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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 57 KB, 439x335, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6752663 No.6752663 [Reply] [Original]

>we believe in the product we just don't believe in you

>> No.6752688

Looking forward to this

>> No.6752977

Oh fuck me too. I'm actually excited to see this break down

>> No.6752994
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>> No.6753005

So can we talk about how stupid he is?

Do you think he has any idea that he's a shitty cook, or is he as unaware as he seems?

>> No.6753075 [DELETED] 

Maybe he figure it out after being bbqcucked by a championship pit master

>> No.6753589

Is that a holy hand grenade?

>> No.6753863

bumping for the king

>> No.6754188



>> No.6754221
File: 21 KB, 265x308, 1423673101796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The raw chicken gets me every time.

>> No.6754263

link pls

>> No.6754290

literally any recipe involving chicken

he also can't seem to cook burgers

>> No.6754306

You really didn't need to add "burgers" at the end there

>> No.6754401
File: 142 KB, 1249x684, 1438229264351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw that bison burger he made

>> No.6754450

He's the definition of a moisty.

>> No.6754489

Is anybody streaming it?

>> No.6754738

I don't know the English name, but it's called "Reichsapfel" (literally "Apple of the empire") in German, since it kinda resembles an apple. It's a symbol of reign, authority and domination over the land and supposed to be a christian cross combined with a globe.

>> No.6754739

What's happening?

>> No.6754753

Yes, it's the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch.

>> No.6754846


>> No.6754849
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After a YouTube star pitches what he claims is the world’s best BBQ sauce, Butch and Rooster put him to the test against the top pitmaster in West Texas. Later, a single mother tries to sell the investors on a website that helps parents save for their child’s college education.

Ohhhhhh, boiiii dis gun be goooooood.

>> No.6754856
File: 21 KB, 426x240, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Full episode online yet????

>> No.6754899


It is juice

>> No.6754950

Doesn't air until tuesday

>> No.6754964

Jesus christ that's one of the most pretentious and fussy sounding preparations I have ever seen.

I feel like I'm reading that faggot's daily meals thing with the activated almonds again.

>> No.6754987

please god link

>> No.6755085


>> No.6755897
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>> No.6755934

Literally would not feed any of those to my dog.

>> No.6755941
File: 13 KB, 640x712, 1415141954534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw this will likely be the last piece of media I consume before I move to Japan

>> No.6755947

I hate this guy. I felt bad for him at first but now I just hate him

>> No.6755963

Are you going to teach English or what?

>> No.6755972

I'm WOOFing for 3 months, doing a visa run, coming back, and WOOFing for 3 more months

>> No.6755989
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>slaps the bison meat around

>> No.6756013

I've always hid the youtube threads (reason: i lurked a joey thread once) after seeing the previous jack thread about him being on television i lurked again and i watched the ice water burger vid that was linked
I am now obsessed and have the episode set on my dvr

>> No.6756029


>cold pan

Just fucking kill this guy already

>> No.6756061

Yeah Joey is on another level. It's like watching animal abuse, but Ja/ck/ is just an entertaining train wreck. Also you will probably grow to hate him.

>> No.6756507

He's legit stupid. There's a video of him skyping with his brother talking about how reading is for dumb dumbs.

>> No.6756511


>> No.6756669

Why do people sub to him lol, 'I don"t get it'

>> No.6756674

Canned and jarred everything ffs why.

>> No.6756683

>putting cheese on after taking it out of the pan, what the.

>> No.6756863
File: 1.05 MB, 1084x555, Jack's roux.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jack just made quite the roux.

>> No.6756866

>look at that nice crust
>it's fucking burnt

>> No.6756903

Why doesn't he ever wait for the pan to get hot? Even when he told the audience to wait for it - he didn't.

>> No.6757109


It looks pretty good.

Anybody tried out the JAKATAK app yet? I don't have an iOS device

>> No.6757154

He actually has an app?

>> No.6757172
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>> No.6757256
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>no it wasn't. Good try

>> No.6757272


LMAO, Enjoy hell.

>> No.6757289

I looked up the urbandictionary for woofing but I can't be sure if it applies to you guys. Could you help me?

>> No.6757290
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>burnt burgers
>dead roux
>overcooked egg

To be fair, I'm amazed his roux didn't come out darker, considering the butter was already browning by the time he even put flour in.

>> No.6757293

>criticism glasses

how dare you fucking aspies call him out on his billion fuck-ups, he's a great cook

>> No.6757299

That pan is way to fucking hot. He has no fucking control over that roux at all. What a moron.

>> No.6757474

>can't even make a sunny-side up egg
Holy shit, I did that when I was fucking TEN

>> No.6757481


He has had a _cooking_ show for 7 years and still can't cook.

