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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 16 KB, 450x333, 1435584707151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6807483 No.6807483 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any stereotypically "gross" recipes from the 50's/60's/70's that you actually enjoy?

We bring this to family gatherings every year and I end up eating more of it than anyone else.

>> No.6807515

the fuk is that?

>> No.6807538

Watergate salad, or as we call it, "green stuff".

Pistachio pudding, Cool Whip, crushed pineapple, and marshmallows. The acid from the pineapple causes the marshmallows to partially dissolve.

>> No.6807547
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Diabetus on a plate.

>> No.6807556

If that is some fucking Watergate Salad, then HELL YES, I'll eat it. That's one of the few goopy desserts from potlucks, church suppers, funerals, etc. that I actually enjoy. It's so fucking good.

>> No.6807559

>Americans call this "salad"

>> No.6807563

Oh, yeah, it's 'Beetus central. But it won't fucking kill you if you only eat it a couple times a year.

>> No.6807568

It's all the other HFCS, fat laden shit you eat that will kill you.

>> No.6807574

If you're trying to be stupid and imply that we only eat salads made as desserts, you're an idiot. There's many categories of salads in the US, from dessert salads, to green leafy salads, to meat salads. Most of which (present thread excluded) come from european and asian, south american, and pan-asian heritage. So fucking check yourself, bitch.

>> No.6807579

>an American thinks salad has only one narrow definition

>> No.6807581

Why do you think I eat a lot of HFCS? I actually eat very healthily, but I give exceptions on holidays and very special occasions. Nothing wrong with that.

>> No.6807587

>Why do you think I eat a lot of HFCS?
Take a guess, Chad.

>> No.6807591

What the fuck is wrong with you, Glen?

>> No.6807592

Is Chad now shorthand for all Americans?

Where I'm from, it's a name for the stereotypical "alpha" male.

>> No.6807596

>that picture
>that "recipe"
>it's actually real

Jesus christ it's like something a toddler would mix up. I'm amazed it doesn't have sprinkles on top.

Also does "salad" just mean "smothered mix" in America?

>> No.6807600


>> No.6807605

If your'e wishing for sprinkles, you must be an Ausfag. Go eat some vegemite and STFU.

>> No.6807611

>dessert salad
>meat salad

So, yes?

>> No.6807619

Nice cherrypicking, you stupid faggot. You're a little slow on the comprehension. You have what we call circular reasoning.

>> No.6807629

>A salad is a dish consisting of small pieces of food, which may be mixed with a sauce or salad dressing. Salads can incorporate a variety of foods including vegetables, fruits, cheese, cooked meat, eggs and grains. Garden salads use a base of leafy greens; they are common enough that the word salad alone often refers specifically to garden salads. Other types include bean salad, tuna salad, fattoush, Greek salad, and somen salad.


>> No.6807632

meh hes gotta point, only in merica you'd call pudding and marshmallows a salad
contain your buttagony please

>> No.6807639

the term "salad" can generally refer to any cold mixture of various ingredients

>> No.6807642

Careful, we don't want another heart attack. Maybe you should have some aspirin salad.

>> No.6807652

That's some nice projecting, junior. You're being too much of a tryhard now. Time to stop posting, remove your sticky fat ass from your desk chair and go for a walk out in the fresh air.

>> No.6807664

I think I remember this from my childhood

>> No.6807667

It was only some joke salad, calm down.

>> No.6807669

There's also fruit involved, and not all Watergate salads involve marshmallows, which makes it even more of a fruit salad with a pudding based dressing. You don't have a point, you're just being a cocksucking europoor.

>> No.6807676
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I'll still eat my weight in this shit if it's available.

We had the green and orange version at every potluck/bbq growing up and I would just sit there and shovel down the future beetus.

>> No.6807678

>flyover salad

>> No.6807686

>pudding based dressing
youre just digging deeper pleb

>> No.6807706

I bet you toss a mean salad sweetheart

>> No.6807712
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>> No.6807717

The only thing I'm digging deeper is the hole to bury you in. Stop being so fucking ignorant.

>> No.6807725

Go suck another greasy black dick and STFU.

>> No.6807730

Now THAT is truly Beetus Cake. How can anyone eat that without wanting to die?

>> No.6807739

>it's a name for the stereotypical "alpha" male.
That's generally what "Chads" think......

