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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 56 KB, 900x300, upset-waitress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6815477 No.6815477 [Reply] [Original]

Okay when the FUCK did 20% become the standard tipping percentage for waitservice?

I have tipped 12-15% religiously for as long as I can remember.

When you're at a cheap diner and the waitress is only getting 10-15 tables a night and needs to feed her children, yeah, I understand 20%.

But when the hell did this trend come along where the waitstaff at a busy urban restaurant, who can cover up to 5 tables an hour at $75+ per table, get the attitude that they deserve 20% on every bill?

I draw the line when the waitstaff assumes they should be making more than the cooks.

Most cooks make anywhere between $12-18/hr in my experience. These are the guys actually putting out a product, the guys sweating their butts off making something that draws you, the customer, into their establishment. Why does the waitress assume entitlement to a fifth of every dollar I spend on the cook's hard work? It's sickening and it really makes my blood boil. I had to bite my tongue when the girl at dinner with us tonight said my $10 tip on the $80 bill wasn't satisfactory. She put another $10 down and explained to me why they deserve more.

(...they don't)

>> No.6815486

> Okay when the FUCK did 20% become the standard tipping percentage for waitservice?

In the early- to mid-1980s, in the US. Just how old are you, OP?

>> No.6815498

The standard where I live is 0%. The employer tips the employee in the form of a wage.

>> No.6815504

I'm 23 thank you. I was a line cook for 2 years before getting out, made $12 an hour. Doing much better in another field now. I'm a mover and I make wayyyyy better wages+tips than I ever did in the kitchen.

It literally kills me when waitstaff makes more than kitchen. You're moving items to and fro. You're not creating anything. You're not generating a product. You're moving it.

I don't tip the UPS delivery guy. Do you?

>> No.6815509


>> No.6815576

>put another $10 down
Stories that never happened.
I would have had her fired if any waitress every tried to pull that shit.

>> No.6815579

Because they do slightly less drugs than the kitchen staff and need to be fake as fuck to people so customers keep returning. 15% is fine. But you know if they get stiffed on tips they only make minimum wage and fall well behind a decent kitchen's pay. Also I rarely year of a kitchen offering $12-$18. Mostly I hear of $8-$15.

>> No.6815624
File: 238 KB, 620x412, donald_trump_grin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy, it's this thread again. The waiters agains the broke fuckers.

Tipping may not be standard practice everywhere, but it is in 99% of America (the locations I am guessing OP is targeting).

No one whose life matters doesn't tip.

Don't tip on a date and start going off all 'I can't stand when the kitchen gets more...' or 'I don't believe in tipping, It's not my job to pay their wages' and guarantee your date is just going to think you're a poor fucker and you're not getting laid.

Go out on a meal with co-workers/friends and get all preachy about not tipping, guess whose not getting invited out next time?

We get it. You don't legally have to do everything society expects. But no one thinks you're a visionary thought leader, you just look like a fucking fatty fedora wearing autist.

>> No.6815629

Not the waitress, someone anon was dining with.

>reading comprehension

>> No.6815631
File: 10 KB, 429x410, stilltakingbait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wisdom on /ck/

is...is this...reality? I keep waiting for the trolling to come in...

>> No.6816423

But the cooks should get a bigger cut of the tip. I cook in a medium volume restaurant and I make WAY less than my friends in foh

And don't act like customer service is that hard, I did it good 5 years

>> No.6816431

thats why you do both, i worked BOH weekdays. and FOH weekends. my weekend tips were almost as much as my weekly paycheck.

>> No.6817108

I always tip dude, I just don't tip twenty freaking percent. That's too much for an average bill. They aren't working that hard. No waitress deserves the 50+ an hour they receive while the cooks are making a fraction of that. They deserve a tip, they just don't deserve 20%

>> No.6817120

You fucking retards will tip a waiter, but have you ever considered tipping a nurse?

The former just brings shit to your table and takes it away.

The latter is legally responsible for your health.

Think about who deserves the tip more.

>> No.6817143

America is a very small part of the world and nobody else puts up with that bullshit. I'd rather they be paid a fair wage and the prices of food goes up slightly so I don't have to put up with that shit.

>> No.6817235

In Minnesota, we don't do the tip credit thing where waitstaff make 2.13/hr + tips. The waitstaff where I work all make 8-10/he plus tips, which can come out to upwards of 30/hr on a good night. Meanwhile the cooks work harder than any of them and make only 8-12/hr.
Fuck tipping.

>> No.6817238

now compare that to what nurses earn....

its fucking sick...

>> No.6817247

To be fair, they only make huge money one or maybe two nights a week. Don't RNs get paid pretty well?

>> No.6817248

RNs have an education and are legally/ethically responsible for their patients health.

Waiters take orders and carry to and from tables.

Why do people tip waiters, but not nurses?
Makes no sense.

