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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 21 KB, 188x500, bier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6803185 No.6803185 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best 'average but cheap' beer in your area?

Australia has pretty expensive alcohol, In Sydney, Pabst runs $57 for a 24x473ml case, while Oettinger is cheaper at $43 for a 24x500ml. Having tasted both I feel like the Oettinger wins out in taste while also being substantially cheaper ($5 a litre vs $3.60)

How about you?

>> No.6803191

Could've sworn I saw the stubbies for $29 a few days ago.

If you haven't already, get a Dan Murphy's card. They do a few $10 6 packs a month. Kirin and Gage Roads Atomic Pale Ale are on it at the moment.

>> No.6803194


I'm assuming that price for PBR is a cash grab directly aimed at Newtown. Oetingger seems cheap, but have you tried actually getting drunk off it? Says 1.9 on the tin but I dispute that. Mid strength rubbish to be sure.

Just stick to domestic. Based Coopers.

>> No.6803419

I usually just get PBR or Sleeman. There are a couple beers that are cheaper by volume in my area but they're complete ass

>inb4 implying PBR isn't complete ass

>> No.6803439

who here /wokeupat6andthoughtitwas6pmbutitwas6am/

>> No.6803442

Just killed a 30 of pbr. Pretty sure it's GMO. Sure doesn't leave you with a nice feeling. (Yuengling by comparison leaves you with a very nice feeling)

>> No.6803590

>pabst $57 a case

>> No.6803597

lols, you a shift worker aswell

>> No.6803705

>Pabst runs $57 for a 24x473ml case
Holy fuck, in america is its like $16 for a 30 pack of 12 oz cans (which is less than 30% the price per volume)

>> No.6803716
File: 263 KB, 821x1095, Steel_Reserve_211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1.30 or less for pic related, there's no real quantity discount. Maybe if I bought a pallet or something. You aussies are stupid fucks and buy into the global warming carbon credit shit. I thought you folk smartened up and stopped paying the UN for their problems.

>> No.6803717

We've got large alcohol taxes

>> No.6803721

There's actually very little support for the carbon tax thing and our hardline refugee policy pisses off the UN as it is

>> No.6803723

It is funny when america is the leader in not having regressive taxes made by religious fanatics

>> No.6803729

Alkyhol taxes in NY are pretty much nothing but the real taxes come from smokes. That's state and locality based. For instance something that's $8 would be in another state such as Virginia or Georgia about $4. That's all taxes and it's worse with the faggits in NYC. A pack of smokes there might be about $12. That's a way these politicals make money, they smuggle them in.

>> No.6803733
File: 142 KB, 959x741, beer tax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6803736

Good, fuck the UN. "refugees" that's a funny one, they're fuckin invaders. How come they can get into your nation without dealing with tests and everything, that's because you're a bunch of guilty feeling cunts.
Harden the fuck up!

>> No.6803740

>angry philip morris programmer guy is drinking in the morning again
fix your life bro

>> No.6803743

That's bullshit when I can get a pack of smokes from PA just over the border from NY for 1/2 the price, it's not profit, it's taxes, ask anyone that works in it. Fuck asshole I used to work for a supermarket putting taxstamps on shit, those are valuables, it was done in a cage.

>> No.6803745

just stop being a fucking redneck and it won't be an issue (but I agree excise taxes are awful and immoral)

>> No.6803747

You make no sense. How does exposure of taxes make me a redneck?

Maybe you're just a moron?

>> No.6803750

Uh go Wisconsin?

>> No.6803751

smoking makes you a redneck, unless you live in the 1940s

>> No.6803754
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>> No.6803756
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Wisconsin usually wins alcohol related things

>> No.6803766
File: 30 KB, 375x300, 1355676754_1347_Cheesehead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we drink a lot of ethanol so we "win" at alcohol
Yeah kind of like how the bum who lives on the corner near my work could probably beat me at a drinking contest

Wisconsin logic

>> No.6803770
File: 194 KB, 651x492, brfss_alcohol-consumption.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wisconsin has the most forward thinking, least backwards religious view on alcohol consumption

Its not coincidence that lack of alcohol consumption so closely correlates with shitty backwards states

>> No.6803773

Nice deflection cunt, that has nothing to do with state or local taxes and you know it. You're just lying to yourself if believe that shit. Do you also believe in space aliens and shit like that?

>> No.6803780

There's a base price and taxes that is for those are government agenda and control on top, those are the "taxes." You can call them exise or whatever but in the end they're exhibited on those little stamps.

You idiot.

