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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6788972 No.6788972 [Reply] [Original]

Just left the grocery store
I tried the ring all the produce as bananas at self checkout technique I've heard mentoined here a few times
It worked
Just wanted to say thanks for the wisdom /ck/

>> No.6788977

Is there anything even cheaper than bananas?

>> No.6788980

mexican bananas

>> No.6789118

I'm pretty sure bananas are the cheapest, they were 79c a pound

>> No.6789146

congratulations on being a dirty theif

>> No.6789166

I hope they got a clear shot of your face on the security cameras.

You better not go back there.

>> No.6789170

See how long it takes you to get arrested anon, keep up the good work!

>> No.6789216


>> No.6789233

Congratulations on becoming an honorary nigger.

When do you loot the Foot Locker, you subhuman trash?

>> No.6789234


>> No.6789257

I'd stay away from that store after you do it once, my store would typically ignore them the first few times but keep track of how much was actually stolen. Most times they get cockier and cockier and it keeps adding up to where they'll actually prosecute you instead of just embarrassing you in front of everyone.

>> No.6789294

That looks like an old Guy Cihi

>> No.6789340

I'm not a gay man.

>> No.6789363

potato can be cheaper, depending on where you live and how till'd those crops be.

>> No.6789367

I know you're trolling. I also know there are young idiots reading this who don't know any better.

So let me say, thievery is one of the lowest things a person could ever do. It merits death. And if you even steal a fucking garden hose down in Texas at night, it is perfectly legal to shoot you dead.

I completely agree with that statute. Don't fucking steal.

>> No.6789396

Nice bait

>> No.6789405

and what are they goiing to do if they catch you?
>"hey, you cant do that."
>they then ring it up for you

>> No.6789419

>thievery is one of the lowest things a person could ever do
never heard of voting republican?

>> No.6789420

>pre-teen detected

>> No.6789425

>caring about others is only for children

>> No.6789428
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>> No.6789432

>i don't have to pay for my own food

>> No.6789444

We're paying for your welfare ass with our taxes.

>> No.6789447

You haven't even made it out of the 10 or 11th grade. Your half brain is so young and naive, It's almost a comic.

>> No.6789448
File: 18 KB, 245x201, autistic[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks people should be put to death for stealing water hoses
literally autism

>> No.6789456

That's what grown ups do. You go ahead and vote liberal. By the way, whatever you own, give this homeless guy half of it under penalty of death or imprisonment. That's in accordance with your beliefs.

>> No.6789460

In Texas? Place you under arrest just like the police. In Texas, ANYONE can arrest you for theft. If it's at night, they can shoot you.

>> No.6789461

I'm older than you. I just care about people that aren't me.

If your only argument is really "only young people are liberal" you are too stupid to post here

>> No.6789464

I'd shoot a fucking thief for stealing anything of mine. That is quite the opposite of autism.

Stay in school, child.

>> No.6789467

You're still a faggot

>> No.6789469

>hillary is going to win
>we get 8 more years a retarded hick butthurt

I miss GWB sometimes

>> No.6789471

You're in your teens or twenties, punk.

>> No.6789474

I saw back to the future in theaters, if anything I'm too old to be here.

>> No.6789478

All bark, no bite. I know your kind. Maybe school would have done you some good.

>> No.6789479

you know how expensive those hose are, especially the high quality ones.

>> No.6789482

guys its just groceries, who cares. The employees probably wish the place would burn down anyway.

>> No.6789485

I'm 45, son. I joined the Army in 1988.

>> No.6789490

3 Associate degrees. General, Science and Arts. Over 200 credit hours. I think school did wonders for me. However, if you believe someone like me doesn't have a bite, you're just wetting your panties.

>> No.6789491

you mean when they use recruit felons who end up doing acid in the barracks and accidentally shoot themselves in the head?

>> No.6789493

>I joined the Army in 1988.
a welfare queen complaining about liberal policy, how cute

>> No.6789496

LOL this has to be bait
umm so what science classes did you take

>> No.6789497

They could cost 2 cents a piece. They belong to me. Coming onto my property and taking what is mine will get you severely punished.

>> No.6789500

Right, I shot myself in the head a hundred times, that's why I'm still here. Perhaps it is you who is on LSD.

>> No.6789502

An ignorant liberal, how typical.

>> No.6789504

lol more bait

>> No.6789507

>thinking one party is better than the other
You are brainwashed and retarded either way. Its like people don't even pay attention to what the government actually does.

>> No.6789511

Intro chem, organic chem, biology, A&P I and II, microbiology, pathophysiology, cellular biology, etc.

Go cry yourself to sleep.

>> No.6789513

You have no idea what you're going on about, you just keep saying things that are increasingly inane in nature. It's like you want us to think you're an idiot.

>> No.6789517

ok so you are a nurse, CONGRATS!

>> No.6789554


Art. 18.16. PREVENTING CONSEQUENCES OF THEFT. Any person has a right to prevent the consequences of theft by seizing any personal property that has been stolen and bringing it, with the person suspected of committing the theft, if that person can be taken, before a magistrate for examination, or delivering the property and the person suspected of committing the theft to a peace officer for that purpose. To justify a seizure under this article, there must be reasonable ground to believe the property is stolen, and the seizure must be openly made and the proceedings had without delay.

Welcome to Texas where any fucking person anywhere can kick your ass and hand you over to the judge. Your neighbor. The elementary school teacher. Your mailman. Some hungover drunk walking his dog. Anyone. If you steal in Texas, you are in for it.

>> No.6789563

>these ass blasted rethuglicans

Enjoy losing again in 2016

>> No.6789566

I tell you hwat

>> No.6789567

Yes we all know you live in the wild west and fuck your siblings.

