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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6808301 No.6808301 [Reply] [Original]

who /mre/ here

>> No.6808316

I'll stick with my lunchables instead, thank you very much.

>> No.6808317

Not veterans

>> No.6808324

don't eat those

>> No.6808328
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Does anyone else watch MRE reviews? They're usually pretty comfy

>> No.6808329

when my dad was in the air force he would bring these home and i would eat all the dehydrate fruit desserts out of them

so fucken tasty

also during hurricane ike we lost power for 13 days so my sister and i sat out on the front lawn and did the whole deal, used the heating element and everything. pretty excellent.

>> No.6808336

>also during hurricane ike we lost power for 13 days

What's it like being too poor to afford a generator, pleb?

>> No.6808338

Anyone got some MRE stories to share? I love them

>> No.6808339



>> No.6808389

back in high school I had a military nerd buddy who brought them a lot for lunch
they were okay, especially handicapping for their shelf life and stuff
I wouldn't get them myself, but if a disaster meant that was dinner it could be a lot worse

>> No.6808430

What do mres consist of and do are they filling?

>> No.6808508

no but I almost entirely live off soylent

>> No.6808561

Only when I need to take a dump.

>> No.6808685

>be me, 1990, national guard annual training, FT. Drum, ny.
>annual training is two weeks in the woods.
>beer and JD and Malboro cigs are prerequisits.
>4 days in eating MRE's for bfast, and canteen coffee. M16, laying buy my side.
>Track Commander sudjest a competition.
>Who can go the longest without shitting.
>For those that don't know, MRE are very binding.
>4 Days after contest begins- I need to take a dump. There are two other guys that still have not gone.
>Try to sneak a dump in the dark of night.
>head out of camp, drop BDU pants, lean on a tree
>ready for the big log to come out, balls and cock dangling.
>hear a rustling in the woods. Eyes, already adjusted to darkness, so I can make out what was rustling.
>seems a racoon was making its way toward me.
>racoon walkes between my legs inches from my nut sack and ass.
>grab m16 and full auto a 30 round magazine of blanks in order to scare coon.
>racoon flees off in the distance, as I pull up my BDU pants.

>MFW, I win contest cause the coon made me unshit.
>Contest prize? bragging rights, pack of Malboro, and after, the most painfull dump I have ever had. Also the shit log was the size of my forearm.

>> No.6808854

What's it like to be a sissy who can't live without electricity?

>> No.6808894

>trying to justify being poor

>> No.6808898

I thought MREs were formulated to give you constipation.

>> No.6808903

>Being a sissy

>> No.6808922


>> No.6808925

You got rekt son.

There's no damage control here.

>> No.6808926

>full auto'd a full mag of blanks at a raccoon
>all it wanted to do was to wipe for you

>> No.6808929


>> No.6808935


>> No.6808939

The gum in the packs act as a laxative, but most people don't eat it

>> No.6808940

would rather be poor than a weak pussy. continue your internet argument, ladies.

>> No.6808942

id rather be rich and a wimp tbh

>> No.6808949


>> No.6808951


>> No.6808952


>> No.6808955

I was trying to stay with the MRE topic, but it went better than expected. Nice job, anon.

>> No.6808963

i didnt get the head thing, never eaten any MREs either.
i lub yuo anon

>> No.6808965

I would rather know how to survive than realize money doesn't mean anything when SHTF

>> No.6808970

My brother tactically acquired a box of these when he was in the Marines. They plug you up really well and taste bad. They're good for the field though.

>> No.6808972

They taste like a top quality frozen meal imo

>> No.6808976

dunno man, id happily trade my boyscout skills for a nice stock portfolio
but i guess the grass is always greener on the other side

>> No.6809530

I'd heat your sisters element if you know what I mean :^)

>> No.6809533

I beg to differ but value your right to a differing opinion.

>> No.6809764


You'd have to pry me out of it first bitch

>> No.6809799
