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File: 15 KB, 690x420, 2014-01-15-hipsters-love-beer-690x420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6790712 No.6790712 [Reply] [Original]

>Hi /ck/...oh, is that Miller Lite. Sorry, I only drink craft beers, like Sam Adams and Guinness.

>> No.6790774

I know you're being sarcastic, but although not "craft beer", Sam Adams and Guinness are a huge step up from Miller Lite. Although Guinness is a bit pricey for what it is in the States.

>> No.6792152

who are you quoting?

>> No.6792327

literally no one has ever said that

>> No.6792353

Holy shit if this isn't the worst bait Iv'e ever seen.

>> No.6792477

>Sam Addams

Fuck no.

Boston Lager tastes like shit, and it has an aftertaste so bad that I swear it's just liquefied shit in a bottle.

>> No.6792485
File: 17 KB, 500x484, swoh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Boston Lager tastes like shit

>> No.6792493

its not great, and rarely one of the better options, but it is certainly better than any macro light beer

>> No.6792494
File: 208 KB, 960x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw on Amtrack and they call Sam Adams a "regional craft beer"

>> No.6792513

It is

>> No.6792552

Too big.

>> No.6792583

By your definition

The brewer's association of America considers it craft

>> No.6792587

Sam Adams is sold in every state, so its a national craft beer like Sierra Nevada and Fat Tire

>> No.6792590

For you.

>> No.6792607

Craft is such a dumb name.

>> No.6792615

what would you rather them brand themselves as?

>> No.6792619

Pfffft I enjoyed Bud light more than enjoyed Sam Adams

Craft beers can be great, but Sam Adams is fucking garbage.

>> No.6792630

That's probably because you have shit taste

>> No.6792643

>Waaaaaaaaaaaa somebody doesn't like the garbage beer I like WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

There are a quadrillion great craft beers on the planet and none of them come from the Boston Brewing Company/Samuel Adams

>> No.6792649

bud light is basically just carbonated water, its not good

>> No.6792651

>There are a quadrillion great craft beers on the planet and none of them come from the Boston Brewing Company/Samuel Adams
I'm no fan of Sam Adams, but its hard to believe anyone legitimately prefers bud light to them

>> No.6792677

If I had to chose, I'd rather have the bud light

It's shitty, yeah, and like >>6792649 says, it's carbonated water with pseudo-beer flavor, but at least it doesn't taste like Boston Shitlager.

>> No.6792695

INB4 "You'd rather have the bud light so that means you have shit taste"

Nah, I fucking hate bud light, but if my options are shitty beer 1 or shitty beer 2, I'll take the least offensive of the two.

>> No.6792705

I am entirely indifferent to Sam Adams, but I do not see how you find a legitimately terrible beer like Bud Light as less offensive, unless you just don't like beer at all

>> No.6792716

Because Bud Light tastes like nothing to me.

I don't think I need to reiterate what I think of Sam Adams.

>> No.6792721

To me, the taste of plain carbonated water is bad, so I don't much like bud light, i much prefer a little malt and hop flavor

>> No.6792722


Sorry bro, you do

I guarantee you've had absolutely none of those craft beers or think Blue Moon is something profound

You just have a shit palate, plain and simple

>> No.6792727

Beer is packed with substances that increase estrogen so its only natural faggot hipsters love the shit.

Beer historically was drank by women and those who lacked clean drinking water

>> No.6792731

Bud Light has a pretty distinct dirty corn flavor, you're just 16

>> No.6792738

Light beer just sucks.

>> No.6792739

>Beer historically was drank by women
beer was historically drank by everyone, it is the very basis of civilization on which agriculture was first developed
>packed with substances that increase estrogen
Not really true

>> No.6792744

>beer is packed with substancs that increase estrogen

Not really at all, it's really just the hops and the amount of beers people drink really are inconsequential to increasing estrogen levels to a state where they become problematic

Of course you're just a wine ninny looking for something to shit on because everyone knows you're a pretentious shit literally pretending to enjoy and pick out the flavors of something

>> No.6792770 [DELETED] 

>I guarantee you've had absolutely none of those craft beer

I've had several craft beers


Kalona Brewing Co.
Left Hand Brewing
Rock Island Brewing Co.

Well out of my teens.

>> No.6792777


>> No.6792784

>I've had several

>lists literally 3

Regardless, I can't possibly see why you'd hate Boston Lager, it's incredibly inoffensive and it's aftertaste is pretty moderate at most compared to most other beers

You just might not like beer, I can't genuinely think of any person that actually hates it, craft or not

>> No.6792800

>I guarantee you've had absolutely none of those craft beer

I've had several craft beers


Kalona Brewing Co.
Rock Island Brewing Co.
Left Hand Brewing Co.
Exile Brewing Co.

>You've got a shit palate

>Passionately defending Sam Adams
>Accusing anyone else of having a shit palate


Well out of my teens.

