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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 96 KB, 1000x431, Free-shipping-Bodum-BISTRO-2-pcs-cafe-latte-cup-double-wall-glass-10608-0-45-l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6838427 No.6838427 [Reply] [Original]

I can no longer afford my favourite thing, Green and Blacks chocolate.

Anybody want to swap two bars for a brand new high quality mug. Pic very related.

>> No.6838436


that doesn't sound like a very fair trade, what else do you have to throw into the deal?

>> No.6838446

How is that not fair? It's new in the box and I'm asking for chocolate bars. I haven't got anything else. Incase you haven't guessed I'm poor.

By the way forgot to mention I'm in the Queens land.

>> No.6838456


Naw man. I mean if you were starving the chocolate bars would save your life. WTF is some stupid mug gonna do?

You better sweeten the pot or your just going to be a poor chocolatless mother fucker.

>> No.6838461

That's not very good chocolate

>> No.6838470
File: 8 KB, 225x225, 2015-09-01-19-38-29-2036147558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek alright man. Bodum Bistro is good stuff though.

Have you tried G&Bs? Best chocolate ever. I'm surprised I don't see threads about it on here. Probably because it's an American dominant site and Americans aren't really in the loop with chocolate.

>> No.6838477

You've got to be joking. I don't k ow how anyone could have that opinion unless you're not a chocolate lover.

>> No.6838487

>keeps talking shit
>doesn't sweeten the pot
Keep it up and you'll be chocolateless and mugless

>> No.6838494

>and mug less

How is it possible to be both?

>> No.6838517


I'm going to fly over to Queens land and jack your shack for that fancy mug, for being so stingy.

>> No.6838525

GGreen and Blacks butterscoch is GOAT

>> No.6838527

I just like it plain. I want any other flavour to mask my chocolate experience.

>> No.6838532

>mask my chocolate experience
nice fedora

>> No.6838535

4 more posts for your stingy ass to offer something better than your regifted mugs

>> No.6838539

Fucking hell. If you don't like the mug you don't have to have it.

>> No.6838542

>implying 2 chocolate bars equals 1 mug.
Quit being a fucking jew

>> No.6838546

It's not a normal £3 mug. It's a double wall bodum bistro. And it's a 15oz so you can have a nice proper big drink.

>> No.6838558

That's a pretty fair deal imo

>> No.6838560


Get off it with the stupid mug...go find something else in the cardboard box you live in to trade.

>> No.6838561

You're a reason as fellow.

>> No.6838794

Samefag, pls

>> No.6838817


>> No.6838831

How can you even be sure the other party will hold up their end of the trade?

You put your mugs in the mail and just hope the other person sent you the chocolate?

Playin' with fire man.

>> No.6838859

I want to meet, (In a dark alley) that's why I mentioned where I'm from.

>> No.6838946
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I'm up for it OP. Sounds like a fair deal.

Just regular Green and Black's or fancy stuff?

pic unrelated

>> No.6838955

Get teh store brand version just as good.

>> No.6838957

Not fancy, just the thin one. They sell them at most supermarkets.

>> No.6838960

Store brand chocolate!?

>> No.6838970

why would you alienate all the americans on the site by typing something like that

>> No.6838993

I didn't mean it like the usual usa vs uk crap on here.

I mean as Americans you're a customer to low grade chocolate by no fault of your own because of the companies that have control of the market who don't care about making a good product, but only making a cheap "candy" to mass produce.

>> No.6839008


I agree, but it's not like Mars bars in Europe are any better than the cheap candy bars we have.

And of course like any other country there's also the good stuff available--you just won't find that in a vending machine or at the convenience store.

>> No.6839018

The Mars bars and cadbury are crap but they actually have higher standards than your equivalent crap. But yea I agree in nearly every country the majority don't eat good stuff anyway. But the difference is over here you're never far from the good stuff as it's widely available and way more well known to the average person that might have a slight interest in trying something better.

>> No.6840393

I'm in NZ OP. I can send you some in exchange for a parcel with cheap eats in it when you're able to afford to do so.

>> No.6840470

>in exchange for cheap eats.

My understanding of this is that you want me to send you snacks from my country in order for you to send me the chocolate instead?

>> No.6840483


Hey I live in QLD and love Bodum. Post code?

>> No.6840486


green and blacks is not the best chocolate ever. green and blacks is what they hand out at bootleg beatles concerts in kew gardens.

>> No.6840505

OP could just use the shipping cost to buy the chocolate.

>> No.6840511

Gonna go down to coles and buy 4. Be smarter with your money, I'm only doing this to spite you

>> No.6840522

The orange spice dark green and blacks! If you're in Australia, keep an eye out for those $2 shps with the loop of the guy saying "NEVER PAY FULL PRICE AGAIN", they often have green and blacks, as well as UK trans fat cadburys which is ambrosia.

>> No.6840529


Maybe its because G&B is mass market garbage chocolate.

>> No.6840541

Offer is still open OP.

>> No.6840557

get off of 4chan and go work to make some money to buy chocolate. fuck.

