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File: 230 KB, 660x389, blood-type-diet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6789477 No.6789477 [Reply] [Original]

Blood type diet...is it legit?

>> No.6789483

Probably the same as horoscopes--no.

>everyone has a minimally good immune system
>everyone is 'naturally hardy/adaptable'
Then they just list a bunch of generally inoffensive, common foods that the majority of the human populace could stomach and wa la

>> No.6789828
File: 126 KB, 279x264, 9324763064.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hell no.

>> No.6789830

I have type AB negative and it says I have the strongest immune system. I guess that's right because I have lupus and that's like having a super strong yet mentally retarded immune system that gets bored easily so it decides to wreck up the place.

However, most of the foods it says will "aid [my] blood type the best" would kill me due to their vitamin K content because lupus attacks my blood and causes blood clots, vitamin K is the 'clotting factor' necessary for the body to form blood clots in the first place and all of those green foods (the greens, kelp and nori/seaweed) are all very, very high in vitamin K.

So yeah: bullfuckingshit.

>> No.6789853

>super strong yet mentally retarded
so just mentally retarded then

>> No.6789860

>blood type
nip detected

>> No.6789862

O Pos here...

used to get pneumonia annually and be out for 2 weeks, so no

>> No.6789871

I was going to say that, but didn't so as to avoid ambiguity. I'm not sure whether 'tardstrength is a worldwide stereotype or not.
Also, a PSA on safe 'tardwrangling: while in reality, 'tards may not be as strong as apes, don't lock eyes with them. Don't do it. Puts'em on edge. They might go into berserker mode, come at you like a whirling dervish, all fists and elbows. You might be screaming "No, no, no" and all they hear is "Who wants cake?"
Let me tell you something: they all do. They all want cake.
I guess the most important thing to remember is they’re just like you and me.

>> No.6789872

It's only legit if you believe in astrology, the Illuminati, and Reptiloids

>> No.6789878

How often do you hear House jokes?

>> No.6789881

Don't be laughable. Who could possibly believe in Reptiloids? Everybody knows Reptoids and Reptilians can't interbreed, ya daft cunt.

>> No.6789883

When I was first diagnosed, occasionally, but I haven't heard any in quite some time. Now, it's mostly jokes about my fat, promiscuous mother.

>> No.6789889

Thats what the CIA wants you to think. they've been breeding them at Dulce since the '50s.

>> No.6790080

>everyone has a good immune system

>> No.6790111

Im an autistic Sagittarius, lets have babies. Or we could at least chew vitamin gummies and masturbate. No homo. I don't get sick bb, my immune system is rock hardvlol, like my ass.

>> No.6792126


I'm type O and I haven't even had so much as a cold in over two years. Although a nasty case of rotavirus got me during clinic work. About four hours on the toilet with a garbage bag in front of me. That shit can strike and your immune system recoils like a cobra.

Point being, this is honestly nonsense and there's very little research to support a correlation between blood type and diet.

>> No.6792135


Well every healthy functioning human should in theory. Otherwise they would have died and not bred into the gene pool

>> No.6792144

It's a way for a quack to get rich on celebrities when they get out of rehab and suddenly want to live "healthy". It's like a step above Gary Null.

>> No.6792525

O pos here...

I can only speak for myself and what I know with my diet and blood type, but those with O type (positive or negative) have the highest chance of obesity and diabetes. So the fact this chart shows type Os should eat high protein and low carb makes it credible.

>> No.6792585

High protein still has a good chance of leading to diabetes. You want high fat, medium protein, low carb.

>> No.6792611

I disagree. Low carb Adkins type diet has the ability to correct one's type 2 diabetes so well a person can stop insulin shots, and reverse the diabetes altogether.
Eating this way might have a better chance of heart disease, but if one ate more fruits/veggies as opposed to fatty and processed meat, (stick with fish and lean meat like turkey and chicken), one can have good heart health on a low carb diet too.