>> No.6757506

>that egg

jesus christ

>> No.6757523

>"cook "
>boiling a pork chop

Select one and only one.

>> No.6757537


The video says so.

>> No.6757542

I looked in the PlayStore and it's not there.

>> No.6757547


That's why I said:
>I don't have an iOS device
It's only available in the Appstore for now and I'm really interested. I bet it's a cheap endless runner or something like Flappy Bird

>> No.6757615

i will just leave this here

>> No.6757645
File: 46 KB, 600x383, poutine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I come from poutine land, I even lived in Drummondville the so-called birthplace of poutine.
WHAT THE FUCK is wrong with anglos?!!! it's not a beef based sauce it's a chicken based sauce.
And you don't have FRESH cheese curds, you don't have a poutine. Call it disco fries, cheesy fries, shit on starchy penise with chees, but not poutine. Shredded cheese, common man, fuck.

>> No.6757648
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He's fucking illiterate.

>> No.6757655

is he entirely unaware of the recent 50 Shades of Grey / TFIOS hype. They're not great books, but reading is still a popular hobby. In fact, it's probably more popular than ever because the literacy rates were so low centuries ago (when he claims all worthwhile books were written).

>> No.6757657

AH FUCK what a shit fuck, he can't even fry fries!

>that big clump of fried together fries

AHAAAAA you put the hot sauce on the cheese to warm it you fat fuck!!!!!!!

>> No.6757662

>all the books my son reads are from the last century. Did anybody write a book in the last 100 years or what?
>Right, but that's okay because school is from the last century
what the fuck

>> No.6757860

>getting mad about how bottom-tier junkfood eaten primarily by drunk people is prepared

Almost as bad as those faggots who get uppity about hot dogs.

>> No.6757899
File: 335 KB, 495x585, king ja-ck- and loli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would /ck/ do if you came across King Ja/ck/ in public?

>> No.6757920

Nothing. I believe in his BBQ but not in him.

>> No.6757925

Say hi and buy him something from chik fil a

>> No.6758021


other than him being fat, what's wrong with his appearance? i can't put my finger on it but he just looks like some deformed inbred fuck in all of his pictures and ESPECIALLY his old videos

>> No.6758030

Being fat does a lot to change your appearance. When you think of a fat person, people tend to think of their big bellies, and don't think about how fat changes the shape of your face. It erases your jawline, it swells your cheeks, and it narrows your eyes. It makes you look like a parody of a human being.

>> No.6758050

>wearing a hat to cover his bald head

>> No.6758144

check out des skills

>> No.6758152

>11 minutes of microwave tips
it just keeps getting better fam

>> No.6758200
File: 98 KB, 300x203, joeysback11-300x203[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 jack threads on the front page
why is this allowed?

>> No.6758217

WOOF meaning working holiday visa

>> No.6758409

Drinking game. Take a shot every time he says beautiful.

>> No.6758436

I,d spit on him
Then bully him, shouting to him that he's fat, that he has a small dick
Then I'd push him hard in the chest, until he falls
Then I'd jump him and tommy gun his face with my fist
> bloop bloop bloop bloop
Then when the police would come Id say he started it, he touched my junk and was harrassing children
Then I'd just walk away from the pool of blood and go home
Then I'd open my computer
> 4chan.org/ck/catalog
And press F5 until the next post on Bobandy and his cheesburgers appears

>> No.6758489

He's about to get humiliated on television.

>> No.6758506

>doesn't know what a cheese curd really is
>'maybe some of you can explain what it is'
Nothing worse than I host who asks the audience what the hell they're doing

>> No.6758539

He isn't the most likeable guy but there's no reason to mistreat someone like that who hasn't hurt anyone.

>> No.6758557

Jesus. I remember the episode where someone requested that he make poutine, and he didn't even know how to pronounce it. Apparently he doesn't even understand the ingredients. How the fuck people listen to this guy is beyond me.

>> No.6758562
File: 327 KB, 940x705, 2fc68f46fb4e13779e865b2856a92664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Oh look, it's a medium-rare

>> No.6758569
File: 312 KB, 555x468, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But look at how juicy it is, anon


>> No.6758583

Doesn't look too bad, but yeah not medium rare.

>> No.6758588
File: 79 KB, 244x196, Run.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post yfw you come home on your birthday and your mom says "As a present this year we contacted that youtube chef, Jack, that you're watching all the time to come and cook you dinner!"

>> No.6758590

i will just leave this here also.

>> No.6758598
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>> No.6758628

he came into my life with his shitty videos. I surely dodn't invited him!

>> No.6758629

I would be more shocked that my mom knows what I watch on youtube.

>> No.6758633

She says she looked through your internet history, Anon.