>> No.6789571

Which bumfuck state college did you attend? Poverty State?

>> No.6789586
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It's funny because only OP and I will know the pleasure of taking things from companies that have enough money to make your entire family disappear if they had the mind to do so.

>> No.6789599

Why? Did you fail those classes and it hurts your feelings that some anon Texan bested you?

UT motherfucker.

>> No.6789614

three associates amounts to unemployment, not to mention you can't finish a BA. Did you get laid off three times too and have to re-train for another job?

Brag about three master's degrees. Not three associates.

>> No.6789624

Oh shit. Three associate degrees. One more "degree" and a few more credit hours and someone might give a shit.

Good for you. It's good to feel like you have accomplished something.

>> No.6789635

Hey, I'm not arguing. I went for the arts in order to get a BSN. Life and pregnancy happens. I landed my 2nd AS in paramedicine and worked as a paramedic making an astounding living - $26 per hour as a pediatric specialist. My 3rd came about after I tragically lost my wife and two daughters. One was a toddler, one was an infant. I was devastated without end and thought I could drink myself to death. I survived after years of abuse and I've been doing what I can to become a normal person.

I'm not a pussy fuck crying on anyone's shoulders. My problem. My responsibility to deal with it. But I am not a quitter or a half stepper.

I think I just aired out a bunch of shit on the wrong website. Sorry. Been drinking

>> No.6789642
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>I tragically lost my wife and two daughters
>an astounding living - $26 per hour
I can't decide which one is funnier.

>> No.6789683

Just so you know, most of the time you're not "getting away with it." They know you're stealing, and they're seeing if you're dumb enough to do it multiple times so they can build an ironclad case against you. If you get away with it, don't steal at the same place twice.

>> No.6789692

I worked as a shift manager for a Hy-Vee for a while and unless we caught you in the act we aren't even allowed to confront known shoplifters. We had several known shoplifters. We definitely didn't build a case against them. You have to be caught in the act.

>> No.6789702

Reflect on the calibre of your parents and you'll find the largest laughter one could muster.

They raised you to be a shit bag. They are on par of being ghetto niggers, am I right?

Am I right? Say something insulting in order to prove I am right. All your junior ass has to do in order to represent your parents is act like a total fucking jackass. That will let us all know who raised you.

>> No.6789712

Fuck you.
I wish I made 26 bucks an hour, but I'm on this bumfuck job right now that I actually enjoy for some demented reason. People see and live through shit we cannot comprehend, therefore stuff to us may seem trivial and wrong in the eyes of others.
I don't know if I may have fallen for the bait of empathy or some bullshit like that, maybe this homeboy is truly trolling us for the hell of it. no one knows, this is the magic of anonymity and if you want to truly partake in it you must be willing to put forth ideas and information and in turn give feedback.

>> No.6789717

What in the world makes you think I would defend the way my parents raised me? I am on your side when it comes to that issue.

I mean honestly I feel so horrible about your wife and children that I have to deflect it by being a dick so it doesn't make me cry. It's the 4chan style of compassion.

>> No.6789718

Where do you live? If anon is from a flyover state $26/hour will afford him a fucking mansion.

>> No.6789719

I'm not trolling you. There's some things you joke about and some shit you don't dare fuck around about - and that's family. Especially children.

Don't mean to be a spoil sport and I failed because I brought it up. Don't mean to be a no fun zone.

>> No.6789722

That was harsh but you were being harsh to me. Sorry. All the best to you, sincerely.

>> No.6789724


>> No.6789731

I thought you were dead. I loved Infinite Jest

>> No.6789739

I came close to kicking it a few times. This last time, they gave me two blood transfusions and kept me in the ICU for two days.

I got my labs back on Tuesday. I'm just above needing more transfusions. I know it looks like I'm teetering but I believe I am going to last another 10-15 years. I feel great.

>> No.6789750

What the fuck is going on in this thread anymore?

>> No.6789759

I derailed it by bringing up republicans and then we all talked about our feelings. Exactly as I planned.

>> No.6789774

I literally steal. The other day I stole a $40 bottle of olive oil from a specialty food store. It has a huge parent company and I figure if they're big enough to be a national retailer but not willing to put cameras anywhere but the registers then they clearly have it within their business model to absolve loss.

Not saying which store though because the specialty section only exists in like two places and I'm onto a good thing here.

Also it makes me feel like a big man.

But yeah code of ethics. No small businesses. I'm like a bad ass assassin who won't go after women or children.

>> No.6789928



>code of ethics

Cognitive dissonance, son.

>> No.6789984

>this thread

lol americans

>> No.6790164

lol foreigners being obsessed by everything American

>> No.6790186

>The world is black and white
Uhh that's like saying that killing an animal is murder. They're both killing but one is way worse.

>> No.6790213

Not even close. If you're a thief, you merit the worst of punishments.

I'd rather get robbed than burglarized. At least I have a fighting chance.

>> No.6790268

Nigga dont be frontin u kno u neva paid taxes.

>> No.6791050

yeah but is the old, fat girl at the stand really going to try and arrest me?

>> No.6791081

People underestimate how easy it is to steal from large grocery stores. I regularly pocket expensive spices. A large number of security cameras in those places are fake, and it isn't like they literally have a security guard watching the feed like in the moobies. They would have to go through god knows how much footage to figure out who stole what when, with shitty footage -- it just wouldn't be worth it. If you aren't a hambeast or an autist, it's pretty easy to find an empty aisle

that said, I only take shit from big chains and always buy several other things for this reason, I will only pocket spices/cheese/whatever the smallest and most expensive items are that I need

>> No.6791090

i dont understand, why cant you just fucking use the non bag option and walk out with the produce

Also I do not support this ghetto nigger behaviour. fucking scumbag