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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 120 KB, 780x439, mcuckolds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6764329 No.6764329 [Reply] [Original]

>McDonald's is going to reclassify fast food employees as "waiters" and "waitresses" and install touchscreen ordering, to escape New York's mandatory $15 an hour for fast food workers. The waiter or waitress will deliver the food to your table after you have ordered it by touchscreen point of sale terminals. Waitresses in New York make $5 an hour.



>> No.6764331
File: 65 KB, 600x320, G-O-A-T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure with so many orders an hour most waiters will be pulling in a minimum $35 p/h tbh

>> No.6764338

I still preffer BK

>> No.6764344
File: 90 KB, 814x696, deniro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at McDonalds

>> No.6764349

Read OP. It is table service. 90% of people tip table service.

>> No.6764353

Tbh I've always wondered how fast food places find employees in NYC. The whole city is disgustingly expensive. Where do these Manhattan island wage slaves live? How do they get to work? Why are you even living in NYC on a McDonald wage?

>> No.6764358

But the prices will remain the same, right? So McDonalds will need to pay half as much to its employees but make their customers pay 15% more? Seems like I'm not going there anymore.

>> No.6764360

Good to see McDonalds continue to die.

>> No.6764361

Not if the name McDonalds is out front. Plus how much can you really tip on a $4 meal?

>> No.6764365

Easy. You live outside of Manhattan, such as in Brooklyn. About thirty minute train ride each way. 5 dollar round trip or possibly less if you buy the unlimited ride cards. Then you get to make McDonald's wage in a cleaner work environment and pay the same as if you took a bus to somewhere local. Plus you don't pay for a Manhattan apartment.

>> No.6764368
File: 329 KB, 500x323, 20121101chelseagallerydamage-side.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People don't eat at McDonalds in NYC do they? I thought they were just there to order a drink so you could use their restrooms. Hopefully they'll have some accomodation for carryout orders...last thing I'd want to do is touch a seat in a NYC McD.

>> No.6764372

Seems like you will never taste McRib ever again. Youre call, but I predict most people will choose McRib tbh

>> No.6764377

20% tip on a three dollar meal is 60 cents. One meal delivered a minute (and that is conservative given McDonalds thruflow) = $36 p/h tips

>> No.6764380

I've never had one, actually. Maybe I should before the change happens.

>> No.6764386
File: 49 KB, 285x328, ribwich.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make sure u tip

>> No.6764387

>relying on a largely black clientele for tips

>> No.6764388

Interesting. I thought all of NYC was really pricey, boroughs included. Sounds like the subways help out a lot. I've just always wondered how a city so big can even function.

>> No.6764390

I'm baffled they have a mininum wage for fast food, but not everyone. That's nuts.

>> No.6764391

now theres a statistic straight from your ass

>> No.6764393

>relying on racism to make an argument

>> No.6764396

No, OP definitely said it was table service. Check again.

>> No.6764399

They really don't tip though.

>> No.6764400

>not relying on racism as often as possible

>> No.6764402

Nigs don't tip. Scientific fact

>> No.6764411

Great, so do I have to fucking tip at McfuckingDonalds now?

>> No.6764416

Are you retarded? If they make less than minimum wage with tips the businesses still have to make up the difference and I doubt people will suddenly start tipping much at mcdonalds.

>> No.6764424


delivery driver here. it is an objective fact that blacks tip much less than all other races. are facts racist?

>> No.6764425

>muh feels-based fact

>> No.6764426

I tip at Sonic. If a person serves you, you tip. General rule. If it bugs you, avoid going there. If you do go there, have some class and toss a few bucks to the server. It won't kill you to do so.

>> No.6764433

Jokes on them. I only use the drive thru.

>> No.6764436

since when has tipping become mandatory?
I'm not tipping at a McDonald's ever, they are bringing my a try instead of putting it on a counter for me to pick up. I can't imagine most of these workers making 3 or 4 of these trips before needing a break.

>> No.6764437

Numbers are not racist. People are racist. Given that your negative view of all black people is formed on the basis of contact with a small sample group, you are racist, not the laughably small sample you are relying on.

>> No.6764445
File: 44 KB, 247x248, 1433822195904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tipping at fucking McDonald's
No thank you. I'll go, and if they serve me, whatever. You tip a waiter because they WAIT on you, not because they deliver your food 10 feet from the counter where they could've easily just called my number and had me pick it up LIKE EVERY FAST FOOD PLACE HAS DONE FOR DECADES.
This is just McDonald's trying to get out of paying their employees as much as they should through a loophole. We don't tip, staff quits because fucking working for $5 an hour, McDonald's caves in and goes back to the old system.

