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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 12 KB, 217x329, hgw-003-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6754510 No.6754510 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible to cook with horny goat weed as a spice and will the people who eat the food experience the effects of the horny goat weed? Would be best if the HGW compliments the taste of the dish or has an indistinguishable taste in the dish

>> No.6754520

What is this

>> No.6754526

even if they consent to sex it's still technically forced consent. kill yourself.

or work out and you won't need to drug your victims.

>> No.6754530

>The plant contains icariin, which is a PDE5 inhibitor like sildenafil, the active ingredient of Viagra. It is therefore used as an aphrodisiac and a treatment for erectile dysfunction

>> No.6754537

I'm not trying to have sex with anyone.. I am staying with my fiancees parents and I want my fiancees mom to get wet at the dinner table so I can smell her panties from the dirty clothes. I have tried smelling panties from the dirty clothes already but there is very little scent, I believe because she hasn't been moist/discharged

>> No.6754538

Ah, op just put sildenafil in your cooking, not some herb with average effects

>> No.6754539

okay then

>> No.6754542

i was just hoping for the possibility that you might be a bored housewife wanting to get your husband interested in sex again but ya blew it.

kill yourself.

plus this stuff takes hours, sometimes days to take effect.

just kill yourself, tbh.

>> No.6754546

Chocolate also has aphrodisiac properties yet we still traditionally give these to people they like..

>> No.6754548

Why would something that fixes erectile dysfunction help OP get his mother-in-law's panties moist?

>> No.6754551

I thought that might be bitter but that the herb in horny goat weed could be mistaken for something like parsley

>> No.6754552
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>> No.6754554

force fed? or do they willingly eat it?

>> No.6754562

I was thinking of cooking spaghetti, one of her parents favorite dishes. My thoughts were that it would make sense for it to have herbs in it

>> No.6754574

And on that note would it be less detectable in a sweet marinara or a more hearty marinara?

>> No.6754579

I think the hearty sauce would be better. It would have more depth, which would hide the flavor better.

>> No.6754586

That's fine. I will be staying with her parents for the next couple weeks.

>> No.6754947

Would there be any interest in following this if I get some horny goat weed after work in an hour and a half tonight and cook the spaghetti? I'll deliver all the way up to the results if so

>> No.6754997

A chance to see a guy's erect penis on the Internet? Go for it, buddy.

>> No.6755055

I probably won't show my penis... I'll show the panties is what I meant

>> No.6755199

Well, that's disappointing.

>> No.6755203
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>> No.6755211

nobody wants to masturbate with you to this, you creepy weirdo

>> No.6755223

By your logic if I give someone an oyster and they want to have sex with me, I'm still somehow forcing them to consent.

There's a reason that would get thrown out of court.

>> No.6755225

Yeah, I'd rather see your penis.

>> No.6755283

do it op, at least ck will finally get some interesting content

>> No.6755456

I like this logic. Very Cosby-esque

>> No.6755464

No because it's not a real drug to give someone oysters? Not only that but they aren't going to lose conciousness from horn goat weed or oysters.

>> No.6755589

That would be thrown out of court because the oyster thing is an urban myth.

>> No.6755603 [DELETED] 

Boring 1990's Howard Stern called and wants his horney goat weed back.

>> No.6755610

I remember him doing ads for this stuff and laughing. There's no way that shit works.

>> No.6755613
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Absolutely. Pics of your future mother-in-law too pls.

>> No.6755640
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>> No.6755642 [DELETED] 

he needs it all back since his show is so fuckin' boring now. I put it on for 5 minutes get bored and turn it off. That's not from sirius/xm there are pirate steams.

Fuck paying them for boring shit.

>> No.6755671 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6755691

Ok this is OP. They had already made dinner so I offered to buy the stuff for brownies. On my way to get horny goat weed and brownie materials now. I am worried the HGW will be taste-able with the brownies

>> No.6755711

Possible bothersome (although not usually serious) side effects of horny goat weed may include:

•Dry mouth.