>> No.6803781


>> No.6803782
File: 153 KB, 640x377, 3tr8FQM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes and Kentucky has the most progressive views on hentai, because of course these are things that erudite philosopher-kings debate in their book-lined studies, rather than ham planets getting plastered in a grungy room listening to country music.

Or maybe you're just a bunch of out of control alcoholics
>implying you haven't had 30 drinks of alcohol in the last 5 days

>> No.6803784

I'll drink to that!

>> No.6803789
File: 669 KB, 1000x555, Beer Church.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>30 drinks of alcohol in the last 5 days
nope, 9

Teetotalers like you are literally the worst kind of americans

>> No.6803791

Why are you so angry? Let's have a drink.

>> No.6803797

Once you get out of your mother's basement and travel around some you'll notice not only the price differences but the fact that there are base prices for some things and the rest is taxes. You can classify anyway you're little heart wants but it's taxes.

That's why for instance a pack of smokes in NYC is say $12 when the same pack in Virginia or PA is say $4. It's not the base cost. Didn't you learn anything in school?

>> No.6803799

Wow where I am from only bums drink Oettinger! 1l is like 80cent

>> No.6803800

>but the fact that there are base prices for some things and the rest is taxes
I have no idea why you think I do not think that is true, did you start replying to the wrong post?

>> No.6803801

>if you don't drink at least 9 drinks of alcohol per night you are a teetotaller
Wisconsin logic
Not angry at all, and later tonight sure. You'll be drinking later as well, I take it?

>> No.6803804

You're confusing refugees with immigrants. A refugee is a specially designated status for victims of war or ethnic displacement and less than 1% of displaced immigrants achieve that status. Immigrants aren't granted special rights or protections and can be deported at a moments notice

>> No.6803805
File: 106 KB, 800x945, drinkers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you think drinking is an evil sin, you are a terrible person
Literally all of the most civilized northern parts of america drink more than the southern backwards parts

>> No.6803806

You're just repeating yourself, drunkie

I'm in the north, I enjoy alcohol in moderation, and it's morning, this is very embarrassing for you

>> No.6803807

Bullshit and you know it.
Go have them live right next to you but then you types never do that do you? Fuckin UN hypocrite scumbags.

>> No.6803808

>In Sydney, Pabst

>> No.6803812
File: 203 KB, 950x1300, 110314-Beer-Clear-2-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm in the north, I enjoy alcohol in moderation,
then what are you whining about?

Also, please recall that up to 3 beers a day is good for males

>> No.6803814

It's probably a tranny homosexual. They need special government classification because they're special snowflakes.

>> No.6803822
File: 144 KB, 600x399, Sake_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not whining, you're just oversensitive because others have made an issue of your drinking problem and now any amount of self-restraint is a teetotaller conspiracy to shove Christfag superstition down you're [sic] throat.

Also when I have more than 1 drink per night it degrades my endurance the next day (I'm into weight lifting and cycling), but I still reserve a night a week for drinking as much as I want. Which usually ends up being pretty moderate regardless, due to not wanting to lose gainz.

Ever had good sake? Can you get that in Wisconsin?

>> No.6803828

lol at avoiding more than one drink so you can weight lift better. Live a little

Sake is ok, but I much prefer good beer

>> No.6803830

The weights actually suffer less than the cycling. I'm not sure what accounts for that, perhaps it interferes with my body's ability to retain water?

Anyway I drank hard for a few years when I first could afford to buy whatever alcohol I wanted. It was fun but there's more to life.

>> No.6803838

Hypocrite jap fuck, what's in your picture isn't good sake. That's basically bumwine.

>> No.6803840

...said the guy who willingly drinks Steel Reserve

>> No.6803841

the thing is, drinking 2 or 3 beers 4 or 5 times a week isn't really drinking hard. The problem is that so many people (especially non-catholic religious people) think any alcohol consumption is a sin and think the government should create excise taxes on it to engineer their backwards form of morality in the population

>> No.6803844

Maybe you're just a cock sucking homosexual? Instead of putting that possibility on others you should seriously consider that you're just a faggot.

>> No.6803845

You mean Baptists, specifically. And a few smaller groups especially non-denominationals.

We've had this conversation before, Catholics are not unique in their love of alcohol. You should travel out of Wisconsin more, instead of learning about America from maps you batch downloaded from a /pol/ thread.

>> No.6803848

Some of the heaviest drinkers I know are gay. Checkmate atheists.