>> No.6764447


why are the blacks in the area i deliver to tipping less than all other races in the same area? and why does this sample size not apply outside this area?

>> No.6764448

Bull shit I work culvers
the only think people leave on the table is there Fucking trash because there lazy to throw it away lol your a fucking retard

>> No.6764452

What's actually going to happen:

"Waiters" collapse under pressure of customers/hour in high-volume locations. Service gets even worse as "poor performing" waiters quit in droves because they can't survive on McDonalds tips. Customers, dissatisfied with careless waiters serving McDoubles and expecting a tip, opt for the experience they're more familiar with at Burger King or Wendy's; at least those places don't expect you to tip your cashier. McDonald's locations with table service have revenue collapse; the whole idea is nixed in 6 months after overwhelming opposition.

A year later, it's remembered as one of the biggest corporate blunders of 2015. Screencap this.

>> No.6764453

because there's some magical hypothetical world where your real life experience is negated somehow

>> No.6764457

businesses don't make up the difference, where the fuck do you live. Obamaville? if you are a trash server, you get trash money, no once gives you more cause you didn't reach a certain amount.

>> No.6764460

Anecdotal evidence don't real cause a few black people went to college that one time

>> No.6764461

> believing that's what racism means.

quit spouting media garbage and get your feelings out of facts.

>> No.6764464

I'm black and I can admit that blacks largely don't tip

Why does this trigger people so much? Does the truth really hurt that much?

>> No.6764466


This is pretty much it, yeah. How do they even expect to keep up with all the customers? The "waiters" have to move from the kitchen to the tables, this takes a lot more time than turning around and grabbing a burger from the rack. They will also no have enough seating space. Is there even takeout possible with that system?

>> No.6764472

Naw. I mean, well, the boroughs are pricier than upstate just because they're close to Manhattan. But Staten Island... or was it Long Island, probably both. They're basically the city equivalent to redneckville. Nothing but white trash and nothing to do unless you go into the city, so it's priced lower. Brooklyn and The Bronx (I assume) are priced low because they're filled with ghetto trash. Though yuppies are moving into Brooklyn because of said proximity to Manhattan and driving up prices. Queens is further but is also a better neighborhood than Brooklyn so you still get your million dollar houses there. Filled with Jews and Asians.

I've seen people in better areas in other states whine about having to commute more than 15 minutes. In NYC everything is closer but ironically you have to be prepared to commute 30+ minutes if you don't want to pay for proximity. Took me an hour each way to commute from Brooklyn to Queens to go to college since I had to switch from train to bus. Probably why everyone is in a rush all the time. Commutes are too long.

>> No.6764477

Did anyone actually even bother to open the link?
It's 3 paragraphs long and does not include the greentext.
In fact, if you search for the greentexted shit on google, all that pops up is 4chan. You're being rused.

>> No.6764488
File: 263 KB, 600x304, usausaus.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ain't no one gonna give that tip at McDick.
Like you're gonna tip someone for bringing you a mcdouble, or that a person who brings their family to McDonalds is gonna tip just because someone brought the food to their table.
All they're saving me is waiting the moderate to near-none amount of time it would take to wait for my food, they aren't gonna do the things a waitress does. And you damn well know that they aren't gonna be wearing all that stupid ass flair.

>> No.6764495

Not really. With tips they'll end up making more than they were getting before.

>> No.6764498
File: 379 KB, 1367x1024, welfare cliff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plus, thanks to the welfare cliff, you're actually better off making $29,000 a year than $69,000

>> No.6764504

>people reading links
Where do you think we are etc. etc.

>> No.6764513
File: 139 KB, 613x920, 920x920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting. I (did) live in Houston for a few years and it's just so different. Everyone commutes here and everyone drives. There really isn't an inner city dense like NYC. Our inner cities neighborhoods are the remnants of ancient suburbs surrounded by old suburbs surrounded by middle aged suburbs surrounded by new suburbs with huge swaths of empty space in between. Nobody takes public transit unless they have to (bus). I used to work with a guy who spent two hours on buses to get to work. Freeways are monolithic and so is traffic. Suburbs with good schools take up to an hour drive in rush hour.

Tell me more about NYC, I think different cities lifestyles are interesting and can hardly imagine how you can live in NYC.

