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6761918 No.6761918 [Reply] [Original]

so my gf bought an unreasonable amount of 'hatchet peppers', and green peppers. i figure, pepper soup time.

my question is, can i use my blender on some eggs, and then just pour the frothed eggs into the soup once its all bubbling hot, and make the soup thicker? or will the egg retain a form and just float?

my question is, with say, green peppers, hatchet peppers, onions, and some other shit, whats your advice? i think i have some tomatoes too. i want to make a pepper soup.

also, these 'hatchet' peppers are like 6 inches long, and 2.5 inches wide and irregularly wrinkled banana shaped and light green. she insists they're called hatchet peppers.

pic related is google results for 'hatchet pepper'. remember when the internet used to be worth a damn?

>> No.6761930

What the fuck

>> No.6761942

Why are you trying to thicken a pepper soup with blended egg?

There'd a million ways to thicken it.

>> No.6761948

i dunno, its just the first thing that came to mind. creamy pepper soup sounds weirder.

>> No.6762017


>> No.6762024

You mean hatch peppers. Not hatchet. Hatch. Tell your bitch she needs her brain pills.

>> No.6762029

oh, thanks.

brb, domestic abuse ensues.

>> No.6762031

Eggs in a hot soup are going to turn your soup grainy because they will "scramble" before mixing. Drop in some potatoes to thicken your soup. Much better texture, makes your soup much heartier as well.

>> No.6762034


>> No.6762064


you make a roux, dummy.

that's how you thicken things. a blonde roux.

>> No.6762068


nah. i'm not using fucking cream and flour in a pepper soup.

this soups just gonna be watery i guess. but i want it to be a rich, green, water broth. with lots of peppers.

>> No.6762079

If you're really set on using eggs, do it like making custard. Whisk the eggs in a bowl, get the soup hot but not boiling, then slowly pour some into the eggs while whisking. Then you can put that back in the soup and gently warm it until it's as thick as you want. Don't boil it.

>> No.6762107


you're an idiot, dude.

roux is butter/flour and it doesn't add any taste whatsoever. you cook it in a pan until it's not grainy then you add to your soup, and wa-la.

you have an actual soup instead of vegetable water.

but hey, what do i know? clearly the guy who wanted to pour fucking EGGS into a soup to thicken it knows what he's doing.

>> No.6762116

its a better idea then cream and flour

>> No.6762123


who is telling you to use cream? it doesn't take much blonde roux at all to make something thicker. you literally cannot even tell it's in there except for the fact that the soup is now a thicker consistency. god damn, you are a stupid piece of shit.

it's equal parts butter and flour.. you know what? fuck you, OP. you asked a question and i answered it. fuck you and i hope you choke on your shitty soup.


>> No.6762148

>>more like hate peppers mirite

just think about it man, i don't want the soup to be opaque. opaque and peppers doesn't mix.

>> No.6762177


ok i'm trying to be patient here because you're obviously really ignorant about making soup. a bit of roux won't make the soup opaque; it will just be a thicker consistency.

you have to believe me that your soup is going to be absolute shit. the only reason chicken noodle soup is edible is because of the fats and oils from the chicken. your soup is going to legitimately be a pot of vegetable stock with peppers in it.

how hot are they on a scale of 1-10?

>> No.6762203

i have no idea. i could add just butter, or lard, and nuke potatoes then puree them with tomatos? what about pureeing ranch style beens?

actually no, i'll just add a can of ranch style beans. beans and peppers makes sense. and there's oil/sauce with the beans. some butter wouldn't be bad. and purreed potato instead of flour.

if its not spicy enough after i add dry spices, i can just add sriracha or cholula to the soup as i eat it.

does that sound good?

>> No.6762233


lol.. oh, anon.

you're just going to have a layer of butter floating on top of the soup. potatoes aren't a replacement for flour. i thought you didn't want the soup to be opaque? why would you add potato puree?

ham( bacon?)/beans/peppers/potato chunks/scallions sounds like it would be pretty good. maybe some barley in there as well.

just use the roux, man. trust me. potatoes and butter is not a substitute for roux.

do whatever you want, though. fucking up is the only way to get better.. it's just that if you commit to a big batch you're going to have a ton of bad soup on your hands if you fuck it up.

