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6821951 No.6821951 [Reply] [Original]

post your countries best fish dishes

smoked mackerel

>> No.6821967
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>> No.6821970
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Smoked eel.

>> No.6822006
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that one looks really nice

bavaria here
steckerlfish. marinated brown trout put on a stick and grilled. delicious with a pretzel

>inb4 bavaria belongs to germany
it does not

>> No.6822035

In terms of culinary tradition nearly every city's a country on their own, states even moreso.

>> No.6822056

United States (specifically Alaska)
Smoked salmon, and if you get lucky you also catch a salmon with lots of roe in it for caviar :-)

>> No.6823466

North Carolina. Salt and Pepper Catfish

>> No.6823479

Michigan here
Our smoked salmon is pretty good, but the smoked lake trout and whitefish are sublime.

>> No.6823484

Our BC smoked salmon is way better

>> No.6823485

Australia. Shark.
Gotta eat them before they eat you.

>> No.6823492

AZ here, being jealous.
Sure, we can fly it in at quite a bit more cost, but I would love to be able to take a boat out and catch some myself.

>> No.6823498
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went fishing with my girl the other day, caught alteast a hundred mackerel and a couple of rock cod, topsmelt and alot of yellow croakers.
we filleted the mackerel and seared em skin side down, served with a honey soy sauce reduction, cleaned and deep fryed the croakers, steamed the rock cod asian style, made an amazing broth
>pic related me

>> No.6823500


Toss up between:
>NorCal Cioppino
>Cajun Blackened Redfish with Crawfish Sauce

>> No.6823501

>normie as fuck
>on ck

>> No.6823506

fresh mackerel tastes way better, none of that fishy shit

>> No.6823517


>> No.6823518
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I'm a fan of Pacific Northwest hard smoked salmon. You mix it with some cream cheese and spread it on crackers or toast. Dank stuff, anon.

>> No.6823544


I've had too many to even begin to come up with a best - out of everything I've tried - and have definitively not even come close to trying anything that could be considered my countries', "best".

>> No.6823823

Fucking yes.
Smoked salmon on bagel with cream cheese is GOAT

>> No.6823843

Seconding >>6821951

>> No.6823846


Horse-sized Somalian Immigrant Penis

>> No.6823851

I miss living in seattle. I had friends who would just give salmon away.
Now I live in Charleston SC and it costs near thirty bucks just for a small amount of good quality salmon.

>> No.6823861
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>Blackened redfish

Mah nigga. Redfish is bestfish. Smoked salmon is good as fuck though.

>> No.6823909

I love smoked mackerel. Absolutely delicious.

>> No.6823910

From what I hear you're right on the Pac NW stuff, the best around here in NY is Scottish smoked salmon. That's really good, on anything.

>> No.6823911
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Fried Catfish

>> No.6823922

Fuck you! Gimmie that stuff!

>> No.6823925

I know, I just made myself crave it too. I deeply regret what I have done.

>> No.6823935

Yes. That one. That's the best one.

>> No.6823951
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>> No.6823960
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oh no

>> No.6823974

Are those tumors?

>> No.6823979
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>> No.6823993
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>> No.6823996
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>> No.6825454


Enjoy your mercury poisoning faggot

>> No.6825461
File: 451 KB, 1024x683, Fish Head Curry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Singapore. Fish head curry. Tastes good with rice or naan if you can get past the fact that there's a fucking fish head staring at you while you eat.

>> No.6825471

> picking all those teeth out of your mouth
Do not want

>> No.6825497

Piranha is pretty amazing, if you don't mind the bones. The irony is even more flavoursome and delicious than Shark.

>> No.6825507

You don't actually consume the entire head. It's just an economical way to utilize every part of the fish. The only fleshy bits on the fish head are the cheeks, everything else is just skin and bone that flavors the stock.

>> No.6825521
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Untited States
jesus fish
it's in the Constitution

>> No.6825602

Probably Canadian candied pacific salmon, it's a reallyear delicious treat on the west coast.

>> No.6826466

Mexico here, ceviche from the coast. Also love some shrimp cocktails.

>> No.6826484

Ceviche sounds cool, but I'd never try it because where I'm from (Asia) the fish are tainted with mercury and/or radiation.

>> No.6826493

Not him but if you ever get the chance to try it, it's a fantastic dish. I go to a Peruvian restaurant here in the states and it's always top notch.

>> No.6826511

Yeah I've always wanted to try ceviche ever since that blind chick made it on MasterChef. I thought of making it but I don't trust myself, or the fish for that matter, enough to try doing it at home. Someday I'll visit Mexico though.

>> No.6826575

I want to fry some smoked fish.

>> No.6826596

A plastic cup of campechana on the streets of Rosarito is still one of the best things I've ever had. And no explosive diarrhea. What a precious memory

>> No.6826608

As a kid, I'd seen fish head curry on a menu and it sounded like a joke food. But that's just growing up American too. Now it sounds bretty good. Question though, how much of a chump would you be for taking the fish head out after separating the meat from it? Would you be missing out on the proper experience of esting the dish with the head in it? And do you kind of try to eat the fish meat at the same pace as the soup?

>> No.6826610

Fuck off dude, your shit memes are bad for the world

>> No.6826644

The curry is more like a chunky gravy that you pour over your rice or naan (Indian flat bread). Like I said, you don't actually eat the entire head, just the cheeks, which have the softest meat on the entire fish. Maybe the eyeballs if you're 13 and wanna have a cool story to tell your friends the next day. No one will judge you for removing the fish head before you enjoy your meal, especially if you're an adventurous Westerner. In reality, the fish head is there to add flavor to the curry, much like you'd use your chicken bones to make stock. In fact, I've seen some Chinese families take the head out of the curry so they could literally scrape all the flesh off the fish head. Like most SE Asian foods, fish head curry was born out of a necessity to make the most out of every scrap.

>> No.6826656
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This chicago nigga

>> No.6826663


Looks damn good

>> No.6826665
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swordfish shish

>> No.6826975
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France : bouillabaisse

>> No.6827557

I had a samaral cooked in a light broth of ginger I tomatoes by the Oceanside one time while I was in the Philippines. That was some five star restaurant tasting shit right there. Totally blew my mind.

>> No.6827574

I'd eat the fuck out that. That color...

>> No.6827600
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Aguachile is better amigo. Seafood in Mexico is terribly underrated too Especially in places like Sinaloa

>> No.6827604

looks tasty

>> No.6827686
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Gravlax is so fucking delicous and I eat it even though I shouldn't.

>> No.6827737
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many of them, I like uha (yхa in cyrillic), just a fish soup.

>> No.6827766

Chinese food

>> No.6827835

Totally agree with you compa

>> No.6827968
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You seem to have mis-spelled Sole Meunière

>> No.6828212

Heh I usually compete with old people for the grocery store's near-expiry gravlax.

>> No.6828365
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>> No.6828398
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And you seem to have misspelled Walleye.

>> No.6828480


>> No.6828534

bollox m8, try Loch Fyne Kippers, Arbroath Smokies or Cullen Skink

>> No.6828558
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MN. Walleye. End of story.

>> No.6828574

Minnesota can have walleye if Michigan can have whitefish/smelt

>> No.6828604

Michigan can have all the shit fish it wants

>> No.6829274
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Idaho. Steelhead.

>> No.6829291
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hawaii, ahi poke