>> No.6817250

The fuck? I'll try to remember not to tip then if I ever end up in Minnesota. Only reason I bother to tip (or at least the only reason I feel obligated to do it unless the waiter is actually amazing) is because of the issue of tip credits, and I know people can get fucked over if they don't get tipped enough.

>> No.6817251

Maybe, but they actually studied and qualified for their job, not to mention the job of a nurse is a hundred times more demanding. A waiter maybe needs to bring food to the table with a smile, but a nurse needs to wipe the bodily fluids of old people with a smile.

>> No.6817253

Waiter detected, I bet you're a single mom too, the only tip you're going to get is the tip of my ding-dong in your mouth so you'd best get on your knees sugar tits

>> No.6817256

Why does no one understand that a lot of busy establishments like that pull and split tips between FOH and BOH

>> No.6817270

I'm glad I'm not as dumb as you.

>> No.6817276


>> No.6817277

Seems you are far dumber than me if you are not capable of answering those simple questions.

>> No.6817281

>$12 an hour
Shit anon, I made that much in the 90s. No wonder the restaurant industry is going to crap. They pay you crap.

>> No.6817283 [DELETED] 

If you're a cuck who thinks you should be paying someones salary, you should just off yourself. I'm going to bring you a bottle of water to your house, the house that I'm already going to. We are going to hang out. That'll be $1 plus $5 tip.

Lol fuckin morons. I don't deserve to pay another faggots wages cause they're too stupid to push for actual min wage.
>But oh wait they don't want that
>they make good with those tips
>Fuckin faggots waiters n waitresses

>> No.6817288

I could answer those simple questions along with equally simple questions like - which way is up and how do I stand still? But instead of catering to retards like you, I'd rather point and laugh.

>> No.6817290

Average registered nurse makes 33/h a good rn makes 45/h

>> No.6817291 [DELETED] 

Hey, next time you are in a store and an employee finds something for you that you weren't aware of...you should probably tip them you stupid cuck.

>> No.6817297

I propose a new way to tip. Tip for time.

Tip 5 dollars for every hour spent at the table. If a good waiter can serve 5 tables, they will be making 25 dollar for every hour they work. That is a pretty good wage. I don't even make 25/h

Obviously this should be 10 an hour for restaurants that have multiple people serving your table, IE a break waiter and a water waiter.

>> No.6817302

At that point it's just far easier to pay them a decent wage by the hour. Tipping might still be left as a custom, but it should be completely optional and only for top notch service.

>> No.6817305

No. You still don't get it and even if I explain it to you, you won't understand because you are that fucking stupid.

>> No.6817306

I propose a new way to pay waiters. Add 5 dollars to the bill for every hour spent at a table. Like a table rental fee.

>> No.6817323

It's funny to me because i think the same of you :D!

>> No.6817328
File: 1.97 MB, 176x197, 3Tz8k4d.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO who keeps coming up with these numbers?

I still go by the 5-10% amount, that's what it ALWAYS WAS

>> No.6817329

Just answer the guy's question or fuck off douchenozzle.

>> No.6817335

That's because you're too dumb to know just how dumb you are.

>> No.6817339

oh my god you're both smug retards

>> No.6817340

Congratulations, You're a half step above niggers.

>> No.6817341

?? So she just took your money and you let her?

>> No.6817343

That just highlights how fucking weird it is to tip wait staff.

>> No.6817344

Another idiot.

The question has been asked and answered a thousand times in these tipping troll threads.

I mean, fuck! How fucking dense can you people get?

Would you like to know how to put your hands in your pockets? How about the fascinating theories of opening your eyes or breathing?

>> No.6817346
File: 7 KB, 238x175, 1249439146675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are lucky I tip at all, I don't really eat out much, and when I do, I don't feel like those fucking waiters did the hard work.

Oh, you took my food out to my table? BIG FUCKING DEAL


>> No.6817353

>I don't really eat out much
You should decrease your frequency even more, poor fuck.

>> No.6817357

>The question has been asked and answered a thousand times in these tipping troll threads.

Refresh our memories: why should a waiter get a tip but not a nurse, or the cashier at Walmart, or the UPS guy? Why is it you, as a waiter (let's be honest, it's obvious from your indignance) does that means you deserve a tip but those other people do not?

>> No.6817360
File: 591 KB, 600x768, Youwouldntreallyrubyourspicymeat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not poor, just don't give a fuck about your precious waiters.

>> No.6817361

So my parents owned a restaurant/café and I got taught that on the end price of a meal, a third went to tax rent and other payments, a third went to wage, and a third went to ingredients. So an entire kitchen staff basically shared on a 33% of a sale, while the serving staff alone gets equivalent to 20% of the sale?

>> No.6817366

This varies wildly by region, and whether or not all the hospitals in a town are colluding on starting wage. Which I've seen happen in Omaha. From what I understand, it is common in towns that have large nursing schools.

