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File: 74 KB, 995x800, tea-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6806990 No.6806990 [Reply] [Original]

What tea do you drink, /ck/?

>> No.6806999

I only drink tea that i personally grow.

>> No.6807003

long island iced tea

>> No.6807007

activated tea.

>> No.6807013


>> No.6807034
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Duchy Originals because I am a patriot

>> No.6807043

Black with milk.
And whatever wonders my old man brought back from his trip to China.

>> No.6807061


>> No.6807114
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50% more caffeine then that pussy English breakfast tea!

>> No.6807163
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Wait, how can you be a patriot, that's a British flag?!?!?!?! DEATH TO TYRANTS!!!!

>> No.6807220
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If we're feeling a bit drowsy in England we drink a second cup for a 100% additional caffeine boost.

Each to their own though old chap.

>> No.6807239


>> No.6807269

lapsang su chong

>> No.6807291

My go-to is just English breakfast, iced, but I have several other sorts on hand, just in case.

The last hot tea I had was when I had guests over several weeks ago: oolong with either rosebuds or lavender buds (don't remember).

Used to be really into tea years ago, when I was at university, but I consider it a social thing and with being busy (and all my friends being similarly busy, too), I don't have tea much anymore, just coffee. We still hang out, my friends and I, but we just have coffee as that's more like a 15-30 minute or on-the-go thing, while tea should be enjoyed sat at the table, IMO.

I enjoy HK cofftea once or twice each month or so.

>> No.6807458

>drinking tea from glass
I don't know why but it looks so fucking disgusting

>> No.6807480
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>americans and brits arguing over who's the biggest pussy

>> No.6807487

If you mean company then Twinings or Ahmad.

If type, then breakfast or prince of wales.

>> No.6807488

>coffee is for pussies

>> No.6807492

Do you want me to teach you how to greentext properly?

>> No.6807496

Dubs never lie. Anon is perfect.

>> No.6807508

Nordic coffee is fantastic.

>> No.6807516

American friend once told me he was drinking coffee in Sweden and he became all jittery like he was on drugs because he never tasted coffee that strong
Why do Americans, that claim themselves to be a coffee country, drink piss coffee?

>> No.6807521

Bigelow Plantation Mint

I mostly drink this because I want mint flavor and some caffeine (has black tea). It's also readily available.

Though if someone can suggest a better non-herbal mint tea I'd be up for trying it.

>> No.6807526

polan here
i don't even drink coffee
i just pop 200mg caffeine pill

>> No.6807532
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Melon seed is bomb af.

Meanwhile, Irish breakfast is the best breakfast tea. Britfags step down.

>> No.6807566

Good to have emergency pills but you should learn to enjoy the coffee m8

>> No.6807595
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...pls correlate with suicide rates per capita

>> No.6807621

>being too pussy to sudoku
Wimps everywhere

>> No.6807691

i feel like shitting everytime i drink coffee and pills dont have that effect on me

>> No.6807714

a local brand here makes caramel apple black tea and its delicious

otherwise green tea with lemon and honey

>> No.6807778

This. Slowly digesting tea or coffee while sitting and reading is great mental stimulation. You're calm and focussed.

>> No.6807835

What kind are you buying and where? I was thinking about buying some because it seems cheaper than energy drinks but don't want to end up with sugar pills.

>> No.6807866

200mg pills from a local supplement shop, the one that sells stuff for bodybuilders

it's one of the bodybuilders companies too, though its a polish one so i doubt youll find it where you live

i'd suggest you read some online reviews maybe if youre not sure which ones to pick

>> No.6807920

I'm from Poland too. I don't think there are any bodybuilder shops near me, I'll find one next time I'm in Warsaw. What brand is it?

>> No.6807947

gerfag here, i usually get it from a pharmacy

>> No.6807960

ActivLab Caffeine Power
a red bottle

>> No.6808086

Licorice Rooibos.

>> No.6809038

>Irish breakfast
Some good shit right there nigga.

>> No.6810775
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Ooh yeah. I drink pic related

>> No.6810813

Question: I found in local store cool cheap glass kettle, but the tea container is plastic. Is that a problem?

>> No.6810869
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Green Tea of the weeb variety.

>> No.6810905

White tea
Green tea
Herbal tea
I like green tea with my noms
White tea during the day by itself
Herbal tea later in the evening

>> No.6810915

I want to like tea but it tastes too "weak" unless I pour in tons of sugar or something, and when I try to steep it for a good while it just comes out bitter and not good.

>> No.6810942

I have this exact problem. The only tea I thoroughly enjoy is the tea mixed with honey and milk to get that creamy texture and full flavour. However I want to drink it without both milk and honey for different reasons. But drinking tea without it just tastes so "boiled water".

>> No.6810965
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flower tea

>> No.6811141

I like to put my old matcha in yogurt, though. Shit's good.

>> No.6811150


>> No.6811188

Pretty fond of the youthberry and pineapple konapop tea I get from teavana. Overpriced as shit, but still pretty tasty even when brewed hot rather than iced. Also a big fan of most chai teas.

>> No.6811305

>lapsang su chong

This right here, got a cup right now.

Fucking A'

>> No.6811344

Lapsang souchong or Irish breakfast, pretty much. And jasmine green if I need something lighter.

>> No.6811396

Kukicha!! Yeah yeah yeah!!

Or most commonly, genmaicha with matcha. Sometimes green tea with citrus flakes.

I don't know why but last year I've barely had any tea at all. Previously I could have like 2-3 cups a day, now I take a few sips and forget about it until it's too cold to drink. Guess that's a pro of genmaicha, it tastes pretty ok even when slightly cold.

>> No.6812552

Either 2009 Korean Dejak, or a 2007 Highland Pu'erh, I can't remember the specific name at this given moment. I recently ran out of my 2010 Bi Luo Chun. That shit was awesome. I brew the green teas in either a Gaiwan, or grandpa style. The Pu'erh I throw in a thermos over night and drink it in the morning.

>> No.6812643

Dandelion. Replaces coffee and sleep tea for me.

>> No.6812663

a hahahaha get it a hahahaha rekt faggot.

>> No.6812746
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Matcha-iri genmaicha

Tasty, filling, keeps you awake without getting jitters. Like a cross between coffee and green tea. Cheap as well.

>> No.6813219
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>not drinking roiboos and white tea
pic related for those concerned

>> No.6813223
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Earl grey. Hot.

>> No.6813246

Peurh, ripe, preferably arbor but I'll take wild if your replicator can make something like it.

Now give your affection for old France I was hoping you might have some Armagnac under the table?