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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6810652 No.6810652 [Reply] [Original]

Any picky eaters here? What are some things you don't eat, and did you try overcoming this?
I'll start.
>fish or seafood
>herbs like dill or parsley, especially in soups/stews
>raw tomatoes
>stringy cold cuts
I try to eat tomatoes from time to time, but fish is too much for me.

>> No.6810666


>> No.6810668

i used to didn't like mushrooms but i've been forcing myself to eat them recently and they're pretty great

>> No.6810669

I'm a pickle eater. I live pickles.

>> No.6810676

People who are picky eaters rarely admit or realize they are. "Oh I enjoy anything, just not fish, mushrooms, beans, celery, etc.".

>> No.6810678

peppers (any kind)
I recently got a job at a fancy restaurant though, and I've been trying out eating things out of my comfort zone because I don't want to reveal my plebness to my co-workers.

>> No.6810682

Fish (sometimes a fish sandwich is okay, i mince up some cod and mix it with mayo and lemon juice)
That's about it

>> No.6810699

I've got some weird shit in my head that if I threw it up when I was younger than 10,just smelling it makes me vomit
>peanut butter
I can eat Parm and pecorino but american,Swiss and cheddar are off limits. Weirdly enough I can eat cheese flavored things. It makes ordering pizza with me a fucking nightmare because half of it won't get cheese.
The pros is that nobody ever eats my leftover pizza

>> No.6810737
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>Cucumber pickles

>> No.6810742

I pretty much try everything, and love a lot of vegetables and foreign food. However there are just some things I can't get over.

> oinons( love the taste in food, fucking haate the texture except super cooked down
> tomatoes
> bell peppers
> sauerkraut
> tarter sauce/ relish
> anything with mayo

>> No.6810743


>> No.6810744

Extremely picky eater here

No cheese ever, this includes cottage cheese, Nacho cheese, and cheesecake
>except Parmesan, Romano, and Mozzarella, and only in specific circumstances (on pizza or grated over pasta), Also cream cheese is ok only in frosting and only if it's not too
No sour cream
No avocados/guacamole
>except in sushi, and only in small doses
No yogurt
No mayo
>except in tuna fish or potato salad, again, only if it's not t heavily used
No balsamic vinegar
No thick salad dressings, only vinaigrettes
No mushrooms

There's more but I'll stop
The main problem with the things that I don't like, is that I don't just "not prefer" them. I genuinely hate them and they make me sick. For some of these items I get anxious if I have to sit next to someone who is eating it. The smell of cottage cheese makes me gag.

>> No.6810762


literal autism, folks.

where on the spectrum are you?

>> No.6810769

Yeah no. Not on the spectrum, just a picky eater.

>> No.6810780

Not picky at all. i'll try anything. The only food I haven't been able to enjoy is Durian. Fuck Durian. it's like fermented sweat socks stored up an ass for 15 years.

>> No.6810795

>Not on the spectrum, just a picky eater.

> I get anxious if I have to sit next to someone who is eating it.

>gets anxiety if someone around him is eating yogurt

You're not a picky eater you have serious mental health issues.

>> No.6810803


feel free to check off all that apply


>> No.6810805

Anxious because it smells bad and I have have to sit next to that nasty shit

You'd be anxious roof you had to sit next to a plate diarrhea

>> No.6810815

Once you finish high school and get out on your own, your experiences will widen.

>> No.6810817

you are a picky eater and a baby. How are you even on this board?

Did you come from a poor background?

You mustve grown up eating TV dinners. Disgusting.

>> No.6810819

Oh look at that none of them apply.

>> No.6810821

I'm 25 and live with a roomate in an apartment

>> No.6810824



>> No.6810826


except it's not diarrhea, it's food.

you're just autistic


it's ok, anon. you can tell us that you checked off a solid 5 or 6 things.

>> No.6810827

Too, if*

>> No.6810834

I shouldn't have clicked that link.

>> No.6810837

Right but to me it smells bad. Do you actually not know what autism is or are you just pretending to
>everyone I disagree with has autism meme
Why is it so important to you to believe I have autism? I'm well aware of what it is and I don't have it. I live a perfectly normal, happy, life, l'm just a really picky eater. It doesn't actually come up a whole lot, it's not like being a picky eater is fucking up my life or anything.

>> No.6810838

One of them is being a picky eater.

>> No.6810843
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Hotdogs. They're fucking disgusting.

>> No.6810851

I don't eat fruits or any product directly derived from fruits (juices, jams) or anything that (might) contain fruits (cakes, cookies, fruit yogurt, etc), apple vinegar, *berries, any kind of ice-cream made from fruits.…

I do eat some fruits - tomatoes (yes, it's fruit bitches), olives, coconuts, cacao beans, pistachio, all kind of nuts...
I do drink wine.

It's not that I'm allergic to fruits, I just don't like jelly-like feel, hate soft texture, hate the smell, hate the stickiness of it, hate the moldy form they get if left on room temperature.

I pretty much have the same reaction as OP pic related.

Fuck it, I'm weird.

>> No.6810880

I'm not a picky eater, but I really don't like raw tomatoes either. They just taste kind of gross to me. I can't stand scallops, but I like salmon and tilapia. I don't mind coffee, but it makes me really hungry for some reason.

>> No.6810883

I don't care for most seafood, though occasionally I'll eat some crab or lobster.

I don't like beets on their own, but I'll eat them mixed into something else, like borscht.

I don't like most organ meats/offal, but will occasionally eat some pate and don't mind little bits of them mixed into something like stuffing for Thanksgiving.

That's really it. I'll eat pretty much anything else.

>> No.6810885
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>> No.6810901

Kill yourself

>> No.6810912

The only thing I won't eat is beans.
I just don't like the texture in my mouth.