My GF currently brings home 1200 home every other week after taxes, if she works no overtime. (Lazy bitch works no overtime).

She's about to take up travel nursing which will double that, because some places are starving for nurses. I get to have blue balls for 3 months at a time.

>> No.6817403

How much waitstaff makes varies by region too

>> No.6817406

You haven't made even a single actual argument.

Just insults.

Do you really believe that waiters should earn more than nurses?

>> No.6817408

so no profit for parents? lol
Rule of thumb restaurant math
20% rent
20% ingredients
20% wages
20% incidentals (repairs/marketing/etc)
20% profit

>> No.6817415

how much do waiters earn in the US+ tips?

>> No.6817418

Depends on the state's minimum wage for tipped employees.

>> No.6817423

Well, thats the general spread on that?

>> No.6817429

about 10/h

Although the majority of waitstaff cheat on their taxes by not claiming all of their tips, so this number could be inaccurate.

>> No.6817433

so thats 10/h with or without tips?

>> No.6817434


yep, and what's even more unfortunate is that American tipping culture is bleeding into the rest of the world. Any restaurant in a tourist location in Europe expects tips now even if it isn't a normal part of their culture.

>> No.6817458

No idea. In Ohio, where I live, the non-tipped minimum is 8.10. The tipped minimum is 4.05. If you don't make at least 4.05 in tips, to bring your actual to 8.10 or better, your employer must make up the difference.

>> No.6817466


>> No.6817473

2.13 in some states
12.45 in others

The 2.13 must make at least 7.25 after tips or the company pays the difference.

>> No.6817475

>It's sickening and it really makes my blood boil.
Amen. Feel the same way here brudda

>> No.6817484

>your employer must make up the difference.
And waiters will deny this

>> No.6817489

The only reason is it helps most restaurants stay alive by not having to pay their employees a full wage.
The food industry is a tough cookie.

>> No.6817498

The problem is technology
As jobs get lost due to efficiency new fields must be created for keep the masses employed. One such field is restaurants. Unfortunately the demand for restaurants was low so prices dropped to increase demand. Unfortunately that required cutting corners in pay, in this case wages.

No one want to pay more for food, even though they do through tips. So any restaurant that changes their practice faces losing business. The only options are creating a new higher minimum wage, or to give a basic living stipend to everyone to subsidize income.

Or i guess unions.

>> No.6817500

Smart waiters will pocket cash tips and not report them to the employer. That way, only the card tips count towards the hourly wage.

I tip anyways. I want the people that handle my food to like me. They also make sure I never have to wait for a drink.

I tip bartenders like crazy. But it helps that I tend to drink in dive bars where the drinks are cheaper than I would find elsewhere. Throwing a dollar a drink in the tip jar guarantees that even if there's a shitload of people asking for drinks, I get mine first.

>> No.6817512

You must live in a remote area. A tip jar wouldn't last 60 seconds in a metro Detroit bar. Some non white would snag and run.

>> No.6817513

surely its higher.

people in this and other tip threads have reported leaving (and being expected to leave) much larger tips than that.

>> No.6817520

Do you tip nurses?

>> No.6817526

Thats just the salary. tip range? 5/h -100/h probably

Its a fucking huge field, with big difference between idaho coffee shops and new york 5 star fuckfests. I dated someone who made 50k as a server. I knew a bartender that only worked during the summer at a yacht club, claimed to make 80k during the season.

>> No.6817529

I'm not far from Detroit. I'm down in Bowling Green, Ohio. the tip jar isn't actually on the bar. It's behind the bar. you leave an extra dollar on the bar after you pay for your drink, the bartender sees it, thanks you, and puts it in the jar next to the register.

In a college town like mine, you always use cash instead of a card so that you can tip in cash, to make sure your drinks are poured strong and expediently, and you never have to flag anyone down do settle the bill before you crawl to the next bar.

>> No.6817530

so waiters earn more than nurses, and feel entitled to tips.

that makes no sense to me.
fuck that hypocritical bullshit.

>> No.6817534

As has been established, Nurses are paid a decent living wage. I live with a nurse, and I give her more than the tip all the time.

Actually, if a nurse was decent to me, I'd buy her a gift of some type. Flowers, a stuffed animal, etc. My girl gets stuff like that from some patients and it's always very appreciated. The people that have to scoop the shit out of your clogged ass deserve something nice smelling as a gift,

>> No.6817535

Here is a helpful list of states without tip credits, DO NOT TIP IN THESE STATES:

>> No.6817537

What I don't understand is, why tips should be calculated as a percentage of the cost of the food. It takes no more effort to carry an expensive plate of food to your table than it does a cheap plate.