>> No.6807743

>stop being so fucking ignorant
funny coming from you :^)

>> No.6807746


I think I saw this at a Walmart deli once.

>> No.6807747

Hi, Chad!

>> No.6807762

Not really, since I obviously know much, much more about food and cooking than you, you stinking pleb. Go eat some more kale chips covered in your own jizz, you stank ass.

>> No.6807782

id be angry too if my arteries were clogged and somebody made fun of my favorite dish :^)

>> No.6807802

>Pure bait

Don't worry anon, you're mom will make your Totino's pizza and chocolate milk for you soon, so you won't be grumpy anymore. Meanwhile, it's time for you to hush and let the adults talk, since you don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.6807816
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>My thread

>> No.6807819

>it's british

>> No.6807832
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>not knowing what bait is
>spouting even more memes
nigger youre fat and thats not a real salad. two facts that wont change no matter how assflustered you continue to be.

>> No.6807837

Not him, but neither your post nor >>6807600/>>6807574 answer his question.

>descended of foreign stuff
Not really.
There's a huge difference between "inspired by" and "descended of." For example, no one could correctly claim sushi to be of Lao origin, but the Japanese took their inspiration for sushi from a dish of fermented fish enjoyed along the Mekong. There are significant differences between the two and while sushi is absolutely inspired by Lao padek, it's hardly descended of it.
Similarly, nasi goreng USA is inspired by American cuisine but not at all descended of it. See what I mean?

Now, it sounds like I might be coming off as critical of those salads. I don't mean to be. Pointing out their purely American pedigree doesn't make them any less delicious. I'd guess they're delicious, anyway. I've never had watergate salad or Snickers salad or other dessert salads other than the misleadingly named 'ambrosia salad,' which is 100% ghastly.

Oh, and pudding salads are entirely an American thing. The earliest record I can find of one is 1975, a recipe created by Kraft to accompany their newly available pistachio-flavoured instant pudding mix.

>> No.6807839

>Hershey's choclate
>No Name marshmallows

>> No.6807964

i like tomato and onion in a vinaigrette.

>> No.6807973

My grandma made this all the time when I was a kid, and I devoured the shit out of it. She used orange jello, though.


My family's food has remained pretty "normal" through the years, though, not much other experimentation with jello or spam or some other weird shit.

>> No.6807993

Well, you would be misinformed, since the entire reason it's named Watergate Salad is because it was served in the Watergate Hotel at the time of the Watergate scandal involving President Nixion, which was in 1972.
Not to mention that salad recipes involving jello and jello pudding products (mainly made with fruit, but also sometimes including meats and vegetables) date back to the 1920s. And, on that point, jello is a direct result of the desire to achieve the same effect as aspic without the time consuming process. Jello is made with bones, btw. (or at least it was for the past 100 years).
You are sorely misinformed.

>> No.6808027


I made that once, i cut a lot of shit out and added more fruit. I think itw as better than most

>> No.6808072

Proof? I can give you proof of my claim: Kraft themselves.

Also, aspic and Jell-o gelatine are not the same thing. Again: inspired by, not descended of.

I've had it a few times. It's never been to my tastes. The most recent time was about six years ago at a coworker's family's barbecue thing. I tried a little of it. No one asked what I thought of it, which is a good thing because I don't think I could have mustered the necessary bullshittery to say anything other than "ack!" at the time.
The fried fish and hushpuppies at that barbecue were damned good, though.

>> No.6808097

That because most americans will add a dollop of fucking mayo or something in there. Shit thee knot

>> No.6808111

>most americans
That's a funny way to spell Midwesterners.

>> No.6808150

I love pistachio pudding, so I love Watergate salad. It's simple logic.

I also like aspics. And that cocktail weenie recipe where you mix Heinz chili sauce with grape jelly.

>> No.6808153


>> No.6808155

Yeah? The ones I've had were always jarred fluorescent cherries, mandarin oranges in syrup, bananas, sweetened coconut shreds and a mix of marshmallow fluff and vanilla yogurt.

I might like a mayo-based one, actually. Kind of like a Waldorf salad, I guess. Actually, now I want a fucking Waldorf salad but the only nuts I have are almonds. Think that'd be okay?

>> No.6808164
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How can people enjoy something like that

>> No.6808371

holy fucking shit i love this shit so fucking much. my grandma makes it everytime i go to visit and its so goddamn amazing

we call it pistachio salad tho

>> No.6808408

>Cadbury chocolates
>calling cookies "biscuits"

>> No.6808422

In Canada they sell both Hershey and Cadbury, and digestive wafers are sometimes called biscuits.