>> No.6762242

Don't add eggs, that won't work, you need to add some kind of starch:
>use a roux (mix equal parts melted butter and flour and cook it for a few minutes)
>use a cornstarch slurry (mix equal parts cornstarch and cold water)
>use a starchy vegetable (mashed potatoes or taro root are good)
Or just let it simmer longer, boiling out more water

>> No.6762265


i've scrapped the egg concept.

but i think that the potato particulate would trap some of the fats?

and its not as fine as flour, or as water thirsty. flour is just like chalk made out of grains.

barleys a no go, imagine jalapenos in your oatmeal...

peppers beans potato onion bacon sounds good though.

now it makes more sense for the soup to start becoming opaque. cornstarch i hadn't considered. maybe a dab. and maybe multiple layers of potato, some purreed to infiltrate the stock and conflest the butter, and some cubed to be something to chew. i think soups should have things to chew, too.

and the green peppers will be finely chopped and added early, along with onions, to be softer. the 'hatchet' peppers will be cut into 3/4 inch squares, they're a hollow flat kind of banana shaped green tube. they'll be for chewing as well, with the beans and potatos.

i think this is gonna come out well.

and yes, i'm gonna start it with a can of broth and only a little water and reduce it profusely.

>> No.6762270

Why don't you just follow the recipe?

It's clear you don't have the experience to experiment.

>> No.6762274

please, i'm an excellent cook and can bake in a professional capacity.


do you think you're dealing with a faggot here?

>> No.6762277

OP this thread is hilarious. What the fuck have you got against flour?

>> No.6762279

>'hatchet peppers
You mean Hatch green chiles, right?

Do whatever the fuck you wanna do, of course, but I'd say your best bet is to roast them and then puree them with maybe a little salt and lime juice. The puree is amazing, particularly with eggs.

>> No.6762291
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>doesn't know how to use a roux
>i'm an excellent cook

>> No.6762296

I can't tell if he's trolling or just inexperienced and arrogant.

>> No.6762297


>flour is water-thirsty chalk made of grains
>oh, cornstarch? nice! i'll throw a couple dabs in

that's not how it works with the potatoes/butter, either. when you cook the butter/flour together until it's smooth, something happens with the butter/flour and they bind and become a new and stable substance that won't separate.

>jalapenos in your oatmeal

what the fuck? how is barley and oatmeal even comparable? barley is amazing in soup, even better than rice in most cases.

>start with a can of broth and a little water and reduce it profusely

ok man. good luck.. i'm out. you can't help those who don't want to be helped. since you're such a genius i'm sure you will nail it no problem :)

>> No.6762308


i have nothing against flour man. but in an aqueous environment, squares of pepper? with deflorated peppers and beans? its just not right. this isn't pepper chowder. there's a siren going off in my head saying, "don't fucking cut peppers up into a soup with flour."

hatch chiles is probably what they are. since nothing similar exists in the pepper world, yes, and now that i google them, yes. yes they are hatch chiles.

hmm. roast, puree with salt and lime juice. i might do that. i don't even really want to make soup after this thread. and i wanted to combine them with eggs to begin with. which is why i was trying to find a way to make clear egg-pepper soup.

then you come along liek a night in shining armor, and mention pureeing them onto eggs.

fuck soup. threads over. everyone out of the pool. they're getting roast and put on eggs. i'll put them in my nutribullet.


i know how to make a fucking roux, but i don't make fucking roose for pepper soup you inbred pleb dog fuckers.


i don't WANT emulsions dude. i thought i made that clear. this hypothetical 86'd soup was NEVER MEANT TO INVOLVE EMULSIONS.

>>how is barley and oatmeal compatible

oh fuck. did you know that hamburgers come from cows?

>> No.6762321


see, rice is ok in a clear pepper soup, but barley isn't. jesus fuck. barley and rice aren't always inter-changeable.

>> No.6762323


>an emulsion

an emulsion is a mixture of an oil based and a water based liquid, you stupid piece of shit.

barley and oats are two completely different things. i know this gets thrown around a lot, but holy fuck, please do us all a favor and kill yourself. how stupid is your girlfriend to be dating a stupid fuck like you?