>> No.6758634

... those salads men.... fuck...

>> No.6758645

You know that gif of him pouring what appears to be salsa on top of butter?

What's the source on that, can't seem to find the video

>> No.6758656

It's cream cheese, but I don't have the link im afraid.

>> No.6758658
File: 2.76 MB, 1280x720, JackDip.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Football Finger Food, and it's cream cheese.


>> No.6758662
File: 125 KB, 280x260, 1426713588682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She says she looked through your internet history, Anon.


>> No.6758663
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thanks, lads

>> No.6758825

I'd lure him into a phone booth with some of Aunt Myrna's Cheese Salad and then close it, lock it and pump noxious fart fumes into it until he passed out.

>> No.6758840

this isn't jack but it's a jack tier recipe


>> No.6758857

What the fuck am I watching? This is the god damn worst.

>> No.6758873

This sounds like satire

>> No.6758900

I would do this. 10/10 perfect execution.
Entertaining couple of fellas, too.

>> No.6758961
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>that literal bitstrips profile picture

>> No.6758969

Shouldn't Jack's Saturday video be up by now

Has Jack gone off the rails?

>> No.6759045

He always looks like how Pepe would look if pepe was a person and not a frog

>> No.6759048

Who here having /breakfast of champions/?


>> No.6759062
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>calling quesadillas "cheese crisps"

>> No.6759071
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>implying that's a bad thing

>> No.6759075

Jack is truly the rarest of all Pepes

>> No.6759139

People talk about that one a lot, but I'm surprised not many people picked up on the moment where Jack says that he believes that being gay is a choice. His brother asks him if Jack made the conscious choice to be attracted to women instead of men, and Jack says that yes, he did make that choice.

>> No.6759163

>doesn't know what a bison is
does this guy live on the fucking moon?

>> No.6759178

If you guys are gluttons for punishment, then watch Jack attempt to make yorkshire puddings. It is quite possibly the video with the worst and most fuckups.


Also, I remember seeing a video of his where he accidentally mixes a fly into his ingredients, but I can't for the life of me remember which video it was. Anyone have any clues?

>> No.6759182

> Cooking eggs in a cold pan
Is this man a child?

>> No.6759189

>you can tell starbucks to stand on one leg, and stir to the left, and they'll do it!
Jesus, this guy this guy must be even more unbearable in real life.

>> No.6759190

He took his kid out of school and moved to Arizona because they were gonna give his kid sex ed.

He's one of those people who is openly proud of being ignorant and unintelligent.

>> No.6759191

This one was so bad he made an apology vid along with a redo

>> No.6759194

So why has nobody started making some Best-of-Jack compilation videos or filmed the gobsmacked reactions of their friends who love cooking?

>> No.6759195

Arizona? They moved to Tennessee

>> No.6759199


He clearly lives in a fucking desert. Where in Tennessee does he live?

>> No.6759201
File: 1.42 MB, 500x281, Idiot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of us have 'friends', Anon.

I would like to see a compilation video, but it would be limited, because a lot of his biggest fuckups aren't small moments. They're a long process of a small initial misunderstanding rolling out of control throughout the video, or just lots of little fuckups that add up into one disasterous dish.

>> No.6759204

I think somewhere near Murfreesboro or Nashville

>> No.6759207

Wherever it is he has clearly sucked the life out of it and rendered it barren and arid.

>> No.6759220

>5 minutes of shit no one cares about before the cooking starts in an 11 minute video

>> No.6759223

>six splenda

Holy shit, why even get coffee

>> No.6759230

>when I flip my eggs

Proceeds to mangle the fuck out of said egg

>> No.6759239

both of these boring, ugly idiots are a caricature of middle age I lay awake at and worry I'll become. Just the kind of person you take one look at and know you won't give a fuck about whatever comes out of their mouth

>> No.6759280

LMFAO, link please?

>> No.6759295


It starts around 40 seconds in.

>> No.6759300

the slomo gets me every time

>> No.6759307

Good God I didn't know how deep this guy's retardation went. Also what the fuck, that shitty hat.

>> No.6759310
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>apologizes to the box

>> No.6759321

You're not going to snatch his cap from his head and see how bald he is?
Then ask don't you wish your back were this hairless?

>> No.6759340

Someone needs to take Jack's "I'm gay!" scream along with some other lines from the video ("I pick out my wife's clothes and stuff") and put it into a remix of sorts.

Perhaps contrasted with his stupid bickering with his wife in the Disney World video where he's creeping on people's turkey legs.

>> No.6759347


It's fucking roux.

>> No.6759350

>the Disney World video where he's creeping on people's turkey legs.

Oh lord, link please?