>> No.6764516

If you have children, which means you're either married, a deadbeat dad, or a single mom

That money is going to directly to baby boo

>> No.6764521

i know that sprawl feel

>> No.6764522
File: 215 KB, 758x609, black privilege.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your experiences are meaningless
>White, male privilege is real because I feel it is
The modern left, everyone

>> No.6764527

Which obviously isn't true. My black friend tips so you're just being racist.

>> No.6764534

You just didn't see black people tip.
I've seen it though, but that's because I have friends that are black.

>> No.6764536

People would be willing to tip 50 cents. It adds up given how many orders they get.

>> No.6764537

>That money is going to directly to baby boo

This nigga, has no idea how to poverty pimp bitchz. also, black market sales of government cheese products.

>> No.6764539

Order $2.50 bundle plus water.
Brought to my table.
Drink water.
Ask for refill.
Finish food.

Leave and no tip. :^)



>> No.6764540

It isn't objective at all. It's subjective to your experience.

>> No.6764544

>plus water
You monster

>> No.6764562


and why is this area an outlier to the group as a whole?

>> No.6764570

>they have to make up the difference
>implying most places actually do this

>> No.6764581

If I'm at the drive-thru, I order two waters.

>> No.6764584

Nigs don't tip
Nigs will even tell you flat out they don't tip
It's one of the reasons you'll never see Nigs at an expensive restaurant but if you go to a $5 buffet it's packed with them

>> No.6764587

I'll try my best to stay out of the politics debate. I'll try even harder to stay out of the shithole that is NYC.

Corporations are pretty depressing. It's not like the entire company of McDonald's would go under if they paid their employees $15 at a few stores.

People aren't going to tip much at McDonald's. Their 10-20% is like 1 dollar. That's if they even leave a tip. That shit sucks for the employees.

>> No.6764609

I'm terrified of driving, myself. I sort of want to move out to somewhere more like the suburbs or rural since I like nature and the idea of owning a decent yard and such. But I'm not sure if I could trust myself with a car. When I took some lessons I kept feeling paranoid about what if someone reached a corner at the same time. How do I know who got there first? How do I trust myself to not get t-boned? Plus my eyes are easily bothered by light, especially in the dark. I get after images quickly, etc. I just feel like an accident waiting to happen.

It's just so simple to rely on public transit. They run 24/7 and it's probably cheaper than owning a car considering insurance, and gas prices rising. You can get just about anywhere in the boroughs on one ride since you get free transfers to a bus from a train. And transfers between trains are free if they're in the same station. Sometimes results in slightly roundabout paths to get somewhere.

I know someone from Texas who visited Manhattan once and apparently hated it. He felt claustrophobic since the buildings were too tall and close together and he couldn't see far. Felt fenced in I guess.

I'm not really sure what to tell you about NYC. You'd have to ask what you wanna know. I live in one of the worst areas of Brooklyn. Mostly black and hispanic, lots of crime. There's a McDonald's on my block I would never feel comfortable working at because it's 95% black and I pass as white or hispanic depending on who looks at me. I'm basically a minority in this area, sort of strange. I'm the type of person who'd rather commute to work in a McDonald's at Manhattan than have a 30 second commute. I went to private schools before college because public schools here are notorious for being horrible and having fights, drugs, etc. End result is that I'm pretty sheltered from the world while living in a shithole. Plus, ironically enough, I might've gotten a better education at the free public schools.

>> No.6764611

It's the law. Although, I don't know how a server could be so bad they aren't making over minimum.

>> No.6764617

You have literally never worked in any industry in which tips are a standard. Even if you don't like it, it doesn't change the fact that blacks do tip less in general.

/pol/ memes aside, you're so blue pilled that ultraviolet light is shining out of your ass.

>> No.6764632

>That money is going to directly to baby boo
Kek it really doesn't. Those moms get cheap as hell with their kids. They somehow manage to buy more luxuries than those without kids. Should see them go crazy when they get their income tax.

>> No.6764635

Put minimum wage at $15/h and then if someone tips, woo, extra cash, and if they don't, no one is suffering too badly.
Also who the fuck wants to sit down and eat at a mcdonalds?

>> No.6764646
File: 9 KB, 259x194, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mcdonalds is for lovers

>> No.6764666

I can't see what's happening in the picture because it's fucking small

>> No.6764674

>I'm baffled they have a mininum wage for fast food, but not everyone. That's nuts.

This comes from the federal minimum and subminimum wage laws that cover the entire country. If you work in a job where tips are a significant portion of income, then you have to make at least federal subminimum wage (like $2.13/hr), and if in fact you earn less than that during a shift, the employer is obligated to make up the difference so you made at least the federal minimum wage ($7.25/hr). It's not unique to New York, and doesn't specify fast food vs regular food service - the law distinguishes between generally tipped and generally untipped employees, and it just so happens that most fast food employees are untipped.

