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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 135 KB, 1280x1007, beer_toast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6826292 No.6826292 [Reply] [Original]

/ck/, if anyone knows, it's you.

I seemed to have developed quite the tolerance to alcohol and now it is taking me even more beer to get drunk.

Is there a way to reverse this? These calories are adding up real quick and they are taking their toll.

>> No.6826293

Stop drinking you fucking moron

>> No.6826298

start injecting the beer into your ass

>> No.6826305

It's not that I want to get plastered drunk... I just want to achieve the same level of buzz at the same amount of calories as I used to.

That's all.

>> No.6826309

switch to hard liquor

>> No.6826318
File: 73 KB, 640x480, Photo on 2015-08-28 at 22.05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-but I love the way beer tastes....

>> No.6826319

Anytime I stop drinking for a few weeks, my lightweightedness comes back. Just take a break from drinking, your natural tolerance will come back.

>> No.6826321

Start lifting. When my weight fell below 160 I started losing my alcohol tolerance.

>> No.6826324

dont drink for a few weeks

>> No.6826325

Thanks for the advice. :) Will try.

>> No.6826328

I didn't drink for months and months.

Now a couple beers or a few glasses of wine gets me loose.

>> No.6826329

Post guns

>> No.6826330

i've got my hand wrapped around my dick you want to help me out?

>> No.6826332

See, that's easier said than done though. It'll be worth it.

I also find that if I start drinking a beer or two day, it starts raising my tolerance too, so you got to cut that out too.

>> No.6826333

Uh oh.... how you know me?
I haven't posted on /k/ in years.

>> No.6826339

>mfw I'm 5'10 120lbs
>mfw my alcohol tolerance is more than all my friends
>mfw the biggest guy in our group has the tolerance of a small white girl

I just drink harder drinks at this point. Mix vodka and Jaritos sodas, etc. You can't taste it or smell it so you don't end up with disgusting breath most of the time.

>> No.6826344

thanks for the alcoholism tip anon

>> No.6826347

I really don't want to switch to hard liquor; mainly because I love beer so much, but I suppose if it's what I have to do, then it's what I have to do.

>> No.6826348

I'm watching you haha

>> No.6826351

I have a similar problem, my liver can keep up with the booze at a much better pace than my stomach
Last time I drank I had 5 bottles of something around 5%-7% which didn't really do much more than get me a bit buzzed (and I drank a good amount of water too), and I still caught the bad end of a hangover - I actually started feeling it before I even went to sleep
What I want to know is how to toughen up my stomach so I can enjoy the buzz without being miserable the next day

>> No.6826363
File: 91 KB, 640x480, Photo on 2015-08-28 at 22.24 #2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For all your stalking efforts, anon.

>> No.6826364

Hangovers don't have anything to do with your stomach.

For me, the drunker I go to bed the worse my hangover. If I drink a lot and slightly taper it out before I fall asleep I'm good. But even if I drink a moderate amount and pass out at the height of my buzz I have a bitch of a hangover.

>> No.6826370

Really? It must not be a hangover then, just an upset stomach
Come to think of it I don't usually get a headache
I'm usually completely sober by the time I get to sleep, wake up a couple hours later tasting puke and run to the toilet

>> No.6826374


This, you monstrous retard. Drink less in general, or enjoy living a painful life while getting ever fatter and eventually dying young.

>> No.6826378

drink 1-2l of water and eat broccoli before going to sleep.
hangovers are mostly dehydration/byproducts of alcohol processing.

>> No.6826386

Yeah that's not a hangover. Does this happen with all liquor or just beer. Maybe something about beer irritates your stomach.

Also, the stuff about going to bed sober v drunk is just personal experience, might not be the same for everyone.

>> No.6826395

I only drink at parties, but I think my high tolerance comes from growing up with wine and shit due to a European family. I don't really enjoy drinking unless I'm going to go all out.

I don't really like beer or alcohol in general, which is why I mainly just drink mixed vodka or tequila. Beer is alright but every time I drink it I feel like it begins tasting worse the longer I drink it, but to each their own.

>> No.6826403

>5'10 120lbs

>> No.6826407

I don't think it's just beer, I can enjoy a pint or two without any negative effects
I usually stay away from hard drinks but there was one time when I had one beer and started on a gin and tonic, didn't make it halfway through before my stomach started getting upset
It was a pretty tall drink mind you but I wasn't feeling the booze at all, drove home just fine afterwards

>> No.6826413

>Ugly bitch looking for any reason to post selfies on an anonymous image board

Kill yourself, seriously.

>> No.6826416

Why do I get flushed on occasion and not regularly?

I drink pretty regularly, but after a couple beers tonight I started getting flushed

>> No.6826418

I've been around since 2005 and this is 4chan. I can do whatever the fuck I want.

Including drinking copious amounts of beer. Which is where I am currently at in life.