>> No.6759377

i put six splendas in my giant iced coffees

tastes better

>> No.6759403

Ugh, I used to just be mildly annoyed by this guy, but this video just made genuinely hate him now. It's not even that he's anti-gay, I know plenty of anti-gay people who don't necessarily piss me off. It's his willful ignorance.
>"did you choose to be straight?"
He fucking knows that he wasn't winning this argument and chose to lie with that smug ass look on his face acting as if he proved himself right.

Sorry, I know I'm sperging out, but this shit just pisses me off. Bigotry I can mostly ignore, but having such willful ignorance that you'll lie to yourself just for the sake of proving to others that you're not a retarded sack of shit, while trying to act smug and...well fuck, I think I just realized everyone's issue with Jack.

>> No.6759424

fuck you I chose to be straight.
Just like I can choose to suck a shemale cock if I wanted to, but I don't because I'm not gay.

>> No.6759427
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>reading is still a popular hobby

>> No.6759432

this other guy is terrible at arguing, and jack makes him look like a genius.

>> No.6759527

HAHA, what the fuck? You can hear him clicking as he does the voice over, he's obviously reading from the recipe he plagiarized. Why do youtube cooks take others recipe's instead of making their own?

>> No.6759561

>had to choose to be straight

You were born to be gay anon. Embrace it.

>> No.6759569

Because they're home cooks and not Chefs. I don't expect them to be innovative most of the time. Even if they aren't Jack-tier retards that don't even know how to pronounce the food they're making, I don't expect much from them.

>> No.6759696

How can you all stand to watch this shit?
Do you like cringe videos that much?

The guy can't cook a single dish without fucking up several times. This shit is painful to watch.

>> No.6759754

To his credit his oil was already really dark after cooking the burgers and the mushrooms.

>> No.6759803
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>> No.6759846

He's so bad it's hilarious

>> No.6759881

He almost injured himself trying to say "Worcestershire"

>> No.6759959

Jack is an asshole. It's one thing to be a bad cook, but he never acknowledges his mistakes until he's called out on it. Everything he makes is "beautiful". I'd have more respect for him if he immediately said "I fucked up". He might get tired though since it happens in every fucking video.

>> No.6759971

If anybody actually follows any of his chicken cooking advice they'll probably die.

>> No.6760001

Well done, chef.

>> No.6760010

It was a considerable effort, but yes, I too chose to keep being straight

>> No.6760015


>> No.6760086
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>> No.6760181

I don't know why people are hating on this one, that shit is delicious.

>> No.6760237

Holy shit this is going to be great. Those Texas dudes are going to rip him limb from limb for that shitty sauce

>> No.6760628

>comments are disabled for this video
I'm not fucking surprised. Without a doubt THE worst Yorkshire puds I've ever seen in my life and I've fucked them up plenty of times myself.

>> No.6760658

That burger is fucking raw.

>> No.6760665

>that shot of Jack inhaling a lungful of BBQ smoke and hacking it up everywhere like it was his first time smoking weed

Absolutely fucking glorious.

>> No.6760677

>hurr they gunna make me look bad

Yea, "they're" gonna make you look bad. It wasn't your pathetic faggotry.....

>> No.6760701

>Rare burgers

I had to cut it there.

>> No.6760712
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>> No.6760721

these guys must be like 40

you can't be this old and this sad at the same time

>> No.6760751
File: 179 KB, 444x342, juck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He's got the best barbecue sauce in the world and he's never barbecued before!?
>Self-styled Godfather of barbecue sauce

This will live up to the hype

>> No.6760764
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>> No.6760958
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>> No.6760964

what a sad sad sad twisted mind he is

>> No.6760968

what's wrong with the grated parmesan?

>> No.6760979

It's being put on top of the worst french onion soup ever made


>> No.6760985

This guy is such a joke

>> No.6761003

he used white wine for french onion soup? thats one of my favorite things to make and I've never even considered doing that. do other people use it?

>he doesn't drink alcohol
bet he took his wife's wine and she got pissed she cant get drunk that night

>> No.6761005
File: 764 KB, 674x504, 1437767738242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you are under 21, make sure to get your parents permission to cook with wine

>> No.6761015

by that I meant I always use red wine

>> No.6761052
File: 1.13 MB, 1277x719, you can pinpoint the moment where Jack realizes his cooking is terrible.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He really is a complete failure of a human being.

>> No.6761062

I'm working in a restaurant, so it'll be alright.
It's basically exchanging labor for a place to stay/eat in a foreign country. You pay for your flight, transport to the place, etc., and they take care of you while you're there for a period of time that you agree on for as long as you're willing to work for them. It's pretty cool.