>> No.6764678


just wait until the fine ass qts start serving you. or that black bitch whos about ready to give you a BJ in the bathroom if the price is right.

>> No.6764684

Burger King tried doing table service in 1993 and they lost shit loads of money.

>> No.6764698

>Burger King tried doing table service in 1993 and they lost shit loads of money.
They were using humans to take orders at tables. Cheap tablets, and the ability of most Americans to use them, changes the economic equation considerably.

>> No.6764704

I know of cafes where they bring food to your table and specifically don't ask for tips

I'm in america so idgaf, not tipping anything except my fedora

>> No.6764709

I don't get the appeal of touch screen ordering (customer-wise). Little screens playing commercials all the time is awful.

>> No.6764731

You are misinformed. The $15 minimum wage regulation in New York applies exclusively to fast food workers.

This is not the first minimum wage proposal that targets a specific sector. In DC, there was a minimum wage bill written in such a way that it would only apply to Walmart.

>> No.6764742

People are not going to tip someone 20% for bringing food to the table. That's a generous tip for a real waiter who takes your order, refills your drinks, and checks up on you.

>> No.6764743

It's funny, because McDonald's breaks even on burgers and loses money on fries. I've been bleeding them for years

>> No.6764746
File: 132 KB, 1012x712, 1437617573452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you ask for fries without salt so they have to make them fresh
>tfw you apply a salt packet in front of the cashier

>> No.6764773
File: 130 KB, 864x405, Thomas_Sowell_Minimum_Wage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's not like the entire company of McDonald's would go under if they paid their employees $15 at a few stores.

No, but it hurts those who own a franchise. Most economists agree that price floors are a bad idea, and minimum wage in the U.S. was only established because racist white unions didn't want to compete with black labor.

>> No.6764801
File: 26 KB, 330x333, my nugga reaction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6764810

I ask for my burgers without ketchup so I can go to the dispenser to make sure the proper amount is applied

>> No.6764829

So how do they avoid paying drive-thru employees $15/hour?

>> No.6764970

Are all McDonald's owned privately by franchise owners? If that's the case, maybe McDonald's should not own any restaurants in NYC if it is not feasible.

Redefining employees' positions and cutting wages is unacceptable to me, unless of course the waiters actually make more money under the new tipping system. kek

>> No.6764981

It's New York fucking City. The vast majority of people working in the food service industry are underpaid illegal immigrants. Hell, in America, the only reason our food is as cheap as it is, is because of our exploitation of migrant workers, from the picking, to the packaging, to the cooking. Every step of the way are undocumented workers getting paid minuscule amounts of money for very hard work, most of which gets sent back to their family's in Mexico. Why anyone who wants shit to be cheap would want to deport these people, I'll never understand.

Everyone likes sausage, but nobody wants to see how it's made.

>> No.6765028

ohai, the illegal immigrant argument.

That may be the case in NYC, but can you give me some statistics to back up your point? From what I've seen, particularly in the Midwest where I am from, the people who work in fast food restaurants are almost exclusively Americans. There are Mexicans picking the tomatoes, but it's Americans preparing the food.

>> No.6765030

>Go through the drive thru
>Dont have to tip


>> No.6765033

>Are all McDonald's owned privately by franchise owners? If that's the case, maybe McDonald's should not own any restaurants in NYC if it is not feasible.

90% of US McD's are privately owned. McD's is looking to get rid of the rest by 2017, because they vowed to increase the minimum wage by a couple dollars by 2017 in all company-owned restaurants.

>> No.6765057

The hoops billionaires jump through just to save a few million dollars.

>> No.6765066

Isn't also included in New York law that if a server doesn't make enough in tips to get an income equivalent to the normal minimum wage that the employer has to pay whatever additional in wages to make up for server minimum + tips not making it to normal minimum?
That's how it is here in Kentucky, at least.

tl;dr I am certain McDonald's employees will still make that $15 an hour no matter what. "Libs" still win, OP

>> No.6765070
File: 117 KB, 636x856, 1439242522820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in nyc
>mcdonalds opens up after renovations
>they have the new menu
>smoke a bowl and roll out
>get in, theres a few touchscreen kiosks
>cashiers look bored
>loud mexican lady comes up and start instructing me on how to use it
>lol whatever
>shits complicated yo, wish i listened
>finally finish, almost $13 for medium ok
>have to go up to cashier and pay, cash only
>apparently i had to put in my table number at the kiosk (?)
>finally get my buzzer thing
>go upstairs, friends are already done with their normal food
>wait some more
>waiters awkwardly walk up with my food
>its actually pretty good

thanks for reading my blog

>> No.6765077

>Redefining employees' positions and cutting wages is unacceptable to me
Then don't work there. It's not your problem. It's between McD's and their employees.