>> No.6810930


whoah there, no need to have a full-on sperg out.

but thanks for the longwinded post about not having autism, that surely changed my mind and i have seen that i was wrong this whole time :)


>> No.6810936

Any sauces really.
Any fish
Any meat that's not chicken or beef
Brussel Sprouts
The only vegetables I eat are raw broccoli dipped in vinegar and lettuce.
Any dressing
Cream Cheese
Very picky about cold cuts
Mashed potatoes

There's more that I don't eat than what I do eat.
When I lived with my boyfriend I'd make him all these exotic (to me) dishes and I had baked chicken breast with white rice every night.
I've been trying to eat more foods lately but I'm just really fucking picky.
No, I don't have autism.

>> No.6810946


how did your parents fuck up this badly?

did they cater to your every complaint like a princess? parents who don't force their kids to eat whatever food they make make me sick. and if the kid doesn't like what's being made, then they don't have to eat it or they can make something themselves.

before i moved out, my mom would always make great home cooked food. she got remarried and the daughters only eat processed frozen/fried shit and so my mom would be making two dinners a night.. never seen this shit before and we were both kinda shocked at how horribly they ate.

it's ridiculous that parents will cook something for everybody and then something else for little johnny cause he's a little bitch.

>> No.6810952

oh, right, you're stubborn and hopeless, my bad.

>> No.6810956


whoah there, buddy. please simmer down that autistic rage before it boils over completely. it's making me anxious.

>> No.6810957

>tomatoes except for caprese salad
There are more but that's off the top of my head

>> No.6810958
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eggs. eggs are a one way ticket out of flavortown

>> No.6810963

>i'll take desperate tactics for 1000, alex

>> No.6810967

A lot of cooked veggies. I remember getting nauseous in front of mushy cooked carrots. On the other hand cooked tomatoes are way better than raw ones (can take them as garnish but don't like them on their own). Texture of cooked onion is also pretty bad but it depends on preparation.
Most cheese especially on its own, I tried eating bits of swiss cheese as a kid, but never liked it. parmesan smells like shit. Mild cheeses in recipe are fine though.
Balsamic vinegar ruins salad but can handle it if needed.
And sliced ham for some reason.

>> No.6810968

I'm not a big fan of stews.

>> No.6810969

I don't enjoy cilantro.

I eat it anyway because nobody gives a shit whether I like it or not.

>> No.6810973

>did they cater to your every complaint like a princess?

Yes, somewhat. But I was a horrible daughter. They tried the old "you're not leaving this table until you clear your plate" but I would just sleep at the table.
I was a spoiled brat in every sense of the word. Thankfully I grew out of it and am now trying new foods.

I tried Wahi Wahi and crab in the Virgin Islands. Didn't like them, but I tried them. I also tried hot wings last year and love them.

>> No.6810975

are you one of those who thinks it tastes like soap?

>> No.6810978

But beef stew is just about the comfiest food around

>> No.6810992

Yesterday my dad added diced up mangos to the spaghetti and meatsauce for dinner. It was really good but wtf, how did he think of that combination

>> No.6811001

>wahi wahi

at least you tried

>> No.6811005


>he thinks he can out-shitpost me

Get real, kid.

>> No.6811008
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How the fuck are you even alive?

>> No.6811011

This ugly looking thing.
I remember it being called wahi on the menu and asking if it was the same as Mahi Mahi.

>> No.6811014


>> No.6811017
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Fucking christ I'm stupid.
This thing

>> No.6811032

I would have taken your chair away and beat you every time you sat on the floor.

>> No.6811041
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Any kind of fruit.
I ate fruit as a toddler. I have absolutely no clue what happened.

>> No.6811048

dolphin fish?

>> No.6811052

Most bread.

I despise it. I have eaten one sandwich in my life and hated it. I have never had a hamburger. The smell of white bread is absolutely sickening to me and I cannot stand it.

I'll eat pizza, but never loaf bread. I know it's weird but it actually makes me physically sick to eat sandwich type bread or buns.

Pita is ok although I don't like it.

>> No.6811056

same as me (>>6810851) or are you more liberal?

>> No.6811068

Primarily raw fruits. Jams, juices, cakes etc.

>> No.6811093



I just swallow without chewing.

>> No.6811101

Damn, this thread is making feel really lucky. I used to not like olives, but I just kept trying them until I did. I thought I didn't like mushrooms either, but it turns out I just think stewed white button mushrooms suck.

>> No.6811111

I hate cake. I hate baked goods in general. I like pies, turnovers, and cookies though.

>> No.6811137

Only things I can't eat are sun dried tomatoes and pizza unless it's kebab or chicken pizza

>> No.6811144
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Cinlantro, that's about it.

>> No.6811167


if having to sit next to someone who eats diarrhoea was a regular occurrence i would fucking get used to it, especially if it was extremely faint smelling diarrhoea that i knew for a fact was perfectly hygienic, you maximum sperg.

>> No.6811176

im not a fan of bananas, but i will eat them.

>> No.6811178


>> No.6811300

I'm very picky but its about textures not taste.
For example i loathe raw tomatoes and just looking at them makes me feel queesy, but love pasta sauces and pizza where they're liquefied.
Bell peppers are another one, love the flavor but eating them raw or cooked makes me gag.
Starting to try new things i just blanketed out and now i realise i love chickpeas, mushrooms and green onion. Still won't go near most veggies and have to take a multivitamin or i'll probably die.
Love all meats though, even the weird ones and offal. Really want to try more exotic meats.

Also ketchup and mayo are literal filth and i won't even use them in cooking.

>> No.6811315

i get it.
love chick peas, hate hummus

>> No.6811322

I started cooking. I think most things I hated were just prepared horrifically badly in my early years, either by my parents who try but are mostly clueless, or by neighbors and aunts and uncles ranging from clueless to batshit insane.