>> No.6761067

>goes to dysney world
>super excited to try "the worlds" food at epcot
>gets disappointed its not amazing
>gets mad at his son for liking a sausage he didn't like
>gets made fun of by wife
>teenage son gets his face painted

jesus christ that is easily his best/worst video

>> No.6761077

>this is A+ material

>> No.6761207


>> No.6761223
File: 187 KB, 1744x742, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the only one I watched but I guess there's a few more of him in orlando


>> No.6761300

sweet mother of everlasting fuck, you didn't mention that he drowned the fucking hotdog in mustard. i'm fucking out

>> No.6761314
File: 2.18 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make sure you watch until he creeps on the italian ice lady or whatever it was

this scene this
>frickin mess
>you married that mess

>> No.6761317

Disgusting. Looks like one of those shit Loco Mocos they sell at L&L.

>> No.6761331
File: 4 KB, 200x200, 1396754887376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh anime
>I. Love. Anime.
>aw pikachu
>what anime do you guys watch?

any weebs able to make fun of the anime he lists that he watches?

>> No.6761358

Top kek.
He got called out by his own son or whoever that guy is.

>> No.6761368

Decent tip about the bacon. I fucking hate wrinkly bacon.

>> No.6761405

That fatty neckroll. The longer I stare the worse it gets.

>> No.6761419
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>> No.6761432
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I think what really makes people hate jacks face is the fact that he has this absurd under-bite which gives him this bulldoggish face

>> No.6761439

>Blue Exorcist
No fucking clue what that could be.

>> No.6761462

Maybe Karas? Isn't that mecha shit or something?

>> No.6761468
File: 2.32 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't believe these are authentic country recipes
>at a fucking food court
>in a fucking amusement park
>in fucking florida
>its all just meh
>no son it needs more SPICES

>> No.6761485
File: 2.33 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hi complete stranger
>I just complained very loudly about the price of a turkey leg
>can I get disgusting close to yours now>

>> No.6761538

Mfw that face paint guy calls him out

>maybe because it's drowning in mustard

>it doesn't need spices, it needs 100% less mustard

>> No.6761566


>had a stroke

>> No.6761569

you forgot something faggot

>> No.6761573

Post jack videos of stuff you would actually eat.


>> No.6761575

I hope he washed his hands after

>> No.6761577

I would've thought he had that before he ever made the videos because his face has always been so lopsided

>> No.6761640

Did I?

>> No.6761658

very clearly yes

>> No.6761660
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>> No.6761710

>no replies

>> No.6761718

Ever wonder why he has a washer and dryer in his kitchen?

>> No.6761739
File: 1.08 MB, 2815x2815, 1438582138508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He explained this

His house was old as balls and when it was created the woman was meant to be the cook and shit I guess and so they wanted the woman in the kitchen to have easier access to the laundry stuff or something

>> No.6761743

That gets brought up a lot and I know it's weird in America, but that's totally 100% normal for me as a Brit, except for the part about owning a dryer.

He probably has air conditioning and a pool as well, the fucking weirdo.

>> No.6761746

>blames his stroke on the coffee and energy drink he drank

>> No.6761748

Chardonnay is not dry..

>> No.6761787

He looks gay in that hat.

>> No.6761795

I hope you're kidding.

>> No.6761802

it is after you leave it on the clothes line to dry, duh.

>> No.6761818

>189k subscribers
why the fuck does this man have so many subscribers?
people can't actually take him seriously?

>> No.6761831

Apparently he does. He always gets fan mail and shit.

>> No.6761835

There have been convincing arguments made that he paid for a lot of those subscribers, but then again, some also convincing counter arguments that it's not an unreasonable number for the amount of time he's been consistently putting out videos. It could just be that a lot of those subscribers are abandoned accounts, because the subscriber count is WAY higher than the number of views on each video would suggest.

>> No.6761844

I wondered about this a while ago and I think its partially our fault really. we get a bunch of people to watch his videos at once with a thread which likely bumps it up on the jewtube front page or recommendations or something which gets more people just to click on it and it snowballs from there would be my guess.

his popular ones that we hate have millions of views while other ones have far fewer

>> No.6761970

I subscribed to him recently. No point in waiting around for a new cuck thread on /ck/ all of the time

>> No.6761976

>that redhead at 0:54

>> No.6761998

>There have been convincing arguments made that he paid for a lot of those subscribers
like what?

>> No.6762018

He's kind of a short rude prick to his son all the time

>> No.6762039

>makes soup in a pan
>a fucking pan

>one teaspoon
>uses a regular fucking spoon

>salt and pepper helps
>no fucking shit lardass

>> No.6762049

Like that he has a lot of them, but relatively few views on each video, which is consistent with someone who has paid to pad their subscriber count.