>> No.6765079

No, see the wage increase is for fast food employees only. Waiters and waitresses are not considered fast food employees, so they'd still be on the old minimum wage.

>> No.6765088

Unless New York interprets the law as meaning "if your servers can't make up to $15 an hour through tips, you have to make up the rest", which is almost guaranteed if New York has that kind of server minimum wage law

>> No.6765093

I work in retail so I also make minimum wage. It is my problem, anon. If minimum wage is going to increase I do not want my employer to find a loophole around the law.

>inb4 get a better job and/or go back to school
I'm trying. It would be nice if I could make a decent living while I try to get my shit together.

>> No.6765098

Well your minimum wage is not increasing. You're not a fast food employee.

You will continue to make $7.50 or whatever while the illiterate high schoolers at Micky Dees make $15.

>> No.6765104

Mcdonalds pays salaries so low that their employees qualify for welfare. Do you really think that a fast food giant indirectly subsidized by the government was going to pay anyone fair wages?

>> No.6765111

Where in Brooklyn do you live?

>> No.6765113

> wow
> so future
> speed and convenience
> wow

I can't wait until McDonald has their employees service my cock under the table as I eat.

>> No.6765121
File: 26 KB, 512x368, neil armstrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw average voters, media, and politicians only care about the wages McDonald's and Wal Mart employees.

>> No.6765132
File: 3.57 MB, 4320x2432, IMG_20150722_231616764_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cock services will be considered the epitamy of plebianism by the turn of the century anon. It's time to move beyond our desires of human interaction and disease ridden oral favors.

>> No.6765133

That touchscreen stuff is pretty vile. Who the fuck wants to touch some dirty touchscreen then eat food? McD shit is the kind of stuff one eats with their hands and fingers. It's not really silverware type dining. They should have silverware too if they expect people to touch their dirty touchscreeens.

>> No.6765141

East New York.

>79,602 population
>White 1.9%
>Black 51.4%
>has had some of the highest crime rates in Brooklyn, and is considered by some to be the borough's murder capital, alongside Brownsville
>East New York's 75th Police District reported the highest murder rate in the city in 2011
>East New York has significantly higher dropout rates and incidents of violence in its schools. Students must pass through metal detectors and swipe ID cards to enter the buildings.

I get murders and drug dealings in front of my house. Also common to spot Blood gang members. I really need to move out.

>> No.6765147

>just wait until the fine ass qts start serving you. or that black bitch whos about ready to give you a BJ in the bathroom if the price is right.
This sounds kinda enticing.

>> No.6765163
File: 92 KB, 1092x640, 1439167117989.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna wipe cum on one then have an acquaince take pictures and samples and Sue the fuck out of McDonalds for not providing silverware and hand sanitizer at the tables.

Not really. But theoretically it could work. It's only a matter of time until customer rubs their dick or asshole on the filthy touch screen and somebody sues McDonald's because their an easy target. Even if its settled out of court sombodies getting a chunk of cash for eating finger foods after being forced to order by touching all over a screen that's dirtier than a whore houses front doorknob

>> No.6765167


>> No.6765172

Oh, no I wasn't him.
I was just curious since I live in Canarsie. Middle school was in East NY though.

>> No.6765176

are the people who prepare the food also going to be "waiters"?

>> No.6765177


>> No.6765193

>tfw we will never get cool tech everywhere because monkeys will vandalize them with every chance they get

>> No.6765199

Ayy. Was it public or private? Would be crazy if I met someone I knew on 4chin.

>> No.6765203

Fug I hate when I do that.

>> No.6765214

UFT charter.
It shared a building with Gershwin/IS166.
It's technically public, but also kinda private I guess.

>> No.6765237

Have you applied for a Pell scholarship? There are many federal aid programs for those looking to better themselves

>> No.6765239
File: 23 KB, 236x331, 0a21b8abcb066acf4d0b6351029f8828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's sad how apelike some 'people' still act.

>nice thing
>rub feces and spray paint gang hieroglyphics all over it

>nice thing
>steal it

>> No.6765251
File: 61 KB, 800x479, ancient egyptians were black and had spaceships.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6765270

I'm too lazy to read the thread and get a consensus.