>> No.6808485

Not really gross, but most people around me consider those strange:

>Fried polenta with coffee
>Corn meal with sugar and milk
>Yogourt with garlic, salt, peppermint, olive oil and black pepper in the bread
>Avocado with salt and red pepper sauce

YMMV, but at least for me, a salad must be 1. cold, 2. a side dish, 3. based on green leaves or boiled roots and 4. savoury.

The Watergate thing doesn't fit 2. because it's an aftermeal [dessert], 3. because it's based on a nut or 4. because it's sweet. So no, it isn't a salad for me, but who the fuck cares?

>> No.6808498

It's not a salad "for you", but it's still a salad according to the real definition.

>> No.6808521

"Real definition" is an oxymoron; it's either a definition (and thus something stipulated) or something real or false.

That said, you probably meant the "common definition": from http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/salad

>1. any of various usually cold dishes: as
>1a. raw greens (as lettuce) often combined with other vegetables and toppings and served especially with dressing
>1b. small pieces of food (as pasta, meat, fruit, or vegetables) usually mixed with a dressing (as mayonnaise) or set in gelatin
>2. a green vegetable or herb grown for salad; especially : lettuce
>3. a usually incongruous mixture : hodgepodge
What I said fits nicely 1a, so no, I'm not "off" of the common definition of a salad.

>> No.6808564
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Odd, I ain't seeing "marshmallow" anywhere in there.

>> No.6808565

aspic if the stock is made well that is.

>> No.6808680

My mom makes one with raspberry gelatin, cottage cheese, pineapple, and cranberries during thanksgiving.

classic 60s food, but it's actually pretty good

>> No.6808809

Now THAT is a tasty American salad!

>> No.6808815

Small pieces of any mixed food can comprise a salad.

>> No.6808853


Case in point

>> No.6808865

Not outside of America.

>> No.6808892

Once or twice a year, my grandma will make the nastiest shit dish I have ever laid eyes on. And I have to eat it and pretend I like but holy shit.
>sliced zucchini and tomatoes all in a small pan.
>Kraft singles thrown on top
That's all it fucking is. The "cheese" melts down mixes with the juices of the vegetables, it makes me fucking sick.

>> No.6808915

I didnt ask for proof, you stupid nigger.
I was trying to make you a more informed, slightly mote intelligent human being, but it's obviously impossible, because you're a hardhead, and probably a narcissist as well. You're still WILDLY MISINFORMED.

>> No.6808946
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I think I feel my arteries dying.

>> No.6808980
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>Are there any stereotypically "gross" recipes from the 50's/60's/70's that you actually enjoy?
No. I grew up having to visit the white trash side of the family pretty regularly. Nice people, but the food they ate sucked, and everyone over 25 years old was misshapen. No surprise, since almost everything they "cooked" involved opening cans, boxes, mixes and other similar prefab food products that were absolute shit. I've eaten enough Jell-O "salads", candied yams with fucking marshmallows and pic related to last a lifetime.

It actually makes me sad that such nice folks eat such shit food, because they end up dying young, or semi-handicapped from it. That side of the family is kinda depressing. Who wants to sit down to the table with an obese 14 year old girl who can't stop talking about how much she loves cheese? I sure as fuck don't.

>> No.6808997


damn now that you said the ingredients i would eat the hell out of this

>> No.6809201

my mom makes that for xmas. it's a afucking dezert but she treats it as a real side dish.
my mom also doesn't know hwo to cook. she's picked up a few things over the years but she doesn't understand why the steps are important or how to use ingredients.

>> No.6809334
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A guilty pleasure of mine is my mom's hash-brown casserole full of onions and sour cream and topped with plenty of cornflakes.

>> No.6809342

I hope you're never handicapped or sick or experience something that anyone in your family finds unsavory, because they might be a little cunt like you and decide they don't want to be in your presence for really banal reasons.

You don't deserve to have a nice family if you'd rather not be around them at all than have to tolerate how they eat for one meal. Cunt.