>> No.6826420

Are you asian? It sucks that you can't stomach alcohol but trust me it's great news in the long run. Also, try alkaline food like apples as palate cleansers/chasers with alcohol. My cousin used to get bad acid reflux while drinking but started having apples and pears with his drinks rather than peanuts etc. Helped massively. Also you might be drinking too fast. A beer should last between 1/2 to 1 hour.

>> No.6826444

I'm actually of english/scottish descent
I have an asian buddy, tiny chinese sub-manlet, gets totally plastered after half a cider but I've never seen him with an upset stomach or a hangover
Kinda jealous actually
As for the apple thing I'll try that next time, hopefully it'll help
I actually like raw celery, that should help too right?

>> No.6826449

Must be nice.
Trips confirm the true luxury of such statement.

>> No.6826472

>A beer should last between 1/2 to 1 hour.
That could very well be it
I usually go way faster than that if I'm going for drunk, I tend to do 3-4 per hour
This sounds like some good advice, thanks anon

>> No.6826475

I'm Indian and 5'9" myself so the Asian thing wasn't meant as a reference towards the stature but rather that some east asians lack an enzyme to process alcohol. I forget which one. Unlikely it's that for you though.

Yeah celery, cucumber or anything that cools the stomach down a bit should help. People eat a lot of shit when they drink and a lot of the damage from drinking is actually eating shit.

>> No.6826476

Oh shit.

That may very well be my problem then. I drink at an abnormally high rate. Maybe I just need to slow it down?

>> No.6826479

Asian here. From my personal experiences, and from what I learned in ochem, I can tell you that we fall in one of two categories.
A) Can't drink for shit. These people lost the genetic lottery. They turn bright red after a few sips of alcohol, and can literally get drunk off one or two cans of beer because their body lacks a critical enzyme that helps break down alcohol.
B) Asians who don't get hangovers. I'm one of these type of guys. When I hit my limit I just get a really bad headache that tells me it's time to stop. I physically can't go as far as my white friends because the headache gets worse and worse (I've tried pushing myself past that limit) but I've never had a hangover. Apparently it's because the enzyme our bodies produce to break down alcohol is slightly different from what you Caucasians have. You guys have a higher tolerance during the evening, but it's just buying time before the inevitable hangover the next morning. Our physical limit is lower, but our bodies pass the alcohol out of our systems faster.

>> No.6826483


This is the only answer.

>> No.6826488

Yeah, learning to slow down your drinking helps a lot. You don't make a fool of yourself, enjoy your drink more and are less likely to have an upset stomach. Downside is once you slow down your drinking it's impossible to drink the cheap stuff. It has to be mid-shelf at least. But then you drink lesser so it's not that much more expensive.

>> No.6826496

I have the same problem OP. I bought a nice bottle of whiskey to try and switch from beer but it just made me really want a beer. I skip breakfast then eat a light lunch before drinking. Also if you don't eat before you drink you'll get drunk faster. Though you might feel I'll.

>> No.6826499

Smart man.
Makes sense. I appreciate it brah.

>> No.6826501

I'm almost glad that I get hangovers though. If I didn't I'd be a lot less restrained in spacing our my binges. Out of curiosity, if a lot of asians get drunk really fast what do you guys do when you're hanging out with the guys? Sorry for sounding ignorant but past the age of 20 all my friendships have been based on drinking together.

>> No.6826506

Scheduled periodical detox.

When the detox becomes unbearable and all you can think about during that period is alcohol then it's time to consider giving it up for good. If the thought of giving up for good makes you gasp then you should give up for good.

Thanx for posting this image. We'll keep it on record so when the new gun laws take effect and if you haven't surrendered that firearm within the specified time frame then we'll send an officer to come around and collect it. Make sure your visa papers are up to date.
In other words: tits or gtfo /soc/k/

>> No.6826515

Also I've never had a headache from drinking. I've passed out, vomited, been too drunk to walk straight on multiple occasions but never got a headache from drinking. Next day as part of the hangover, sure. But never while drinking. Must be the fact that the alcohol that isn't metabolised by the liver is metabolised by the brain.

>> No.6826535

weak stomach here
my pal gets as shitfaced as the rest of us, it just happens way faster
I have another friend who doesn't drink at all and he still comes to parties (and by "parties" I mean "hanging out with the guys"), makes a good emergency driver if we need it, he doesn't give a damn anyways
Most of the time we're just trying to simultaneously play poker/video games and sit up straight, nobody in the group cares if anyone else is actually drinking or not
I know what you mean though, I've attended my fair share of awful frat parties, people who don't/can't drink either outright don't get invited or are ridiculed by everyone else
Never really understood why

>> No.6826574

Nah I wasn't talking about frat parties. Though I've embarrassed myself at a few of those types of parties they aren't a regular enough feature to worry about. I just meant hanging out with your friends with some music or sports or food or a combination of the three and shooting the shit. I don't even know what we'd do if it weren't for drinking. Either copious amount of just barely enough to have something to do, doesn't matter.

