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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6748368 No.6748368 [Reply] [Original]

Ok, /ck/, so today I made my first attempt at making my own food (other than mac and cheese) and I decided that I had all the ingredients for an omelet with spinach, cheese, onion, mushroom, and bell pepper. (pic related)

Then I started thinking, this may have turned out great, but how do you fuck up an omelet? This is a pretty generic omelet, too. So /ck/ my question is what's the strangest omelet you guys have made? Bonus points if you still ate it and enjoyed it.

>> No.6748374

>how do you fuck up an omelet?

overcooking it like in your pic

>> No.6748398

When my son was born we took the placenta home and ate part of it in a omelette.
It's considered a bonding thing in some cultures. It was ok I guess.

>> No.6748426


did you bond closer to your son?

>> No.6748429

dunno really, my wife was happy I did it though.

>> No.6748646

I've never made an omelet. I've only tried to and then wasn't able to get the flip right i guess?
i mean i don't know how to make one so it was extremely half assed, i gave up and made scrambled eggs

>> No.6748670

OP here,
seemed actually pretty easy.
>mix 2 eggs, salt and pepper in a bowl, I added a little bit of water to the mix, but i dunno if that's necessary
>pour into your buttered pan and tilt the pan so that the liquid egg touches the pan and cooks
>once all of the liquid egg is solidified, put in whatever filling you want on one half of the omelet (my ingredients were included earlier)
>I took my spatula and used it to fold the one side onto the side with the fillings
>I let it sit there for about a second or two because I wanted the bell peppers to cook (they were frozen before)
>that's probably why >>6748374 thinks it's overcooked
>it's not really, but whatever, just take the pan and flip it into your plate.

I was actually kind of impressed with how quick it was. Now I'm tempted to see what other ingredients I can use. I generally like spicy stuff, so I'm thinking of making a spicy omelet with bits of chicken one day.

Honestly, I made this thread for ideas... and what I got was a placenta.

>> No.6748686

I'm retarded, so you dont flip the egg circle so it cooks on both sides?

>> No.6748698


eggs cook really fast. By the time I folded over the other half, the side was already cooked.

>I'm retarded
hey mate, I didn't know before this morning either. takes practice, I suppose.

>> No.6748709

thank you, you've changed my life. take care
the most interesting omelette I've had was in Lithuania, it had thin crispy ham and a bunch of veggies.
they dont seem to know what scrambled eggs are though, i got some a different day and it was a couple fried eggs with chives.

>> No.6748711

i should clarify. the ham and veggies were in the egg, and there was this crumbly cheese in the actual omlette.

>> No.6748721

Kind of related, I had a frittata using some leftover chicken, cheese, onions, and peppers and it tasted bad.

>> No.6748724

I tried to make fucking weeb omurice and jut ended up with a huge omelette full of ketchup and sesame oil tasting rice

5/10 not terrible

>> No.6748729

>how do you fuck up an omelet?
browning the eggs

>> No.6748732

not op
I like my eggs on the brown side if they're fried

>> No.6748748

>eating afterbirth to appease your wife

does it hurt when she pegs you?

>> No.6748797

You know you can (and should) cook your fillings before making your omelet, right? How could you possibly think that peppers, especially FROZEN peppers, would cook in the same amount of time as eggs?

I personally don't, because I like a wet, creamy interior in the omelet. Of course, I also don't cook mine until they're brown leathery garbage either.

Sounds like you got your portion sizes wrong. And also can't cook. There is nothing magic about fried rice topped with an omelet. If your fried rice isn't good first, the end result won't be either. Also if you make too much fried rice for one omelet, you know you can save the rest for later, right? Who doesn't like leftover fried rice?

>> No.6748816

Sometimes when I was in a hurry to get to work and didn't have time to eat, my ex would make me an omelet stuffed with black beans and chorizo, or whatever other leftovers were in the fridge, and cheese, wrap it in foil and I'd eat it on the way to work or before I clocked in (or just save it for lunch) with hot sauce, kind of like a burrito.

>> No.6748827



>> No.6748893

Maybe so, but an omelet is not supposed to be brown. You can have your eggs any way you like, but that doesn't magically erase the standards in place for how a dish is meant to be cooked.

>> No.6748912


>omelets are not supposed to be brown
they can be. look up "omelet" on google, and you'll see a bunch of them are golden-brown. but if it's not how you personally cook them, I guess they're not "up-to-standards"

>> No.6748933


have you ever tried them not brown

>> No.6748940


>How could you possibly think that peppers would cook in the same amount of time as eggs?

i dunno, the peppers turned out just fine, actually.

>> No.6748944

yes. and I stand by what I said.

>> No.6748988


have you


>> No.6748991


as opposed to the omelette

>> No.6749014

I made fajitas the other night and had more filling than tortillas so the next day I put the fajita filling into an omelette. Breddy gud. I guess you could call that a fritatta too. But I flipped it in half. It was about 3 inches thick after finishing under the broiler.

There's a red sauce Italian place I go alot and gnocci in vodka sauce leftovers also make an excellent omelette.

>> No.6750711

I actually made the most amazing poorfag white boy omurice earlier. It was actually kind of a bastardization of omurice but whatever, it was good. I cooked the rice with vegetable broth, garlic, onion and ginger (sounds terrible, tastes delicious) and added peas, carrots, and mushrooms once it was cooked. Basically just threw whatever together and cooked it up. Made the rest as usual aside from adding a little bit of shredded cheddar cheese to top the filling, and I was actually surprised at how well it turned out. 7/10 for cheap and easy food, I'd definitely make it again.

>> No.6750740

actually just the lightest dusting of some brown in your omelete, just a bit of bitterness, can do a lot for the whole picture
it still needs to be mostly yellow though

>> No.6750790
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>inb4 burnt
you plebs dont know food

>> No.6750796
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>> No.6750819

i want to fuck this omelet