Serious Side Effects
Theoretically, horny goat weed could increase the risk of bleeding, including dangerous internal bleeding. This risk is probably most significant for people with bleeding disorders or who take "blood thinner" medications (see Horny Goat Weed Drug Interactions). Let your healthcare provider know if you develop any signs of bleeding, such as:

•Frequent nosebleeds
•Easy bruising
•Cuts or scrapes that are slow to stop bleeding
•Black, tarry stools; bright-red blood in the stool; or vomiting of blood (signs of gastrointestinal bleeding)
•Signs of a hemorrhagic stroke (bleeding in the brain), such as vision or speech changes, weakness or numbness in an arm or leg, or a severe headache.

Other possible serious side effects of horny goat weed include:

•A rapid heart rate (tachycardia)
•Signs of an allergic reaction, such as:

◦A rash
◦Swelling of the mouth, lips, tongue, or throat
◦Wheezing or other difficulty breathing.

It should be noted that it is possible that there may be serious side effects of this supplement that have not yet been discovered. With herbal remedies, such as horny goat weed, the careful studies designed to test safety (and efficacy) are rarely performed, so most side effect information is based on small studies (which are usually not designed to truly measure side effects) or individual case reports.

>> No.6755721

Holy fucking nostalgia. I was always so bummed when girls gone wild infomercials were over and then miss cleo would come on.

>> No.6755729

I agree, I cancelled my sub for good finally cause I found a good podcast stream that uploads all the opie and Jimmy stuff even tho they're pretty much a shitty morning zoo now. I only liked Howards interviews anyway. His other stuff wasn't that funny and I don't care about anyone else on the show besides Robin and she gets fucking annoying after awhile

>> No.6755754


Those late night faps, hidden under the blanket, with your finger on the "last channel" button.

Remember Wild On?

>> No.6755764
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>> No.6755776

OP here. Been to six gas stations looking for HGW with no look. Checking the condom dispenser in the bathroom and the counter where the stackers are. Any good alternatives at this point?

>> No.6755807

I feel pity for your fiancée

>> No.6755843

Go find the shadiest looking mother fucker near/on the street corner next to a gas station. They'll call it " 'weed" for short and you'll need to ask for a dime bag.

>> No.6755855

This thread is great.

>> No.6755862
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Just go pick some. It grows everywhere. Tastes better fresh too.

>> No.6755884
File: 3.22 MB, 5312x2988, 20150807_211527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. Found it at CVS!

>> No.6755901

Are you going to eat some yourself?

>> No.6755909 [DELETED] 

That's pretty much all drugs that are on TV now. Just remember if you wake up dead to call your doctor immediately.

>> No.6755923


my doctor doesn't own a telephone

>> No.6755924 [DELETED] 

O&A got really lame IMO when it became the little jimmie show with o&a if you know what I mean. I can't listen to it anymore, they got really lame when they went to sirius/xm. The seriosuly stupid shit is jimmie trying to be serious. If I wanted that I'd have listened to npr or the bbc faggots. They lost the plot.

Here you go for what was o&a...

>> No.6755927

Everyone here is. Both her parents and myself. Getting started now

>> No.6755930

Nice. Keep us updated.

>> No.6755931


it's not going to be as awesome as i always think it's going to be

nothing from cvs is

>> No.6755932 [DELETED] 
File: 84 KB, 400x400, giga_nigga-14042929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My super ultra mega giga nigga > your nigga!

>> No.6755953
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Just added it. Mixing in now

>> No.6755964

Licked the spoon. Pretty bitter. I think they might realize but I'll just say something like I must have not rinsed the bowl well

>> No.6755983
File: 1.80 MB, 3264x2448, 20150807_215454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Into the oven they go. Sorry my phone is not orienting the pictures correctly

>> No.6756002


OP we really need pictures of the mom. There's gotta be one hanging up somewhere.

>> No.6756015


Those fat feet

>> No.6756020

Why are you marrying a poor person? What's wrong wi-.. oh wait..

>> No.6756026

I'll get pics soon but its nothing too impressive

>> No.6756039

>no shoes on
>taking pictures with a time stamp
And you claim you have company?
You are a fat neckbeard cooking in your moms kitchen
Stop bullshitting faggot

>> No.6756045

That oven is so dirty, what's the fuck

>> No.6756055

They live in a tri-level kitchen on middle floor and the basement is where the TV is. I have no shoes on because I'm staying at their house with my fiancee in her bedroom

>> No.6756060
File: 1.67 MB, 3264x2448, 20150807_221639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is her mom and my fiancee when she was in fifth grade

>> No.6756062

That vaginer is gonna STINK. You must have a serious fetish to work so hard for such a shitty prize.