>> No.6762329

roasting in a legendary bread

>> No.6762339

>>barley and oats are different

yeah, just like beer is nothing like ale, right?

and btw, mr hot shot smartypants know it all, technically, emulsions are any suspension of fats in an absorbent medium, waters and oils thru say lemon joice and olive oil emulsed behaves the EXACT SAME MOTHERFUCKING WAY AS FLOUR AND OIL WHEN ADDED TO ANOTHER BODY OF WATER AND ITS THE STARCH OF THE FLOUR THAT BEHAVES AS THE ACID IN THIS FORMULA BY BREAKING UP THE OILS SURFACE TENSION.

i was trained as a baker by a chef that worked for years in 5 star cruise ships.

nice try though.

and whats the discussion actually about? fucking roux in a pepper soup?


i didn't say fucking chowder.

>> No.6762349


>5 star cruise ships



i don't know enough about the specifics to refute you, but that definitely doesn't sound right at all.

also: chowder would imply cream, friend :)

>> No.6762351


nvm, you've been baiting this whole time. nobody can accidentally be this dumb.

>beer is nothing like ale

you laid it on too thick there, m8.

>> No.6762363


>>barley and oats aren't both grains
>>peppers should be good with barley!


>>doesn't sound right
>>doesn't know that butter is just creamfat

fuck off anyways. i'm not making a soup. i wanted eggs to begin with to go with peppers and custard wouldn't be the same. i'm ROASTING and PUREEING the peppers.

go eat a bowl of fucking peppers and barley in roux. idgaf.

>> No.6762370

without reading the thread, because the very few responses on the truncated version look stupid as fuck, you've got hatch peppers. tl;dr - and i know this will probably come as a complete shock - your gf is dumb.

>> No.6762376

You really don't need to use much roux to thicken a soup.

Your concern about it affecting the color of the soup is negligible.

>> No.6762380

>>your gf is dumb

she can barely read. i save her life from totally benign household items on a daily basis.

yes we've established the nature of these pepperables.

and there is to be no soup, alert, alert, high caution warning achtung, soup cancelled.

i'm just going to roast and puree them for egg topping.

>> No.6762382


you said rice would be good with peppers, and rice is a grain. so nyah.

>> No.6762390

false fucking equivalence dude, i said barley and oats / no pepper go zone and rice / pepper go zone

now i want you to think about how many times you've had oats or barley in your mouth with a pepper simultaniously. none, right?

now how many times have you had RICE and peppers in your mouth? often, right?

now how often is my dick in your moms mouth? constantly, close to non-stop, right?

and that's my point. don't act like you're going to tell me to add barley to pepper soup then condescend.

maybe a little roux would work, maybe not. never did much soups, and not by adding roux!!!!!!

but stop with the fucking barley.

>> No.6762396


barley is pretty great in pepper soup tbh m8. beef barley soup with peppers is yummy.

if there's one thing i think is severely lacking in most soups, it's barley. love that stuff.

>> No.6762399

eh, i can see beef barley and pepper. yeah, that'd work.

i'll retract my invective regarding peppers on the stipulation beef is included.

>> No.6762410


i just really like the texture of barley. has a bit of a bite to it and they kinda "pop" in your mouth. you comparing it to oats was not a good comparison as they are texturally different and they taste different.

is pepper soup even a thing? you seem to have these strict pepper soup guidelines you feel the need to adhere to.

>> No.6762421

i'm just making it up as i go along. this all began with my discovery of 3 pounds of "hatch peppers" in the fridge, and my inventory/stock management instincts kicked in and i started thinking of a way to use them effectively. i run a tight kitchen :3

>> No.6762463
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>i don't make fucking roose for pepper soup

I have a feeling I know who is behind this post.

Are peppers kosher?

>> No.6762471


when was the last time you ever saw a jew eat a pepper?

>> No.6762816

>asks for advice

Good luck with your eggs idiot

>> No.6762832

this fucking thread makes me so mad I can't even read it.

10/10 bait, OP

>> No.6762861

Also OP, creamy pepper soup is fucking God-tier.

Wtf is wrong with you.

Start with a mire-a-poix and butter, fry that up, add in your stock, throw in roasted peppers, cook a bit, incorporate flour-milk mixture, blend the shit out of it, finish with heavy cream.

Best fuckin soup I ever ate.

>> No.6762875

my ancestors smile down on me

can you say the same imperial

>> No.6762891
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>> No.6762922

Hatch peppers are green chile. Make a nice green chile stew. Or, if too late, and you're still on your thickening anti-roux wierdness, use file powder or okra to help thicken.

>> No.6762929

>>file powder

i'm just going to investigate green chiles and probably puree and put on eggs, i already have a thousand cans of green chile rough paste