>> No.6840568


whoa, that sounds like a lot of effort for some chocolate...are you sure you can't just spare a bar?

>> No.6840614

Glad to see your interedt but you've misunderstood. I live in the land of the great Queen Elizabeth.

>> No.6840714

Don't be silly. You think you can determine the value of something in an arbitrary way like that. Expensive champagne has been given out at some events in London.

I bet you haven't even tasted it but just want to be a negative poster.

>> No.6840750

I do work. Don't try and make out like I'm some beggar. I'm not asking to be given anything. It's a transaction you idiot.

And why are you pretending to be me, making me look like a fool. You must be a loser because nobody does that dumb stuff, and this if 4chan so that's saying something.

>> No.6840982

would it really not be easier to just save some money for a chocolate bar instead of trading something that is probably worth $20 or more?

>> No.6840997


If the goal was the chocolate bar, sure. But it's not just about the bar. It's about the experience. The process.

>> No.6840998

give me your email op and we can work something out

>> No.6841027

You don't get it. You've probably never been poor. Of course I have £2.30 for a chocolate bar but I can no longer afford to spend money on luxuries. My money goes on essential stuff and a cheap gym membership every month, after that there's no disposable income.

>> No.6841032

Haha I'd like to say it isn't but it really is about the chocolate. I love food way more than I should.

>> No.6841038


>I bet you haven't even tasted it

it was the most popular midrange chocolate around for years, i've had far too much of it.

> Expensive champagne has been given out at some events in London.

yeah no shit but usually it's not the best champagne around.

>> No.6841048

Nice. What about Skype? Exchanging emails here will likely end badly with the types of people you find on this site.

>> No.6841050

If you were in the US, I'd ship you some. Not gonna fuck with customs paperwork though, sorry mate.

>> No.6841055

It's not mid range. Please tell me what a top range chocolate bar is.

And you ate so much of it because you just like wasting money on mediocre stuff I assume.

By the way where are you from?

>> No.6841059

What do you mean by that? Who are the customers you're referring to?

>> No.6841076
File: 12 KB, 275x183, images-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op here I've been meaning to make a thread on pic related and I just got reminded when I saw it today.

How the hell do these guys get away with charging £7.99 for this bar? Which by the way is slightly smaller than most others at around 80g. What makes it so expensive? And has anyone tried it.

>> No.6841084


top range is amedei or valrhona i guess. if we're not going boutique.

>And you ate so much of it because you just like wasting money on mediocre stuff

no i ate it because it's popular so i was given it a lot and it was the most widely available cooking chocolate outside of supermarket own-brand stuff for a long time.

i'm from london.

>> No.6841117

Valhrona!? Wow now I know you're just another person that doesn't know how to judge and recognise good quality by taste. You're influenced by what you see or hear.

I remember hearing about those brands on ck (funny coincidence) a long time ago, and I was excited thinking I was discovering another level, even though a few anons told me they're just hype.

I read up on Amedei and Valhrona, saw how much more they costed than G&Bs and thought it must be better. I ordered a few bars of Valhrona and was so underwhelmed, I felt stupid that I spent good money and went through the trouble to be something that wasn't even good. And I was told already that it was just some pretencious hype.

>> No.6841142

aight, drop your skype and ill send you a message

>> No.6841161

they're popular and spend a lot on advertising

its ok but kinda mediocre

>> No.6841169


i'm sorry but if you're going to say 'i didn't like it, so anyone who does like it has bad taste', you are appointing yourself an expert judge of chocolate. that is a really fucking bad platform for argumentation. and for the record i wasn't specifically calling valrhona the best chocolate, just a 'top range' or premium one, which it inarguably is.

>> No.6841193

This is where I regret choosing this name. It's antonio4ch (didn't know what else to put after my name).

By the way the outside of the mug doesn't heat up one bit so you can relax with a fresh hot drink on the couch.

>> No.6841203

So what do you like above it then? I want to know a superior (tasting) bar? I'm not closed minded but the other anon just spoke a lot of ignorant crap.

>> No.6841207

I can no longer afford my favorite thing, heroin.

Anybody want to swap two bags for a high quality hand job?

>> No.6841219


>i'm not closed minded but i jumped down the other anon's throat at the first mention of a different brand

ok dude

>> No.6841230

Are you the same anon?

I am in no way judging the quality of the chocolate on my personal taste. I can appreciate quality ingredients even if they may be a bit too strong, tart, sweet, or whatever for me. Valhrona just rated like Christmas chocolate that I've been given countless times being shared around at somebody's home.

Also it's known as something that's highly regarded because of what it is, not how it tastes. When I read up on it, it just confirmed it. I wanted to find out what makes it good, all I found was beast they supply this and that restuarant. This chef endorsed it. Stuff like that. I just took it as it must be the best. But it's just another name brand which is clear if you just taste it for what it is.

>> No.6841236

Pretty good attempt at trying to make it sound like I'm the same a junkie.

But the fat is I'm not asking for something that is poison to me. And I'm not offering anything that's degrading and that I should regret giving.

