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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 245 KB, 500x478, CH1055_petit_basqueWEB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6746691 No.6746691 [Reply] [Original]

This stuff is fucking great
Cheese thread

>> No.6746698

Is it available outside of France?

>> No.6746703

American here, I've been eating it for years and I always just assumed it was Spanish until your post.

Not op, btw.

>> No.6746707
File: 103 KB, 640x480, brillat4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I had some of that a few years ago at a small plates restaurant where I worked and it was pretty good. Now I wanna try it again.

This shit is pretty awesome as well, though my current favourite is Cape Vessey from Fifth Town.

>> No.6746708

Well good on you, I'm French and I really enjoy this cheese too :D

>> No.6746710

anytime I get basque it seperates

>> No.6746715
File: 179 KB, 1032x1124, Fourme_d'Ambert_entamée.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is fucking good

>> No.6746716


Six of one half dozen of the other, Basque territory is basically where spain turns into france. Pro tip though; don't call someone from Basque country spanish, it doesn't go over well.

>> No.6746719

This is also fucking good

>> No.6746724
File: 144 KB, 700x600, fhhmag_slideshow_004391-004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> don't call someone from Basque country spanish, it doesn't go over well

What are they going to do? Bomb me?

Anyway ETA make such boring movements, I prefer a watch with a variable inertia balance wheel.

>> No.6746733


More likely just regular physical violence

>> No.6746742

That looks good. I want that. Inside of me.

>> No.6746947
File: 29 KB, 300x300, Cambozola_Black_Label_Champignon_P081113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the best. It's basically a combination of Gorgonzola and Camembert.

>> No.6747023
File: 25 KB, 600x224, 0021000001940_CF_version_type_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6747049

American flyover pls go

>> No.6747104

Nigga plz
I live in NY
The average person eats kraft or some form of embalmed cheese
I'm beginning to think that the faggots who use the term 'flyover' live in nebraska or some other useless state

>> No.6747122

As the guy who started this "flyover" shit, thank you for the keks

>> No.6747156

I wouldn't even keep that sitting in the trash can in my house.

>> No.6747202

Gloucestershire Cheese is amazing

>> No.6747306


>> No.6747322
File: 32 KB, 480x454, pepekkake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm literally about to drive to giant eagle to get some goddamned havarti or blue even though it's 10:30 and i gotta get up for work in 7 hours

haven't had any good cheese in ages

>> No.6747335

anyone had new zealander cheese? can you describe it to me? there's some available at a local market but it's kinda pricey to get without having a clue if it'll be good or shit

>> No.6747463

>It's basically a combination of Gorgonzola and Camembert

oh god muh dick

>> No.6748793
File: 40 KB, 480x384, pag_cheese_lace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pag cheese is the best regional variant of pecorino/manchego, IMO. Although Sardinian pecorino is terrific as well.

>> No.6748796
File: 87 KB, 720x377, 26_small_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hands down better than Parm any day of the week.

>> No.6748799

Pecorino is completely different from parmesan. Parmesan is cow's milk, pecorino is sheep.

>> No.6749197
File: 377 KB, 750x750, oka-classique.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this stuff.

>> No.6749430
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>> No.6749477

Jesus that is some sexy cheese.

>> No.6749493

literally why

>> No.6749517

>As the guy who started this "flyover" shit

fuck you

worst meme ever after that stupid frog

>> No.6749532

I actually had no idea it would cause such a ruckus. It's not like it's unknown outside of 4chan, but I started using it here more frequently a couple years back (not sure exactly, the years all start to run together after a while). And then I must have really pissed off some cultureless nopassport flyover, because suddenly there was tremendous butthurt with some anon spamming it as a false flag every day for several weeks, crapflooding every thread with "flyover flyover flyover".

It worked and I got a few bans for a while after that started, but the mods must have gotten desensitized, and now it seems to be accepted 4chanspeak.

Anyway I have no regrets.

>> No.6749540

Oh also I live in new york city and I do fly over flyover land on a regular basis

I was about to post a picture I took of flyover land from FL380 3 weeks ago, but then I realized it might be sync'd to one of various accounts that can be traced back to me. So you'll have to take my word for it.

>> No.6749846
File: 52 KB, 760x509, mimolette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6749866

Flyover isn't an internet meme.... it's been around for awhile. Same thing with pleb.

>> No.6749873

yes it's been around for a long time, but it hasn't been shilled to shit like it is on /ck/

seriously, you're lucky to find a thread on /ck/ where some idiot hasn't brought up flyovers for no fucking reason. that's not how it is on any other board, site or in real life.

>> No.6749891

/ck/ can be pretty hit or miss, we had a self post thread here last winter and it didn't even get derailed or taken down even though it was off topic.

>> No.6750053
File: 115 KB, 800x457, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best basque cheese coming through

>> No.6750095

I agree but how the fuck can you shill an unaffiliated word?

>> No.6750160
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>> No.6750173 [DELETED] 
File: 100 KB, 1024x864, Babybels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the concept of cheese done to perfection.

I've had 40 dollar Gouda, and I've sampled the best cheeses in the world. I'm not an amateur. I know my cheeses and still nothing I have ever tried matches the sheer awesomeness of one of these cheese wheels. You can even eat it with the wax on. That's how good it is.

The texture is like mother's milk fluffed into a marshmallow. It's soft. It's almost real, like you're biting into something that was once living. Your saliva is infused with the dairy leaving your mouth a watery milky oasis. It's so creamy. It always smells fresh, ah yes, straight from the cow even.

