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6766216 No.6766216 [Reply] [Original]

Drin/ck/ers how much do you all spend on alcohol per week?

I struggle with my finances and I'm turning 21 in less than a week. I'm worried I'm going to spend more money than I should on alcohol. How much do you spend? Additionally, how much do you spend on food? Extra bonus, how much do you spend on alcohol outside of the house?

>> No.6766224

>financially struggling
>can't stop self from buying alcohol

Are you an alcoholic?

>> No.6766228


>> No.6766231
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usually about two boxes of wine a week, so like $28ish a week?

>> No.6766233

Fun fact, you don't actually need to buy alcohol all the time once you turn 21.

>> No.6766237


>> No.6766239

I rarely drink during the summer, however back at schooll I'll spend 20 bucks a week, occasionally a little more and occasionally a little less

>> No.6766241

Alcoholic detected

>> No.6766242


OP I spent at least $60 a week on hard liqour and that was the cheap stuff. I'm an alcohol though and quit.

>> No.6766244

Congratulations. Is this your first day?

>> No.6766251


>> No.6766269
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Cheap Al/ck/oholic here. You shouldn't spend more than $30 a month on booze ever. If you're looking to save money, don't drink at bars or at restaurants period, because the price markups on booze are so exuberant that even buying one drink is a frivolous expense for a person who doesn't have to worry about money.
You're better off just going to house parties if you want to drink with friends. I used to drink pretty frequently. I have a Costco membership so I would buy that great rum that they sell at $15 for 1.75 liters, and get a few mixers, and then get a 30-rack of Hammer 30 (they sell it at Fresh and Easy for $15). In total I'd spend about $30/month on booze and be able to get drunk on my own at least 7-10 nights a month with that amount of booze. If you don't have a costco card, you should skip liquor stores and get your hard liquor (but NOT your beer) from a chain drug store like CVS or Rite Aid, who have sales on booze all the time. Just grab a handle of whatever low-shelf booze happens to be on sale at the time. My CVS cycled through putting handles of Seagrams Vodka/Gin, Jim Beam Bourbon, and Bacardi Rum on sale for about $15, give or take a couple bucks.
I'm a 168lb 5'10" male, if you're a fatty boi you might need more than that to get drunk as often as I did. Being drunk 33% of the month was pretty nice while it lasted.
Pic related, it's the best cheap beer there is.

>> No.6766275
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my parents buy me alcohol because I can't get anything till I'm 19 in vancouver. they are both very cultured so they get good beer and cider and such.

>> No.6766277

Good advice but I live somewhere where CVS doesn't sell alcohol at all. Why do you advise against liquor stores (my apartment right next to one l plan on frequenting)? I'm also far from any Costco but I can get to a Walmart.

>> No.6766285

Walmart surprisingly isn't that great for booze. As far as recommendations go, I would say Costco/Sams Club > CVS/Rite Aid > Grocery Stores (Esp Stater Brothers) > Liquor Stores.
Liquor stores usually charge the full price for everything, and even mark it up. Very few liquor stores can compete with grocery stores and wholesale markets. I honestly would never shop at one unless I lived in a state that had punitive legislation against alcohol retailers.

>> No.6766294

I hear that Walmarts in Flyover states are better, like they have full alcohol sections and sell guns and ammunition and shit that you can't find at a So Cal Walmart.

>> No.6766299

>I honestly would never shop at one unless I lived in a state that had punitive legislation against alcohol retailers.
Well I'm in the lovely federal District of Columbia. I could get on the metro and go to Virginia for shit, but idk if it's worth the effort.

>> No.6766310

I've also been doing this since I was 18. I'm 20 now but I'm in america so I gotta wait until 21. Been getting a lot of stouts and porters lately, and spend about $30 a month on average. Only drink to get drunk with friends, mostly just like the taste of beer.

>> No.6766337

Around $20 - 30 a night on alcohol for the last 5 years. Quitting tomorrow.

>> No.6766342

>Quitting tomorrow
*quitting the day after tomorrow

>> No.6766358


>> No.6766362

Simply don't buy booze and don't make recipes which need booze. Unless you're alcoholic that should be a pretty trivial exertion of willpower. Accept that booze is a luxury and that you won't always be able to get it. If you don't have enough strength of will to keep yourself from drinking while struggling financially, that'll end on a vicious cycle of not having as much money as you'd like to, then drinking, then having even less money, then drinking more and therefore wasting more money in useless, extremely short-term pleasure, and so on and on until you're a perma-poorfaggot alcoholic.

>> No.6766364

How do you spend that much on hooch? Do you only drink at bars or something?

>> No.6766446

Depends, if you want to make a big haul it might be worth it. Lots of grocers with good deals on alcohol let you mix and match for a 30% discount if you buy 6 bottles or more. They already have better prices at grocery stores, so the 30% discount is great. Just make the trek to Virginia and get several months worth of hard A.

