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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6762537 No.6762537 [Reply] [Original]

made pizza with pineapple and stuffed crust(ricotta)

>> No.6762549

>stuffed crust
Please don't

>> No.6762556
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>Making something delicious but with the added benefit of pissing /ck/ right off

God bless you, you glorious bastard. That looks amazing.

>> No.6762567

looks/sounds delicious

pineapple really is the ultimate pizza topping
>inb4 yearbook quote

>> No.6762663

I like these anons. They know whats good, be it pissing others off or enjoying a good pizza.

>> No.6762885
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This whole thread.

>> No.6762900

Kinda curious what the inside of the crust was like.

>> No.6762916
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>> No.6762926
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just ... stop

>> No.6762927
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pineapple is objectively the worst pizza topping

>> No.6762931

Homemade stuffed crust sounds glorious. Warm pineapple on the other hand... Ruined a perfectly good idea. To each their own I guess.

>> No.6762943
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Looks lyke u need sum elp on ya peetza dere lad.ayyyy? AYY?A few spices ay? I like it like that! I think your um, crust might need a little work, yeah, ayyy lad? Ooooooh lovely!

>> No.6762948

Op here. Outside was crusty and inside was creamy ricotta. I heated up a bit of the sauce in a dish and dipped it in as I ate it.

>> No.6762952
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Ow fat areya lad?

>> No.6762958
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This is an obvious bait thread
Yet i bump it
>reading the written jew

>> No.6762959


yeah, I'm not the OP, I just want you to stop because this is embarrassing

>> No.6762961
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>> No.6762982

Warmed pineapple is fine, but OP I suggest next time you try some grilled pineapple. Even more delicious.

>> No.6762986
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Not too fat. I mostly eat modestly then binge randomly once or twice a month. This is the second pizza I ate today tbh. I also ate at old country buffet for lunch.

>> No.6762989


summer pls go

>> No.6763006

homemade dough tips? Want to try it next week

>> No.6763011

Stuffed with ricotta, brilliant. I hate stuffed crust, though I've only had Pizza the Hut's...the cheese is never still melted by the time I get it and it's just chewy and makes the crust awful.

Do you have in pictures of the inside of the crust? I think I might try this but with a ricotta/cottage cheese (Michigan brand small curd), parm. and seasonings. It's what I put in my lasagne.

>> No.6763024

If you're using yeast in your dough, remember to use water warm 120-140 F, to activate it. Too cold does nothing, too hot will kill it. Add some sugar to your yeast water mix and let it set a few minutes, it usually starts bubbling out CO2.

>> No.6763026
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Salt yeah, yeast yes, warm water okay? mixing time, kneeding time and fucking resting time got it?
Try not to fuck it up, yes chef?



>> No.6763032

>cringing forever

>> No.6763049


Do you want the last word on this one?

>> No.6763066

Salt, if you want, or any other seasoning.
Yeast, only if you want a yeast dough, there are other ways to make it rise. You can still use b. soda or powder, or nothing if you want a cracker crust.
Warm water, only if you use yeast, and NOT okay, YES, if you want to activate the yeast.
Butter, Oil and both are good, they serve different purposes, I do both.
Mixing time, after you activate the yeast, however long it takes to add flour, easiest with a mixer.
Kneeding time, you don't need it.
Kneading time, depends if you have a mixer or are doing it by hand, less if you have been using a mixer.
Resting time, I suppose while you can rest while it rises.
Rising time, depends on the temp, I sometimes turn on the oven to warm up the room a touch.
Pictures of Ramsay, I'll look some up in my resting time, I may kneed them.

>> No.6763074

120-140 is too hot. I regularly add cold water to my yeast because the friction from mixing warms up the dough and if you are fermenting for a significant amount of time it will make it go too fast. Yeast does not need to be "activated" unless you are concerned it's dead, it just needs to be fully dissolved in your water.

Subtract the (room temp), (flour temp) and (temperature increase from friction) from the product of your desired finished dough temp multiplied by 3 to get your perfect water temp. If you are in a warm kitchen this can be very close to freezing water, and that's fine.

>> No.6763087

No, over 140 will kill the yeast. 140 is high, but if you tell someone to use water at 140, it's usually under by the time it hits the yeast. I'm a molecular biologist and I work with yeast cultures daily. A good rule for a home cook is to turn on the hot water and when it gets as hot as it can, about 120, use that.

You seem to be speaking like you either make beer or wine, not yeast in bread.

Yeast will not dissolve. Freezing is not fine.

