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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6755274 No.6755274 [Reply] [Original]

Share your typical diets, /ck/? I'm interested

>> No.6755278

I eat whatever I want to because I'm not a fat fuck with no self control?

>> No.6755280

But what exactly do you usually eat for breakfast/lunch/dinner/snacks?

>> No.6755288

Raw oats with vanilla whey and whole milk

Two plain boiled eggs

Peanut butter on toast

Plain tub of quark

Every day for ~4.5 months.

>> No.6755305

Sounds close to me, but I use chocolate whey, cottage cheese, and usually throw in some chicken and rice, or chicken and pasta

>> No.6755326

I'd include chicken too, but I still live at home and my parents are vegetarian.

>> No.6755366

Do they allow fish? You could start plowing through sardines and tuna once in awhile if so.

>> No.6755373

Most days I only have a Mexicoke and a multivitamin for breakfast and a peach for a mid-afternoon, early evening snack. On Tuesdays I have two egg-bacon-cheddar bagels for dinner. On Fridays I usually have Mexican for dinner (usually tacos). Besides that, if I get hungry, I'll make something small.

>> No.6755375

Breakfast: oatmeal

Lunch: soup

Dinner: soup

>> No.6755384

Sounds more like you just have good metabolism

>> No.6755510

That's not how it works, dipshit.

>> No.6755518

If you eat exactly the same thing every single day why are you on /ck/? I'm just curious. I think if I did that and started looking at food pics I'd be tempted to eat something else.

>> No.6755533 [DELETED] 

Bean dip

>> No.6755534

This is true for me. I ate basically the same thing every day and actually started losing weight. Now that I browse /ck/, all I can think about is potatoes and taco bell. I really wish I was kidding.

>> No.6755535

Usually no breakfast unless I'm hungover, in that case I'll usually have 2-3 eggs scrambled very creamy with a bit of cheese, two slices of wheat toast w/ butter, and maybe some kind of meat if there's anything left over from the night before.

Lunch really depends what I'm doing, if I've been out fishing all morning I'll have a huge burger with fries and a beer, if I'm sitting at home doing nothing then I might have a bowl of nuts or something.

Dinner is either, steak with veg and some type of starch, chicken wings from the bar, or some type of chicken breast that I'll do in the skillet.

That's any normal day for me.

>> No.6755560
File: 43 KB, 620x789, Twiggy in 1966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5;2 master race reporting in.
Ask me anything.

>> No.6755567

Not the same guy but I like /ck/ humor. It's been my home board for about 5 years now regardless of diet. And now I realize I've been on this site for over 5 years. Fuck.

>> No.6755569

potatoes, fresh bread, pasta, beans

cheddar, sour cream, butter

cabbage, lettuce, tomato, onion, carrot, garlic, cucumber, broccoli

diluted juice (not overly sweet and more hydrating), milk

occasionally a homemade dessert, chocolate, or honey

>> No.6755578

Honey by itself or a honey based dessert?

>> No.6755591

both. sometimes i'll just eat a small spoonful, i live near some bee farms so it's interesting to taste the differences between different kinds of honey.

sometimes i make a lightly fermented honey drink, or a spiced honey cake.

>> No.6755595

How the fuck should I know? What kind of question is that?

>> No.6755596

I have highest energy, productivity and mood when eating paleo, not to mention almost no GI issues, so I stick to a pretty basic paleo diet through the week.

Each meal is essentially some type of green veggie, a small portion of meat and some nuts and legumes (lentils or black beans).

I usually take two evenings off (usually Wednesday and Saturday) to eat dank pizza and cake. I eat a minimal amount (or nothing) on Sunday to "reset".

>> No.6755618

Oatmeal, eggs, milk, fish, chicken, broccoli, 100% whole wheat crackers/bread, gouda, carrots, potatoes, lentils, vanilla whey, raspberries, blackberries, occasionally papaya. Also I mix chia seeds in things like oatmeal and shakes.

Mainly just concerned about protein and fiber intake. I also limit sugar because I feel like shit after eating too much. I rarely eat desserts.

>> No.6755639

I guess a regular day would be eating a bowl of oatmeal or cereal, then either a turkey or almond butter sandwich, and usually something chicken-and-potato based for dinner. I throw in a snack later on in the night sometimes because why not.

I just had my wisdom teeth pulled, so I've been eating very little. What I have been is just ice cream bars or soup or other soft junk like that.