?

Don't be so humble anon, we want to hear what the real New York lifestyle is.

This is so exciting, I feel like I'm in a movie!

>> No.6839857

Looks more like meatloaf and a salad on a bun.

>> No.6839861

I understand that it's shitposting, but I'm still concerned, merely on the slim chance, that there are people on /ck/ that don't understand the ideal hamburger is about three steps back from having a 100% veal patty surrounding fois gras, covered in mornay sauce on a 100% ancient grain bun.

It's laziness, you know? I guarantee that if you live within the continental United States, you are not more than 20 minutes away from a Hamburger joint that has been in business since the Kennedy administration, and makes a burger that would blow the socks off all these uninspired "use the most expensive ingredients possible" yuppie burgers. And yet rather than take the effort to find one of these places in a world where google exists, you instead go to a nice restaurant and make an ass out of yourself by ignoring anything remotely dignified, instead ordering a hamburger in front of people you should presumably be trying to curry favor with.

>> No.6839869

Did you ejaculate yet?

>> No.6839882

Don't justify your poverty anon. Food evolution is key. Otherwise we would all be eating flame charred wooly mammoth slabs.

>> No.6839888

Did that before writing the post.

>> No.6839895

that was an abortion of a post

>> No.6839899

This is bait, right? I haven't had fast food in over year, but that looks fucking awful.

>> No.6839907

I haven't been inside a McDonalds since 2004

The last time I ate at Subway was 2006, and it was under duress

I haven't eaten Burger King since the 1990s

Are you even trying?

>> No.6839914

You are aware that when you go to an expensive restaurant and order a hamburger, you may as well be ordering dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets off the kids menu?

You're literally ordering the item they put on the menu for out-of-their-element poor people. Like ordering the steak at a Greek restaurant.

You are announcing to everyone at the table that you are unfamiliar with or uncomfortable ordering something of class, and so you default to the most familiar thing on the menu, which happens to be the thing they serve at McDonalds.

>> No.6839925

When you you exclusively eat at expensive restaurants, sometimes you want a burger. When you're rich you don't give a fuck what people think because you take solace in the fact that, well...you're rich.

>> No.6839927

Congratulations? I haven't had a lunchable since 1998, I wouldn't expect praise for it.

I mean, unless you live with your parents it's not like you don't have the final say in what you eat as an adult.

>> No.6839930

1994 here. How does it feel to subsist off processed garbage? You own a microwave, don't you.

>> No.6839931

>thinks post was specifically directed at him

>> No.6839932

OP that looks like shit tier ground beef and a shit tier bun and shit tier ingredients

>> No.6839940

I often order the burger at an unknown restaurant.

I have to travel for work and sometimes I'm in a less than cultured place (starts with F and ends with lyover land)

The locals, let's just say they mean well. They take me to what they consider a fancy place. Needless to say I am not interested in "the special"

A burger is something even a clueless rube from Skokie isn't going to fuck up to the point of being inedible

In short, I'm probably being judged as "uncomfortable ordering something of class", but honestly I just want food, not your provincial, poorly executed ideas of fine dining

>> No.6839943

>You're literally ordering the item they put on the menu for out-of-their-element poor people.
A decade ago you would have been right. Not today. Now chefs spend months developing their burger blend with their meat purveyor, often involving some short rib in the mix. A great burger has become much more of a matter of pride than something on the menu for the punters. Michelin star burgers are a thing now, and chefs take them as seriously as the rest of their menu.

This shit has made Pat LaFrieda into a minor league rock star.

>> No.6839946

Except this isn't evolution, this is just rich people food emulating poor people food. If I wanted foie gras, I'll go to a place that serves it normally. If I want a burger, I'll go to a burger joint.

>> No.6839951

>are you even trying

No, actually I'm not. I'm not specifically trying to avoid fast food, but I also don't go out with the sole purpose of going to one. Maybe if I'm in a road trip and in a hurry I will, but even then I'd usually just wait until later. I don't have anything against fast food, it's fine to eat there every once in awhile if you're in the mood. And unlike you I don't keep track of the dates I go to fast food places. It's a bit weird that you can remember that.

>> No.6839952

>burger is now a fancy food item

Nice one murrica

>> No.6839955

You're acting like it's not just an arms race to make pedestrian things unnecessarily fancy

I can pick up dry aged prime meat patties at eataly for 6 bucks

There is no reason to get a $50 hamburger or a $13 "doctor earth" juice, it's decadence on the level of ancient rome

A little socialism would do this country a lot of good

>> No.6839957

just fuck back off to brooklyn

>> No.6839960

A quality restaurant is going to take pride in every item on the menu.