>> No.6817539

Who would ever tip anyone, they get paid dont they

>> No.6817540

You just took that from her? I had a waitress do something similar to me.
>"You're only tipping me this much?! Surely I should get more."
>"Excuse me? You know what Actually, give me the check back, I'll fix it for you."
>Change the tip to a big fat fucking 0$ and make sure to adjust the total to reflect that I didn't just accidentally leave out a digit
>"There ya go. 15% not enough for you, so I'll spend it elsewhere."

Double checked my card and there was no extra charges. I was hoping she tried to sneak in a tip for herself so I could light her ass.

>> No.6817542

They make more because of the tips, and are specialized if they are clearing that. A 5-star waiter should know how to pair wines, behave as a consummate gentleman, and insure you have everything you need before you know you need it. They can make or break an important dinner like a wedding party, or dinner with an important client.

A resort bartender is offering recommendations, possibly doing flair work, and dealing with a lot of traffic.

Your average waffle house waitress is bringing home maybe 15 an hour. And that's dependent on drunks remembering to tip.

>> No.6817545

>mfw I think tipping is dumb but I still do it
>mfw the only people I know who don't tip are fucking manlets

>> No.6817546

These are very specialized jobs. A good bartender is a rock star. Slinging bottles of bud at crusty's tavern doesn't compare.

Being able to make 15 different cocktails in 5 minutes is hard to do. Remembering 500 different recipes is hard to do. Even half a shake too much will change the flavor in a martini. Remembering the preferences of thousands of customers that you might only see for a few hours each year is difficult.

A good waiter is like a ninja. Appearing and disappearing at exactly the right times. Always there to refill the glass or to bring incidentals. Each course is brought out with perfect timing, so that the last morsel is eaten just before the new plate arrives. Unless of course the waiter notices the odor of cigarettes upon your person. In which case without asking they will give you a much needed break between the entree and the dessert. If you drop your fork a new one will appear before the old one has even reached the floor.

So yes, they are worth 50k a year. But remember a good nurse can make 90k a year.

>> No.6817552

My dad taught me, 3 dollar for the first drink. a dollar for each one after.

This was 20 years ago, but I feel like it is still the same. Inflation is a bitch for the working class.

>> No.6817553

Looks to me like waiters frequently earn more than nurses (despite being uneducated and having no legal or moral responsibility to a patient), and then lie about it.

>> No.6817558

but why do you tip a bartender for a good job, but then not tip a nurse for a good job.

the logic doesn't make sense.

>> No.6817559

Waiters don't have to do any work. It is illegal to make them do cleaning or related. (unless you pay them minimum wage for the time spent cleaning or related). Their pay is simply a reservation upon their time.

>> No.6817560

>if a nurse was decent to me, I'd buy her a gift of some type. Flowers, a stuffed animal, etc

Im a male nurse.

These are not really gifts I appreciate.
I'd pass them on to my patients.

>> No.6817562


>>6817542 here.
You have stated this much more eloquently than I could hope to. I remember leaving a particularly hoity toity establishment after a bachelor party dinner, and thinking about how amazing the waiter was. He kept a party of 12 guys who were quickly shifting from friendly to shitfaced under control, made sure everything was impeccable, offered a wine suggestion that was good enough that I sought out a case of it afterwards, and somehow kept every glass full while still checking that our orders were perfectly executed. That dude made about 400 on us.

>> No.6817565

Waitress didn't take the money
some bitch eating free dinner took the money

>> No.6817569

Because I don't pay nurses at all.

>> No.6817570

Male nurses are still a minority. If I'd managed to engage you in conversation, I'd get you something you'd appreciate. If not, probably a restaurant gift card.

>> No.6817574

Ralph Fiennes from the Grand Budapest Hotel. He is customer service incarnate. What all waitstaff should aspire to be.

>> No.6817575

This. Waiting isn't a fucking profession, you're not supposed to make a living bringing shit from the kitchen to the table and vice versa.

>> No.6817588

Work is work. Some people are not cut out to chase their dreams, or they are in areas with high unemployment, They still have families to support.

Life's a hard ride. A few bucks added onto my bill means almost nothing to me. I make 32.50 an hour. But to the bitch who's been putting up with fuckers like you all day for minimum wage, that extra few bucks means the world.

Maybe I'm a socialist, but I like to help people out where I can. It's really no different to any other charity in my mind.

>> No.6817593

>It's really no different to any other charity
The point is that charity is voluntary, and I would rather spend my voluntary charity on somebody else than a waitress. But as it stands it's not even voluntary and you're forced to pay that shit.

Just because you feel good doing it doesn't mean it's a fair or rational system.

>> No.6817600

Fair enough.

Believe me, its a thankless job, even when done well. Some such gesture from time to time is nice and appreciated.

Not like waiters/bartenders who think its their privilege.

>> No.6817603

you dont pay bartenders or waiters for their job either.

its a tip, or a gratuity.
you pay ontop of what their employers who hire them pay them.