>> No.6809385

Nope sorry euro fag that's Cadbury wrappers he's from the UK fuck off

>> No.6809405

Oh fuck dude, that stuff is the absolute shit. My mom only makes it at Easter, and she makes a second pan just for leftovers. Ham and that shit, 3 meals a day til it's gone

>> No.6809427
File: 1.13 MB, 1277x719, can you pinpoint the exact moment where jack realizes his food is absolute shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hash brown
>full of onions
>and sour cream
>Oh god...
>topped with plenty of cornflakes
>Lost me at sour cream

>> No.6809430

>usually cold dishes with small pieces of food in a dressing or gelatin
>uncongruous mixture : hodgepodge

nigga are you stupid or something? multiple definitions mean multiple fucking meanings, and shit like watergate salad fits two of them.

I don't even like the shit and I'm not the guy you responded to but that's how fucking dictionaries work. You're "off" because you're refuting the other fucking definitions exist.

>> No.6809431

>she treats it as a real side dish.

OP here, some of my family does as well. It's weird.

>> No.6809432

Anon was asking you for proof. Provide proof. Anon can provide proof. You cannot provide proof. Anon wins by default. You are dumb and I am ashamed for you.

>> No.6809433
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I bet some chives would be good in that

I'm a sucker for chives, though

>> No.6809436

That's what I thought it was. My mom used to make this constantly when I was a kid, she hasn't made it in a while though. Way better than it looks.

>> No.6809441

Nothing to be guilty about, that shit is amazing.

>> No.6809466

> this is known as a salad in America
Holy shit you flabby fucks are disgusting

>> No.6809495

Someone else beat you to it.

>> No.6809508

Fuck you all I love watergate salad.

>> No.6809520

Anon hasn't provided proof of anything, other than that he's a huge cockgobbler. He's done nothing but shitpost, like the piece of shit he is.

>> No.6809899

No one said Anon provided proof. It was said that Anon can provide proof. And I've found the same proof from numerous sources now, too. Not one mentioned watergate. Stop shitposting. It's not cute. And you're dumb. Also stupid. And nobody loves you and you have no friends.

>> No.6809912

Man I want to try this now. I don't think they sell pistachio pudding in my country.

>> No.6809927

>Watergate Salad took off in popularity during and after the presidential scandsl which shares it's name.

>Watergate Salad was a concoction thought up by a sous chef at the Watergate Hotel, and it was then served at brunch on most weekends.

There's articles about it on Serious Eats, Wikipedia, and several other food history sites. Kraft changed the name of their version of it after tons of people wrote them to say it should be calked Watergate salad. Its not an original Kraft recipe.

Now, pull your fat, uneducated, greasy head out of your pimply, smelly ass and STFU, you goddamn moron.

>> No.6810446

They're the ones eating themselves into handicapped parking privileges.

>> No.6810528

Is that a dessert item?

>> No.6810582
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make orange juice out of 2 oranges, crush some cookies ( 4 chould be enough), crush a banana, mix them all up, i swear the plate looks like vomit, but jesus crusts its so fucking good, i used to eat than when i was a child, still do. if you want to make it even better add some natural yogurt

>> No.6810607

Reminds me of that sweet sundae ramen recipe.

>> No.6810627

orange... juice?

Bananas and cookies sure but orange juice?

>> No.6810771

aye, orange juice

>> No.6810977

None of that is true.

The earliest known printed recipe involving any sort of pistachio pudding with pineapple and the other ingredients common to 'green stuff' dates to 1975 and was printed on the inside of the carton of Jell-O pistachio pudding.

The name "watergate salad" didn't appear until sometime later. The published mention I can find it is 1978.

Furthermore, you've provided no proof. Just recounting a story and appending "lots of people say it's true!!" isn't proof.
Would you like to see my proof, printed, dated articles? I can give them to you, if you'd like.

>> No.6811000

I feel bad just looking at it.

>> No.6811003

Ehhh....I hate Cool Whip. If it was made with just regular old whipped cream I'd definitely try it.

>> No.6811004

I bet that thing doesnt even taste good. Too sweet and sticky.

>> No.6811105

You can use actual whipped cream. You actually should. Using cool whip is the trailer park version.

>> No.6811119

It absolutely is true. You're taking a corporation's word on their "originality". You're an idiot. I suppose you think the name was pulled right out of the air? You're also assuming, like an idiot, that pistachio pudding didn't exist until Kraft foods made it. You do realize that people did, do, and can make puddings from scratch, right?

>> No.6811153

it works, can confirm
should work on developing an adult version of that someday, it's literally babbyfood where I come from

>> No.6811169

Is it the actual trailer park version or the trailer park version? I'm actually asking this.