>> No.6766453

Maybe if I get a better job and am able to horde money for a run. I already plan on going to the safeway a metro stop away from me to buy 40s since they're banned from sale within the district.

>> No.6766480

bottle of wine and whatever beer to finish it off with. or a couple bottles of wine.

>> No.6766536

>Quitting tomorrow.

of course you are

>> No.6766539

> 40s are banned

Jesus, why so many punitive laws for alcohol in DC? It sounds painful.

>> No.6766562

alcohol its great and i like it a lot so would you
if you just gave it a shot woohoo

>> No.6766566

It's what I'm doing, and I'm sticking to it; consider this the 6766337 posts final words as a drinker I will fug your mother though if you need a dad.

>> No.6766568

If you were a true alc you'd be drinking $3 bottles of wine and cheap beer. You're spending a lot more than you need to.

40s are banned to discourage homeless drinking or something. Idk why the CVSs don't sell alcohol but there's a liquor store every block in DC

>> No.6766573
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Not him, but i'm proud of you, Anon.

I hope you find something more fun to spend your money on. good luck

>> No.6766581

I actually have money so I can buy whatever alch I want =/ it really sucks.tmrw is the day.

>> No.6766594

Give me your money so you stop drinking. Solve both of our problems.

>> No.6766606

I buy a big bag of ice for 2 bucks and a 30 pack of Miller High Life and that lasts me Friday and Saturday night left in my cooler.

So about $18 with ice. I usually spend the bulk of my money on cocaine

>> No.6766610

Jesus fuck /ck/

>> No.6766921

$0, im 21 turning 22 in 2 months. It helps not being an alcoholic like op.

>> No.6766947

Recently, somewhere around $120~w, because I'm trying to start a whisky collection.

>> No.6766951

It depends, I'm not an alcoholic but I like buying alcohol. I just bought a $70 bottle of Nikka Whiskey which is amazing.

But i honestly buy because I aspire to one day be a bartender so I feel like trying different alcohols is educational. I'm happy to say I haven't even finished a bottle of liquor by myself yet. My liquor collection is pretty huge as a result though.

>> No.6766956

I spend $15 a day for a 1.75 of admiral sanders spiced rum. Every day and on Saturdays I get two because you can't buy it on Sundays here. So $15x7 = $105 a week. Minus a few cents because it's like $14.xx each time. Just easier to round up to $15.

>> No.6766962

You're a rich guy

>> No.6766968

No, Just know how to work the bills out correctly for now. Plus my gf gets $700 of food stamps a month because of her 3 kids from 3 dads so that is how I get regular food, but I don't eat much. Most my calories are from drinking which also causes horrible shits. Never expected life to be this way at 35.

>> No.6766975


You're not long for this world.

>> No.6766977

It's the fake caramel coloring, isn't it?! I knew it

>> No.6766978

Alcoholics really fascinate me. I don't understand how anyone can go a few days like that, let alone live their life that way. Truly amazing. I'm reading Bukowskis 'Women' right now and the main character drinks 12 beers and a pint of cutty stark a night. The human body is tough

>> No.6766982
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>Plus my gf gets $700 of food stamps a month because of her 3 kids from 3 dads so that is how I get regular food
everything about this sentence is just...

>> No.6766994


I seen it nearly kill my stepdad. Now he's blind and can barely walk. He's also on dialysis.

I seen a cousin ruin his entire life. He had a cozy foreman job bringing home, after taxes, 1500 a week. Plus, a house with a wife and some kids. Now he lives with his dad and has no teeth, but still manages to drink every day.

This one guy I knew fell asleep, err past out, and set his house on fire. Burned himself to a crisp.

I'm not against it or anything like that because I've done my fair share of drinking, but luckily I could never do the "everyday" thing. You should watch The Wet House it's on youtube and about drunks.

>> No.6767000

been about 1.5 years since a day went by I didn't drink. I know all the negatives for it. There are zero benefits. Yet it doesn't stop me. I am a "functioning alcoholic" I guess you would call it. I go to work still and I make about $1000 a week normally. Sometimes more, sometimes less. But as soon as I'm off I drink until I pass out. I have loving family and gf and this and that and a home and yard and a dog and cat. I couldn't even tell you why I do what I do, but I do it anyways and can't stop it seems.

>> No.6767004

How long until you're on Maury?

>> No.6767005

should have been on that shit 5 years ago. Still waiting on my chance at fame yo

>> No.6767009

didn't see your last line about the wet house until now. I will watch it tonight if I get a chance and report back

>> No.6767018

At worst I was spending $2000 a month on booze. Now a beer here and there.

>> No.6767020


Yeah, I wasn't trying to be preachy or anything like that. I meant no disrespect at all.