But some things still refuse to sit well with me. Like cantaloupe. Everyone always says "You just haven't had good cantaloupe! Here try this." It doesn't end well.

>> No.6811329

Why is it that everybody thinks he is the best cook?

>> No.6811332

I'm trying to like hummus, but it's not working. I did get over my dislike of pretzels though.

>> No.6811337
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>> No.6811338

I was being unfair to my parents. They're actually pretty good especially my dad. It's the holiday meals at aunt Margaret's house I've tried to suppress.

>> No.6811341


The smell and taste literally make me gag. It fucking lingers too.

Dont like most fruits either but nothing thatll make me chuck like bananas.

Do mushy vegetables count?

>> No.6811352

i will honestly eat almost anything but peas, celery and green beans. I can swallow them quick if they're in soup but i gag otherwise. Its strange because any other green vegetable is fair game but i've hated all three as long as i can remember and recent attempts at cooking them well fared no better. They just taste like sweaty ass smells.

>> No.6811363

When I was a kid I read too many nature and biology books for my own good, and it scarred me mentally when it come to things like seafood and mushrooms. I love fish, but things like octopus and jellyfish make me feel really uncomfortable knowing how they operate.

Luckily I didn't read too much about land animals so I'm totally fine eating pig intestines, chicken feet, brain, etc.

>> No.6811374

I avoid onions because I can pick up the texture when people prepare them poorly

Which is 99.999999999999999999% of the time.

I hate bananas (Texture + flavor)
I hate guac (Avocados are fine tho.)
Mushrooms outside of cream of mushroom soup
Huge pieces of tomato

Mashed potatoes made by people I don't know, as they could be incompetent and suck at mashing, leaving huge chunks of potatoes behind.

>> No.6811376

This is my exact experience. Durian burps for the next 6 hours too. No amount of brushing my teeth/mouthwash helped. What the fuck, durian.

>> No.6811378

How do people dislike fish? I can understand if the skin is left on because that can be off putting but a nice juicy slab of salmon is delicous

>> No.6811391

My sister has the same issue. She'll eat any smelly vegetable but god forbid if you put a banana or apple anywhere near her. So strange. Made our mom an apple crumble for her birthday and she wouldn't touch it.

>> No.6811406

Anything with cumin in it. Cumin tastes like the way an Indian's armpit smells.

>> No.6811423
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>> No.6811427


>All these people hate tomatoes and onions.

>> No.6811429

I'm cumin in it.

>> No.6811440

Red Onions
Rucola Salad
And that's about it, i guess

>> No.6811442

I just realized this is a bait thread

>> No.6811446

I god i fucking love hummus, and pretzels too

>> No.6811447
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>> No.6811461

hmmm...well be glad you are able to be picky,,,

because limited choices or even semi starvation is an AMAZING motivator for you to eat what ever is put in front you .

>> No.6811504

I don't like onions
Aubergines or eggplants like plebs like to call them I get stomachaches
and I'm allergic to mushrooms

>> No.6811509


Eggs. I've tried them again and I still can't stand them. My breakfasts are pretty fucking boring I'll admit that.

>> No.6811702

I wonder how many posters here are old enough to know what game this even comes from...

>> No.6811755

Maniac Mansion?

>> No.6811769

That's Adventure isn't it?

>> No.6811773

That thing in op's pic is a such a faker. Cries when she realizes what she already knows and even invited a faggy TV show to film. And even though she goes full retard at the thought of vegetables it goes ahead and crams its face in the shit and acts like she rimjobbed a festering corpse.

>> No.6811777

I used to hate tomatoes, but I realized I only hated flavorless store-bought ones when I ate my first homegrown tomato. Now I'm just picky about eating shitty tomatoes, I guess.

The only other food I can't stand is any type of bell pepper. Even after fulfilling my "try it 3 times" rule I dislike them. I'll still eat them if included in a dish, but you'll never find a bell pepper in my fridge at home.

>> No.6811781

If recognizing that is considered old, I am fucking ancient.

I had a Tandy computer, a 186 and remember before the internet was ubiquitous. I used to use dial up to log onto BBS's when I was in my 20's. I had a 1200 baud.

>> No.6811792

By 4chan standard that's pretty ancient, yeah

>> No.6811798

>Raw tomatoes, unless the nasty, slimy innards are removed first
>99% of all meat
>All seafood
>Melon of any kind
>Romaine lettuce, other kinds are fine
>Cucumbers, unless pickled
>Cottage cheese
>Scrambled/boiled/fried eggs. Lost my taste for them while I was pregnant.

I think that's pretty much it.
I wish I could eat meat and cucumbers especially, but I get sick to my stomach when I try. I love the smell of cucumbers.
I'll try anything once or twice though.

>> No.6811804

never cared for
>raw oysters
now i
>love raw oysters
>love mushrooms
>enjoy spinach

i am still picky with some shit, but alcohol helps me get over it most of the time. now the things im most picky on are
>cold greens
>small veggies and other non meat shit like rice
i know it sounds bad, but i really just can do salads or rice or peas. other than that, im not so bad... right?

>> No.6811806

it's like /ck/ has a palate of a 12 year old

>> No.6811894

You just noticed that now?

>> No.6811896

Palate, mind, body, etc...

>> No.6811924

Did your mother cook? Did she "cook?" Or was it just fast food all the time for you?

>> No.6811927

My mother used to bake salmon with pretty much no seasonings. Always was bland and crumbly nastiness. I used to hate fish because of it. Grew up and started cooking for myself and learned to make flavorful dishes and now quite enjoy some seafood

>> No.6811930
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My boyfriend doesn't like ground meat.

Of any kind.