>> No.6841238


>I am in no way judging the quality of the chocolate on my personal taste.
> But it's just another name brand which is clear if you just taste it for what it is.

i think you've been bitten by the pretentious bug dude. which is why you're on the defensive.

>> No.6841271

Pretencious? if you know the meaning you should know that word doesn't apply. I'm the opposite of that.

G&Bs is pricey but it's somewhere in the middle nowhere near the top price wise. And it doesn't have the artisan cult status that a lot of other modern chocolate does either It's a pretty humble brand. If I wanted to be pretencious I'm not doing a very good job.

>> No.6841274


>G&Bs is pricey but it's somewhere in the middle nowhere near the top price wise

which is why i said midrange.

> And it doesn't have the artisan cult status that a lot of other modern chocolate does either It's a pretty humble brand.

ok. you can still be pretentious if you claim it's the best brand and anyone who doesn't agree has bad taste dude.

>> No.6841275

if you're in the UK, I really enjoy Willie's cacao; they don't use emulsifiers so it's a bit gritty texture wise but cocoa and a wee bit of sugar is all that goes into it and its gr8

if you want to treat yourself, the Cocoa Boutique has some really nice tasting selections but they're only available online

>> No.6841286
File: 5 KB, 172x186, 44011825OhO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn old. you shold not have said that. a "few ov my favoritre things well... thanks

>> No.6841287
File: 15 KB, 361x456, 1e0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my chocolate experience

>> No.6841296

You equate price with what range a chocolate is in. I don't think this conversation can really go anywhere with your thinking.

I don't disagree with anybody that says it's not great and think it's good just because I like it. Don't be stupid. I disregard people's opinions that say illogical things and just name status brands when asked what the best is. Instead of telling me about what they've tasted and been impressed by. And put down my choice without even giving a proper reason.

>> No.6841304

Oh cool. Sounds good. I don't think I've heard of this. I'm going to check it out online to tease myself.

>> No.6841312

here's the link: http://www.tastingboutique.com/

I think there's a first timer discount, and they'll offer you a discount too if you go to cancel

tfw they don't sell their chocolates separately

>> No.6841324

This stuff looks delicious. I'm not planning to buy though, unless I get a sudden pay rise.

Buying single items is a water of money for shipping anyway.

>> No.6841329


>You equate price with what range a chocolate is in.

you assumed i was talking about quality, defensively, when i was talking about price range. this is your problem. you assumed that not only was i endorsing valrhona but i was endorsing it without reason, just because i had been told to. this is plainly also your problem. there is no indication anywhere in my posts that this my opinion.

i just don't think green and blacks is a good chocolate. not only because of its price but also because of my experience, which i've already told you i've had plenty of.

>> No.6841348

Nope, don't try that. In a previous post you referred to it as a mediocre midrange chocolate, in a smug way. Why would you even mention it being midrange if you didn't think it was relevant? At the time I thought you were using the term like I do according to the quality.

>> No.6841352


i said it was the most popular midrange chocolate, i was talking about the fact that i'd been exposed to it a lot. i'm not trying anything. stop being a whiny fucking faggot.

>> No.6841375

I don't respect your opinion man. Tell me something other than "I hear this luxury expert brand is the best. It must be the best"

I bet you don't even eat chocolate other than expensive holiday chocolate in posh boxes made for suckers. You talk like someone who's talking from what's been pushed into their face and not from experience.

>> No.6841389


>I hear this luxury expert brand is the best. It must be the best

i didn't say that you piece of shit. how fucking up your own arse are you. i didn't even say valrhona is the best. i gave it as an example of a 'top range' chocolate, and you now understand what i meant by that so stop fucking around.

i am a chocolate lover. i love chocolate, which is why i have eaten a lot of it, green and blacks included. and green blacks is not the best. are you going to do anything other than call me a toff for saying that?

>> No.6841451

Kek that's exactly what you were saying. And you've just said that you gave me examples of top chocolate. Which enthusiast what ever their interest may be does that. Does Amthony Borden just give "examples of top" restaurants when asked his specific opinion on where to find the best tasting food? Does Jeremy Clasrkson just read off a magazine of the top cars that some idiots unanimously voted.

Once again you've proved yourself to be a mass produced human. With programmed tastes.

>> No.6841460


you're only continuing to show that you're incapable of taking criticism or crediting other people's opinions when it doesn't suit you. you're on 4chan faggot, you're not impressing anyone. hold a wet wipe on your bum and close your eyes for a while buddy.

>> No.6841471

Haha I liked this post.

But really, stop trying to pretend like G&Bs isn't a go to bar. There isn't even a argument to put forward I your favour.

>> No.6842820
File: 107 KB, 613x533, da fug dis shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hold a wet wipe on your bum and close your eyes for a while buddy.

>> No.6842865

Kek it was gold want it. I want more from this guy.

>> No.6843099

Wasn't it*

>> No.6843250
File: 72 KB, 422x397, trunchbull-cake-and-cookie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A good guy anon said she's going to deliver. Oh yes!

>> No.6843579

I dont know how i read that as customers, thinking you ran some kind of business and just saw you said "customs". Now that makes sense.

what the fuck is wrong with me.