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6760754 No.6760754 [Reply] [Original]

When's the last time you had a nice falafel sandwich?

>> No.6760759

Sorta kinda last weekend?
I made something like falafel last Saturday or Sunday, but isn't strictly falafel. I guess you could call it "white bean falafel," if you'd like.

>> No.6760762

Why would I do that when I could have lamb

>> No.6760799
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>> No.6760857

Never. I don't know if I've just never had a good falafel or if it's just not for me. I have heard that the ones in Egypt taste a lot different, though - I'd like to try those.

>> No.6761047



>> No.6761056

i hate falafel in a sandwich but i do enjoy them individually. pretty good snack.

>> No.6761057

You don't greentext your fucking response

>> No.6761058

glastonbury, i had 3. falafel mama is the GOAT

>> No.6761068

>Tuesday Special at Ali Baba's in Toronto
>2 falafel sandwiches for $4.99

It just doesn't get better than that.

>> No.6761079

because they are different things that taste different?

>When's the last time you had a burger?
>Why would I when I could have soup

>> No.6761086

Know how I know you're gay?

>> No.6761094

The only time I've enjoyed it was in nyc. Everyone I've had at home has been utter shit.

>> No.6761108

because you saw me blowing your dad last night?

>> No.6761245
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It's been awhile. I used to make them all the time.

I'd eat at McDonald's once a week if they brought their (failed) falafel sandwich stateside. Pic related. You can find the complete sandwich on Google Images.

Americans are so progressive when it comes to faggots and niggers, but we somehow are slow to adopt new foods. I don't get it.

Gay marriage happened before the McFalafel. Nevar forget.

>> No.6761278

Probably a few months.

>> No.6761351

wait just a fucking second, where do you live that has McFalafel? I will pack my bags TODAY!

>> No.6761920

>Americans are so progressive when it comes to faggots
kek, all the other civilized countries had gay marriage like 5-10 years before america

>> No.6761928

The point was that they are more progressive about human rights than food. Which is just a travesty.

>> No.6761934


>> No.6761938

All the other countries are also hundreds of years older than the US.

We're not even 300 yet.

>> No.6761940

true ;_;

>> No.6762187

>nice falafel sandwich
>nice falafel

nice try OP

>> No.6762236

last week in Amerhst, MA

>> No.6762264

Prior to the mass revolutions in Europe in the mid 1800s, the majority of nations in the area were absolute monarchies. Most established governments in Europe today are only about 150 years old, actually.

I think the only governments in Europe older than the US are Switzerland (fuckyeahswitzerland), GB, San Marino and Liechtenstein. There may be others, but I doubt it.
France is also younger than the US, but only barely.
Even China and Japan are younger as the revolutions in China overthrew their older government and the Diet is only about a hundred years old.

If we're allowed to bring up autonomous protectorates, then Iceland might count as being older because the Althing is over a thousand years old, even though Iceland was under Denmark, Norway and Sweden at various points in its history. Also the Isle of Man's Tynwald, which though younger than the Althing, is the longest continually existing government on earth, even if the Isle is under GB currently.

>> No.6763692

Anyone know where I can get good falafel in Massachusetts or Connecticut?

>> No.6763867

A while, my local place always get them soggy with dressing, so I just sick with the feta and döner roll.

>> No.6763875

Once a week at least. I live near tons of great felafel shops, so when I need a quick bite of the go it's a no brainer. A cheap one is still better than a cheap burger, and some of the more upscale examples are downright stunning. Especially when they put pickles in the sandwich, and the hot sauce is fierce.

>> No.6763876

putting falafel in a sandwich always seems redundant to me. maybe it's a yuro thing where they're already used to eating french fry sandwiches.

>> No.6763888


>gay marriage
>implying legalization is a change for the better

sorry to break it to you, but you've been brainwashed.

>> No.6763941
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Falafel in a sandwich is very common in the US as well. It makes it an easy-to-eat street food, keeping your hands clean and requiring no eating utensils, and lets you combine some veggies/pickles and other flavors (typically tahini or hummos) with it in a single dish.

While both are fried, french fries are typically bland and starchy, and falafel sandwiches usually use a very thin pita for bread.

>> No.6763945


>maybe it's a yuro thing

haha what


>> No.6763951
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In Manhattan they were eating felafel sandwiches before they even had a McDonald's. It's a very common New York fast food item.

Pic related may not be the best, but it is the original for NYC.

>> No.6763956

>Americans are so progressive when it comes to faggots and niggers, but we somehow are slow to adopt new foods. I don't get it.

Flyovers are slow to adopt...McD's has a fairly consistent national menu, so it needs to appeal to the least culinary enlightened tastes.

Plus many Americans are reluctant to eat a meal without meat. It's kind of like gay marriage legalization could turn them gay, meals without meat could turn them vegetarian, which is nearly as heretical as homosexuality.

>> No.6763991

>Plus many Americans are reluctant to eat a meal without meat. It's kind of like gay marriage legalization could turn them gay, meals without meat could turn them vegetarian, which is nearly as heretical as homosexuality.
That would be rednecks, who also tend to have a prejudice against anything associated with the Middle East, because that's where their slack jawed kids go to blow stuff up.

>> No.6764238

2007 at food court at school.
Didn't like it.

>> No.6764804
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I like to make my own.

>> No.6764811

/pol/ please go

>> No.6764815
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This is kind of true. When I lived in Kansas City, I found a great falafel / middle eastern place in the city market called Habashi House. One nice spring day, I suggested to my coworkers that we all eat there for our monthly team lunch.

FOUR of them were so scared to try the food that they opted for the burrito joint next door instead. I'd never seen anything like that before.

>> No.6764890

>my coworkers didn't want to try something new for monthly team lunch
Dude really? They may be picky fucks, but maybe they just didn't trust you not to ruin their monthly get-together.

>> No.6765205


Are you fucking kidding? If they didn't like it they could still just go to the burrito place right next door. And there's always next month's team lunch.

There is quite simply no excuse for being that timid about food when you are a working adult.

>> No.6765211


right but maybe they weren't timid they just don't like you

>> No.6765212

That's some terrible reading comprehension.

>> No.6765224

That looks dank anon