Nothing beats them. A pack of Babybels won't put a hole your wallet and best of all you can find them ANYWHERE. The calorie count is good too.

This isn't the last cheese review I'm going to do.
I promise. But it is the best thing I will review.
Babybel Cheese is a masterpiece. Buy Now. A+

>> No.6750199 [DELETED] 
File: 175 KB, 448x336, her.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now this... this I do not like. I've had it, trust me. I'm not blowing wind up your keister for a laugh. Fourme d'Ambert entamee STINKS to high heaven. It made me heave every time I tried to finish the friggin thing! Those chewy chunks you see in the image can only be described as SPOILED in taste. Have you ever had sour cream that's gone foul and whose active live and active cultures squirm visible to the naked eye like little worms? Imagine an extra chunky version of that. I'm sorry, but you'd be a fool to spend your money on this, AND I'm not even frugal with my allowance. This is trash.

>> No.6750211

>amazed at how terrible your post was
>see trip
go ferment some water

>> No.6750697 [DELETED] 


>> No.6750702
File: 86 KB, 490x839, goiter ahoi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6751110
File: 155 KB, 600x400, 29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody posted Beecher's
Really /ck/

>> No.6751760

Yea, I know. I'm just saying it tastes better. I guess I mean I prefer it when choosing a hard cheese to use on something like a salad or whatever.

>> No.6751781


>> No.6751791
File: 407 KB, 1500x1500, 063312-001_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cranberry Wensleydale. It is absolutely heavenly.

>> No.6751794

Hi Wisconsin!

>> No.6751805
File: 114 KB, 500x375, the-laughing-cow-finest-cheese-product-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6751812
File: 7 KB, 200x116, images-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very good pick.

In my admittedly limited experience, pic related has been my favorite.

>> No.6751846
File: 24 KB, 350x350, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A hard cheese with fucking amazing taste, the smell is a bit much for some.

>> No.6751847
File: 35 KB, 598x598, low q bait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6751929

They're not spanish. Only half of them are spanish; the other half are french.

>> No.6752077
File: 96 KB, 1000x1000, tillamook-vintage-white--18573-983z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tastes great and you can use it with a wide variety of foods

>> No.6752089


Basque country is part of Spain and France. I assume this cheese is from the french basque country.

>> No.6752208


>mass produced for export to America

>> No.6752316

>forbidden in the USA

>> No.6752382


Not anymore. I bought some last week.

>> No.6752481
File: 328 KB, 1500x1500, fontina_val_daosta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fontia is the GOAT cheese

>> No.6752581
File: 194 KB, 400x266, image_preview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're not down with Spanish Manchego cheese you're a fucking prole.

>> No.6752586

That's not a surprise, considering that people from New York eat like fucking shit. You faggots have almost no actual grocery stores, getting fresh meat and vegetables is stupid hard over there. It's no wonder that New York is obsessed with bullshit like Pizza and Hotdogs, considering that eating food of real substance is so fucking hard. Restaurant culture in New York is great, but the average day-to-day diet of New Yorkers is below flyover tier.

>> No.6752597

shhh never reveal the Croatian secret

>> No.6752618 [DELETED] 

Shill is a buzzword that 4chan drove into the ground, the way we drove words like cuckold and autistic into the ground.

>> No.6752696
File: 60 KB, 349x262, recipe-2762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6752741

Anyone here enjoy Tomme Crayeuse?

>> No.6753598

I just had to send an email to a grocery store chain because their local store has shit for stock in general. The cheese department is particularly bad. They don't even have entry level shit brie. Like what the actual fuck? Even Target has brie.

>> No.6753676 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 485x341, main-qimg-5e7fab0fb313acf8d6ed77cfbcfb0f47[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

västerbottenost coming through

>> No.6753776


It looks like the FDA has decided to allow it again. They still ban all unpasteurised soft cheeses though. Brie, camembert, epoisses, crottin, gorgonzola, mozzarella, burrata, ricotta… The list goes on and on, and probably covers most of the best cheeses in the world. Until those are legal, Americans have no business talking about cheese.

>> No.6753779


what are you talking about?

i've had lots of brie, camembert, gorg, mozz, burrata, and ricotta.

camembert is GOAT.

>> No.6753802


No, you've had pasteurised versions for export, or American imitations. The real ones are made with raw milk, and are thus banned by the FDA because there's a one in a billion chance you might get food poisoning.

>> No.6753805

>command+f "livno"
>0 of 0

seriously faggots

>> No.6753814


well shit.

that's fucking gay.. how much different are they? is it like the difference between regular and high % butterfat (vermont) butter? like something you didn't realize could be any better until you try that version of it?

>> No.6753817

>unpasteurised soft cheeses

Serious question, does illness from cheese even exit? I guess it can happen when the surface gets contaminated but bad bacteria developing in the cheese? Never heard about it.

>> No.6753842


Pretty much. Pasteurisation kills off bacteria, which are the main things responsible for the flavours in cheese, so pasteurised versions tend to be milder, blander, and less complex. The main reason given for banning them is because they can contain listeria, which can cause miscarriages, though the French eat them by the truckload and haven't had an incident in decades. Write a letter to your congressman.

>> No.6753845


It's vanishingly rare, you're probably more likely to be hit by lightning. As I say in >>6753842 it's only really risky for pregnant women, though the way they get around that here in Europe is advising pregnant women not to eat unpasteurised cheese.

>> No.6754027
File: 124 KB, 800x527, Gruyere_board_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had appenzeller while in switzerland, but honestly preferred Gruyere.