>> No.6817604

Unless you are eating at a place that has a forced gratuity advertised, you aren't forced to pay anything.

If by "forced" you mean that people think you are a cheap, unfeeling prick, if you don't, then yes, you are. And they are correct about you.

>> No.6817606

I wish they would stop paying doctors so much money, so that I'm not forced to pay so much when I go to the hospital.

I'd rather spend my voluntary charity on someone else than a doctor.

>> No.6817609

>>That dude made about 400 on us.

If a nurse cares for and medically treats a seriously ill close relative of yours for a month impeccably, or you yourself, how much do you tip them?

>> No.6817612


you know you can ask to tip the kitchen? its not a bad way to get hooked up if you come back.

>> No.6817617


this is pretty good, but i also recomend buying your first drink with cash and tipping like 5$. switch to a card and then at the end of the night you'll see that they didn't charge you for most of your drinks.

>> No.6817620

>you'll see that they didn't charge you for most of your drinks.

how is that possible.

thats completely fucking the owner.

>> No.6817625

I pay bars and restaurants. I don't pay hospitals.

>> No.6817627

It's illegal too but it happens a lot

>> No.6817631

Are you dense? The salary doctors get is not charity, it's paid by their employers. If you want to ccall tipping "just like any other charity" that means it's entirely voluntary.

>If by "forced" you mean that people think you are a cheap, unfeeling prick, if you don't, then yes, you are. And they are correct about you.
Do you pay to every charity that you can pay for? Red cross, doctor's wihtout borders, cancer research, all of them? Why don't you pay, are you an inconsiderate unfeeling prick?

Money is limited and charity is voluntary, meaning you pick out of several possible alternatives you can pay for if you wanted. The idea that I don't pay for one specific charity makes me a prick is retarded to say the least.

>> No.6817636

hope you end up with all the shittiest, most unmotivated nurses who destroy your health.

>> No.6817638

As i stated previously, I provide gifts for good care. There is a difference between the pay structure each receives.

As a general rule I provide gifts of some form to all of the service people I deal with regularly. Usually at Christmas time. The accountant gets something his family will enjoy when they go out on the lake (last year was a bluetooth speaker for their campfires), the mailman gets something I baked, the newspaper boy gets a gift certificate to Gamestop because I know he's a gamer, the family's general practitioner usually gets a new golf club.

Taking care of people means they take care of you. I can't even begin to list the discounts I've gotten because someone that I treat well knew someone, or the connections I've made that have helped me professionally by doing this.

Take care of the people in your life, and they take care of you.

>> No.6817642

Some bars give their tenders expense accounts. To use for spillages, overpours, treating customers. etc.

Other bars have their tenders bring in their own alcohol gives them a percentage of sales.

>> No.6817645

The real issue here is why do prostitutes make more than nurses?

>> No.6817646

You go to a restaurant expecting to tip. It is the socially accepted paradigm. Do you go through community car washes and not pay? I mean, by law, that group of cheerleaders can only collect money from you as a charity.

>> No.6817648


I'm duly impressed. And most of that is more than I can readily afford to do as a nurse myself.

Nonetheless, something pisses me off about the idea of a waiter pulling a 400 tip, no matter how good he is, for one evening, as compared to my profession for example, and all the education, time and diligence I have to put into it so I dont fuck my patients up.

>> No.6817653

Exactly. 20% is like fucking exceptional service, some kind of special circumstance only.

>> No.6817654

>It is the socially accepted paradigm

Which is open for questioning, updated or if deemed necessary, removing.

>> No.6817657

Yeah, but you also have to understand that he is a the top of his "profession".

He is the high class escort at a fine french establishment compared to crackwhore sucking cocks for change at waffle house.

Private nurses in the employ of wealthy home patients can get massive bonuses and gifts. But again, they are the top of their game.

>> No.6817662

The vast majority of people have no problem tipping. that's why it still works. The few people that don't mind some spit in their food are on 4chan crying abut tipping.

>> No.6817663

>You go to a restaurant expecting to tip. It is the socially accepted paradigm.
Again pro-tipping people fail to understand that it's not the individual cases of tipping people are against. It's the whole paradigm as a whole is retarded and should be changed. Yes I tip now, because that's the paradigm, but I wish that'd change. Saying "Just tip it's a custom" is as inane as saying "We shouldn't legalize marijuana, because it's illegal".

>> No.6817668

I'm glad I'm not poor like you.

>> No.6817669

>has an nonaccredited associates
One of these things does not belong.

Stop whining go back to school, and get a real salary. Most nurses get shit, because anyone can do their job with a few weeks of training.

>> No.6817675

I will put RNs up against many so called "Professionals" for effort. How many plumbers out there are forced to earn continuing education credits to maintain their licenses?

>> No.6817677

Well, then I'm glad I don't live in the US where an actual fifth of the bill as tip is considered fucking standard. How did that even happen?