>> No.6762057

it's disaster porn

that's why people watch it

>> No.6762058

I'm never calling them anything other than puds ever again thank you so much

>> No.6762130

wow hes dads a fucking asshole at like 4:25 onwards

>> No.6762153

>wife: what a mess
>son: you married that mess


>> No.6762225

He's buying subscribers dude he's had 10000 new subs in the last 6 weeks or so abd his average views are still less than joeys and joey only has 35 thousand subs

>> No.6762237

probably bought them in anticipation of his shitty show airing

>> No.6762249

I can't see it... I don't know what you mean.

>> No.6762253

then youre very new and should lurk moar

>> No.6762289

How do I into WOOF?

>> No.6762358

You wanna go to Japan? Or do you wanna go somewhere else? The WWOOF Japan website is wwoofjapan.com I think it's like $55 to sign up, and you can set up your profile and all that good stuff immediately, and start looking for hosts. Make sure the host presented ID to the WWOOF Japan office (it'll say so on their profile) It's important to remember that you may not get messages back from every host, so you should message a new one every few days if you don't get a response, but let them know that you did message another host before them and are waiting to hear back before you can definitely commit. Plan in advance, and have fun. Also, read and respect the rules and guidelines. They're important, and I believe legally binding.

>> No.6762362

OH and watch your visa restrictions. Plan with them in mind. You don't wanna be told you can't go back to the country you're WWOOFing in at the airport on your way out for overstaying your visa.

>> No.6762374

>legally binding

what consideration does the jap give? its probably only binding if you fuck them over and go with some other jap host. thats not the point but I'm just adding some information

>> No.6762395
File: 1.74 MB, 1680x878, スクリーンショット 2015-05-29 0.43.44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey did you guys ever notice how you tend to get hungry at around 1am?? It's a weird coincidence, huh?

>> No.6762414

Parenting with Jack


>> No.6762417

Fuck you Ken! You ruined our beloved Joey!

>> No.6762426
File: 151 KB, 321x260, スクリーンショット 2015-08-09 21.55.56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hahaha, yes I did! And I'll be coming for Jack next! Just you watch /ck/ I'll take a bite out of crime the crime being, bad food reviewers who need an education in fun (ex. Pickles)

>> No.6762428

>i'll never have caffiene again

i'm pretty fucking sure i just saw him review coffee recently

>> No.6762431

He drinks huge cups of coffee constantly, he is a fucking idiot.

>> No.6762452

They're just to make sure that you don't fuck your host over, that you don't overstay your visa, that you understand that you're entirely responsible for yourself while you're there, and that you understand that hey have no obligation to help you out in any circumstances that aren't listed in the exceptions.

>> No.6762457
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god, this one hurts

>> No.6762468

gotcha. I thought you meant the messaging parts might be legally binding. of course once you accept them and show up there it will be

>> No.6762489

It's all for when you're in Japan. While you're in the States (or wherever you are) you're just subject to whatever laws your local laws are.

>> No.6762495

yeah I wasn't sure if you were saying some ICC laws came into effect. the wording just threw me off

>> No.6762516

I gotchya, my bad

>> No.6762538
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>> No.6762721

I would try this after a few shots:

Looks like good drunk food

>> No.6762728


That's how NOLA food is mostly enjoyed anyways

>> No.6762781

I haven't seen this clip. What's this from?

>> No.6763162

Can you shut up?
Are you shitting up the thread because he said "mfw" and didn't post an image?
Maybe you need to do a little lurking yourself, yeah?

>> No.6763169

>asking a waiter if it's good
the answer will always be 100% really enthusiastically "yes, it's really good"

>> No.6763189

>I think I look like Al from toy story
top kek
You know, this guy looks like he's actually not such a bad person other than being a terrible cook. However, he'd get ripped apart if he was actually taught how to cook and realized everything he taught people was wrong. I wish he could magically learn how to cook.

>> No.6763193

I don't eat any thing with "bacon" or "explosion" in the title. Any food that includes bacon and has bacon in its title is fucking memeshit. Hassenpfeffer has bacon in it, Cobb Salad has bacon in it. If they were invented in post-2010 I bet idiots would call it "Bacon Rabbit" and "Bacon Salad Party".

>> No.6763195

Legit would eat this drunk.

>> No.6763196

He's just retarded. He's a dumb person. His poor decision making process and lack of self-awareness come from him being dumb.

>> No.6763201

What's weird is that despite being stupid, he's ambitious. Sure, he got shot down by the investors he was going after, and he got brushed off by the Food Network when he tried pitching them a show, but he's probably trying harder than most of the people making fun of him. Hell, the fact that two major chains carry his stupid sauces means that he's actually pulling something off.

>> No.6763202

Holy fucking shit I just reached the part where he stabs the bacon with a fork repeatedly.