>> No.6803849

>baptist got it's panties in a bunch

>> No.6803851
File: 942 KB, 1025x721, churches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a religious person myself, but having a forward thinking attitude toward alcohol in america strongly correlates with places settled by catholics (but interestingly not the Mexican kind, mostly the irish, polish, german and cajun kind)

>> No.6803852

I was raised Catholic (Jesuit-indoctrinated), although one of my parents was raised Lutheran (ELCA specifically), and one of my parents married a Jew (non-practicing Reform) after the inevitable Catholic divorce.

Not everyone who responds to you is attacking you personally, anon. Just trying to help you better understand the world, since you evidently don't have much experience other than your maps folder.

>> No.6803853

Checkmate? That's a funny one, ever live downstream from a gaybar in Chelsea? No you haven't, I think it's hilarious until they start trying to touch me when I'm just innocently having a smoke outside my building.

Am I supposed to think of that as some politically correct thing that hillary shilclinton would come up with?

That is faggots trying to touch me when I'm not fucking with them. They're the types that make friends from PA chase those faggot cunts around with pitchforks.
Us in NY are bit more subtle.

>> No.6803855

>inevitable Catholic divorce.
So you already know everything don't you?

>> No.6803856

>completely ignoring Minnesota, which has a similar drinking culture and is Lutheran, which is literally the definition of non-Catholic

The Baptists are the problem, your map shows this plain as day.

Please escape Wisconsin, you're very confused.

>> No.6803859

Clearly more than you.
Sounds like you got a little excited and couldn't handle a little man to man touching. It's not gay unless your balls touch.

>> No.6803863

You two should get a room and take your discussion to /mlp where it might be appreciated.

>> No.6803866

yeah, lutherans are ok, I was never really commenting on them
Most sects of Lutherans are not like the evangelicals (though I think one smaller sect is, but I am not up on my Lutheran sects)

I wasn't trying to imply anything about lutherans, pretty much everyone who is religious in Wisconsin is either catholic or lutheran, these are usually the best kind of religious americans because they don't care much about religion (though the lutherans still lag behind a little bit)

>> No.6803867

Who /hooten/ longnecks here?
Beautiful, disgusting, cheap Dutch longnecks

>> No.6803870
File: 4 KB, 165x58, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's still confused

>> No.6803875

>(though I think one smaller sect is, but I am not up on my Lutheran sects)

Yes, that would be LCMS, we've had this conversation before. The M stands for Missouri, they cater to those who felt more culturally at ease among Southern Baptists but didn't have the guts to renounce their church altogether.

>> No.6803876

That's good, any right minded human would be confused about your religious bullshit.

Instead of disproving shit, why don't you prove it since you're the ones making the assertions in the first place?

>> No.6803877

>post lamenting southern evangelicals
>angry response about how minnesota isn't bad

>> No.6803883

Will all the other ones go to hell and just your sect go to heaven?
Do you think that you're the judges of that?

>> No.6803886

I'm not religious, fedora-kun. And even if I was, there's nothing in any of my posts suggesting that you need to accept Jesus Christ (PBUH) into you're [sic] heart. Calm your tits, sugar tits.
>minnesota isn't bad
What? All I said was the drinking culture is similar to Wisconsin, which it is.

>> No.6803888

>All I said was the drinking culture is similar to Wisconsin, which it is.
but what does that have to do with southern evangelicals?

>> No.6803889
File: 40 KB, 1280x720, euphoria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think my "sect" is, exactly?

Are you one of those simple minded retards who can't read about a thing without feeling like his mind is being corrupted by scary foreign ideas?

>> No.6803890

Uptight, like a standard religious type?

>> No.6803891

No matter what I think a sect is, this is /ck and it wont change your view on anything.
My answer to you would be a waste of words and meaningless.

>> No.6803893

You posted a map and said non-Catholics are why we can't have nice things. You then posted another map which implied that the problem was a single group rather than "everyone who isn't Catholic". I corrected you and you started ranting about how I was trying to turn you into a Christfag.

>> No.6803899

you realize you are talking to several different people, right?

>> No.6803901

>I suddenly am feeling really stupid right now so I'm just going to back down with my tail between my legs
Ok, that's cool. We still bros?

>> No.6803906

if you followed the entire discussion, it was clear I was focused on the south. Upper midwestern lutherans have more in common with catholics than they do with evangelicals culturally

You seem to have focused on a very tiny topic that wasn't really related to what I was saying

>> No.6803908

No, but thanks for informing us all of that.

>> No.6803909





>> No.6803912

Of course, rational discourse is good between bros. Bros don't have to agree, sometimes it's time to simply agree to disagree and that's that.