>> No.6792823
File: 74 KB, 640x640, smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>deletes post just to add one more to act like this somehow makes his shit palate more legitimate

>implying I'm not just defending Boston Lager which only a babby could actually cry about this much

But please, delete your post again just to add one more brewery. You can't actually be taken seriously if you think Bud Light is better, you're a 20 year old fratboy who drinks sugar beers like the babby he is

>> No.6792826

>Lists literally three

I listed a few I've personally liked.

If I listed all of the ones I've had, you'd probably just go "UR JUST COPY/PASTING!!!!!!!!".

>Regardless, I can't possibly see why you'd hate Boston Lager.

It just tastes awful to me, in a way that no other beer manages to do.

>You just might not like beer

Aside from Sam Adams and the college-bro light beers that taste like overpriced mineral water, I enjoy the taste of most beers that I have.

>> No.6792842

>making excuses before I even call you out them

>it just tastes awful to me

Because you have shit taste, have we not gone over this already?

>I enjoy the taste of most beers that I have

Ignoring this lie, you should name some

>> No.6792878
File: 15 KB, 299x110, tumblr_inline_mtlm92yTWO1qf1qhm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I originally deleted it to include reply to another anon (>>6792721), but decided not to

But by all means, go into an autistic rage over that.

>implying I'm not just defending Boston Lager which only a babby could actually cry about this much

The only one crying here is you, seeing as how you can't handle people not liking your beloved beer.


>name some

Kalona Brewing Co. Lewbricator Wheat Doppelbock
Backpocket Slingshot Dunkel
Green Flash West Coast IPA
Tallgrass Wooden Rooster Barrel Aged
Exile Gigi
Olde Main Dinkey Wheat/Clone/Gryphonbrau

>> No.6792915

never tried brewdog?

>> No.6792918

>the only one crying here is you

>is literally crying that someone calls him out for his shit taste

>is literally crying because I thought it was stupid to delete a post

>likes a bunch of flyover wheat beers

Shit taste confirmed, but please tell me how exalted your palate is for preferring Bud Light over Boston Lager, how ridiculous

>> No.6792939

Lol miller lite is water in Wisconsin drink it when thirsty..
Mke And New Glarus reign supreme. unless you live in the great state of Wisconsin you can't have New Galarus so go home.

>> No.6792947



Any reccs?

Nice know defending my actions constitutes as "crying" in your eyes.

>Uses flyover unironically
>Predictable beer elitism
>Can't make up mind on whether or not to accuse me of "hating beer entirely" or having "shit taste in beer"


Also,since you obviously missed it in >>6792695, I don't actually like bud light, but in terms of shitty taste, I find mineral water more tolerable than Boston Bilgewater.

Haven't had either in well over two years, FWIW.

>> No.6792948

Lagunitas is best brewery

Prove me wrong

>> No.6792963

Nice to know*

>> No.6792979
File: 11 KB, 229x221, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nice knowing defending my actions constitutes as "crying" in your eyes

And my actions defending Boston Lager is ;)

>flyover getting pissed about being called a flyover
>calls other elitists while comparing Boston Lager to Bud Light, favoring the latter, because you have shit taste

>since you obviously missed it

I didn't, I didn't say anywhere in that post that you liked Bud Light, just that it's absolutely ridiculous to think of it better than Boston Lager, or to even think of Boston Lager as garbage, that's about as close as you can get to an incorrect opinion

You can't expect to be taken seriously or not be shit on when you shit on Boston Lager in such a manner, you basically confirm you have shit taste by comparing it to Bud Light

But then again you're crying about being criticized

>> No.6792992

My favorite beer is Dos Eqquis and I've had a few hipster beers.

>> No.6793007

Guinness in America is Miller Lite with Guinness extract mixed in

>> No.6793030

Only possible explanation you could have for hating it is that it was skunked when you drank it

>> No.6793032

Brewdog trashy blonde is pretty good, also epic armageddon ipa if ur a ipa guy

>> No.6793039

>Reply to Thread No.6790712
Give him 4 more years, then the alcoholism will set in and it'll be "Popov? What doesn't kill you, I guess."

>> No.6793073

slightly off topic but why is light beer so popular in america?

what's the appeal?

They taste like shit and they only get you half as drunk

>> No.6793156

It's cheap, that's the main reason

It's also good chugging and you can have a lot without the taste becoming overwhelming as it's lighter tasting, which is good for college and high school parties, college kids and high schoolers making up a decent amount of the demographic, as well as someone just wanting a cold refreshing beer at a decent cost at the bar

Easy drinker for the most part too

It's really not that much less alcohol than any other lager

>> No.6795077

I have yet to meet the infamous hipster who drinks only PBR or other cheap beers.

Are you sure you guys aren't just parroting off stereotypes? I've mostly seen like poor people and white trash or just average people drink this stuff. I always figured hipsters would actually be interested in IPAs or microbrews