>> No.6817678

>We shouldn't legalize marijuana, because it's illegal.

First thing you've said that I agree with.

>> No.6817679

Its also expected and a socialmparadigm that when you go a restaurant you get service and food equal in value to its quality and cost.

Tipping should not be necessary, as it is not in any other service industry.

>> No.6817680

Stop spending your money on pot and you'll have money to tip with.

>> No.6817687

by all means, I hope you and your family end up with "nurses" who have a few weeks training.

RN have a bachelor degree.

You have no idea how many things can go severely wrong, and how much education and diligence it takes to ensure it does not.

>> No.6817689

I don't smoke pot, it's an analogy. If you are against one rule/custom/law then replying with "Don't breark the rule/custom/law because that makes you a criminal/douchebag" is missing the point. The rule is what makes people criminals, and we're arguing for the abolishment of the rule itself.

>> No.6817691

Tipping is customary in many service industries. You tip a masseuse, a hairdresser/barber, a valet, a bartender, cooks you have direct interaction with such as Sushi, or Mongolian grill cooks, pet groomers...

I suppose it would be okay to see wages improved accross the board, and tipping dropped. But personally, I'd tip something anyways for the people I deal with regularly. I appreciate the people I deal with knowing me by name and remembering my preferences. It's one of the things I enjoy most now that I've advanced in my career and can afford to tip generously.

>> No.6817694

>Continuing education credits
Fancy name for 15 hours of workshops every 2 years.

Waiters have to take a food safety certification course every two years too.

>> No.6817708

>RN have a bachelors degree
What fucked up state do you live in?

>> No.6817711

You pay three times as much as we do for food - and that's after tipping. If your grass hut country adopted the tipping tradition, you could afford to dine out daily.

>> No.6817712

I've never known a nurse to take so few. Typically the hospital lawyers make everyone take a bunch for the sake of covering asses.

My wife is in a class of some type at least twice a month.

>> No.6817713

>Don't break the rule/custom/law because that makes you a criminal/douchebag
I agree with this too

>> No.6817714

I live in Finland.

As for you in the US:
"In the United States, a registered nurse is a clinician who has completed at least an associate degree in nursing or a hospital-based diploma program. The RN has successfully completed the NCLEX-RN examination for initial licensure. Associate degrees in nursing frequently take three years to complete because of the increased volume of undergraduate coursework related to the profession of nursing. Bachelor of Science in Nursing degrees include more thorough coursework in leadership and community health.

Specialty certification is available through organizations such as the American Nurses Credentialing Center, a subsidiary of the American Nurses Association. After meeting the eligibility requirements and passing the appropriate specialty certification exam, the designation of Registered Nurse – Board Certified (RN-BC) credential is granted."

You are grossly underestimating the amount of education a RN has.

>> No.6817718


Severely underrated post.

>> No.6817719

>>mind blown

indeed this makes no sense.

>> No.6817720

So all people in parliament should just sit there and not do anything, because changing, abolishing or creating a law "would be illegal" from the law of today?

>> No.6817722

This. I travel to Australia for work pretty regularly. Meals out in general are 2-3 times what I'd pay for the same meal in the US. Thankfully, I get a decent per diem for food when I'm over there, but if I wasn't, I'd be eating canned soup for every meal over there.

>> No.6817730

Changing a law or social norm is different than breaking/ignoring one. We obey a law until it is changed. If enough people cry out for it, that the government removes "tipped minimum wages", then stop tipping. In the meantime, that server needs that extra money to buy cigarettes.

>> No.6817736

Yes and that's exactly the point. I tip now, but I argue that the system should be changed? See where I'm coming from?

>> No.6817749

And I'd still tip if the law changed. I like good service. When I'm in Australia it's impossible to get fast service. Meals take forever because it take 15 minutes between drink and entree orders. However, when a waitress realizes she's got a table of yanks, and there's a chance to see a tip, the speed improves dramatically. In this world, we get what we pay for, and that includes service.

>> No.6817750

>all people in parliament should just sit there and not do anything,

That would be a dream come true.

>> No.6817768

>It's popular, therefore right

>> No.6817770

you don't know what you're talking about

>> No.6817772

How am I getting spit on my food by not tipping?

Seriously, explain this.

>> No.6817775

This is literally how society norms and laws are formed.

> Bob kills Joe. People liked Joe. Everyone agrees that Bob should not be allowed to kill Joe. Murder is now outlawed.

>> No.6817777

Pretty much exactly what I said.

>> No.6817783


I myself have a Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Makes pragmatically very little difference to those associates degrees. Those also would be Bachelor if it wasn't for the unending and inexhaustible need for more nurses.

>> No.6817786

You have correctly pointed out a mistake. I had written cocktail, but decided to change it to martini to sound more sophisticated. I should have changed shaken to stirred at the same time.