>> No.6811939

maybe his parents should ground him for not eating his ground meat

>> No.6811942

While I'm one of those persons who will try a new food readily the one thing I can't stand is raw tomatoes. I love it in every other form I'll even eat the chunks on tomato sauce but uncooked tomatoes are my kryptonite.

And mushrooms but to a lesser extent, I don't hate them but I've yet to have them in anyway that I genuinely enjoyed.

>> No.6811945

My dad mostly cooked. He's actually a pretty good cook, too. As a child there were a lot of dinner time arguments involving me having to eat shit I didn't like. This is a pretty big reason why I started cooking for myself.

>> No.6811950
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>> No.6811952
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Have an older Hammond.

Don't have the heart to post a goatee Hammo.

>> No.6811954

Water chestnuts, and I will probably never enjoy having them.

Oh, and mussels.

>> No.6811964

I don't like raw tomatoes, or pineapple on pizza (though I do like pineapple itself and in other dishes).

I don't really consider myself a picky eater though.

>> No.6811975

>I don't like ice cream on pizza. (though I do like ice cream itself and in other dishes).
>I don't like broccoli on pizza. (though I do like broccoli itself and in other dishes).

>> No.6811980

Some people have assumed, in the past, that when I say I don't like pineapple on pizza, that I mean I don't like pineapple. I specified for that reason.

>> No.6811986

fish and seafood. physical ill reaction hwwwaaaark.

but i lovelovelove sushi
>explain that

>> No.6811992

>I'll try anything once or twice though.


>> No.6811994

Yeah I was being facetious

>> No.6811997

>I live a perfectly normal, happy, life
So do most people with downs.

>> No.6812002

I used to be so fucking picky, the kind of guy that gets plain cheeseburgers, cheese only pizza, wouldn't even go near sushi or exotic shit like that I hated all kinds of vegetables
idk when exactly I grew out of that but now I fucking love things I used to hate. gimme a pizza with onions peppers olives mushrooms
cauliflower is one of my favorite foods which I used to hate
but one thing I still hate with a passion is raw tomatoe
fuck that noise you bring that shit anywhere near my burger its going back

>> No.6812003

Oh so now it's shifted from autism to downs? And also no they don't. Happy...maybe. Normal, no.
>hey I should know, I have downs

>> No.6812008

Have you tried kosher dogs? I mean if it's all the nasty bits that are putting you off

>> No.6812014

This. Try going with only 1 "meal" a day for a week and then having nothing the day before your pay check OP.

>> No.6812029

How do you even function and go to work with that little nutrition? That sounds brutal.

>> No.6812039

Not that anon, but I can do that easily enough. Most days I only eat one meal anyway. Sucks about not being able to afford to eat though. I've never been that broke.

>> No.6812049


i eat 1 meal a day and i'm a fat fuck, it doesn't mean you're eating fuckall

>> No.6812058

What the fuck do you eat in that one meal?

>> No.6812063


not that much i just drink a lot.

>> No.6812074

sooo...what exactly are you eating ??...and how do you define picky ?... we must have wildly differing definitions of what "picky" means
because that picture is just ...wow..I mean you have a double chin and you look extremely overweight.. so how much of what you can eat ..are you actually eating ???... I do not think "picky" is the right adjective you are searching for ...or to quote Inigo Montoya of princess bride fame.. " I do not think it means, what you think it means"

>> No.6812077

Can't tell if bait

>> No.6812088

no no bait ..I am not familiar with the gif is all..

>> No.6812091

It's from some reality TV show about fatasses trying to lose weight. It's not OP.

>> No.6812100

You know who else is fucking picky? Fat fucking Panda bears.

>> No.6812103

god this grosses me out ..
its like a car wreck ..I want to see the carnage..

I have to ask what is the show called ??

>> No.6812157

I honestly can't stand the texture of vegetables besides potatoes.

>> No.6812263

Seafood and organs. Pretty much everything else is fine. Except goatcheese, which tastes like barn.

>diagnosed autist here

>> No.6812577

I don't see what's the big deal with having food you don't like, you don't call people "picky movie watchers" for not liking certain movies, or "picky gamers" for not liking certain video games.

>> No.6812653



honestly dude, you might

>> No.6812737

One meal a day is a lot for me. I haven't eaten in, shit, maybe 3 days? I probably have an eating disorder though so it's not really a fair example.

>> No.6812749

Meat, dairy products, and eggs all really gross me out. I guess I've become a vegan.

>> No.6812752

I had serious issues with fish (other than tuna salad) for years. Eventually I got sick of not being able to enjoy so many things and started eating fish and chips 2-3 times a week. Once I could get that down without gagging and actually looked forward to ordering it, I started getting sushi rolls that had a lot of other things in them to cover the fish up, gradually shifting toward larger pieces of fish. All in all, after 2-3 months I was pretty much fine and could order and enjoy the majority of fish, regardless of how it's prepared. Still not too fond of cooked salmon though.

>> No.6812760

Cheese (except pizza)
Beans (except edamame)
Canned tuna (sashimi and seared ahi are good)
Chicken salad

>> No.6812769

Is a pretty underwhelming fish. I don't blame you.

>> No.6812772

Canned tuna. Not a huge fan of mushrooms in a lot of dishes, but I'll eat anything except canned fucking tuna. The smell just obliterates my olfactory ability

>> No.6812773

>exclusively watches anime

>> No.6812776

I didn't like hotdogs for the longest time. They are pretty low tier. Basically just above frozen dinners. All beef hotdogs are better, though.

>> No.6812778

My brother doesn't like anything fruit related except lemons and oranges.

>> No.6812787

Yeah they have an awful texture. I can't stand them.

>> No.6812791

fucking ONIONS

Cooked onions can be okay depending on what they are in. White castle + mcdonalds burgers are okay. Onion rings are fine. Still can't fucking stand red onions. I eat wild onions (the kind that looks like grass) on occasion.

