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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 271 KB, 800x536, burger-interior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6827054 No.6827054 [Reply] [Original]

The Food Standards Agency is proposing new guidelines that would allow for restaurants to serve burgers rare.

To meet the guidelines, the businesses would have to prove they have sourced and checked their meat safely.

Pink rare meat in burgers, seen by some as more appealing due to its juicy texture, has become increasingly popular in high-end burger restaurants.

The FSA had previously advised that burgers should be cooked through until steaming, with no pink meat left.


>> No.6827060

You can already get rare burgers in the UK.
These are just guidelines.

>> No.6827068

pink burgers are fine, but its really just more of an excuse to charge more money for shit like 'artisan burgers' in gastro pubs.

>> No.6827070

I prefer mine pink in the center.

I hate frying up patties for other people, since they want it well done and it'll be dry

then they'll be like these burgers are great but I know they're not and I know they're lying and I realize how much people lie to me to make me feel comfortable

but I could've done better

you just didn't want it better

and I don't need your fucking pity now

>> No.6827152

yes... if they make there own thick paddies with high quality beef cuts...

>> No.6827155

only niggers eat raw meat

are you a nigger?

>> No.6827160

>only niggers eat raw meat
false.... ever heard about carpaccio or boeuf tartar or mettwurst ( and I don't talk about raw mussels or fish) .....

you fuking filthy rassist BTW...

>> No.6827195
File: 310 KB, 750x390, bob and friends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating raw meat
>calling others racist
>but spelling it rassist
The niggers of europe, everybody.

>> No.6827204

I enjoy rare steak, but I really don't see the point of rare burgers. They just end up all mushy.

>> No.6827206

Your point ?

>> No.6827213

Tell me more about the fine dining in your redneck shithole, Cleetus.

Let me guess, sugary BBQ?

>> No.6827216


You ever work in the biz son?

Blacks never order anything but well done, American or Swiss cheese if you please.

>> No.6827228
File: 470 KB, 580x330, Shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Redneck shithole

Eating raw meat is fucking gross and isn't "fine dining"; if anything the practice is a damned oxymoron. And BBQ doesn't have to be a sugary mess, but there's nothing wrong with it when it is.

You are pompous as hell. Cooking isn't about how fine the meal is. It's about the experience that is the fruits of your labor.

>> No.6827234
File: 160 KB, 375x500, uhmerica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT some butt blasted redneck from dumbfuckistan gets defensive over food he's never seen before since he's never left the jesus town he was conceived out of wedlock in

You give America a bad name, passportless flyovers

>> No.6827247
File: 399 KB, 320x239, radda you just say.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Succeed from it then, dickhead. Or leave. Nobody is forcing you to stay in a country that doesn't like your kind.

>> No.6827254

The word is "secede", my toothless hick friend. And for someone who has never left his jesus town you sure seem confident you know how your country eats, thinks, and thinks of its own citizens.

>> No.6827263
File: 756 KB, 2304x1296, 20150301_114708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a really, really good reason for that.
But hey, having traveled the world over 20 times over, I don't know WHAT the fuck I'm talking about.

>> No.6827266

Oh, you're that military guy from the other day. Yeah blowing up mud huts I guess technically counts. They have flying robots for that now though.

>> No.6827280

No, I fly freight for a UPS subsidiary.
I could afford to eat some ritzy shit that looks and tastes like ass, with a good side of goat cheese to go along with it. But I don't: because fine dining is a sham to make idiots like you feel good about themselves because you can't make a dish that tastes as good as it looks.

To keep this related to the OP, the best burger I've ever had in my entire life was made by a couple of Colombian girls at some shithole restaurant off of KCG in Bolivar.

>> No.6827284

yes we get it, you paid $65 for the worst cut of steak at disney world and you've dined in all the red light districts of both subic bay AND memphis, so now you know everything about food

>> No.6827566

I love me some medium rare hamburgers. But only when cooked with sirloin, so there's potentially less bacteria. For safety reasons, I imagine you could do any ground meat if you sous vide cook it @ just high enough to kill bacteria first, then get a good sear on it. This extra step involved, imo, would be worth paying a bit more for.

Also: In Wisconsin here.

This is a tradition that seems to have mostly gone away in this last generation, but eating raw beef and onions was once a big thing here, specifically @ parties. You would get a sirloin ground up and plated with sliced onions. People would just out some on a cracker or just eat it like that.

>> No.6827585


It's called steak tartare, it's still available.

>> No.6827606

>that would allow for restaurants to serve burgers rare.
What? They currently can't do this? I get them medium rare all the time

>> No.6827612

It's shit

"Rare" burgers is for plebs who seriously participate in arguments about steak on /ck/ and think they have to apply this logic to all their meats

>> No.6827613

>This is a tradition that seems to have mostly gone away in this last generation, but eating raw beef and onions was once a big thing here, specifically @ parties. You would get a sirloin ground up and plated with sliced onions. People would just out some on a cracker or just eat it like that.
Its pretty good