>> No.6817788

Valid point there. Nurses are so highly sought after now, that old bats that don't even know how to operate modern patient tracking software are still working, It's why my wife has to track some medication on a new merged tracking package, an old green screen based medicine tracking system, and fill some forms out in triplicate.

>> No.6817789

There is a unending and inexhaustible need for physicians too, but they all manage to get a doctorate.

>> No.6817791

It's cool. James Bond love has faded overtime, but there's always some faggot ordering it shaken. Of course, he has no idea how a martini should taste, so there's no real risk of fucking up his drink.

>> No.6817797

The difference between associates degree and bachelor degree in this instance is mostly related to which places of learning can give out which degrees.

As I said, the two degrees pragmatically differ very little, and the associates degree is as coursework intensive, and long, as the bachelor degree.

What is your education?

(And no, there is a far greater need for nurses, than physicians.)

>> No.6817799

And if they all did get doctorates, then they would be doctors, and everyone would be bitching that there are no nurses, and that it's impossible to find a job as a doctor.

The world needs people of all skill levels.

>> No.6817812

I have a M.ED in Classroom Management and Curriculum

>> No.6817813

Nurses can be doctors. There are doctorates in nursing.

>> No.6817816

waitstaff always made more than cooks. only person in BOH that makes more than waitstaff is the head chef and maybe the sou chef. ive worked in 3 star restaurants in nyc so yes i expected 20%. its not unusual that i get 30% or higher. if you tip 15% i will relay this to the floor manager and she will ask if the service was good while the waitstaff gives you the look of "fuck you".

>> No.6817821

Phd not md dickhead. Getting phd in nursing is just some retarded shit that a white girl with low self esteem will do. My brother is a anesthetic nurse, and he makes more than 2 PHD nurse combined.

>> No.6817830


Why do waitstaff have such a strong sense of entitlement that they're unsatisfied that they aren't getting enough free money when people don't tip excessively? I've worked FoH and it's not that fucking hard, and I made way more money than I did working in a coffee shop. Some people are cunts but whatever, that's working in the service industry for you.

Now I've worked BoH 5 years and sometimes waitstaff have the balls to complain to the kitchen about tables not tipping enough, meanwhile we're all fantasizing about strangling them.

>> No.6817836

Who the fuck was talking about MD? Not I. Lawyers have doctorates, physicians have doctorate, a growing number of teachers have doctorates. Doctorates are the way of the future. Anyone who doesn't have at least a Masters is a uneducated slacker.

>> No.6817839

im guessing you have an A.S
ASN is from community college
BSN is from 4 year insitutes
ASN has no science background
BSN has chem, orgo, biochem, genetics and some other stuff
ASN does not get hired by good hospitals, they have to work at rehabs or nursing facilities
BSN can get 2 years of experience can go to grad school to specialize

>> No.6817849

because we are struggling (a little spoiled) students and artist that needs it after getting use to having $.

>> No.6817868


Ok, so it's just because they're entitled cunts then. Shocking.

>> No.6817870

They really are. One literally complained loudly that I didn't give her enough. We gave her 15%.

>> No.6817874

I work at a sushi bar, in the kitchen. I've watched one of our servers hassle two separate Japanese tables because they didn't tip
She then made a printout explaining tipping to in four different languages, and leaves it in their checkbook

Of course, its the same server that bitches and whines about anything less than 20% on one of several $200 bills in the shift, while I'm sweating my nuts off for $13/h

I'm heading into work in a bit, I'll take a pic of the printout

>> No.6817877

Underrated post

>> No.6817881

Why wasn't she fired? I don't understand how you can treat customers that way.

>> No.6817884

When I used to work as a server while going to school, I would be very outwardly happy when tipped 20%. These days these little hipsters doesnt bat an eye at a 20% tip, its the norm for them.

>> No.6817889

Who cares, they are probably tourists.

>> No.6817894

yeah, no it wasn't
in the 80's 10 was standard and 15 was considered exceptional service. richfags did 20 to make themselves feel important

>> No.6817899

this is one thing i'm ashamed for from my country
sorry, bro

>> No.6817901


Please be the norm in my lifetime.

>> No.6817907

I serve many business deals, its kind of nerve wracking (NYC Nobu57). If the deal doesn't close they leave 20%, and I end up feeling somewhat responsible. If the deal closes, I get 40%+. They don't really care, its all on the company card anyway.

>> No.6817919

I love feeling important almost as much as I love hearing you poorfags cry that 15% is too much. You will never know the joy of walking into a restaurant and having the servers actually be happy to serve you. I've seen servers beg to have me seated in their section.

The flirting is always nice too.

>> No.6817921

That's a terrible example. Australia pays service sector workers much more then any other country

>> No.6817928

People will bite onto it

>> No.6817932

I'm counting on it. Let's keep the discussion going. Tipping is not this evil thing that people on here think it is. It has a purpose. It's the same as paying a bonus to an employee. You get better work out of them, and they are generally happier if they are shown that you appreciate them.

