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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6768080 No.6768080 [Reply] [Original]

>you're on death row
>you're asked by the prison warden what you want your last meal to be

What do you choose, /ck/?

>> No.6768089

A beef wellington, with prosciutto around the beef, with a loaded baked potato, a twice baked potato, and mashed sweet potatoes. A big pile of brussell sprouts with bacon and cheese. To drink, a bottle of 12 year old highland single malt scotch. And to finish it all off, a big heaping serving of ur mum's twat m8

>> No.6768101

is heroin a meal?

>> No.6768107

2 pints of mint and chocolate chip ice cream

>> No.6768112

Bean dip

>> No.6768124

Bacon cheeseburger and large cajun fries with a ton of ketchup and vinegar from 5 Guys

>> No.6768136

2 pounds of catfish mustard battered. 2 pounds of fries pound of hush puppies. a whole big tiramisu the real italian stuff not some store bought crap tiramisu. a bottle of cheerwine.

>> No.6768145

Friendly reminder most prisons have a $50 limit and will not alcohol alcohol, drugs or prepare anything that takes a ridiculously long amount of time.

While I hate to be a buzzkill I'd rather this thread wasn't full of unoriginal nonsense like THE WORLD'S RAREST TRUFFLE

>> No.6768152

>alcohol alcohol
Give alcohol, fuck.

>> No.6768153

Pudding chock full of laxatives so when I die I shit myself and it's horrible for everyone involved

>> No.6768154

a bullet

stop making these fucking threads

>> No.6768166

The spiciest indian food he can procure and some slow churned extra creamy ice cream. I'm going to make cleaning me up be as unpleasant as possible.

>> No.6768171

get the fuck out of my thread, you enormous tool

>> No.6768173

Then don't make shitty threads

>> No.6768177
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>> No.6768188

Biscuits and gravy

>> No.6768189
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>> No.6768199
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>> No.6768204
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>> No.6768205
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>> No.6768212
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>> No.6768219

a young girl, preferably live

>> No.6768223

taco bell

>> No.6768228

Big Mac it is

>> No.6768235

Oysters, Clams, and Cuckolds

>> No.6768243

Instead of "Fourthmeal" you can have the "Lastmeal".

>> No.6768252

A rib-eye steak cooked medium rare with skin-on french fries on the side and a grilled tomato.

Or mom's lasagna.

>> No.6768254

>not mom's spaghetti

>> No.6768265


Four pounds of steamed broccoli
Two Chipotle burritos, no meat, extra salsa
A gallon of the spiciest curry they can find
Any menu item from Jack in the Box
A quart of milk
A quart of orange juice

Kill me all you want, but you're not going to like what happens next.

>> No.6768268


>tfw Texas abolished their last meal rule

Come on. I don't care whether or not you support the death penalty, but that's just being a cunt.

I am impressed by that guy who ordered so much and refused to eat it any of it to give a fuck you to Texas. That's pretty impressive.

>> No.6768279

this one

>> No.6768282


Sounds like he was an idiot who fed the guards which executed him.

>> No.6768287


If you're going to die anyway, why does it matter? And the guards always throw away last meals if there's any left over.

>> No.6768289

>Taco Bell introduces the LASTMEAL box. Get your inmate burrito now for a limited time only.

>> No.6768293
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>tfw I live in the civilized world where we don't have the death penalty because "you killed someone so we gun kill you back ahyuck hyuck hyuck" is blatantly savage-tier thinking
>tfw I will never know what it's like to order a last meal

>> No.6768451

Texas abolished it and Florida has capped it's at $40. Oklahoma doesn't give a shit and it's a mere $15

$14.99 meal deals must do well in the areas surrounding the prisons

>> No.6768485

Some sort of burrito with lots of spice. Then, I'll hold everything in until I finally shit myself when I'm killed.

And someone will have to clean it up.

>> No.6768490

Out of luck if you live in Texas. No last meals there anymore since some asshole asked for a enormous last meal and proceeded to not eat any of it.

They don't really give you real food in many US prisons either, they give you a nutraloaf. Which is similar to a very dry meatloaf with a ton more shit on it. Meant to be eaten without utensils. It's nutritionally complete, though. On most they use nutraloafs as a disciplinary measure and there have been lawsuits about its usage, so go figure how awful they taste.