But Hardee's, Chick-fil-A, Sonic, etc. all bring you your food to your table or, in the case of Sonic, your car.

And nobody tips there.

McDonald's is based. Got to love how those feel-good New Yorkers spend millions of dollars passing a new law, and it's circumvented just. like. that. Businesses will just, you know, find loopholes or go do business elsewhere. That's what their in the business of doing. I wish they'd just pull all their stores out of New York and let those employees put more strain on unemployment. Maybe we can see New York fall back into a state of disrepair. Talk about some apocalypse porn. I've got a raging boner right now! All future Batman movies could be filmed ON LOCATION. Hnnnnnggggghhhh.

Kind of like DRM. It's pointless.

>> No.6765271

But we all pay with the social services we have to provide to illegal immigrants like schooling and housing. Illegal immigrants is causing overcrowding in schools in California.

>> No.6765289
File: 94 KB, 610x375, 4915427316_e362000f2c_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's almost like the monkeys are trying to communicate.....

>> No.6765293

way to copy culver's shit Donald

>> No.6765312

As a former Long John Silvers' cashier, I can corroborate this.
Nobody's going to tip you for bringing their fast food to the table. There is no waiter-ing happening here. All it came down to was interrupting my cashier duties with having to run your greasy fish out to your table, give a smile and an "enjoy your meal!" and get back to actual work.

On occasion I got the standard cashier's "well shit I got $1 in change and I don't feel like putting it in my wallet so you can have it" tips, but that's the extent of it. And I'd imagine that would happen even less at these McDonald's, where the cashiers are completely replaced by the terminals.

Good on MickeyD's for trying to escape this $15 min wage retardation but I think $5 is too low considering their only pay supplement will be quarters that slip out of customers pockets when they leave their table.

>> No.6765320

>I think $5 is too low
The employees knew what they signed up for.

>> No.6765476

This is pure fucking evil genius.

>> No.6766156

No you tardisaur, that's not how it works. You tip a waiter because they are investing a 40 minute commitment to you, checking back with you throughout the meal to see how things are, bringing you refills, etc. McDonald's is going to have someone dump a tray of food on your table and ignore you the rest of the meal.

There used to be a Carl's Jr. near me that they would give you a plastic number you put on the table then they bring it to you. Nobody EVER tipped them.

>> No.6766175

This. I have a way easier time tipping someone who has been attending me for 40 minutes than someone who just hands me some fries that I ordered from a digital kiosk.

>> No.6766191

You say this as though people become fast food employees after careful consideration of what job would provide them with the best benefits. Fast food employees are usually desperate people who will take anything. This makes them the most easily exploitable people and therefore the most in need of protective legislation.

> But muh free market

Fuck off. We figured out hundreds of years ago that labor laws were a GOOD thing, especially in the case of monolithic corporations that are so out of touch with their low-level employees that they literally treat them as numbers. I generally consider myself a fiscal conservative but holy fuck I'm not going to pretend that labor exploitation isn't a real thing.

>> No.6766192

>No tipping = teens spitting in random peoples food

Glad i never eat shit food

>> No.6766198

NYC doesn't have drive-thrus because nobody drives, they just take taxis or the subway. According to my friend there. He had to go out to New Jersey to find some Panda Express since apparently there was none in NYC.

>> No.6766204

Did anyone read the article? There is no mention of this.

>> No.6766211

Whats the point? This whole plot of theirs kind of gets broken by the fact that they have a DRIVE THROUGH. I mean hell even if you insist on eating inside just order at the window then walk in.

>> No.6766213

>That touchscreen stuff is pretty vile. Who the fuck wants to touch some dirty touchscreen then eat food?
That's a serious issue. I'm sure McD is looking at solutions; maybe disposable wipes at the table, or disposable styluses or something. Hopefully you'll also be able to use your smartphone or tablet too, to say you're at table 24 and want your usual triple big mac, hold the veggies.

>> No.6766217

I think all the McDs in question do not, since they are in NYC.

>> No.6766236

>This whole plot of theirs kind of gets broken by the fact that they have a DRIVE THROUGH.

At a Manhattan McDonald's? Pardon me, my flyoverdar is beeping.

>> No.6766256
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>Manhatten McDonalds dont have drive thrus
Fucking degenerate plebs

>> No.6766262

It said 'New York' not NYC or Manhattan only you cheeky cunt.

>> No.6766263

>are the people who prepare the food also going to be "waiters"?