I actually don't know much about male bonding outside of drinking. The people who we know who don't drink are either very career-driven or have started their own family.

>> No.6826581


>> No.6826592
File: 31 KB, 400x282, ianmackayehenryrollins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know a lot of people who don't drink and don't have careers/ families.

tfw i will never have the self-discipline to be straight edge.

>> No.6826603

One of the unique things about certain alcoholics is that they do not lose their tolerance. They can go 20 years without a drink and have the same tolerance.

No other addiction is know to have an everlasting tolerance. Which is why so many people OD after rehab.

>> No.6826604

Grab a Wii U and the new Mario Party and/or get a set of poker chips or some other game (Cards Against Humanity or Apples to Apples is fucking hysterical even if you're not drunk, although a bit of booze does amplify the effect)
Makes a great fallback if you don't really have anything better to do
If you can't make that work maybe find a local baseball field or go bowling/mini-golfing
I guess it can be kinda tough to make that shift since vidya doesn't have the same appeal that it used to but stuff like Mario Party/Kart/Smash never really gets old

>> No.6826609

I can't speak for everyone, but like I said the alcohol gets in and out of my system faster than my white friends. I can hold my own against them, but then again I'm 23 so most of my friends are past the "get plastered asap like a freshman" phase so we're more about socializing and less about getting drunk when we hang out. I just have to go piss more often. I'll admit that I'd probably be out of my depth at a frat party, which is probably why you don't see that many Asians at the frat house.

>> No.6826617

pls respond

>> No.6826620

Hey /ck/, have shooting pains on my right side (sometimes the left, but I looked it up and there's nothing important over there), and am getting concerned.

I wake up shaking (like I can't pour myself a drink without spilling), have shooting pains, interspersed with a general feeling of numbness, now on the right side, but mostly all over, combined with going between feeling hot and cold - sweating nonetheless - and having an almost non-stop anxiety attack that doesn't allow me to go out in public, let alone drive, without alcohol and anti-anxiety pills I took from whoever.

I keep trying to sign up for health insurance to get confirmation I'm not dying of liver or kidney failure, but it's always too much work, and my lack of insurance keeps me up at night, worrying about my impending, painful, death, so I drink more to make the bad thoughts and feelings go away.

The internet tells me I need Valium, but I don't know anybody...

>> No.6826643

>Getting insurance is too much work, so I'd rather just die

Yeah, maybe you should kill yourself.

>> No.6826651

Probably depends on your diet. If you had a greasy, filling meal before you drank then the food would act as a buffer, slowing down the rate of alcohol absorption into your system. If you're drinking on an empty stomach, the alcohol goes straight into your bloodstream, making you look and feel flushed.

>> No.6826662

How much do you drink. I was almost you for awhile.

>> No.6826666
File: 9 KB, 200x217, Col. Klink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Grab a Wii U and the new Mario Party

Don't do this. It's terrible. Why would you do this.

>> No.6826671

Stop drinking 4% trailor park beer and get some craft shit

>> No.6826674
File: 55 KB, 555x648, natural_ice_man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not drinking 6% trailor park beer

>> No.6826679

Tonight I had some craft beer that was 16.9% ABV called Moonlight Desire (from NH). Is that crafty enough for you?

I then came home and masturbated to chubby porn. Is that crafty enough for you?

>> No.6826749

>daily haha


Get the hell out here lol

>> No.6826785

You crafty fuck, that sounds good.

>> No.6826793

I beat off to chubby porn last night, cheers

>> No.6826799

>green texting part of your response

>> No.6826837


this. lose weight.

>> No.6826867
File: 19 KB, 150x300, 25007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I too lift frequently. Some times 3-4 times per week. But my alcohol tolerance seems to keep increasing, despite lifting heavier weights with ever increasing reps. I just don't understand it. I started with 12 oz, jumped it to 24, am now at 48 oz, yet my tolerance continues to increase...

>> No.6826869

It's almost like as your metabolism and body mass increase, so does your tolerance for things such as alcohol...

>> No.6826885

alcohol pills.

>> No.6826892


Another Asian here.

I can outdrink white and black people very easily. Honestly, I think alcohol tolerance depends on your family. My dad is terrible at drinking but my mom is surprisingly VERY GOOD at drinking. She will never admit it, but I saw her drink a few times and saw how it did nothing to her.

I usually down 6-8 shots of Jack like it's nothing and literally feel nothing other than the slight burn. My friends are already done by their 3rd shot.

However, this is not a good thing for me, though, because I know very well of alcohol poisoning and have absolutely no way of knowing if I'm drinking way too much.

>> No.6827667

Who knew there were so many Asians in /ck/?