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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6821555 No.6821555 [Reply] [Original]

>work behind a bar
>can't even have a drink
Truly hell

>> No.6821560


not like your boss is there watching so go ahead

>> No.6821562

You lush, your employers are probably worried that you'll get drunk and start overpouring and giving away free drinks.

>> No.6821577

I've never met a bartender that didn't drink on the job. You just have to be sneaky about it.

>> No.6821909

I've met many, they do blow

>> No.6821954

what the heck, I almost always see the bartender have at least a beer or two when I'm out on the town

>> No.6821962

Maybe those are bartenders that have been around for a while and not new hires?

>> No.6822053

Is that real? It looks really really scary.

>> No.6824051

Its legit, anon.

>> No.6824063

Buying the bartender a drink is a time honored tradition, just don't get sloppy drunk.

>> No.6824066

I'm an alcoholic but working around beer generally makes me not want to drink. Drunk people are fucking infuriating when you are sober.

>> No.6824072

I only come to this board occasionally, when did /ck/ turn into /AA/

>> No.6824076


So very fake.

I can tell by the pixels.

>> No.6824082

have a drink every hour and a half
we all do it, we just hide it better than you can

>> No.6824101

It has come to my attention that there are many people who can't let a drop of alcohol touch their lips without suddenly inhaling twice their bodyweight in ethanol

I've got a coworker like this, it is physically impossible for him to have "a drink", it's either stone cold sobriety or we see him on the evening news the next day.

>> No.6824176

What? All bartenders i know take a drink. If for nothing else, it's to keep you loose enough to deal with actual drunks. They take a drink maybe once an hour at most.

>> No.6824201

here its illegal for a bartender to drink on the job. most just stay for staffies afterwards

>> No.6825412
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>this is me

>> No.6825523

Yep, I know several people like that.
It's called Binge Drinking, and I'm pretty sure it's hardwired into certain people. My sister is one of them. When we were both in our early twenties, I can't tell you how many times I had to literally carry her home, or stuff her into a cab, or help her to bed, because she was physically incapable of just drinking normally. It was slamming drinks, shots, whatever until she was black out drunk. She still drinks that way, but has at least learned not to drink except on weekends, so she can hold a job. She's such a dumb bitch.

>> No.6826093

You ever cop a feel when she was in that condition?

>> No.6826099

not the actual drinking but impulse control

>> No.6826103

No, because I'm not a lesbian.

Yeah, that's a more psychological way of putting it.

>> No.6826116

I work at a banquet hall as a bartender and usually only take shot with the customers if they ask me to, it creates a funner environment and sometimes they'll drop some extra cash at the end of the night. I stopped drinking on the job because two servers were sneaking drinks and they got fired within a month of each other, so I had to stop because management was really cracking down.

Now I just go to a bar afterwards and drink from 1230am until 3 or 4 and repeat the same shit the next day. That is my wonderful weekend of binge drinking and working in a nowhere job.

>> No.6826134

reporting in. If i'm having a drink I'm having drinks until i can't physically move the bottle to my mouth. Did a lot of things I'm ashamed of and now dont drink at all, which also makes me sad.

>> No.6826144

>btw im a girl

here is your attention, now go away

>> No.6826148
File: 23 KB, 500x332, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never change, 4chan

>> No.6826153

>if I defend the whore she will reward me with sex
this is what virgins ACTUALLY believe

>> No.6826160


>> No.6826169

>attached is le green frog

Anyone who posts this shit is retarded, and you replied to the guy anyway. There is no point in replying only to just instigate further shitposting.

Either way, frogposting should be a ban-able offense.