>> No.6763203

Nice pepe anon, very rare.

>> No.6763306

>why the fuck does this man have so many subscribers?


>> No.6763496

Holy shit, thank you for clarifying what he meant, and how much of a fucking retard he is

>Mfw I have no face

>> No.6763500

Fucking saved

>> No.6763503

Yeah, you don't need brain power to be generally ambitious, persistent, and hard working. That's the beauty of it all.

I like to compare Jack and Joey because they're both equally unintelligent. Jack is doing OK for himself; however, Joey is 40 years old, obese, unemployed, and lives with his aging mother. He is also probably a virgin.

Joey would probably be doing a hell of a lot better if he just never gave up at some point in his life. Jack is fucking dumb as a snail, but damn that quality of sheer ambition/persistence really is the great equalizer for man.

>life lessons from youtube food fatasses

>> No.6763536

How can a man who has spent years trying to base a career around cooking/food be so utterly uninformed and inept? Fucking hell.

Is he a literal retard?

>> No.6763538

is his child so incompetent that he can't use a fucking scissor? Jesus fuck, they use scissors in kindergarten ffs

>> No.6763539

How often do you suppose he cleans that ring?

>> No.6763540


The single most embarrassing and depressing video I've seen in youtube. Truly awful.

>> No.6763543

>jar of cheap processed white sauce
>jar of his shitty salsa

Fuck me he's SUCH a pleb.

>> No.6763545


everything he does involves a slab of meat in some form and then a bunch of shit in plastic tubs from walmart and then drenching everything in oil or butter

you can't really expect him to learn anything when he is complacent in drowning himself in processed shit

>i like to do things like your average joe, a regular guy cooking regular food. a lazy man's approach

aka eating fat shit like a fatass

>> No.6763548
File: 181 KB, 800x600, Cooking with Al.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some fresh OC

>> No.6763555


>recording his family on holiday
>his son pans into the back of the video 5:40
>he fucking turns the camera so he isnt in the shot

Wow, jack is a fucking shitstain.

>> No.6763567
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>> No.6763637

Fuck, I would love for someone like Gordon Ramsay watch his videos and someone film his reactions while he's yelling what he's doing wrong

>> No.6763671

It's actually pretty amazing how fragile Joey actually was

If King Ja/ck/ was linked to this thread literally nothing would happen

>> No.6763696
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>> No.6763698


>> No.6763731


>> No.6763754

Shut the fuck up, the original poutine was made with mozzarella.

>> No.6763758

I can't tell if you're trying to troll britcucks or if this is real and Britland really is a ridiculous caveman country without AC and pools.

>> No.6763762

I can't believe I actually see this shit on store shelves.

Someone please tell me that no one is buying it.

>> No.6763814

People buy it, but then again 30% of adults in the US have diabetes

>> No.6763878

Could you review the 'gourmet seasoning' one please?

>> No.6763893

It's like if Dobson was a cook instead of a "cartoonist"

>> No.6763943
File: 254 KB, 652x506, Screen Shot 2015-08-08 at 6.59.30 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jack adds a dead fly into this recipe when he pours in the butter, he doesn't notice and mixes it into the dough...


>> No.6764027

>Breakdown for any episode
60% heavy breathing while attempting to speak
30% horrible mouth sounds while the mongoloid eats
10% weird angles while he smashes stuff with his ham-hands

>> No.6764030
File: 989 KB, 500x452, 1412883653585.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That whole episode

>> No.6764158

you sound like the people who get ass blasted about buffalo wings

>> No.6764184

Has the thing aired yet?

>> No.6764226

Tomorrow night. GET HYPE!!!!

>> No.6764231
File: 13 KB, 275x183, url-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm damn sure they edited in a way so it looks like the judges are saying:

>we believe in the product we just don't believe in you

but it was probably directed towards someone else's invention or venture.

Just putting that out there.

>> No.6764236

>Cooking with Jack show
>We wanted


>> No.6764244


This video has so much fucked up shit in it I won't even greentext.

It's just fucked up man.

>> No.6764316

>stop filming the bird!
>>but ducks are awesome

>> No.6764413

What stores? I'm morbidly curious and what to try some.

>> No.6764589

Bear in mind 99% of people buying it have no idea who Jack is, they just like the packaging.

>> No.6764766


that's usually how TV works, but I really doubt much is edited with jack's episode. the other contestant airing tomorrow is a single mom so i doubt the cucks would say something like that to her.

along with that "YOU DON'T KNOW ME!" clip, i'm expecting jack to be completely buried

>> No.6764776

This, reality shows do it all the time.

>> No.6765023
File: 377 KB, 494x594, Screen Shot 2015-08-10 at 5.46.48 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many of you have your seasoning used in actual restaurants again?