I also hate raw tomatoes and green+red peppers in stuff. I hate raw shrimp too. I hate all sour pickles. I hate avocadoes and guac. I love all leaf vegetable and often eat wild plants.

I think it has to be genetic or something.

>> No.6812798

I hear there's a genetic component to not liking it. Not your fault really.

>> No.6812803

People eat raw shrimp? Even in sushi it's cooked.

>> No.6812821
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At least I try shit.

>> No.6812834


What I'm gathering ITT is that I can essentially use raw tomatoes as some kind of autism detector

>> No.6812879

I feel bad for people like you. Especially for the seafood thing.

Fuck, man, I live thirty minutes from the ocean, and I've met so many people here who say they don't eat seafood. It's goddamn mind-boggling to me.

>> No.6812884

>Fresh bread (Has to be stale/ almost burnt or i gag when i try to eat it. Don't know why)
>Raw tomatoes
>Red meat
>Salty foods

>> No.6812890

Nothing. I hope you picky people never procreate.

>> No.6812904

I mostly got rid of my picky eating ways after my first year of college.

I still refuse to eat bugs or anything served to me that is still alive.

>> No.6812915

Should also probably mention that I'm fine with yeast, of course.

>> No.6812916

I've had it a million times in my life and no matter the toppings it's always been shit. Tastes like grease and cardboard. I can tolerate it if I'm at a party or some shit and starving but I won't be happy. Maybe the pizza places near me are just shit.

>> No.6812920
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Of all the foods I've eaten in the three decades I've been alive, the only things I hated were badly prepared. Overcooked vegetables. Dry, well done meat. Etc.

There are a few things I haven't liked, but I won't outright refuse to eat anything except vermin. I used to say I wouldn't eat bugs, but then I went and had these amazing little snails in a black bean sauce at a Vietnamese restaurant, and I had to change my rule.

I go out of my way to stretch my boundaries. I've eaten century egg. I've eaten durian. I've eaten hearts and kidneys and haggis and chitlins. Life is too fucking short to not try everything you can. Hating some food or ingredient, I can't wrap my mind around it. It's as alien a concept to me as being a fish or a bird.

>> No.6812925

what was your opinion on durian?

>> No.6812964

legumes, mushrooms, pork/ham/bacon/whatever and onion. Pig makes me feel ill (I don't know why and it sucks because I love the taste pork crackling but even a piece the size of my thumbnail makes me throw up in under 20 minutes), the rest I just don't like the texture of. Strange that so many people here hate both onions and raw tomatoes yet I love tomatoes raw, I eat them like apples if I can.

I also have a seafood allergy which is fun living in a seaside town...

>> No.6812981
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I got it frozen, of course, because you can't get them fresh where I live.

Smell wasn't too bad to me. Strong, but not foul. You need a good pair of gloves to mess with it though. They're heavy, and that spiky skin bites right into your hands. Maybe I cut into mine before it got the chance to get really smelly, but I couldn't be sure unless I bought another one.

The fruit was sweet--surprisingly so--with a custard like texture. Thick and viscous. Literally like pudding. There was a strange goopy stringiness to it. Taste wise? Up front, Vanilla, with maybe the slightest hint of banana. The back end was sulfuric. Straight onion-y. And the aftertaste definitely lingers. You ever eat a Whopper, and four hours later you burp and taste the onion? Just like that. Basically if you took vanilla pudding and put grated onion on top. It sounds disgusting, but if you can get past the aftertaste, it's delicious.
Did I like it? Yeah.
Would I eat it again? That's the problem. I can only get whole durians here, and the motherfuckers have like three pounds of edible flesh in them. I can't polish one off by myself. If if could, then hell yeah, I'd eat it again.

Pic related. That's what mine looked like. I don't know which variety this is, but I know there's more than one kind.

>> No.6813004

>I used to use dial up to log onto BBS's
Not especially ba--
>In my 20s
I don't like making people feel bad for their age, but you're grampa status easy.

>> No.6813013

Here's a good article on what durian is like.


>> No.6813024

My GF.

She will not eat the following;
>anything red
>any soup (too saucy)
>and casserole (again too saucy)
>anything with fat on it (bacon must be stripped of all fat before cooking, and then she must check it again before eating, steak too)
>fried rice (unless bought from a Chinese restaurant)
>dressings (guess why)
>Meat and cheese together (wont eat a ham & cheese sandwich, but will eat a ham sandwich and cheese on the side)
>Literally no vegetables other than potato, corn, broccoli, peas and beans.

Do you see what i have left to work with guys?
It can be a fucking nightmare :(

Especially when i love using my slow cooker for casseroles. I'm constantly making 2 dinners if i want anything "out of the ordinary."

>> No.6813045

>fresh bread makes you gag
What happened in your life that led you to this?

>> No.6813047

Freaky Eaters. That woman only eats cheesy potatoes.

>> No.6813048

Raw tomatoes
Blue cheese

>> No.6813052

i dont know if any other mushroom fags can help me but i think i literally have a fear of mushrooms

there used to be tons of foods i didn't like but i kept trying them in different dishes and i can say confidently that i am not picky at all that that i like any food that is objectiively good (btw the meal that is objectively good uses beets in the forefront just fyi)

but i can't eat mushrooms. i've tried so much, i've chewed them up, held them in my mouth for minutes at a time, eaten food with them cooked in and then removed and it literally made me feel nauseous at the idea of having eaten them

if i'm walking and see i'm about to step on a mushroom i freeze up a bit and i actually find them repulsive to look at in person, like i will NEVER EVER touch a mushroom thats growing out of the ground and i'm not squeamish or anything as i have licked many girls assholes

is this common? am i autistic? mushrooms are literally my only fear, i think i'd be more comfortable with someone pulling a knife on me then making me touch the bottom of a portabello mushroom. they're just so creepy its like bizarre cronenburg flesh growing out of the ground

please help

>> No.6813067

There's only one question that matters.