>> No.6811221

No. I'm not taking anyone's word for it other than published articles with dates.
If you reread the post to which you reply, it states exactly that. It also states that the earliest printed work mentioning a combination of pistachio pudding, pineapple etc is from 1975.

There is no great conspiracy set out by the evil food industry to defame those who created that green goop of gross before 1975 because no one did before then and because your mother's a whore.

>> No.6811225

There's nothing wrong with canned green beans tbh; the main problem with that recipe is the cream of mushroom soup and you can get around that by using Bechamel or Mornay

>> No.6811250

>There's nothing wrong with canned green beans tbh

Canned green beans are overcooked like mad. If you have fresh green beans all they need is a quick blanch or saute. They cook very quickly. The problem is that canned foods have to be cooked for a long time and at a high heat in order to sterilize the contents inside the can. That's far too long to get a nice taste and texture out of the beans. The canned ones have a horrid dark color and they have a mushy texture as a result of this overcooking.

>> No.6811500

An adult version kinda sounds like those horrible smoothies people make for themselves with nutrient powders, random fruits and grass.

>> No.6811847

Oh that looks tasty
Traditional ambrosia is great too

>> No.6811893

My nigga

I remember as a child that I hated fresh green beans because they were crunchy instead of soft because Moms cooking was Hamburger helper and canned green beans.

Now it sucks eating canned green beans

>> No.6811929

Order it from Amazon

>> No.6811946


I still have this during some holidays. It's actually really good, I love it on it's own merits, but it's got nostalgia points with me too as it always makes me think of family get-togethers.

>> No.6812004

Oh how cute. Look at who's butthurt because everyone but him knows he's wrong. You dumb little piece of shit.

>> No.6812011

>traditional ambrosia is great too.

yes, yes it is. We knew it as "24 Hour Salad". I think it's a more old fashioned version of ambrosia, with a cooked custard type dressing that you marinate the fruit in the night before and then add the whipped cream before serving. It's a holiday staple in my family.

>> No.6812013

To be fair, these "salad" things don't sound hugely different from trifle, apart from the fact that trifle is layered. It's just the mashing together and the implication of the name that make it strange. Put the same ingredients in nice layers and throw some booze in and it'd almost be acceptable.

>> No.6812018

That makes no sense.

>> No.6812021

Looked like Benedictine spread at first. Surprisingly not horrible.

>> No.6812023

How drunk are you?

>> No.6812031

Spoken like a true Bong. I raise my pink flag to you. (You should know what that means if you're brit)

>> No.6812052

That also makes no sense.

>> No.6812068

Shitposting as usual, aren't you. Well, well, you've now offically become a cow anus.

>> No.6812119

Been following this argument for Shits and giggles ........dude reminds me of my ex that cunt always had to have the last word

>> No.6812164

I've noticed the only people that complain that others "have to have the last word" are the ones who most want the last word themselves but aren't typically well-prepared enough to have it all the time.

You and your ex aren't together anymore because you're both too argumentative to have ever been a good match.
You both need someone who's happiest knowing s/he's right and doesn't feel the need to prove it to you/your ex, that way one can have the satisfaction of knowing they're correct and doesn't need to argue about it while the other gets the satisfaction of "having the last word."

Everybody passive-aggressively wins.

That also makes no sense.

>> No.6812167

Clearly you don't know what a dictionary is.

>> No.6812199

>trying desperately to get the last word

Hey, I'm new to this thread, and only read the last 4 posts, but you're a dumbass and you are obviously projecting your own perceived inadequacies on others.

>how to intro psych DURRRRR

>> No.6812234
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Then why do you keep saying that makes no sense when he is clearly making sense see even when you've run out of points to argue you have to have you little faggot last words

>> No.6812243

Actually we're not together anymore because that bitch was a psycho and not even the good kind of crazy where they're great in bed it was a lose lose situation i wised up and left her

>> No.6812247

That's incorrect.

Because the points I've made have not once been addressed, not even in passing.


>> No.6812275
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>still trying to get the last word
>incapable of introspection

You aren't even aware how pathetic you are, which just makes you even more pathetic.

>this is where I laugh in your face

>> No.6812283
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Who gives a shit when pistachio pudding came out Watergate salad is very similar to ambrosia which has been made for years and years so go enjoy your steak-ums and don't worry about it little britches

>> No.6812299

That's also incorrect.