No, that's the whole thing, McDonald's will no longer be a fast food restaurant, so they're not bound by any of the NYC Fast Food Wage Board rules. To quote from the regulations that McDonald's is circumvented:

> For purposes of this wage board, the term "fast food chains" refers to limited services restaurants, where customers order at the counter and pay in advance, which are large chains with multiple locations nationally, and the term "fast food workers" refers to the workers who prepare food and serve customers at such establishments.

Customers won't be ordering at a counter, they'll be ordering at a kiosk or from their table. Therefore McDonald's will no longer have "fast food restaurants" (in the NY legal sense) in New York.

>> No.6766268

There's drivethroughs in the other boroughs, probably not manhattan though.

>> No.6766292

>implying any other part of new york is even relevant

you must truly be from flyover land

>> No.6766388


>> No.6766444

>b-b-but anon they need that tip to live

>> No.6766450

I order from a kiosk, a person walks it and I'm supposed to tip them for doing something I would normally do before the kiosk?
What in the ever living fuck?
I'm never tipping at McDonald's

>> No.6766477

The article you posted mentions absolutely nothing about this.

In fact, it says that this is just an option for people who want table service; implying traditional service is still going to be available.

>> No.6766497

You do realize if minimum wage increases, goods and services will cost more too, right? Goods and services will cost more because labor costs more. Or the company can keep the prices the same, but replace you with a Mexican who will do the work for less.

>> No.6766501
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>but that's because I have friends that are black

>> No.6766511

Id rather have slightly more expensive food and get better service. I wish fast food wages would increase ($15 is ridiculous though) but only so that when I go get fast food the person behind the counter is someone who actually wants to be there and had to compete to get the job

>> No.6766519

I stopped tipping always, my life has improved since then.
> In b4 you have to tip because muh wage laws
No. Tipping is and always has been a choice. Just because employers get to be dicks in anticipation of me making a certain choice, that doesn't mean I'm obligated to do it. I'm not the asshole for not tipping, the employer is an asshole for not paying wages normally.

>> No.6766527


>numbers be racis

>> No.6766549

Protip: the skill of a cook at a corporate fast food restaurant does not influence the quality of your food in any way. Everything is already mass produced and then re-heated or dunked into a fryer.

>> No.6766552

So much this. I don't mind tipping for good service but to feel obligation to tip because of pity ? No fuck you and take your angry entitled ass to your boss and stop taking it out on people wanting to eat

>> No.6766583

The only time I tip is if I ordered coffee and the waiter is on the ball. If I order just a coffee and the waiter refills it several times, I give a fat tip. I like going to diners and ordering just a coffee and a light (probably cheap item). Waiters usually ignore me and don't refill because they don't expect a big tip on my small bill, even when the restaurant is not busy at all. They always refill diligently when I have a fat bill though, because they're expecting a bigger tip. If I don't get refills I make it a policy to stiff them on the tip. If you expect me, the customer, to pay you extra you had better suck my fucking dick under the table. You're already making more money than the cooks do because of your fucking tips, so work for it.

>> No.6766590

im not touching my food after touching one of those nasty ass screens

>> No.6766600

And this is why I have a problem with waiters. They snub you if they think you won't tip them enough and get mad after they snub you and don't get a tip

>> No.6766619
File: 26 KB, 612x612, detroit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come to detroit with that weak-ass shit and getcha cap peeled

>> No.6767035

>going to sonic
>having class
Pick one.

>> No.6767070

liberal logic :
>this one black guy i know tips, so all black people /must/ tip!

>> No.6767166

why tip when you already paid to get the order already?
>mac donald
>free tables
how many places are dead enough to allow people to chose their place like this? That trash is an hoax, it's literally impossible they do it.

>> No.6767192

People were offended for you.

>> No.6767194

USA sounds like a complete shit hole.

>> No.6767200

capitalism +1

>> No.6767206
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>tfw this image is no longer just a bunch of high schoolers taking the piss and will likely occur

>> No.6767211

Dairy Queen does this, but I just wait near the counter and grab it myself.

>> No.6767254

I think this is gonna bite them on the ass. Longer wait times, less food served per minute. All to save a buck to keep your slaves under the poverty line.

>> No.6767266

I heart when big business and overbearing governments go to war.

>> No.6767489

not really. if they roll out semi or even fully automated product assembly they can cut out non-tipped hourly employees and have plenty of tipped-wage multitask staff on hand.

>> No.6767700

looks pretty classy tbh

>> No.6767896

is this the beginning of the fast food wars from demolition man?