Jack: 1
/ck/: 0

>> No.6765027

>only restaurants it appears in are ones so shit they have to go on reality TV to try and get bailed out.


>> No.6765053

is jack /ck/'s chris-chan?

>> No.6765101

Holy shit can someone like to the burnt spoon episode?

>> No.6765109

I think some Wal-Marts carry them.


>> No.6765112

well at least his brother didn't turn out to be a retard. what the fuck happened to jack

>> No.6765114

No, that would be Joey. Joey threads god banned because the janitors got tired of them and they decided they aren't relevant enough to cooking to be posted.


>> No.6765150

Every time he broke another chip out of the ceramic knife I laughed harder and harder.

>> No.6765166

I'm not trolling. My rich Aunt had a hot tub once. You could fit about 5 people in it. It was a big deal. And nowhere here has AC. There's like 6 days in an average year where we might need it. And those 6 days SUCK. The hottest I've experienced this country get is around 100 degrees in your backwards fucking temperature scale, and when that happened in 2013, like 900 people died. No, I am not joking.

>> No.6765182

THANK YOU. I spent like an hour a few weeks ago looking for that. I knew I saw him do that somewhere.

>> No.6765186
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>> No.6765230

I would unironically eat his Brazilian Fish Stew.


>> No.6765279

I would wife that Russian girl he collaborated with so hard.

>> No.6765283

I kekked

>> No.6765297

But then there's the possibility that they don't believe in his product.

>> No.6765303

>Appears in "Bar Rescue"

I wonder why the bar was failing.

>> No.6765311

No you didn't you worthless troglodyte

>> No.6765380

Video pls? I keep hearing about this but nobody puts a link.

>> No.6765444
File: 18 KB, 600x341, Funny-Vomit-people-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using shitty pre cooked grocery store packed shrimp

>> No.6765461

It hasn't aired yet you fucking mong.

>> No.6765507
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>> No.6765508
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i am cajun and what is this

>> No.6765513
File: 1.19 MB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2015-08-10-16-47-30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6765519

>Quality seafood

>> No.6765536

>not barren and arid

fuck TN m8
i hated it there

>> No.6765538

is this house from the 1800s?

>> No.6765564

Remember, he's in Tennessee. It's probably from the 80's.

>> No.6765815

>Food network
>Hello is this the food network?

>> No.6765823

oh man, i'm only 30 seconds in, but seeing those ingredients on the counter made me realize i need to pour another drink but i dive in this goldmine

>> No.6765955

Can someone explain why he is a "king"?

>> No.6765992

Not the tiny lime green kitchen that's from when they lived in California

>> No.6766265

https://youtu.be/Cdph3qb287c here is a leaked video. He is not in the first episode sadly he can't see the fat fuck drown in his own tears

>> No.6766287

Maybe he's trying to say Legend of Korra?

>> No.6766431
File: 1.48 MB, 1271x690, jr&thecuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6766474

WTF!?!? That's fucking gay! ( which is ok now, so no big deal ) But also incest, and pedo, is this the world that Jack wants? I thought he was Christian.

>> No.6766517

@ 5:15 Orange chicken? Does he REALLY believe ORANGE CHICKEN is authentic.

This marks the first time I've ever gotten slightly worked up at something on 4chan in a while. Reminds me of those old, you rage you loose threads.

>> No.6766525

We were mostly supportive of him, albeit in a shroud of irony. I even made him a Christmas card.

>> No.6766529

hahah what the fuck 900 people died in 100 degree weather?

it regularly breaks 110+ here in Phoenix. Stay away you might die hahah

>> No.6766548

What part? I'm in tempe and some part of my steering wheel was melting/dripping on my leg the other day.

>> No.6766557

goodyear, but everyone i know moved to tempe after highschool to go to ASU

i stayed back in the suburbs :')

>> No.6766711

>surprised there is an architectural difference between China and Japan
Fucking Jack

>> No.6766913

How low do you think Jack's bar for a thing to be beautiful is?

>> No.6766970

His wife

>> No.6766998

he's a bigot and an awful chef.
A+ human.

>> No.6767058
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>> No.6767118

Why does everyone say he is a cuck? Also pic of his wife?

>> No.6767135


>> No.6767295

I'd say he's more like /ck/s DSP.

>> No.6767299

So when does this shit air, again?

>> No.6767300
File: 820 KB, 1284x711, 1436659267036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is ready to Ja/ck/ the fuck off later tonight?

>> No.6767308
File: 90 KB, 313x398, 1431519749761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone found this pic on his Facebook

>> No.6767318

someone please record this put it on youtube. ploxxx

>> No.6767360

Is BG or STV streaming it?

>> No.6767512

New Jackgen in anticipation of tonight