>> No.6763099

Yeast is only active if you buy activated yeast, not all yeast packets come activated. There is a difference between baking with instant yeast and active dry yeast.

>> No.6763103

I should add the active dry yeast needs to be activated in warm water, and though I assume your room temp, flour temp, friction comment was a bad joke, it can still get activated on a warm day. Obviously not how you posted, but it can.

>> No.6763109

What type of yeast are you using, do you even know. Please, understand that "the friction" you are speaking of is not activating the yeast, you most likely are using yeast that doesn't need activated like the other posts said.

>> No.6763119

I didn't say to use 140, I said that was too high. Commercial yeast does dissolve and close to freezing is fine. I even keep active dry yeast in the freezer.
This is not true. Active dry, instant and even cake yeast have no need to be "activated" that is just a thing to prove your yeast is active and serves no other function.
Active dry yeast doesn't need "activation", no commercial yeast does.

My post was not in any way a joke, it's how bakers determine the water temp required for their bread.
scroll down to temperature control
I've been baking for 11 years and I use ice cold water all the time. You really have no idea what you are talking about.

>> No.6763128

I've used every type of yeast. The friction I'm talking about is the friction of mixing the dough and increasing it's temperature. I'm not claiming it's "activating" anything because there is no such thing.

Again, this is for active dry, instant or cake yeast. Yeast doesn't need "activation"

>> No.6763146


No, it doesn't dissolve, and freezing water won't give it rise, you are wrong. I told you, I work in a lab with yeast cultures every day. Yes, I know that they say "dissolve" but it really doesn't. I keep yeast in the freezer as well, because it isn't active at freezing, and doesn't kill it. Hot will kill it, just over 140.

If you really think "friction" is working to warm up your yeast, I'm done responding to you. I'm sorry, but you are wrong. I went to school and got a degree and then worked in a lab with yeast for over 15 years. I know these reactions quite well. I've been baking for over 20 years.

I know very well what I'm talking about. Not because I've been baking for 20+ years, because of my degree and it's my job.

Thanks for your link, I'm sure classofoods.com knows more about yeast than the universities I went to and the company I work for. Class O foods. No thanks.

If you can't cite something credible, this conversation is over.

>> No.6763153

>every type of yeast

Would you like to make a wager that you haven't and you started your post with a lie?

It's not an exothermic reaction that's giving off heat as it mixes. The friction of which you speak isn't doing anything. as the dough sits at a room temp it heats up, that's about it.

Next you'll tell me you read that adding salt increases the boiling point of water, so you always add a pinch.

Keep on doing that, I'm sure that it's working.

>> No.6763164

I'm not even going to retort, you really have no idea. This thread needs to die.

>> No.6763166

Are you the one that didn't know how to spell kneading, because that'd make a lot of sense now.

>> No.6763170

It does dissolve in cold water. I do it literally every day. It obviously wont rise at freezing temperatures, but the dough isn't ending up at a freezing temperature. That is the point, to find out how cold it should be so you end up with the right temperature after everything you do to it.

I'm talking about the friction warming up the dough as you mix it, do you not believe mixing a dough for 10 minutes on an elective mixer increases the temperature of your finished dough? Are you literally retarded? The formula is to calculate your water temperature so your dough will be exactly the temperature you want when it's finished mixing.

This is something bakers have been doing for hundreds of years. It's in literally every baking science book I have.


I don't know if any of those are good enough for you. But I know I use the formula to calculate water temperature every day to ensure my fully kneaded bread comes out at the right temp.

>> No.6763179

Every type of commercial yeast used in baking. Temp your dough before you mix it and after. It regularly increases by 10+ degrees Fahrenheit from the friction alone.
You are the one that has no idea man.
no, I actually know what I'm talking about unlike you guys

>> No.6763187

>The friction of which you speak isn't doing anything. as the dough sits at a room temp it heats up, that's about it.

You are retarded. You can very easily test this to see that friction raises the temp of the dough by a lot with a simple experiment.

>> No.6763578

says the guy with the dead yeast.

105F. Any more and it's done son. I don't get how people get excited about posting false info to someone they don't know in hopes of fucking their food up like it's some kind of satisfactory thing in their hocks.

>> No.6763579


>> No.6763586
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wow this thread
>actual baker tries to explain a very simple baking concept even most home bakers know about
>gets attacked by retards that don't know anything about bread baking
this is why we can't have nice things /ck/, truly you are at your worst itt

>> No.6763593

my water heater is set to 160 and when I measure it as it runs out of the tap it's right at 157 F. How long does it need to rest before adding yeast? Just measure it I guess.

>> No.6763607
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>with pineapple