>> No.6756064

>that body
>fifth grade
Nigger do you even what?

>> No.6756070

Sorry. Ninth grade

>> No.6756079
File: 1.70 MB, 3264x2448, 20150807_222428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here they are all done

>> No.6756086

Riiiiggghhhtt. My guess is op is some neet faggot living in his parent basement with some incest fetish. Absolutely disgusting op, absolutely disgusting. Try to keep this shit in /b/

>> No.6756088
File: 69 KB, 500x500, 1368376394920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>block out her face
>leave her mom's up

>> No.6756094

This is so obviously a picture of your mom and sister

>> No.6756123

Alright guys believe what you want but we just ate two horny goat weed brownies a piece and I'm gonna keep updating. They were slightly bitter but pretty tasty overall. Not sure how long it takes to take effect but I definitely don't have an erection so my hopes of wet panties are slim

>> No.6756125

I hope this works for you, OP. My panties are wet just thinking about the treasure that awaits you.

>> No.6756179 [DELETED] 

Eww baby!

>> No.6756220

OP here. Won't be updating much longer. I am not feeling substantially horny not guys my penis erect. Adding more to the brownies would have made the taste unbearable. So my consensus is that this is not a great way to make someone horny. I will have another update when I can get hey panties out of the dirty clothes. She mentioned getting a shower after this episode of Law and Order

>> No.6756221

good luck man

>> No.6756322

This is the thread of the fucking year so far.

>> No.6756336

She's got sunglasses on

>> No.6756342

You wear shoes in your house? What the fuck for?

>> No.6756356

OP please please please keep us updated on this matter until you reach your goal

>> No.6756382

leave this place, heretic

>> No.6756385

any 'natural store' in the area might have it. my local food co-op has it loose leaf in bulk.

>> No.6756436

Fuck yea I remember wild on! God, the E! channel used to be like soft core porn. I miss those days.

Oh, you're one of those guys. I hope you at least stopped listening instead of complaining on twitter or some other message board.
I only started listening to the show back when they first started having louie ck on, around the lucky louie era, and Patrice would be there almost every damn day. I love little Jimmy and he's the only reason I still listen, plus they still have other good comics on. I mostly listen to discover new comics I know I'd definitely like.

>> No.6756439

This is /b/ tier shit. You must be new.

>> No.6756456

I come on here for cooking advice, not to hear about some creepy fuck sniffing panties, ugh

>> No.6756489
File: 121 KB, 800x600, goat_2D00_list_2D00_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i too want to know. I'm asking for a friend.

>> No.6756498 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 634x352, Angry_Goat-Voldemort.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't have access to the goat tower!

>> No.6756518
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>> No.6756523 [DELETED] 

If you're not banging your fiancee then someone is. Put a security detail on her or whatever it is you people marry these days.

>> No.6756527

>wearing shoes indoors
what the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.6756531 [DELETED] 

We're not japs and don't sneak attack others under the guise of friendship.

>> No.6756539

I have white friends that make everyone take off their shoes before coming inside. They have a fancy shoe rack and everything.

It's called not destroying your carpet.

>> No.6756544

>What are slippers.

>> No.6756553 [DELETED] 

That I can understand, my mom and grandmother used to have these really nice rugs and they'd go apeshit if I walked over it with my shoes on. I can see that being a son or grandson but it's rude to expect that of guests.

>> No.6756557 [DELETED] 

>what's being a dainty slipper wearing fagit?

>> No.6756567
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well this thread exceeded my expectations

>> No.6756580

what the fuck, do americans actually do this? stomp around the house with outdoor shoes on?

fucking barbarians

>> No.6756626

I think OP died from the smell of those panties. :(

>> No.6756757

How is it rude? Fucking no one has ever said anything about it btw. Probably cause their last house the carpet got ruined cause they had so many people over with their fucking shoes on. Not only that but it rains a lot where I live, so its very possible to get mud on your shoes from your car to the doorstep.