Why bother?

>> No.6813069

I will eat almost anything

One big exception are raw onions, I can only tolerate them when they are at least lightly pickled.

if they are completely cooked they are fine

>> No.6813072

I understand not liking them but being so repulsed that you freeze up is autistic. Never tell anyone about this ever again.

>> No.6813083

i think its like an honest instinctual revulsion, like i used to be one of those guys who got creeped out when things had lots of holes in them but i desensitized my self to that because i didn't want to look like some kind of pussy

i can't do it with mushrooms though, i used to have dreams of fungus growing inside of me.
i guess its better than being scared of spiders of small spaces like some kind of redditor LMAO

>> No.6813084

>i guess its better than being scared of spiders of small spaces
It's really not.

>> No.6813085

this was my first and only experience with durian. I'd be willing to try the fruit, now, after hearing your description, but these wafers were unbearable. I couldn't even finish the package, and I hate wasting food.

>> No.6813086

why? i like spiders just like i love all the beautiful creatures of the world

i am relaxed in any space because after all the world is a tiny thing too
but gosh thinking about mushrooms this much is giving me the willies

>> No.6813088
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forgot picture

>> No.6813090

It's not autistic but it's weird as fuck

>> No.6813094

it is really weird! like i can not swallow them. i once ate two heaping bulls of risotto cooked with mushrooms (but with the mushrooms taken out) and i wanted to puke all day just because the mushrooms were cooked in, honestly just thinking about it made me nauseous

i'm a very rational and relaxed guy its just this one thing and i'd rather not have it be a thing to be honest

>> No.6813095

I truly pity picky eaters, they miss out on a lot of tasty things the culinary world has to offer.

>> No.6813102

interesting anecdote, but this

>durian is better than wine, cheese, chocolate

bugged me to a degree. That kind of sweeping generalization just seems disingenuous. I wouldnt say cheese is better than wine, or wine is better than chocolate. They are all different and serve their own purpose. I'm still curious to try durian, though.

>> No.6813113

When they went down into the basement, his Dad would stuff fresh bread in his mouth to stifle the screams.

>> No.6813127

That's not being picky, it's a phobia. As in, don't fault yourself for it. If you do want to get over it, though, it's possible

>> No.6813149

I cannot stand Tomatoes at all and everyone thinks that's weird as fuck.

>tomato loving privilege is going to a restaurant and your sandwich coming back with a tomato because they automatically assume you like them

>> No.6813171

because love bro, because love.

>> No.6813200

I can't eat onions unless they're fried or in a blitzed soup.

They're just so...overpowering.

Especially when uncooked, I don't know how people can have them in salads.

>> No.6813213

My girlfriend is also picky, but not as picky as yours. She's also just a very anxious person and would much rather eat something she knows she likes, it sucks but sometimes I make something exotic without telling her what it is and she likes it every time. Obviously, if she hates an entire concept, like sauce, it's really hard to get her to try it.

I just make sure she's not in the kitchen when I cook and it's usually fine

>> No.6813496

I was a picky eater as a kid
but looking back i realize its just that my moms cooking was terrible
taking the same ingredients but preparing them diffrently does wonders

>> No.6813512


>> No.6813517

Offal meat is the only thing I will nope over. Unfortunately I'd love to enjoy it. But can't get past the flavour. I eat heart however.

>> No.6813521

can confirm. My mother was an awful cook, her parsnips used to make me gag, but when I cook them, I love the bastards.
>inb4 "gagging on parsnips" kekek

>> No.6813531

that literally sounds like a phobia dude, you sound like you're not that affected by it so it shouldn't damage your life any, just tell people you hate mushrooms and 99% of the time they'll understand, they're an acquired taste anyway.

>> No.6813542

I used to be an extremely picky eater, but as I grew older i stopped and now I eat most stuff.
They only thing I still can't take is pickled food .. not even a year in korea could cure that.

>> No.6813544
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>raw tomatoes are the litmus test on whether you're an autistic picky eater or not

>> No.6813635

Anything to complain from him? Any stories?

>> No.6813655

The most I can manage is Cod
>Unusual Meats
Chicken, Ham, Beef, Turkey, Lamb, Duck are the only ones for me
>Cottage Cheese

That's all I can think of really

>> No.6813664

the real question:
does she swallow YOUR sauce?

>> No.6813666

>Tilapia in sashimi cuts

Fuck i hate it.

>> No.6813680

I refuse to touch anything with beans in it.

>> No.6813685
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>work as a chef in a vegetarian restaurant
>most popular item made with roasted seasoned mushrooms, shallots and slices of brie in a puff pastry
>someone asks to have the shallots taken out

>> No.6813688

Not too picky outside of mushrooms. But am allergic to fish or any sea-dwelling creatures, which I find ironic because I'm a Pisces. However, I have this thing about eating in front of people. If it's something I have to take bites out of (I.e. Sandwiches, tacos, pizza, burritos, etc.) I can't do it. It was to be note size pieces. I'll eat my pizza with a fork and knife if it comes down to it.

>> No.6813691

>pay some shit kicker to make me food I want
>he becomes a frog and memes on the Internet

>> No.6813696

^won't eat soup. Just a waste of my time and energy.

>> No.6813705
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you picky eaters are worse than vegans with allergies!

>> No.6813707

I'm really texture oriented. Shit like guacamole, refried beans, or fish roe makes me gag on the spot.

>> No.6813708

That's autism

>> No.6813718

I recently stopped dating a girl for several reasons, but one of the big ones being that she was a picky eater.

