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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6817556 No.6817556 [Reply] [Original]

Gore thread

>> No.6817584
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>> No.6817591

You would choose to post this the day after I clean out my fridge. I had some new civilizations in the back of that thing.

>> No.6817592
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>> No.6817595
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One bite for for daddy :DDD

>> No.6817618

How deadly is it?

>> No.6817622

it's just cheese that got a little overdue , don't be a pussy

>> No.6817623

are you seriously still inhaling those spores?

>> No.6817632

Anon, throw it away pls. You're gonna fuck someone's lungs (or your own) up.

>> No.6817637

That's cheese? I thought it was some sort of meat loaf.

>> No.6817644

Give it a taste. Report back.

>> No.6817652

its called phosgene shitlord

>> No.6817682
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Enjoy dying of foxdie.

>> No.6817800

>Dad buys a foot long expensive salami
>eat a few slices off it and then leaves it alone for weeks
>open fridge yesterday, the entire salami inside its plastic bag is covered in a dense fog of mold
>dad refuses to let me throw it away because "mold is good for salami"

Is my Dad going to die?

>> No.6817814

i won't lie to you anon

he might

>> No.6817833

Being 100% serious, yes.

>> No.6817841

post the salami pls

>> No.6817876

Mold is one of the most disgusting things

>> No.6817920


Please don't troll, I know it can't be good for his health. But he has it in his head that some salami or something get mold on them and it's perfectly fine. No argument I give him convinces him. I link him fucking medical articles on the dangers of mold and he just fucking shakes his head and tells me that salami is supposed to get mold.

Give me the best argument I can throw at him so I can throw that fucking piece of shit out.

> just throw it away anyway anon

I have, and he fished it right out of the garbage when he found out.


I'm at work right now so I cant.

>> No.6817939

>salami is supposed to get mold.

Yes and no.

Many foods are deliberately moldy. Blue cheese is one obvious example, but so is salami. Country ham as well.

>> No.6817968


So is he right or am I right?

>> No.6817985


Here's a discussion of how salami is made. Note that bacteria and mold cultures are deliberately added to it.


there's also a good discussion of it at a website titled "Introduction to making salami - Sonoma Mountain Sausages". I'd post the direct link here but 4chan thinks its spam, so just google that phrase.

>> No.6818010


Depends on the kind of mold bro. Most molds are harmless. White fluffy mold is SUPPOSED to be on salami. If that's what you're seeing that's perfectly normal. Desirable, even.

On the other hand if you're seeing a different kind of mold (e.g. something slimy) then that needs to be thrown out.

Your dad is correct about salami having mold on it but he's also storing it wrong. It ought to be wrapped in paper, if anything. It needs to be able to breathe. Wrapping it in a plastic bag will accelerate it spoiling by keeping it too moist.

>> No.6818033
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Not salami, but I had this in my PC.
Frigging love fuet.

>> No.6818108
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>> No.6818161

>had this in my pc
Using your computer case as an air curer for meats? Genius.

>> No.6818198
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>> No.6818214



>> No.6818316

salami is normally aged with an innocuous white mold around it, im pretty sure it's for keeping other potentially dangerous molds or bacteria from setting up house there. Refrigerators arent usually the most sanitary places, there could be any sort of mold or bacteria hanging out in there. In the end, he probably wont die. He might get sick. Who knows lol

>> No.6818338
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All these retards. Mold is Penicillin, you can't die from mold you fucking retards. If anything you will boost your immune system.

>> No.6818346

I left a boiled chicken carcass in a pot for a few days that grew alien mold. I wish I took a picture but it scared me too much. Should I have thrown the pot out? I just washed and bleached it.

>> No.6818375
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hey guys look, I found some penicillin

>> No.6818414
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He'll be fine.

>> No.6818418

Did somebody say food fuzz thread?

Food fuzz is delicious. Scrape some of that white, fuzzy stuff and spread it on a slice of fuzzy bread. It's a tasty and healthy snack you can enjoy any time of day.

What are your favorite food fuzz recipes?

>> No.6818424
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>> No.6818428
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That's some gnarly mold

>> No.6818432

Nuck, Yooper, Golden Gopher, or Cheesehead?

>> No.6818663

What is the difference between this and standard cheese? It's all moldy milk.

>> No.6818670
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>> No.6818707
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>He fished it right out of the garbage when he found out

Hate to tell you this but there's no arguing with your dad because he's clearly fucking insane.

>> No.6818801

... ... ... not worth a check for a not sure if serious image.

Blue cheeses and bries/camemberts etc are mold cured and/or innoculated with (usually) specific mold types.

Any other type of cheese is just curdled - rennet, acid, salt, heat... often waxed or regularly washed to prevent mold.

>> No.6818923

not anymore

>> No.6820590

Why do you think it's build with high airflow and low temperature in mind?

>> No.6820606
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>> No.6820615


Look, you know how bleu cheese has mold in it? But if you put it in the fridge and it grows three other kinds of mold it's no good?

Mold is pretty rough stuff, like mushrooms. Once you go off the beaten path is likely to get poisonous

>> No.6820617

He's right though, cheese mold isn't random mold. and those mold actually prevent bad mold and bacteria to infect the cheese. It's literally the point.

>> No.6820651

När älgen e blå, då e ölen kall.