>> No.6803914


i can get a 30rack of natty boh for 13 dollars

>> No.6803917

Yes, yes, "at least we're not the south". It's a familiar refrain around these parts

I'm just trying to help you learn more, so you can set your standards a little higher than "at least I know how to read and write". But apparently on 4chan knowing the difference between a Yazidi and a Salafist jihadist is akin to loving the raghead mudslime terrorists, knowing the difference between a Chinese and a Japanese is forgetting Pearl Harbor, and knowing the difference between a Catholic and a Protestant is the same as shoving the bible down your throat.

Never change, /ck/

>> No.6803919

What's your point?

>> No.6803926

what are you even talking about?

>> No.6803930
File: 77 KB, 600x344, importance-of-religion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this conversation started by discussing about how strongly drinking correlated with being from a civilized area and how this also correlated with places settled by catholics (which are now the least religious parts of america) in the face of you whining about how Wisconsin drank too much

and somehow
>Yes, yes, "at least we're not the south".
is what you got from this?

>> No.6803935

>What's the best 'average but cheap' beer in your area?

>> No.6803940
File: 60 KB, 834x556, naughty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except again, your map shows a region (the Northeast) which was settled by Anglicans or as they are known today, Episcopalians, who are *catholics* albeit not Roman Catholics, even though you obviously meant Roman Catholic since you said Irish, German, and Polish.

And to repeat, Wisconsin isn't drinking due to some enlightened state of higher consciousness, they're drinking because it's a nightmarish bleak hellscape of brown trees, truckstop strip clubs serving Leinies by the trough, seedy adult bookstores, and fireworks warehouses.

>> No.6803943

Do you realize that nobody here cares about your pendant shit?
You might as well be an islamic for all we care.

>> No.6803947

I guess that we're all going to hell because you're right and everyone except you is wrong. Good times!

>> No.6803949

Keep your map folder and your cockamamie theories of religious drinking to yourself in the next beer thread, and I promise not to pedantically correct you.

>> No.6803951
File: 25 KB, 300x300, 1404667087180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see >>6803917

>> No.6803954

Keep the thread. I'm not the one posting retard maps. I find that shit pretty funny.\\

>> No.6803956
File: 56 KB, 504x322, church drinking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude, New England is literally the most catholic part of america (besides some Mexican bordertowns)

You are focusing on some really strange things that are entirely beside the point

>And to repeat, Wisconsin isn't drinking due to some enlightened state of higher consciousness
No one said that, they just have the most forward attitude on alcohol (though similar attitudes are found in all other civilized states). I was not even suggesting anything about their attitude on non-alcohol related things

> it's a nightmarish bleak hellscape of brown trees, truckstop strip clubs serving Leinies by the trough, seedy adult bookstores, and fireworks warehouses.
This doesn't sound like Wisconsin at all

>> No.6803957


>> No.6803959

If it is or if it's not, so what? You still haven't made a point. Seriosuly m8, what are you on about except being a baiter?

>> No.6803961

>truckstop strip clubs serving Leinies by the trough
If you had ever actually been to Wisconsin you would have said spotted cow.
Also, Wisconsin doesn't have many truckstops, you are thinking of the lower midwest where all the transcontinental truck routes go through, most of that stuff is south of Chicago

>> No.6803962

>You still haven't made a point.
I made a point initially, drinking is good, and places with anti-drinking attitudes are the worst

>> No.6803968
File: 60 KB, 570x363, 93f40f12d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's also the most irreligious part of America, so what is it? Did the Pope make the Northeast appreciate a good drink, or was it just that they're well off and have the best access to the alcohol products of the American hinterlands and faraway countries?

The reason my responses seem "strange" to you is that you're hung up on proving a theory that doesn't actually make sense, and you're getting called out on your bullshit. I'm sure it makes a lot of sense if you're drunk, but re-read this thread when you're sober and you'll understand.

>> No.6803978

>It's also the most irreligious part of America,
Yeah, thats what I was getting at. Catholics are the best because they aren't very religious

>> No.6803980

Of course you did lil babby.

>> No.6803982

You can't be both Catholic and irreligious at the same time

>> No.6803985

Jews do it all the time

>> No.6803988

Do they have a propensity of possessed folk with their heads turning around? Ya know like from the demon type movies, you seem to be an authority so what say you?

>> No.6803989

Yeah you can. You can be Catholic but not agree with everything about the church and have dispensation from the Pope to be independent.