>> No.6756862 [DELETED] 

I think that it's rude because if you have guests over at your abode then they shouldn't have to worry about their shoes or taking them on or off. I would never put something like that on my guests, that's just me.

A rug is meant to be walked on, deal with it.

>> No.6756923

There are two types of rugs, the walk-on rugs and the decoration (hey guys look at me i'm super rich) rugs

Also op pls update us on your ventures

>> No.6756938 [DELETED] 

You're wrong, it's really folk that don't have a lot of money that want to protect some silly rug. Rich people don't really care, they amortize it or whatever and replace it every few years so it can be walked on and used in the first place, which imo is the purpose of a rug.

Ventures? hahaha not yet, once I'm a King I'll update you serfs.

>> No.6756948

>A rug is meant to be walked on, deal with it.
I was talking about carpet. And no, it's not meant to be walked on with shoes, hence why it gets ruined. That's what the front door rug is for, so people can wipe off their shoes. But that's usually not enough.

Would not ask guests to wipe their shoes on the rug because that would be "putting something on the guests"? Are you a fucking sub or something and you just cater to people even if it's something they can do themselves?

People have rules in their homes and when you go to their house, you obey the rules. If you don't, its considered rude, at least in America that is.

>it's really folk that don't have a lot of money that want to protect some silly rug. Rich people don't really care, they amortize it or whatever and replace it every few years
You're wrong and you're right. I have some rich friends and they could totally afford new carpet for their giant home every few years but they're not stupid enough to waste money on having a carpet cleaned all the fucking time when people could just be nice and take their fucking shoes off. GOD FORBID ANYONE SEE YOUR FEET OR SOMETHING.

you guys are fucking savages.

>> No.6756949


Why do I still use this fucking website.

>> No.6756953

Will rugs and date rape be covered in the sticky?

>> No.6756970 [DELETED] 

Maybe it's just a different culture. In the west mostly, we have rugs and carpets and they're meant to be used. Maybe in Japan they're so dainty that they need everything done on tippytoes, until it's time sneak attack their enemies.

I've got rich friends and family too, and they care but a rug or a carpet is meant to used and enjoyed. Otherwise why buy it in the first place? It's not meant to be destroyed blatenly like with cigarrete butts or something stupid, but normal wear and tear is expected. Nobody wants to have to replace a rug or carpet, but as I wrote, it's expected and therefore what I said about guests. It would be rude in western culture to expect your guests to go all dainty and have to remove their shoes, what if it's a party or whatever? It's just a rug or carpet, if you don't want it used hang it on a wall or something.

Most people are polite and don't spill red wine all over the place so that's not an issue, but normal wear and tear, no big deal.

Personally I would find it rude to "expect" my guests to have to remove their shoes, it's like some beta shit to control guests when I don't want that.

>> No.6756973 [DELETED] 

I think that we're going to have to agree to disagree. Rugs and carpets are IMO meant to be walked on and used. Apparently we're not going to agree on this one.

>> No.6756997

>Rugs and carpets are IMO meant to be walked on and used
But I'm not arguing against that. I'm just arguing that taking shoes off in someone else's house is fine if they ask you to. Or you could even ask if it's ok to take your shoes off provided the carpet isn't dirty. It's just feet, who cares? Do you all have stinky feet or some shit?

Dude, if someone comes to your house and you don't like what they're doing, aren't you going to ask them to stop? Same thing. Don't come in my house with your shoes on, take them off please. See, nothing has to be rude. It's all about context.

>Maybe in Japan they're so dainty that they need everything done on tippytoes, until it's time sneak attack their enemies.
You sound paranoid and silly. Also not just Japanese people do this. Other Asians as well as many other cultures do this. Not sure why you only know of the Japs doing this. Like I said... my friends are white and they do this.

>> No.6757220

Bill Cosby pls leave

>> No.6757226
File: 1.50 MB, 3264x2448, 20150808_082342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here for the final update and results. I did not ever end up getting hard or extra horny last night and apparently her mom didn't either. Unfortunately she was wearing white panties again so the results aren't to visible but here is a picture of Thursdays panties so we can have a comparison. Not too much scent but you can see a little from discharge or sweat

>> No.6757230
File: 1.59 MB, 3264x2448, 20150808_082402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here is the picture of yesterday's panties (the ones she would have been wearing whole eating the brownies). As you can see there is the same amount s the first night or even less.