>> No.6767898


That's nothing really new tbh. The Burger King in my town has done the same thing for nearly 6 years now and that was to get around the jump to $8 an hour....

>> No.6767902

My black co-worker didn't even know that tipping was a thing until it came up in a conversation.

>> No.6767911

McDonalds is a sinking ship.
They did alright during the recession due to poorfags but now the markets are going back to pre-2008 standards.
I don't know about the rest of the world but eating at McDonalds in the UK has a stigma attached to it. It's looked upon as food for the inspirational class.

>> No.6767916

My bad.

>> No.6767924


>Businesses are allowed to pay less than your country's already laughable minimum wage as long as they classify their employees as servers

Literally what is wrong with America?

>> No.6767929

Thanks Obama.
>Not realising the multi-national food, tech and pharma companies own American politics.

>> No.6767936

Actually they have to pay the full minimum wage if the servers their reduced minimum wage + tips is lower than the normal minimum wage.
But companies probably have a loophole to get around that.

>> No.6767942

lack of reinforcement

>> No.6767948

Actually claiming that pay would get a server fired.

>ps: the only group who likes the lowered minimum wage for servers more than the owners are servers (most of them).
>their actual pay when including tips is surprisingly high.

>> No.6768010


>inspirational class

Got a kek out of this.

>> No.6768026


it's an unenforced law. it's not like waiters have a union that will go to bat for them if managers fuck them over. and managers do fuck them over at restaurants across the country; the restaurant industry is one of the worst for just not giving a fuck about labour laws.

maybe mcdonalds is too big to cheat, though. who knows.

>> No.6768028

>Most economists agree that price floors are a bad idea

[Citation Needed*]

*a bunch of wingnut blogs do not count

>> No.6768034

>Literally what is wrong with America?

it's run by a bunch of Americans

>> No.6768036

>it's run by a bunch of Jews

>> No.6768052

>wingnut blogs
define your terms breh

>> No.6768143

Even Krugman is in favour of a lot of shit people would call "reagonomics" or whatever.
Paul Kruggy, is for example in favour of sweatshops in poor countries

Most are generally against price floors, but Krugman for examples believes that the laws of supply and demand don't apply to labour and therefore a minimum wage would not reduce employment rates.
But for everything else that they think/belief follows the laws of supply and demand they're generally in agreement that price floors are bad.

Employment is just an exception on things.
Though Paul does sometimes sound a little contradictionairy with things.
But I'll have to look deeper into that.

>> No.6768522

I'm rather certain that this is going to deter people from going there at all. Part of the draw to a place like McDonalds is quite honestly the lack of human interaction involved.

>> No.6768536

the wine glass of orange soda got me

>> No.6768542

>samefag uses "tbh" 5 times itt
Filters are the best.

>> No.6768872
File: 41 KB, 300x100, 4chanmoemoekyun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in a way, its not really liberals btfo
its more like your conservitard got so BTFO that when you flipped over you showed how much more ass left you have to kick.

>> No.6768945
File: 256 KB, 747x1000, 1438922883803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting McDonalds soon

what sauce should I get with my nuggets?

>> No.6769472

No you tip a waiter because they don't get a living wage. Here in the UK, Japan and other countries tipping is not obligated.

>> No.6769595

OP is a fucking retard. It has nothing to do with the minimum wage in new york. They're doing it in other countries as well to compete with other fast food places.

>> No.6769718

>Part of the draw to a place like McDonalds is quite honestly the lack of human interaction involved.
I think this is why they added in the touch screens. As long as they let you refill your own drinks it isn't that big of a deal.

>> No.6770440

they do this in France since 4-5 months

>> No.6770723
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People tip at actual sit-down restaurants, not fast food places. No American is going to tip a McDonald's "waiter". Do you think they tip at Chick-Fil-A?

>> No.6770756

Have you ever had a McDonald's employee bring you your food? It freaks me out. I'm not sure how I'd handle them trying to pretend they're a real restaurant all of a sudden.

>> No.6770778
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No, I haven't.

I've only dined in at Chick-Fil-A once, it didn't occur to me to tip them. Not out of cheapness or anything, it just didn't feel like an actual 'waiter'.

Same thing at a Smashburger I went to, I ordered and payed in line, then the food was brought to me.

I think if they expect people to pay the waiters, then they should at least have them take their order, just so they feel like they are in a traditional restaurant. Though I don't think many people sit down at fast food restaurants anyway, even if they do order inside.

>> No.6771400

That picture right there, that is my personal variant of hell. I can just smell the dead, dry, gasoline filled air and the oppressing heat