>> No.6768499

A hot dog, microwaved, with ketchup.

>> No.6768516

I do not see it as that way. When an individual has proven that they are more of a detriment to society than an addition, and are incapable of reform (repeat offenders for murder or those of extremely heinous crimes), then I believe it is better to remove them. What are we doing by keeping them in prison for the rest of their lives? They do not add to anything but a bloated system and do nothing but drain from the public coffers.

>> No.6768526

>What are we doing by keeping them in prison for the rest of their lives?

Maintaining a higher standard of morality.

>> No.6768537

Really? In what way? How is keeping someone imprisoned inherently more moral than removing them from said imprisonment? You're applying standards that don't have any actual basis. If anything your position, at least indirectly, is causing those who can function in society to have a slightly lower standard of living due to the increased cost of keeping said prisoner for life. Why does that prisoner's life matter more than the quality of the citizen's lives?

>> No.6768540

Lomo saltado, deep fried plantain, and a liter of Kim lardashian's breast milk

>> No.6768541

The most moral thing to do would be to exile them.

Steal? You go to Papua New Guinea.

>> No.6768545


Sometimes you're funny, autocorrect

>> No.6768553

Lethal injections are more expensive than keeping someone imprisoned tho.

>> No.6768555

ur mums pussy

>> No.6768556

You do realize that not all criminals can be redeemed and that keeping someone in prison is extremely expensive, right? That's why the focus is (or is supposed to be, since US prisons apparently don't realize that by being cruel and getting everyone and everything imprisoned for the most petty shit they just convert the prison into a criminal training ground and make the inmates hate society) on reforming criminals. But would you trust some therapy and meds to make, say, John Wayne Gacy into a good person? Or do you think Islamic extremists, who are usually all too glad to give their lives if asked to by their organization, could not muster the willpower to just act until they're released and THEN go blow something or someone up in the street? Heck, the only reason something like Sweden's "make all the prisons into hotels" approach works is because the society it is on is different. Contrary to what /pol/ may want you to think it's a very peaceful place. One of the first things someone from Sweden or Finland will tell you about their country is how mind-boggingly dull and uneventful they're, coupled with the depressing long-ass winters. And thanks to their wellfare system it's very hard to either advance in society or end up roaming the streets and eating dog shit, leading to static, borderline stagnant societies where not a lot ever happens, and even less so during the winter. The US is not like that. At all.

>> No.6768561


The death penalty costs more than life imprisonment though.

>> No.6768570

>The death penalty costs more than life imprisonment though.
Excuse me? No it doesn't. Sure, the actual case costs more, and keeping them for the time they are on death row costs more, but the total costs aren't even comparable.

Life in prison lasts a good deal longer, and as long as life imprisonment lasts 40% longer than than the time they would have been on death row then life in prison is more expensive (generally this is true except for edge cases).

>> No.6768573

I have a rusty axe in my backyard.

It's free.

>> No.6768579

Only if life in prison isn't at least 40% longer than the time they spent on death row. It is only more expensive per year.

>> No.6768580

No. Keeping someone imprisoned costs more than supporting the average child for the same amount of time. Lethal injections are a one-time time for obvious reasons. And there's literally no reason to use either lethal injections or electric chairs unless you want to let people watch a person's death. Those people probably have issues. Just shoot them, there's ways for an almost 100% assured and almost instant death, like say a shot to the medulla oblongata. If people get squeamish then use a machine. and position their heads correctly. Even if you miss that, not a lot of people survive being shot in the head at point-blank by a high-powered rifle.

>> No.6768594

Just rip their throat out.

Can't eat, they'll starve to death.

>> No.6768603

Nowhere near the same thing my friend. It's very unlikely they'll feel anything for longer than a few fractions of a second by reducing educing their heads to chunky salsa, and it's far cheaper. It's actually more humane than the electric chair in that respect.

>> No.6768606

Why not just go back to the old fashioned guillotine? It's reusable, just wash it off before the next guy's turn. That way you don't even have to spend money on bullets.

>> No.6768611


Obviously the particular costs vary case to case but you're looking at a seven digit figure of extra costs for the legal process and death row imprisonment. It's going to take a long time in jail on a life sentence to catch up with that.