>> No.6757238
File: 73 KB, 256x256, Busted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So that's it /ck/. We'll call this one pic related

>> No.6757258

Oh shut the fuck up.
This is better and more interesting oc than any shitty fast food thread you could submit here by conjuring up enough blood to move your gangrene ridden sausage fingers.
Kill yourself

>> No.6757279

don't forget you'll also give your fiancees dad a raging boner

>> No.6757327

You should write a letter of complaint to the company

>> No.6757336 [DELETED] 

Why would you want to ask your guests to remove their shoes? What if it's a lot of people, will you inspect each of them like some anal faggot? Fuck that.

And no shit if they come to my house and I don't like what their doing, but I do realize also that they're my guests. They're in my house to do whatever and it's not being bothered with silly shit like removing shoes.

You must be a real fucking faggit with all your rules and regulations, I bet nobody even bothers going to your house. Do you want to strip search me too?

And about Japan, that's not paranoid, that's fact. They did sneak attack Pearl Harbor under the guise of peace. A history lesson would do you well.

You and your friends sound like a bunch of uptight faggots that can't wait for the next fag pride parade.

>> No.6757337

In Japan wearing shoes indoors is considered disrespectful to ones ancestors.

>> No.6757344 [DELETED] 

I know that, that's why I said it varies with culture.

>> No.6757346

Chinese here, we do the same thing.
>amerilard trying to give asians a lesson on japanese war crimes
Oh boo hoo, they dropped a few toy bombs on your battleship, 09-11 never forget!

>> No.6757347

Thought so.

>> No.6757348 [DELETED] 

You seem like a faggit with an axe to grind.
Did your daddy touch you in the nay-nay and now you want to take it out on the poor Americans?

>> No.6757350
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>facts upset me
American education system at work

>> No.6757359 [DELETED] 

That's for niggers. Not all of our education systems work the same way. Some of it is by testing. Either you pass a test and get in you don't. Those types of schools, public ones in fact that aren't quota based have little to do with niggers.

In fact, the public high school that I went to has the most nobel prize winners in science and math than any other school in the world. Jelly much nigger?

>> No.6757365

Where's your nobel prize? Oh wait you're too busy deflecting
>An Asian schooled you on the internet just like all the Asians at Bronx science schooled you every day
>b-but blacks!
Ok buddy

>> No.6757370
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>> No.6757383 [DELETED] 

I'm still young and certainly not a nigger.
Obama whom you no doubt love got his by simply being elected president. Payoffs and quotas much?

>> No.6757389

Do you do this at work? When your boss yells at you for fucking up, which I have no doubt is often, do you say "but at least I'm not a nigger"?

Or is your boss a nigger and that's why you're so obsessed with them?

>> No.6757393 [DELETED] 

I really don't care about prizes, once they gave one to niggerbama for simply being elected president it kind of gave it a sour note.

I'd rather be a billionaire then some prize winner.

>> No.6757396


Smh I believe that this is off topic tbqhwy fams
Plz stop sp itt ttyl
Make up and b tbfffl

>> No.6757398 [DELETED] 

I've never been yelled at, I don't work for the types of people that do that and I've never fucked up in a production situation. I did spoke to sternly once when I was a little kid and didn't wrap some ethernet cables properly, but then I wasn't hired for that in the first place, I was hired to do software and that was spot on excellent, or so I'm told. In fact it's indians that really suck and can't write properly, they're cheap and easy.

I bet you defend the cheap and easy too?
Maybe occupy [insert shit here] from a few years ago?

>> No.6757403
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Amazing, you managed to defend yourself without referencing niggers. But you still can't manage to defend yourself without pointing to someone and saying "but at least I'm not X"

It's a start. Here is a cookie. At least it's not all black.

>> No.6757408 [DELETED] 

But I did, I referenced cheap and easy sand niggers.

>> No.6757420

Welcome to /ck/

>> No.6757426
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>> No.6757456

Nobody said force feeding others chocolates you cock gobbler

>> No.6757630

they'd better be

>> No.6757701

That works too I guess

>> No.6757704

All of those are common side effects of breathing too

>> No.6758334
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>> No.6758343
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>OP trying to lose his virginity