>> No.6817938

Where I live there's a nice restaurant called Black Walnut Cafe. When you walk in there's a stand with menus you grab, then walk up to the registers. Once you order, they hand you your cup to fill up your own drink and another island to get your own silverware. They also give you a buzzer to get your own food when its ready. Not once do any staff come from behind the counter and interact with you. The only people who leave the back all the Mexican kids busing the tables.
Best part is they have a tip jar and a tip line on the receipt paper. No way I'd ever fucking tip in that establishment.

>inb4 poorfag

would you tip a cab driver if he hopping into the passenger seat and made you drive to your location?

>> No.6817941

Slippery slope. 15,20,25 soon enough people will marrying their dogs.

>> No.6817946

We have a burger place like that. Best burgers in town.

>> No.6817947

That's not a good anology because they're not making you go out back and cook your own food.

>> No.6817954

I'm the richfag defending tipping. No I would not tip here. No more than I would at any cafeteria style restaurant. If they did have someone coming around and keeping my drink full I would put something on.

The tip is for a server. if you eliminate the server, I have no reason to tip.

>> No.6817977
File: 2.53 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20150826_080418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the printout

>> No.6817988

I would give 0% for being obnoxious.

>> No.6817991

>Giving Japanese people help figuring out percentages
Waiter-san insult their honor.

>> No.6818014

I would hand it back with "quality service" underlined.

>> No.6818026

10 times

>> No.6818042

the only thing i can think of, is that the cost of the food generally sets the standard for the dining experience. the more the food costs, the better the service you get with your food. and yes, service at an expensive restaurant is very different than at say Denny's.
Me personally though, I tip 10 unless i take my fiancee out for a nice evening at a very nice restaurant, then I'll tip 15-20 (which at that point will be $30-50)

>> No.6818068

your joke at the end aside, i'm not required to do a god damn thing other than pay the pre-agreed amount that was on the menu at the time of ordering.

people assume necessity out of preference, which is not the same at all. if I decide to walkout without tipping a penny, I'm not in the wrong no matter what the SJW's say. I may be an asshole, but I'm not in the wrong. especially since they get reimbursed by the establishment.

>> No.6818076

Tipping is considered disrespectful in Japan.

>> No.6818078

wow you're an idiot, huh?

first learn how laws are made
then learn what 'literally' means

>> No.6818083

I have a BSN.

You guess wrong, and I've already stated it once in this thread.

>> No.6818092

what do you call a martini with scotch in it? I saw it once and I can't remember the name for the life of me.

>> No.6818095

But you admit that it's an asshole thing to do.

I have one goal in life.
Don't be a dick.

If everyone lived by that one rule, we could turn this whole world into one bug happy fun time Mardi Gras party.

>> No.6818104

a smoky martini

>> No.6818119

I wish I got a bonus every day multiple times for my entire career.

>> No.6818120

My statement was in no way figurative.

Yes, actual laws require a process by whatever the ruling group of the day happens to be. But societal norms and the laws they create stem from the empathy of the population. It's an idealistic view that does not allow for corruption. But then, when we deal like an issue like tipping, where you are NOT required by law to participate, we're only talking about society, so all that other bullshit goes out the window.

>> No.6818124

you're tipping for a service provided, the server not the cook, but this place makes you your own server

the analogy is fine, i was relating it to servers

>> No.6818125

I'm sure if you approach your employer, and offer to take half of what they are required to pay you, in exchange for tips from your clients, they would be happy to accommodate you.

>> No.6818128

exactly, that's why i get bothered when the receipt prints out with a tip line. like, really?

>> No.6818136

manhattan and rob roy

>> No.6818139

but for many people being an asshole doesn't go against their ethics, and its not legally required.

So when people get mad at others for low tips it rubs me the wrong way. Since legality aside, this is just a matter of opinion.

>> No.6818151

Ah. I thought you meant adding scotch to a martini, which is made with gin or vodka. Not instead of the gin or vodka.

>> No.6818153

you simplified a complicated system and it made you look like you didn't know what you were talking about.

but in concept you are right, the majority votes in the lawmakers who make the law. but we all know that the majority doesn't have a say anymore once the lawmaker is in office and that the majority may not have actually had a say in their appointment.

>> No.6818154

But those of us complaining also believe that everyone else should try to not be an asshole. That's the whole point of the discussion.

>> No.6818155

awesome, thank you

>> No.6818163

unfortunately in sure that's what it will take

my rappers lifestyle will have to be put on hold until I'm 50 i guess

>> No.6818168

Start now as a street rapper and get mad tips busking every day, yo. In fact, tips are all you'll get. Well, tips and saliva.

>> No.6818216

i hope so too anon
it'll probably never become general practice in the huge chain corporate jew-owned restaurants though