Thats just one example but thats estimating $400,000 more to execute a 29 year old than imprison him.

>> No.6768617

Yes, the guillotine's actually painless for all intents and purposes and far less messy if you don't mind the blood, but how much does it cost to mantain one on working order and how many people can you kill before having to change the blade? There are also devices to drive a spike through someone's brain stem, which does basically the same thing.

>> No.6768637

Ah yes, Texas.
Where it doesn't matter if we kill someone who is guilty, just as long as someone is killed by the state on TV.

Reminder: Rick Perry is a murderer who refused to pardon a man while holding evidence that proved he was innocent.

>> No.6768640

spicy cheez-its

>> No.6768641

Dear christ, when did killing someone get so stupidly expensive?

>> No.6768646

When we figured out that lots of innocent people get put to death because we would rush the process.

>> No.6768652

A tray of baked potatoes like my mother makes.

>> No.6768653

Don't give them two attorneys. Restrict the usage of death penalty for very dire offenses with clear-cut cases, like say a school shooting. Wjy would you even keep a death row in prisons? Just kill them as soon as possible, you're mantaining a dead man otherwise. Why is bureaucratic nonsense gobbling up so much money? Organized crime seems to take a far cheaper and streamlined approach to it.

>> No.6768658

the antidote

>> No.6768659

>You do realize that not all criminals can be redeemed and that keeping someone in prison is extremely expensive, right?
You fell for the biggest misconception right in your first sentence.
It is literally 10 times more expensive to execute someone than it is to keep them in prison for life. And that doesn't even count the opportunity cost and legal fees of their multiple appeals courts.

>> No.6768666

>Restrict the usage of death penalty for very dire offenses with clear-cut cases, like say a school shooting
Except those 9/10 of those people kill themselves themselves alive before they can be captured.

>> No.6768668

Only because ot the current approach to it. There's literally no logical reason why it would be if it was done right.

>> No.6768670

Roof and Holmes

>> No.6768672

That's even better, that way you don't have to waste money on them. So kill the stupid ones for allowing themselves to be caught.

>> No.6768675

Oh boy, 2 out of a few dozen.
So a little less than 1/10.
Good job, champ.

>> No.6768676

No, but why is keeping a inmate on death row more expensive than keeping them in normal prison?

>> No.6768682
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>> No.6768683

You know that the biggest reason its so expensive is the multiple appeals courts, right?
And the appeals courts exist because the US courts were sentencing too many innocent people to death?
And even with the appeals courts, we still have people like Governor Rick Perry executing innocent people when there is evidence that proves their innocence?

So I don't understand you "literally no logical reason" or "if it was done right".

>> No.6768691

Then restrict the number of people who can be executed per annum. If people are having trouble with it then the government's getting too trigger-happy.

>> No.6768694


all the appeals and the whole process of frying somebody is really long and drawn out. takes a ton of time and money.

>> No.6768699

The latter can be trivially fixed by using a cheaper method to kill people. We figured this shit out for animals long ago, and with humans you don't even have to keep the meat intact.

>> No.6768708

A number of states haven't even executed death row inmates in decades. They basically live cozier life sentences. Really, truthfully, Texas is the one with the trigger finger, especially since like last year they celebrated having executed X number of people.

But states like California have lots of people on Death Row, but haven't executed anyone in oh... 20-25 years.

This whole year, 8 months in, only 2 people have been executed.
>An Arizona man who killed his GF and her father in 1989
>A mentally ill man from Missouri who murdered his wife and one of his daughters. However, the state supreme court wanted to give him a reprieve because he was mentally ill and the Governor responded by declining the offer and having him killed.

>> No.6768715

It's not the method of killing them that's expensive, it's the entire appeals process leading up to execution that's expensive. It ties up judges and lawyers for years to prove guilt beyond a shadow of a doubt that the person is guilty and deserves to die.

It's cheaper to just give people life in prison with no chance of parole.

>> No.6768723

>beyond a shadow of a doubt that the person is guilty and deserves to die.
And even then innocent people slip through the cracks.

>It's cheaper to just give people life in prison with no chance of parole.
10x cheaper in fact.