>> No.6839961

But the only reason I ever go through Brooklyn is to get to JFK, anon-kun

I leave that to the discretion of the taxi driver

>> No.6839967

Now I'm merely well off, I'm not rich, but I routinely wine and dine with people who you being richer than is statistically VERY unlikely. For business.

And, no. 'Rich' people do not 'not give a fuck about what people think'. In fact, it's pretty much the only thing they care about. Even in formal business affairs with a representative of a company you can't suddenly start ordering chicken fingers at a Michelin restaurant.

I'm going to ASSUME you're not actually rich, partly because rich people don't browse fucking 4chan, but also because your idea of a rich person is how a middle class person thinks they would act if they WERE rich.

>> No.6839982

>a little socialism....

Says people who think laziness is a disability

>> No.6839990

>thinks he knows precisely how all rich people act because, ahem...he knows one personally

>> No.6839991

This being 4chan, I can pretty much assume you're poor and have low earning potential.

Don't be so quick to dismiss socialism, anon. It's meant to help people just like you.

>> No.6839996

>You're acting like it's not just an arms race to make pedestrian things unnecessarily fancy
Welcome to the biggest fine dining trend of the last decade. Biggest reason I stopped bothering with it so much. When all the flavors at the top dollar places started being pretty much what I'd been eating on street level (just made with better ingredients) I kind of lost interest. But I'm sure it's all very exciting to people with high disposable income who would never set foot in ethnic/unfashionable neighborhoods.

I'm cool with it, though. Saves me a fuckton of money dining out.

>> No.6840003

>is on 4chan
>denigrates those on 4chan

>> No.6840004


these kind of burgers are stupid

>> No.6840031

Perhaps at 11 pm I should most certainly be watching my stock ticker and twirling my mustache...Jesus you people have literally never met anyone that's not poor have you?

>> No.6840050

>watching my stock ticker
Where do poor people get the idea that well off people are into "playing the stock market"?

Someone else handles that shit, get it through your thick skull. It's embarrassing to be around middle class people trying to talk "hot stock tips" because they think it's going to make them blend in. Just stop.

>> No.6840053

Anon, I eat dinner with people for a goddamn living. I've had dinner with more 'rich' people than you could count.

Appearance is literally the most important thing to these people, because otherwise they might as well retire.

The kind of 'rich' people that "don't give a fuck what other people think of them" are the kind that didn't earn their money through socializing, i.e. the children of rich people, the kind of people I get to put a little red 'x' on a sheet saying whether or not I'd recommend doing business with.

>> No.6840070

>doesn't understand sarcasm

>> No.6840098

>right and if the richest man at your table orders a fucking burger I bet you don't say a Goddamn thing about it. Point proven.

>> No.6840108

This is pretty spot on. The only thing rich people give a fuck about when dining out is that everyone around them is at least as rich as they are, preferable richer, so they know they're in the right place.

Their rebellious kids who've been slumming it can spoil the fun by pointing out that the ceviche appetizer was the kind of street food they ate when driving their motorcycle through South America.

>> No.6840127

This isn't an insult, but an actual question. Do you have autism?

What part of 'wining and dining' implies it would ever be acceptable to actually openly criticize what someone else is ordering.
In fact, that's not even really high class dining etiquette? That's the kind of thing a normal person would observe if they were having dinner with their mother.

But, no, I don't say shit when someone orders chicken nuggets off the kids menu. I get paid by rich old white people to have memorized all this nonsensical antique table etiquette and to notice when the other party is ignorant of it. SAYING something would be an embarrassment to my company and is literally the opposite of what my job is to do.

>> No.6840183

>has to "memorize" table etiquette because it doesn't come naturally

It seems we finally agree

>> No.6840218
File: 284 KB, 1339x390, fuddruckersdeevolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off, I have spent 30 dollars on some amazing hamburgers in San Diego from a top of the line cooks. Yes, with good cooking and ingredients, you would definitely see where your money goes. But, I find myself just as happy at any fuddruckers, whataburger, and the occasional In-N-Out (although their quality as gotten poorer as they are expanding further)
>inb4 hipster fag

>> No.6840589

>drinking burgundy
>not drinking a D'Yquem 62'

>> No.6840623

Here's another upscale burger with quite a bit of buzz right now.