That's not what the discussion was about.

>> No.6812313
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Ok then what was it?
By the way are you an only child?

>> No.6812325

Don't try and play that card, Time magazine did an article saying that the exact opposite of previous assumptions is actually true. Its more likely that he has siblings who he feels are superior to him in some way so he needs to validate himself via any petty engagement he can. This is the extent of his pettiness.

>> No.6812344

Using the word "biscuit" instead of "crakcer" implies the inventer of this recipe lies outside of America. Maybe he's from Australia as that is more nutella than I can even fathom using in anything.

>> No.6812356
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Time magazine (gasp)
Only child detected

>> No.6812370

>butthurt that his parent's don't love him


Don't mind me, just being objectively superior in every possible way.

My bowel movements smell nicer than yours.

>> No.6812373

>lose rainmaker 87 to 88 in overtime

God damn, talk about salt content.

>> No.6812398

Don't need to read an article from a magazine that's constantly printing retractions every person I've met that's an only child has been a cunt

>> No.6812412
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>everyone else is a cunt
>its clearly them and not me

Top kek, anon. Very believable.

>> No.6812419

And all the people I meet who have siblings are assholes. Funny how anecdotal evidence works.

>> No.6812456
File: 1.15 MB, 1280x720, i'mbyaaaaack!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did not say everyone i said that of the people that have been the product of a single child home have been cunts don't turn this around on me pistachio pudding guy maybe you should confirm this with kraft foods if it makes you happy

>> No.6812459

Yeah I'm not that guy. I don't even know what the argument was about, nor do I plan on reading the thread. I just noticed you posting something stupid so I corrected your mistake.

>> No.6812472

The point is proof. Giving a story without any sources or names to verify it isn't proof.
Here's proof:

The earliest recipe is from 1975, though under a different name. There are no published recipes for it prior. The name "Watergate salad" didn't appear in print until the year following. No one know where the name came from.

Pistachio wasn't a food common to the US at all before Kraft's instant pistachio pudding debuted. It became something of a fad food in the 1930s amongst the American elite. After having them it in Italy and Spain, they imported pistachio by the literal boatload, but much like white truffles, they were available only to those willing to pay the exorbitant cost to have them.

Then came the war. This halted pistachio imports. Thankfully, during the surge of pistachio popularity (and before the war), W.E. Whitehouse, a botanist from California, went to Persia (modern day Iran) to collect samples that could grow in the American southwest, southern California specifically.
However, all of his samples but one failed to grow well. The one, which he named after the town he got it in, Kerman, grew well but it took over forty years before pistachio became commonly available to the US: in 1976, a full year /after/ Kraft's debut of pistachio pudding.

Therefore, it is impossible that the recipe for watergate salad could predate Kraft's pistachio pudding because pistachio was simply unknown to the vast, /vast/ majority of Americans back then. Even if they knew them, pistachios were not available to most due to their prohibitive cost back then. To make a pint of pistachio pudding from whole pistachios would cost the equivalent of $97 of today's money from 1970 to 1976, the year of the debut of the first widely available pistachio crop to the US public.

Furthermore, were there any earlier-published recipe , surely it'd have been included in 1973's satirical 'Watergate Cookbook' and "Who's in the Soup?" but neither had one.

>> No.6812476
File: 22 KB, 291x320, 1434343312621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you came into a thread you had no intention of reading to supposedly correct someone.....oh good show old boy good show

>> No.6812483

>literal buttload


>> No.6812486
File: 48 KB, 460x304, 1395610119487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny how you try to divert the conversation after being corrected. Its as if you're trying to run away from your shame.

>oh good show old boy good show

>> No.6812495
File: 36 KB, 338x450, 5109cc1261aefc313acc672490653530be32ce960333b9019916554165adf271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6812504

That woman is clearly an American living before 1975 and therefore unlikely to have ever had a pistachio back then.

>> No.6812514

Wrong, look at the resolution. Its too fine to be from before 1975. Its a modern photo with vintage style.

>you've clearly never met hipsters before.

>> No.6812519

>Nicholson joker
I like you anon.

>> No.6812520
File: 7 KB, 187x270, 2015-08-24-20-33-36-39984274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No sorry buddy and you don't get to claim your own rekt little britches that's as pathetic as coining your own nickname....."hey guys call me flynn from now on would you?" oh wait i have no friends or siblings mom dad will you call m-m-me flynn?