>> No.6768733

Then don't sentence people to death if there's any ambiguity in their cases, like already-known mental illness. In order to streamline it even more, don't let people already in death sentence use a insanity defense, since they probably are just trying to not get killed and faking it anyways. And a mentally ill person who kills people with cold blood is still a murderer, so going back and wasting money for one loony is nothing but a formality. The whole point would be making it so if you are even eligible for death sentence you definitely carry at least most of the guilt.

>> No.6768747

Which is why I said "the latter" and not "the whole problem". Even if it's a tiny fraction of the expenses there's no reason to not optimize it.

>> No.6768765

>Then don't sentence people to death if there's any ambiguity in their cases, like already-known mental illness.
Yeah, that's a state problem, not a federal one.
Southern States tend to kill anyone for any reason. While other states usually don't kill people at all.

So it comes down to:
Tell Southerners to stop killing people on a state-by-state basis.

>> No.6768767

>It costs money so fuck it, let's just kill the people we don't like

What a moral high ground you're stood on there.

>> No.6768789

There was a study of one state's executions from years ago that had them having something like 8% of their executions later being proven wrong.

I really wish I could back up the details but that shit is kinda scary, even if it was only 1% that would still be too many.

>> No.6768797

Put it like this: Most people would say a killing a murderer is a forgivable crime. Why is it different when it's the government doing it? No matter. Now, you take a murderer. He's already on his way to execution. Why would you waste obscene amounts of money and time to save a piece of shit? Perphaps he wouldn't have been killed if he had been judged differently, but striving for perfection in that sort of thing is a futile effort and ultimately nobody will miss that person.

>> No.6768817

>Why would you waste obscene amounts of money and time to save a piece of shit

1. Its more expensive to kill them. You can pretend to ignore that as much as you want, but it doesn't stop it from being true.
2. It is more expensive to kill them because you need to spend all that money in court to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are a piece of shit and even then, there are still innocent people who are executed.

>> No.6768824

>Most people would say a killing a murderer is a forgivable crime.

Back in a small town in Georgia in the 1930's, most people would say lynchin' a nigger isn't even a crime. Which is why we don't allow things like mob rule.

>Why would you waste obscene amounts of money and time to save a piece of shit?

Because at the point you start to think of other humans as "a piece of shit" you've lost all grasp on reality and have no compassion or morality.

Also, if I were the sort of right-wing religious person who supported the death penalty, I might also want to check out them there 10 commandments. Fairly emphatic, them.

>> No.6768836

bag of pepperoni slices

>> No.6768842

>1. Its more expensive to kill them. You can pretend to ignore that as much as you want, but it doesn't stop it from being true.
And you conveniently ignore the cost of both undoing the long and expensive process to put them on death sentence in the first place and then doing another one, plus any attempts that person may do at getting back at the government.

>> No.6768849

>Back in a small town in Georgia in the 1930's, most people would say lynchin' a nigger isn't even a crime. Which is why we don't allow things like mob rule.
You didn't understand the point of that sentence. Read it again.
>Because at the point you start to think of other humans as "a piece of shit" you've lost all grasp on reality and have no compassion or morality.
No. You just have lived too good a life to ever know someone who deserves that title. And there are people like that. A lot of them. Hardcore moral relativism would make the penal system essentially useless, so don't even try.

>> No.6768861


>> No.6768868

>And you conveniently ignore the cost of both undoing the long and expensive process to put them on death sentence in the first place and then doing another one
Undoing the long expensive process. Are you implying that anyone who gets tried for the death sentence should be executed, despite that nearly 10% of them are later found to be innocent?

>plus any attempts that person may do at getting back at the government.
Holy shit. This is some delusion. Can you show an example?

>> No.6768886

Chicken wings covered in pure capsaicin hot sauce.

>> No.6768888

pfft spaghetti is a shit tier noodle. Linguine is far superior.

>> No.6768893

Death penalty costs too much. When you factor in everything it's cheaper just to imprison people for life than to kill them.

>> No.6768895

>Cracker and pizza Lunchables
>Slice of real cheese cake and a slice of that fake instant crap
>Beef tamales
>Strawberry Fanta
>Fruit Salad - Pears, peaches, grapes, apples, bannanas, almonds

>> No.6768900

Once you factor in 10 years of appeals it becomes more expensive by a wide margin. The US could save itself billions of dollars by eliminating the death penalty. Not to mention god knows how many hours that the courts would suddenly have freed up.