Vegetarian, but also no dairy, tomatoes, mushrooms, onions, and probably more stuff I didn't know about.

Only second date and she was digging through her pasta, hunting down the onions and picking them out. I was sitting there thinking to myself, "How the fuck will I ever make a mirepoix with this bitch around, much less roast a chicken."

Never dating a vegetarian again.

>> No.6813722

Cilantro tastes like soap to me but I can tolerate it in small amounts.

>> No.6813723

Oh and didn't drink alcohol either.

>> No.6813725

That's a genetic thing, not because you're a picky eater.

>> No.6813789

liver and salmon.

Both have this really powerful taste that overpowers anything else and lingers in the mouth for fucking ages. Even belches immediately start smelling/tasting like them. Ican eat them in small amounts (though I wont like it) but if I have to eat something like a normal size portion of them I start to feel queasy and get this increase of saliva like when you're about to puke.

It's a damn shame since most really elaborate fish dishes usually come with salmon and I'm sure I could enjoy liver if the taste wasn't as overpowering and accompanied by the usual other strong flavours like onions apples or cabbages

>> No.6813814

What the hell did she eat? Rice and chickpeas?

>> No.6813818

>I thought I didn't like mushrooms either, but it turns out I just think stewed white button mushrooms suck.
this very much
fuck mushrooms when they're all mushy but really fry em until they're dead twice over and they are fucking delicious

>> No.6813964

I actually tried those before I ate the real thing. Those wafers are hot garbage. Real durian tastes a lot better.

>> No.6814035

Mushrooms are pretty horrifying if you think about them too much. That does sound like a phobia though.

Maybe immersion therapy yourself by learning all about them.

>> No.6814170

Does it count as picky eating if you only eat healthy food?

>> No.6814193
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I'm a HORRIBLY picky eater.

Basically my diet consist mainly of various combinations of cheese and bread. Pizza, grilled cheese, macaroni, mozzarella sticks, etc. There are other things outside of that I eat like nuts, eggs, yogurt, noodles, oatmeal, and the occasional bean burrito.

I don't eat meat save for an occasional corndog and pepperonis which I honestly barely consider meat so I don't count them. Bacon doesn't bother me either. I just have never liked the taste of it. It's always made me gag/vomit. Likewise there aren't many if any veggies in my diet and few fruits (due to a light allergy to some). Combinations of some of the above like gumbo are a no go.

I've been trying to change my diet because of my acid reflux. I'm slowly getting into seafood. I really like shrimp. Gonna try eating salmon and other stuff like it eventually. Likewise trying to get more into Asian food.

Life as a picky eater sucks. It's fucking embarrassing going out to dinner with friends and having that mild panic when you open the menu and can't find anything that fits your super specific tastes. And god help me if I go to a friends house and they try and cook for me.

>> No.6814207


>Fresh bread (Has to be stale/ almost burnt or i gag when i try to eat it. Don't know why)

oh man

like 2 weeks ago i was joking around with my friends and kind of launched into this extemporised observational skit about how you'll never meet anybody who's picky about bread and then i started doing impressions of this theoretical person who just fucking hates bread. and HE FUCKING EXISTS! you're amazing.

>> No.6814226

Oh wow! Thanks Dr. Bag-o-dicks for this amazing ingenious diagnosis, maybe now I can begin down my long road to recovery. All thanks to you and your precious insight. You've changed my life forever, I don't know how I'll ever repay you.

>> No.6814227

tomatoes (tomato flavored things are fine except ketchup)
tropical fruits

>> No.6814231


>> No.6814234

I've never understood how anyone can be this picky. It's a wierd mental block, did your parents like cater to your taste constantly as a child? I find most picky eaters had parents like that.

On a sidenote though, I used to be disgusted by rice as a kid, and after me just flat out refusing to even touch it for years My parents stopped trying to make me it. They never made me My own food, though. I like it now though, it's okay.

>> No.6814245

I can't eat stuff like onions or bell peppers because when I bite into them it makes me want to vomit, but if they're cut small enough I'm usually able to avoid biting down on them

>> No.6814300
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Yeah I had parents like that. My mom tried but she was a single mom so she just gave up and let me eat what I want. She probably thought it was for the better since its cheaper to feed a kid who likes cheese and bread then a child who likes steaks.

My dad when I was young tried to force feed me meat few times. Aversion to meat might in some tiny microscopic way be due to that but that just might be me grasping at straws.

I've also entertained the idea that I might be a super taster or whatever people with a few extra taste buds is called but I'm too cheap or lazy to buy some test trips to test that theory.

>> No.6814354

Would you call this picky?

I won't eat canned or instant foods (excluding dehydrated).
I won't eat commercial mayonnaise, only fresh made.
Won't touch the any dressings except fresh asian which I make myself.
I can't eat sliced tomato, but I eat chopped tomato all the time.
If it's processed, I won't touch it 90% of the time.

Everything else is fair game.

>> No.6814369

I was going to say it sounds like you have taste and standards until that tomato thing, you're odd.

>> No.6814376


you're a faggot

>> No.6814407

I've always had a mentality of trying everything once, and when it comes to food trying new stuff over eating The same old every time I could. My parents encouraged it, but started to make cheeky remarks once it started to get a little expensive. I think this just gave me a love for food and especially mixing tastes and coming up with your own combinations that my mum and sister just don't have. If I Tell them I even put pepper on Their food they instantly complain how it's too spicy.

>> No.6814428

>I can't eat sliced tomato, but I eat chopped tomato all the time.


>> No.6814438

I can't stand vegetables of any kind, besides fries or onions or tomatoes in a sauce or chili but I know those don't count really. I've never had a salad in my life and what little lettuce I've consumed has been lettuce accidentally left on a sandwich.