You're gonna do what you're gonna do and I'm not trying to change what you're doing. I'm 5 years older than you and have had some health issues this year and it spooked me off the booze. Lots of anxiety every time I drink. Like, I said before, I could never drink every day like some can, but I could do the every other day drink or two days on and one day off. Luckily, my anxiety got my drinking under control. Now, I maybe drink once or twice a month and it's only regular beer.

Just remember to eat some food, watch out for the diabetes and line some organ donors up and you'll be fine.

>> No.6767030

that is like the chariots fire of lists on what to do lol..I cook some mean ass food when I'm drunk. Give me 30 minutes in the kitchen and it comes out amazing. No lie. I don't know what it is. And no, I'm not the only one to think so. For some reason me drunk equals give me some pans and some raw foods and I get it right. Anxiety, I don't have that. I think I know why I drink but not so sure so I can't say for a fact. It's beyond me and I can't help it at this point. I know my liver and kidneys will fail eventually. I know diabetes is in my future. I know I say some fucked up shit at times. Yet there I go. I realize the problem is there but don't have anything in me to fix it.It's weird. It is like watching self destruction 101 in freshman year.

>> No.6767216
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Less than $20 on average. I have bottles of wine stored away for when I want booze. Somewhere just below a dozen bottles.

>> No.6767218

About £50, but compared to my income it's really not that much.

>> No.6767221
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did you decide not to go to college because it "wasn't worth it"?

side not fuck these capitchas im tired of IDing commercial trucks

>> No.6767235

I'm a home brewer so I probably spend 20 bucks a week on ingredients to make beer, hard to work it out because I buy stuff in bulk.

If I start counting the costs of my beer kegs, electricity, time, ect that I spend on my hobby. Fuck I try not to think about it. I'm a single guy living alone with 5 fridges running in my house :/

>> No.6767240


I work in a liquor store. I almost don't want to know. I know it's a big compared to my income, but I get fucked up on a lot of great booze.

>> No.6767245

I probably spend in the neighborhood of $50-100 a week on alcohol. This includes buying drinks for the gf/friends at bars, rare release beer bottles for my cellar, wine for cooking/casual dinner drinking.

Foodwise, probably about $100/week. Cooking 4-5 nights a week for two, eating out most lunches, going out to dinner on the weekends.

>> No.6767247

Way too much, waaaaay too much. I don't want to talk about it.

>> No.6767250

Man I can't even comprehend how you drink that much booze. Three drinks and I'm ready to go to sleep. 4+ and I'll be hung over and probably puking my guts out.

>> No.6767253

Exactly 500 SEK a month on alcohol. (about $57)

>> No.6767257

I bet your fedora budget far outweighs any of that.

>> No.6767258

Not him, but my buying habit is similar, life is hard/expensive at 6'9""ft, 250 pounds.

>> No.6767327

I drink every other day but don't get shitfaced. I buy a handle of everclear (~$35) about every 2 months.

always pour the same amount then mix it with a little water and an energy drink or something good and just sip throughout the day then give my liver some time the day after.

6'0 130lbs mr skeltal

>> No.6767602

Looks like you're the one who didn't go to college. By the way, not all college majors are worth the price of tuition.

>> No.6767899

I'm about $150 a week on opiates and cocaine, and another $50 for booze.

I really should slow down.

>> No.6767947

Nice, I'd like to build up a nice supply over time.

>> No.6767951

>always pour the same amount then mix it with a little water and an energy drink or something good and just sip throughout the day then give my liver some time the day after.
Slowly feeding yourself liquor all day but not getting drunk off of it is probably not great for you.

>> No.6767972

why would it be any worse than binging?

>> No.6767984

They're both bad for you. But something about slowly ingesting small quantities of liquor all day seems unnatural. Like slow radiation poisoning.

>> No.6768007

I like to buy a handle of vodka at Trader Joe's every week or two. Mixes with anything, tastes fine plain. 10.99 before taxes. Food is hard to say... maybe like $300 but I usually am cooking for 2-3 people so it's hard to say.

>> No.6769715

Lucky. My TJs doesn't sell liquor. Only wine and beer.

>> No.6769803

300 a month, sometimes more. canada has pricey booze. i pay 11 dollars for a 6 pack of strong beer. 6.3 percent.

probably a bit more because i go out with friends and my wife drinks sometimes. i only bring in 800 a month in neetbux so its almost half.

i chug the 6 pack before bed so i can sleep.

>> No.6769934

You're missing out. Trader Joe's is THE PLACE for quality cheap booze.

>> No.6769974

It takes practice, dedication and stamina. Not everybody can be that good at drinking.

>> No.6770022

Fuck. I'm mad now. I googled it and they have a lot of cheap liquor. I mean, it's not good, but it's cheap. I'm really upset that I don't have one with liquor nearby.

>> No.6770092

lol i know teenage girls that can drink more than 4 drinks wtf?

are you like 60 pounds you faggot bitch?