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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 189 KB, 700x990, SecretHero_CokeZero_Visual04_4_900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6804252 No.6804252 [Reply] [Original]

Today is my fasting day.
Does anyone know if Coke Zero will pull me out of ketonis ?

>> No.6804278

No but it will give you cancer instead.

>> No.6804283

drink lemon water or fresh ginger tea w/turmeric yuh dunce

>> No.6804291

avoiding cancer is the whole reason i am on 5:2


>> No.6804304

Fuck off you islamic sack of daesh.
Would daesh shit be better, I think that would be redundant.

>> No.6804353


>> No.6804398

You're fasting, why?
The only people who do that these days are islamcs who want to blow people up. Hence my questions.
Don't be daft, you know what I was asking.

>> No.6804402

>I can fast for a few days after getting drunk and buying hookers
>I'll be purified for when I meet allah after blowing people up
Get it?

>> No.6804410

>The only people who do that these days are islamcs

Not him, but damn you're fucking stupid.


>> No.6804431
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I am an atheist .
Have you really not heard about the heath benefits of fasting?
Its one of the only things you can do to extend your lifespan significantly.

>> No.6804436

are you the same fedora tipper who was trying to convince me I must be a christfag because I understand the definition of protestant and catholic?

>> No.6804494
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some with significant weight problems to fast or religion. you skip 24-48 hours. Also athins or south beach diet. It's alright. Coke zero (which I like, especially the cherry flavor) has zero calories. but lot of caffine, guess I need to climb down from my high horse. water is beter I guess. I add a bit of lemon juice. I gota tell you, those diets work, but at a very high price to your body. your breath stinks, you or hands tremble, your body is literaly eating it'self.noone likes to hear it but a balanced diet. slow and safe you did not gain it in two weeks. and sure as hell ain't gonna lose it that fast.

>> No.6804509

skip the fad diets dummy

eat a wild plant food based diet if you are trying to get healthy

this has everything you need to know, you owe it to yourself to listen to this. its only an hour long


>> No.6804517

>skip the fad diets
>in the same post recommend a fad diet


>> No.6804542 [DELETED] 

I'm not stupid, I call it like I see it.
daesh wants a caliphate and we don't want that.

Here if you really want shit...

Jihad Report
July, 2015
Jihad Attacks: 292
Countries: 26
Allah Akbars: 64
Dead Bodies: 2663
Critically Injured: 3431

Being an apologist for islamic savagry like obama wont get you too far in this world, it might get you a bunch of camels in the afterlife.

>> No.6804548

Hell no. That was some other weirdo.
I'm a total weirdo myself but at least I admit it and don't push it on others.

>> No.6804549
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Vegan gains pls go

>> No.6804551

So you're really not fasting, you're making excuses? Your god will send you straight to hell.

>> No.6804554
File: 49 KB, 500x500, tumblr_n0tgtn62Kj1sl3aito1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah. I belive but you are correct. lose the weight and gain some years. I want to go to heaven. but not today. or toommrow. I've lost a hundred lbs. not for anyone else, for me(ugly from the get go) you feel beter, move better etc (One thing and being honest was to see and hear a fat waddling preacher get in a pulpit and really condemn everyone else))thanks.God loves you. and me_

>> No.6804556

>thread about food on a board about food
>anon starts ranting about jihad and the keyan president trying to impurify our bodily fluids with flouride


>> No.6804563

Are you dismissing that those commie bastards want to corrupt our precious bodily fluids? HOW DARE YOU!

>> No.6804668
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Wow did this thread ever get derailed

>> No.6805655
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bump for wisdom

>> No.6806213
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Can't tell if trolling or if he just got so funky fresh with his political maymays that /pol/ just refuses to listen to him anymore.

>> No.6806481

I dont know what went wrong with this thread :(

>> No.6806499

moderation around here has taken a nosedive in the last few months

right after moot left it seemed like things would continue as normal for a while, but you can feel this site falling apart and losing its culture

>> No.6806603
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>> No.6808230
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I dont think its so much the moderation as just a lack of interest in anything thats not taco bell.

>> No.6808236

Try butter

>> No.6808251


>> No.6809953
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>> No.6809978

dude ramadan just passed, its atleast 9 month till we fast again
fasting in the summer is pretty tough, cant wait for when its in fall/winter <_<

>> No.6812602


take up 5;2 and you can fast every week