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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6767504 No.6767504 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck do I learn not to eat unhealthy shit? I planned not to eat any sweets anymore or at least only at weekends and instead eat fruits or something while playing games or watching movies. But somehow its both, not that "satisfying" and just not as fast as you have to wash and cut stuff before. (yes, im a lazy piece of shit) I didnt last one week without eating chocolate again. Is there anything thats both, somewhat healthy and easy to make while doing stuff? Especially on my days off I like to have snacks while watching movies, so I dont want to stop it entirely (even though it may be the best solution to this problem).

I also used to drink only softdrinks and managed to switch to water with a bit apple juice. Its fast to make and still tastes nice.

>> No.6767517

>How the fuck do I learn not to eat unhealthy shit?
Be so busy eating in a healthy pattern that you don't have time to eat much unhealthy shit. If you live in America this means cooking most of your meals.
>yes, im a lazy piece of shit
Then forget about eating healthy. Lazy food is almost never healthy. Same goes for laziness in general.

>> No.6767527

Just drink water and eat veggies

>> No.6767534

The more you eat stuff the more you crave it, so if you stop eating it you will stop craving it.

>> No.6767556

>Then forget about eating healthy. Lazy food is almost never healthy. Same goes for laziness in general.
Well, there should still be something thats lazy but better than a bag doritos.

Thats what I try, but its hard to do it if you ate shit for years.

This makes sense, yeah.

>> No.6767581

Don't buy any. You can't eat what you don't have.

>> No.6767601
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>I didnt last one week
it takes at least 2 weeks to retrain your palate

>> No.6767607

Nearly everything that qualifies as a "snack food" is loaded with fat, salt and/or sugar. That's the nature of the beast. Besides, snacking while sitting on the couch watching TV (or movies, if you want to disguise what you're doing as something more culturally advanced) is a great way to get fat.

Stop doing that. Spend that time in the kitchen cooking healthy meals from scratch that will fill you up without making you fat. Then you won't be looking for lazy snacks.

>> No.6767609

eat artificially sweetened things.

>> No.6767624

start with exercise. then work on diet.

because after spending an hour doing cardio (walk, run, bike ride, whatever) then the last thing you'll want to do is waste all of that effort by stuffing chocolate into your face.

plus you'll have more energy and will want to prepare healthier foods.

>> No.6767629

Don't buy it. Simple: if you don't have it in your house, you won't eat it. You learn not to eat like a fat pig from habit. After a week of eating better you won't crave chocolate as much.

Also, you don't need to eat while playing video games or watching movies. That's the easiest way to put on calories. You aren't consciously eating.

>> No.6767635

Almonds, baby carrots, blueberries, shit like that could qualify. Are you eating foods that are satiating?


>> No.6767647



>> No.6767652

>Nearly everything that qualifies as a "snack food" is loaded with fat, salt and/or sugar.
Guess youre right here and thats why I didnt really enjoyed fruits and stuff that much. Im too used to that shit and vegetables probably taste worse than they would do if I wouldnt eat salty/sugary shit all the time.
>(or movies, if you want to disguise what you're doing as something more culturally advanced)
Sorry, but I dont even have TV and im not interested in it.
>Spend that time in the kitchen cooking healthy meals from scratch that will fill you up without making you fat. Then you won't be looking for lazy snacks.
Maybe I should really do it, any recommendations to start with?

>Don't buy it. Simple: if you don't have it in your house, you won't eat it. You learn not to eat like a fat pig from habit. After a week of eating better you won't crave chocolate as much.
I really should try to be more disciplined. That was probably the reason I failed at my first attempt after a few days.

>> No.6767656

pretzels, fat free no sugar added ice cream, sugar free iced tea, sugar free soda, sugar free chocolate/strawberry/maple syrup. there's all kinds of junk you can eat if you have that urge.

but one big rule if you want to 'pig out,' is only eat low or non fat things. and avoid sugar (which should be easy with the dozens of sugar substitutes out there)

>> No.6767658

no shit its hard in the beginning, it gets easier after you get used to it.

>> No.6767677

>Maybe I should really do it
yes you fucking should

>I really should try to be more disciplined

but it's your life so what do i care. look after your body, anon, because you only get one.


>> No.6767682

>Im too used to that shit and vegetables probably taste worse than they would do if I wouldnt eat salty/sugary shit all the time.
You are correct. You can change that. Stop eating garbage. Guess what will happen? Everything will taste like cardboard for three weeks. Then your taste will adjust, like this Anon suggests. >>6767601

I did that six years ago. That three weeks really sucks, because it seems like all joy has been taken out of food. Then suddenly vegetables have flavor, and stuff like Doritos just tastes loud and stupid.

Of course you then have to learn how to cook, because almost all of the lazy food you can get in this country is equally loud and stupid.

>> No.6767702

>Everything will taste like cardboard for three weeks.
You are wrong and a faggot.

>lazy food you can get in this country
Which country is that? OP didn't say which country they're from. Are you some kind of wizard?

>> No.6767802

Don't cut them out of your diet, incorporate them out slowly. How much soda do you have in a day?

>> No.6767819

>Which country is that? OP didn't say which country they're from. Are you some kind of wizard?

>How much soda do you have in a day?
I managed not to drink soda anymore and instead only drink sparkling water. Now in summer I mix it with a bit apple juice to be able to drink a bit more. If you want to know how much I drink, its usually one liter per day.