>> No.6768901

i highly doubt this. you are going to need some sources for this.

and i would want goat cheese polenta with pork tenderloin, specifically cooked by the california grill chefs in disney

>> No.6768903


They don't execute people everyday, m8

>> No.6768905

>Undoing the long expensive process
Which doesn't give you the time or money back and actually costs more.
>Are you implying that anyone who gets tried for the death sentence should be executed, despite that nearly 10% of them are later found to be innocent?
No. I am saying that people shouldn't be able to force the government into letting them go right before getting killed because their offense actually came just within a hair of deserving death sentence. As in, a serial killer and rapist shouldn't be tried again if it's discovered he's insane. An innocent person definitely should.
>Holy shit. This is some delusion. Can you show an example?
It's not delusion, it's a logical conclusion seeing how a iot of the USA is lawsuit enthusiats. Nothing but an hypothetical scenario, so feel free to disregard it.

>> No.6768921

>No. I am saying that people shouldn't be able to force the government into letting them go right before getting killed because their offense actually came just within a hair of deserving death sentence.

I don't think you understand how the appeals process works. I would really read up on it before continuing this conversation.

>> No.6768922

twenty strips of bacon, two chic-fil-a spicy chicken sandwiches, curly fries, and a big bowl of beef stew

>> No.6768930


These threads always derail into an ethical argument about the death penalty.

>> No.6768937

Just read it and there was nothing I didn't already know other than the stupidity of letting the losing side make a petition for the constitution to be rewritten twice. If people getting killed over technicisms is such a common issue, the governor should take it into his own hands to give those people a pardon instead of wasting the Supreme Court's time. Perphaps you didn't understand the hyperbole in that sentence.

>> No.6769265

The only correct answer is this answer

>> No.6770646

A rare steak with a baked potato and coleslaw
a pint of boulevard wheat
a can of spagetti-o's so i can pour some out for Thomas j Grasso https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_J._Grasso#Last_meal

>> No.6770675

Hey dumb dumb just Google "execution vs life sentence costs" or something similar. Forbes, NBC and The Economist and countless others have articles on in. It takes usually 5 or more years for the person to actually die and so much is spent on the court and lawyer costs.

>> No.6770685


>> No.6771029

Leek with red onions and white mushrooms.

>> No.6771032
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Coney dogs with chili cheese fries and a banana milkshake


Chicken fried steak with mashed taters and texas toast, also with banana shake

In both cases, I want rice pudding for desert

If booze is allowed, I want a fifth of Jack and a 24oz Dr Pepper

>> No.6771039

Wtf is that stuff in the picture?

It looks like it might give me diarrhea for a week

>> No.6771043

Coney dogs and chili cheese fries. Also, it might do just that, but it'd be worth it.

>> No.6771044

>shitting yourself after you die because you chose poorly for a last meal
Ha ha!

>> No.6771046

Free range kale and quinoa with organic cocksauce

>> No.6771146

You guy realize that your last meal is usually a couple days before you're executed right? So trying to shit yourself when your dead doesn't work.

>> No.6771183

If possible, I'd like to cook it myself. Nothing fancy, just a chicken breast with salt, pepper, and garlic pan seared with olive oil, some steamed veggies, and maybe rice or a baked potato.

>> No.6771196


Something I can MacGyver an escape out of.

>> No.6771339

I'm not sure how, but I recognize this as Timothy McVeigh's last meal. You sick son of a bitch

>> No.6771385

>implying you'd be unable to hold in shit for a couple of days if necessary

>> No.6771387

too much potato you fucking irish scumbag

the beef wellington was a great choice, though

>> No.6771395
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>> No.6771485

shellfish something or other, im not allowed to eat them normally

but if im being put to death i think i wanna try some oysters

>> No.6771495


Seriously, I know this is /ck/, but I'd rather go on one last dive into a nice muff than eat anything if it's my last day alive.

If I can get laid AND eat, though... my mom's rice and cheese, and a brownie, and a tall glass of ice-cold milk.

>> No.6771498

so many spiders

>> No.6771996

fuck yeah man haha