This makes it tricky because I've been trying to eat healthier lately, so I'm mostly just trying to limit carbs and sodium and doubling down on fruit.

Making stiry fry or something resembling it tonight and it's just gonna be chicken, chow mein noodles, and almonds.

>> No.6814461

Fuck man did her parents just feed her McDonald's and fast food shit when she was a kid? That's unreasonable

>> No.6814646

Tamatoes, tamato sauce, ketchup, hotdogs, milk, most vegetables, cheese that's not from a block, cottage cheese is fucking disgusting, so is blue cheese, chili and generic taco meat, oh and cereal. It all reminds me of when I was ore diabetic so I'm like an sjw trigger kin now with food.

>> No.6814765


>> No.6814789

are you me? People think im fucking insane when I say I hate pizza

>> No.6814793


yeah you guys have definitely had bad pizza

>> No.6814813

exotic meats(definition here being organs, tendons, ligaments, all that nasty ass rustic shit)

And celery gets a pass if its in a soup or chinese good or some shit where I cant really taste it, Other vegetables im not to keen on either but im willing to try because i want to stop being a faggot

but FUCK celery and pickles

>> No.6814833

>most vinegar based things
I just cant do it....it tastes and smells like rotting trash.

>> No.6814875

>most cooked fish (besides salmon)
>soft eggs of any kind

These are my food weaknesses. I'll try almost anything, but that shit makes me gag every time.

Soft-boiled egg? If there's a little bit of yolk that's not runny, like an outer membrane, my tongue just fucking rebels.

Someone once recommended ginger to me as a hangover cure. I thought I puked again when it hit my mouth.

>> No.6814892

i want 2 make like Hitler made but against picky eaters

>> No.6814921

Sounds more like you're an uppity douche bag

>> No.6814930

>all these man children
What the fuck, guys? I can understand not liking some food but to say stuff like "I don't like vegetables" or "I don't like fish" is just plain asinine.

>> No.6814936

it ruins every meal it is used in for me

>> No.6814983

Hitler was a picky eater, he was a vegetarian and mostly ate beans.

>> No.6815131

>make spaghetti al tonne a few times
>everyone loves it
>ask for help this time around since I'm not feeling all too well
>brother finds out there is a single anchovy in the sauce
>all hell breaks loose and no one will touch it again
>all this shit over a single anchovy in enough sauce to feed 5

If you live with family make sure they don't see you cook. Fucking children

>> No.6815567
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>tfw picky eater
>tfw trying not to be one

>> No.6815599


Not particularly picky but I don't like Lasagna or Curry. Lasagna in particular looks like prison food, I can't enjoy it, even if I do eat it.

That's about it, it's asinine to not be able to eat vegetables.

>> No.6815625


Did you grow up on sugar alone?

>> No.6815648

Cucumbers and watermelon.

I've enjoyed most other fruits and vegetables, raw or cooked.

>> No.6815698

>baked chicken breast and white rice
I had to eat that shit on a restrictive diet; I puked night one and I lived on 2 slices of white bread the next day instead.

>> No.6815774

Yeah it's pretty ridiculous.
The taste doesn't bother me at all. I actually love bread. I just have a hard time getting it down for some reason. I'll take a couple bites of a sandwich and start gagging on the bread randomly. I've done it for as long as I can remeber.

>> No.6816861

Any savory sweet vegetables sets off my gag reflex. I cannot stomach pumpkin, sweet potato or baked/grilled carrot.
Onions also, unless they're sauteed or something, to get rid of the watery crunch texture.
I don't understand why so many people like to put huge chunks of onion into everything.

>> No.6816895

you all have terrible parents

>> No.6817035

I understand, in a way.
I used to be afraid of how they looked (like trypophobes) but I now turned the disgust into anger... every time i see one I feel the urge to crush them with my shoe, the funny spongey form and dark filters disgust me to no end.

>> No.6817039

My only hangup is raw or undercooked meats. Can't stomach sashimi, raw sushi, or steak tartar. Meat needs to be cooked to medium-rare at least.

>> No.6817332

My mom has every single one of those symptoms.
We've speculated she's autism for a while, and she's been diagnosed with sensory processing disorder.
At least she's pretty functioning.

>> No.6817369

Sweet things in savory food
Fruit in green salads
Dried fruit in rice
Honey in anything that isnt sweet
Fruit with chocolate

>> No.6817386

Capers. Holy fuck do I hate capers.

>> No.6817401

Any kind of fruit, except overripe (almost black) bananas and apricots. I swear I must have some kind of tongue problem that makes them taste extremely acid or sour.

>> No.6817407

This makes me sad. Do you eat tortillas?

>> No.6817441

If I can detect any taste of garlic on anything besides a nice steak I will gag just like that tub of goo in the gif.

I can't eat at Chic-fil-a because I can taste a tiny amount of garlic in the batter.

>> No.6817444

Sour cream. Can't think of anything else that'd turn me off from a food instantly.

>> No.6817456
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>never being able to enjoy a perfectly ripe nectarine

>> No.6817478

>Uncooked ham
>Honey roasted nuts
>Pork chops

>> No.6817506

Food disgusts me. I haven't touched it since I was a child.

>> No.6817639

Only food I tend to dislike is fish like Tilapia

Anchovies is delicious though
Sardines are fine etc. etc.
Just not fish filets, dried fish filets are fine though

>> No.6817647

Dolphin fish
Mahi Mahi
All are correct

>> No.6817717

I had a good chuckle over this thank you

>> No.6817731

Beetroot. The smell puts me off it even though the taste is okay, although I will eat it if it's in a good dish.

>> No.6818922

I hate fucking cake and these quints confirm cake is shit.

>> No.6819030

>fish that isn't fresh or smoked

>> No.6819063
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>> No.6819733

I feel this way but only about pears. Fuck pears.