>> No.6812534

>so butthurt
This is how I know you're rekt. You're so rekt that you took the time to try and fail and being clever and went out of your way to make a breaking bad reference and find a photo to match.

>epitome of rekt
>paragon of butthurt

>> No.6812541
File: 182 KB, 720x480, img_5231-small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Creamed beef, a.k.a. creamed hamburger, or SOS (Shit on a Shingle, maybe a WWII army nickname). I think this was a reasonably common post-war dish that's faded into obscurity over time.

I'm a vegfag these days, but grew up enjoying when my mom made this. I've even contemplated trying to make a vegfag SOS out of pure nostalgia.

>> No.6812544
File: 45 KB, 414x480, large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calm down flynn it was a simple five second Google search

>> No.6812546

Maybe? I'm no expert on photography or anything.
Also, I'm not going to download then upload, especially with captcha being such a twat lately, but https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/09/Lucille_Ball_John_Wayne_1955.JPG looks pretty crisp to me and ungrainy to me amd it's from before 1975, too.

>> No.6812551

alright fine bro, now that I think about it that's a good point.

I can see where you're coming from, and although I dont agree with you, at the end of the day I can respect what you're saying.

Sorry for elevating this small misunderstanding even to this level I normally dont argue with strangers on the internet

>> No.6812567

>took 5 seconds to google
>took time to find another image
>took time because hes BUTTHURT
>look as he responds, further proving his butthurt

...and now I am confused.

>> No.6812573
File: 82 KB, 433x594, jasonmantzoukas__140515201007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be posting on my behalf you cock knocker

>> No.6812580

I though SOS was made with chipped beef or frazzled beef not ground beef. I've never seen it made with ground beef, but now that I think about it, why the fuck not?

>> No.6812583
File: 173 KB, 306x344, 1434620395788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All in all it took about 15 seconds from Google to post which is a coincidence because that's how long it takes for me to get to center of your moms tootsie pop

>> No.6812585

that's what your mom said last night but she was surprised.

>> No.6812597

>so butthurt he had to waste 15 seconds
>keeps sharing his butthurt with us by responding trying to convince us he's not mad
>someone who wasn't mad wouldn't even respond
>he so mad
>so mad he has to make mom jokes

>> No.6812599

Q: What do you call a geriatric who insists on showing you her genitals?
A: Your mom.

>> No.6812606
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>> No.6812610
File: 763 KB, 108x160, 1435649411504.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not mad at all but thanks for the concern little britches

>> No.6812619
File: 45 KB, 600x400, 1425319070295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That one wasn't me it was another feller joining in

>> No.6812621
File: 51 KB, 570x374, 1439390839246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not.
>so mad hes samefagging

>> No.6812623

>HFCS will kill you
the autism is strong with this one

>> No.6812629

Q: How many hideous honey-glazed hamplanets does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Your mom.

>> No.6812632
File: 64 KB, 500x500, 1439354038463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look at this retard

>> No.6812635

No, chad is UK english for jocky asshole.

>> No.6812642
File: 13 KB, 400x300, 1440317526775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry flynn it's not

>> No.6812671

I'm with Watergate Salad Anon, just sayin'.

>> No.6812779

Looks good - I'm not a big sour cream fan but if I added some cheese to it I'd be all over it.

>> No.6812813

Seafoam salad is what we call it. Some people add pecan pieces to it, too.

My mom also makes an orange tapioca one that's similar, but I hate tapioca.

Pea salad is still one of my favorites. (peas, cheese cubes, hardboiled egg, dill, mayo, vinegar, onion, fuck yes).

Oh... porcupine meatballs. They HAVE to be made in a pressure cooker (the oven produced meatballs are like comparing unbreaded baked chicken breast to a breaded pressure fried chicken breast... there is no comparison). So pressure cooker. Meatballs are just hamburger and rice. Add canned tomato soup to pressure cooker and meatballs and cook. Oh my god, it sounds so pathetic but the meat grease and tomato shit soup combine to something magical with the rice.

Also, I still make dump cakes. Get a pan and layer in order: crushed pineapple, cherry pie filling, dry yellow cake mix, diced nuts, butter, and bake. Gooey, yummy, yay.

>> No.6812820

Oh man, another vote for that. I forgot about cheesy hashbrowns with cornflakes!

