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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6831114 No.6831114 [Reply] [Original]

Visiting friends in England.
This was lunch today after a fried English breakfast a few hours earlier.
We're going out for a curry and drinks tonight.
And they call Americans fat?

>> No.6831120

The difference is, they stop eating between their meals.

>> No.6831140


>> No.6831141

Britain's obesity rate is actually nearing that of America's, kek. Same way with Mexico. Americans are starting to become more and more health conscious

>> No.6831145

as of 2013 mexico is fatter than the us

>> No.6831148

At least it's not a big mac with extra "american cheese" and 3 litters of cola.

>> No.6831149

fatter, but not more obese

>> No.6831153

If you had a friend visiting from England, would you make them skip breakfast and make them a quinoa salad for lunch and a kale egg-white omelette for dinner? Or would you make them a big pancake breakfast and take them out to have some of the best local food and drinks because they're on vacation and probably want to try local food and have a fun time with friends over drinks and dinner? Your friends are being decent hosts and trying to feed you, stop being a whiny little bitch.

>> No.6831160

That's usually the main meal of a Sunday - so yeah, the fact that they're going for a curry after is pretty fat

Did you create this thread just to tell us that you have fat mates or were you trying to superimpose their fatness onto a whole national identity?

>> No.6831162

>judging a nation based on how your hosts of that nationality host you on carnival fucking sunday before a bank holiday

shame on you anon

>> No.6831168
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>> No.6831171


This is either lies or you're visiting the most gluttonous people in the UK

>> No.6831175

as of 2015 we reclaimed the top spot

>> No.6831184
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>> No.6831203

>huffington post
>daily mail
Come on, anon.

>> No.6831214

>slices of rare beef and a plate full of vegetables with a single Yorkshire pudding
>a curry of your choice, usually plenty of vegetarian and dry-cooked options on the menu along with plain rice and shit

Shut up and pass it this way if that's too much for your delicate tum-tum, Tinkerbell, Go enjoy your vacation eating salad.

>> No.6831219

who else covers these mundane/fluff issues

>> No.6831224


Sounds like the sort of night out I might take out a visiting American on, not something I'd do every week though.

>> No.6831270

OP here.
I'm not being ungrateful, I'm being treated like a king by these people.
Just genuinely shocked by how much they eat. It's all delicious though.

>> No.6831302


Glad you're enjoying yourself, it's a bank holiday weekend so most people eat better than they would mid-week. This.. might all go downhill if your friends are planning on having a bank holiday BBQ tomorrow though, we're fucking terrible at those.

>> No.6831304
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You don't have to be fat to enjoy british cuisine, just an IQ above 80 and some common sense.

Why do Britain, Mexico, USA, middle eastern nations like Saudi Arabia and UAE always argue about who is the fattest?

>> No.6831324

Most Americans think of rationing and war time poverty when they think of Brits.
At least you're getting true idea of the culture and not some stereotypical view.

>> No.6831335

despite the gratuitous second potato on top it doesn't look that bad for a sunday lunch.
although yeah the giant breakfast and third giant meal later tonight might contribute to unhealthiness.

>> No.6831371


Slap your hosts and tell them they're shit tier human beings for taking you to a Toby Carvery instead of doing you a home cooked roast.

>> No.6831378


I always find that weird. Haha, fatty Amerifats, your fat country is slightly fatter than our country which is also tremendously fat to a very slightly lesser degree. A lot of countries are experiencing obesity epidemics, your country isn't suddenly slim and sexy because their obesity rate is a mere 35% and that's 1.5% less than some other country.

>> No.6831382


It's a one of thing. Nobody has English breakfast on a typical mourning and a roast for lunch. Your friends are just showing you typical English cuisine. Stop being an ungrateful cunt.

>> No.6831543


>> No.6831582

Read the whole thread mate, you won't look like a cunt.

>> No.6832313

>hurr determining persons weight by kcals eaten without knowing activity level durr

>> No.6832342

>can't see the irony of this post

>> No.6832348

Unless you're bulking on some kind of strength program or similar athletic regime, you really do not need that much food. A full English breakfast alone is probably well over 2000kcals. The average person is a DYEL faggot; they don't need all this food.