>> No.6803991
File: 92 KB, 720x900, 1435498542897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess RI is hot shit. Lenient booze tax and loli is completely legal, good place to live.

>> No.6803995

This is just Zionist propaganda

Certain people in the Middle East benefit from spreading the idea that all Jews are actually secret Israelis and since you can't have secret Israelis without intentionally conflating a religion, a race, a nation-state, and the armed forces of said nation-state, anyone who disagrees with me or so much as asks another question is literally worse than Hitler

Do we really want to take this thread there, or can we just drop it and stop posting maps? Because I'll go there, I'll accuse you of anti-Semitism, you modern day Goebbels

>> No.6804001

I'm not talking about just atheists so much as people that just don't care about religion, I know a fucking lot of people who consider themselves catholics (and to a lesser extent Lutherans) but are not religious

The reason is probably a mix of growing up in affluent northern states as much as it is church teaching, but it is a clear trend none the less

again, you seem to focus only on things that are beside the point

>> No.6804003

>Yeah you can. You can be X and here's some completely unrelated blather about my Roman Catholic identity crisis

If you're Catholic, you're by definition religious. If you're religious, you're by definition not irreligious. Period, end of story.

>> No.6804005

>Do they have a propensity of possessed folk with their heads turning around?
What does this even mean?

>> No.6804008

Irreligious =/= atheist, it is a much broader category that includes atheists but a lot of other people too

>> No.6804010

The girls at RISDY are sure hot. Smart too which is an awesome combination.

>> No.6804011

OP is a faggot
He lives in Sydney

>> No.6804014

Yes, but those "other people" cannot be Catholic, by definition.

Do you honestly believe in your heart that if you are not Catholic you are an Atheist?

>> No.6804015

>loli is completely legal
pls explain

>> No.6804017

>Yes, but those "other people" cannot be Catholic, by definition.
I am talking of people who self identify as catholic, not people who you deem worthy of the title

>> No.6804019

You're incorrect. You need to understand the definition of things and religion in the first place. You haven't done that.

Once you have then it's a choice, this is the best way to utterly destroy demons and stupid shit.

>> No.6804021

That means possessed folk like homos, like you can be cured. Maybe.

>> No.6804025

I At the very least, I don't think that is how the word "propensity" is supposed to be used

>> No.6804026
File: 201 KB, 893x600, monster_energy_rod_by_barneyhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> this is the best way to utterly destroy demons and stupid shit.

Will the edgy small town Satanist please stop acting like he's on a personal mission to show all of us Christfags the true virtues of Individualist Logical Self-Actualization? It's like you people have never been in an environment where you were allowed to think for yourselves before. Like are we in a beer thread or a monster energy drink thread?

>> No.6804029


Maybe you're a possessed homosexual and need to be cured?

>> No.6804031

You're obviously a disgusting homosexual that's been taken over by demons, I make light of this but this is serious shit.

>> No.6804033

Fuckin punks have no chance against me.
That's why I make light of it.

>> No.6804052
File: 255 KB, 707x698, 1438074022759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lolicon legality is decided at a state level. Rhode Island has no laws against owning or importing loli material. Go nuts and order all the loli rape doujins you want, you sick fuck. If you're living in RI.

>> No.6805646

Vitamin R aka Rainier. Almost 50 cents a can.

Or Sierra Nevada whatever, which you can get a 6-pack for like $7 tops

>> No.6805649

Not trying to be a dick but the cheapest beer I'll drink is 8usd a six pack.

>> No.6805658

Dumbest post of the day

>> No.6805661


>> No.6805734
File: 156 KB, 586x386, moon man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ha ha, this stuff is only $7.5 here, closer to $7 when on sale

>> No.6805736

Our high booze prices are because of the taxes the federales levy on alcohol.
We pay on average about $20 tax on a normal bottle of spirits, for instance.
It's got nothing to do with carbon tax, don't know where you got that idea from.

>> No.6805769

I wish our alcohol taxes weren't so fucking high, it doesnt stop people from getting smashed and it never fucking will.

If I don't feel like trying something new and the price is right, I'll usually grab a carton of XXXX Bitters.

>> No.6806451

I always check my supermarket docket as there's usually beer coupons. Sixers for 10 or 10 bucks off a carton.

>> No.6806466

PBR is super cheap & it's not terrible but a little more I'll go with Modelo, the mexifags at the restaurants turned me on to it. If I'm feeling really crazy but cheap as well I'll go with Yuengling, it's like $4.75 for a 6pack & it's a damn good beer