Another one is rice crispy chicken. Crush rice crispies and coat chicken pieces. Use plenty of oil and bake (oil + rice crispies + chicken juices turn into a magical greasy and tasty coating as well). Basically shake and bake before shake and bake was a thing, I guess. But rice crispies must be crushed and you need enough oil to get that magic reaction.

And I love green bean casserole. You can make legit versions of this dish (homemade mushroom sauce, fry your own onions), so I don't consider it trash.

>> No.6812898


The sweet "salad"s are actually pretty decent, because it's just random fruit with marshmallows and some sort of whip cream/jello. Like, it's hard to fuck that up no matter what you do. Pretty much every fruit with pudding or cream is going to taste good.

It's the "savory" ones you have to watch out for...

>> No.6812901

I make this often but without cornflakes and with veggies.

>> No.6812903


My grandpa used to make this for us when we were kids. I love that stuff.

>> No.6812942

I pity all the people that eat crap like this. I really, really do. It's amazing how many people out there have no idea how to cook and have a shit taste in food. It makes me depressed.

>> No.6812957

I don't think that would taste good at all. Too much fucking chocolate.

>> No.6812958

>people don't like what I don't like
>waaaaahhh waaaaah waaahhh

cry more, bitch.

>> No.6812973

My grandma makes these two things. Don't have too much of a food-dictionary in my head, so forgive me if I fuck up. Also these might only be gross because of pecans, I find them delicious.

Blueberry Crunch:
Pie crust that has pecans in it forms the bottom layer. Not entirely sure if it's actually a crust or w/e. It's just some flour based concoction with pecans in it. Next is about an inch to inch and a half of whipped cream. On top of this is a thin layer of blueberry filling. Shit is fucking cash.

I have no idea what this is called. It's a layer of cream cheese with pecans in it. On top of this is some type of Jello with blueberries and pineapple mixed in. No one in my family really likes it besides me.

>> No.6812986

Why Did i read that in a Saul Goodman voice?

>> No.6812998

It has "salad" in the name but the most midwestern of Americans still consider it a dessert item. Its not like Minnesotans actually think marshallows+pistachios=vegetables.

>> No.6813019

At least the apple has fiber.

>> No.6813026

so does demin
whats your point?

>> No.6813188

I don't know but I'm glad you did

>> No.6813347

This is all bullshit.
Regurgitating the history of pistachios doesn't make you right, and the rest of your post is pure speculation.
Not to mention that it would NOT have cost the equivalent of ninety seven dollars to make pistachio pudding back then. I bet you've never even had pistachio pudding, or know how pudding is made. You're just another autist looking for a fight.

>> No.6813519

My family always referred to this as sweet ambrosia salad

>> No.6813525

>aspirin salad
>joke salad
kek'd more than I should have

>> No.6813540
File: 30 KB, 450x450, k2-_d0e558b5-175c-46cb-b5d0-0d3087045cd9.v1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SOS is made with chipped beef, milk, and flour. Pepper to taste. I'm pretty sure this is the only reason pic related still exists. I know it's the only reason I buy it.

>> No.6813634

is that synonymous with 'correct' because i checked it up and everything in that post is 100% factual so anon is right and you're wrong and now you're fannyflustered about being shown up

>> No.6813862

Samefagging is so played out, samefag.
Also, you have bad reading comprehension.

>> No.6814294

The swansong of the troll. You were incorrect. I was correct. And >>6813634 pointed it out to you. Don't get upset about it.

>> No.6814302

But you were not correct. Your information was cherrypicked, presumptuous, and irrelevant. You are a dimwit and an obvious aspie.
(Don't get upset about it.)

>> No.6814312

Your famIly is stupid they are similar but not the same....do they also call a calzone A pizza

>> No.6814375

Oh yeah when I was growing up in my wealthy town of London my mum served me the sand nigger cum right from her puss! Then we'd est bread sandwiches and laugh and point at the backwards colonies

Silly Americans,you'll never be able to compete ;)

>> No.6814583

Disprove it, then.

>> No.6814641

I already did.

>> No.6814653

That is wrong.

>> No.6816898
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We cal it "pistachio fluff" here in Michigan (also, no marshmallows) and I love it.

>> No.6817106


if you have even one bite you will die

>> No.6817151
File: 38 KB, 504x378, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There will be legends about these people a thousand years from now.

>> No.6817194

Good lord