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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6746022 No.6746022 [Reply] [Original]

My boss finally put a mini fridge in both the male and female employee restrooms. What snacks should I request, /ck/?

>> No.6746024



>> No.6746025

frozen white castles

>> No.6746027

>Workplace fridge


>...in the restrooms


>> No.6746039



>> No.6746046

The boys (my CO-workers) are bringing in Budd Light. :)

I would but the only microwave is in the newsrooms and I'm not wiping my ass for that. Perhaps I can ask my manager to put the microwave in there permenently.

It was a long time coming. It gets hungry in there.

>> No.6746047

Is it common place for you and your coworkers to take breaks in the bathroom?

Do you eat on the toilet?

Is your boss so stupid to not realize they could have only bought 1 fridge and kept it in a communal area?

>> No.6746049

Again the breakroom is halfway across the building and I just can't be bothered.

>> No.6746051

It gets hungry in there!

>> No.6746052

They probably take their breaks in there and suck each other off like a bunch of faggots.

>> No.6746054

enjoy your poo particle snack breaks

what the fuck this can't be up to code

>> No.6746055
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35lbs of potato salad

>> No.6746058
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Put a Picnic chocolate bar in there but unwrap it first.

>> No.6746059


>> No.6746061
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mud pie

>> No.6746063
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>putting the fridge in your restroom

>> No.6746073

We do not! If you had our jobs you would get hungry too. We have lunch but we need a snack too. Our boss understands that and allowed us that while we pee and poo.

It is. My boss approved it with the board of Texas.

That's not only gross but a waste of candy.

We already got some.

Definitely! I would love to get more desserts.


>> No.6746082

Rest-room. To rest can mean to have a break from work.
Non native English speaker here. Does restroom means toilets in American English, British English, or both and OP is trolling?

>> No.6746083
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Your fucking retarded

>> No.6746087
File: 127 KB, 720x990, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rest room means a place where people have meetings and come iup with ideas. :^) >pic not related

>> No.6746094

Restroom, Bathroom.

What? You're mean.


>> No.6746105
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>> No.6746107


No wonder you're so fat.

>> No.6746109
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>> No.6746112
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>> No.6746119
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Is this a shit post thread? Shit post thread

>> No.6746120
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>> No.6746121
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>> No.6746122

That is amazing

>> No.6746125
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That's all I have for now.......for now......

>> No.6746133

>I would but the only microwave is in the newsrooms and I'm not wiping my ass for that.

You mean that you would hang out in the john eating snacks whilst sitting on the toilet and taking a shit?

>> No.6746141
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>this whole thread

>> No.6746255 [DELETED] 

Fuck all of you.

We get hungry! You pushing food and drink out, you need more! Biology 101. Also real mature fat shaming.

Fuck you too.

>> No.6746276
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>using fat shaming unironically

>> No.6746346

When I was in college I lived in a dorm and I kept my mini-fridge on the bathroom.

>> No.6746357


I was unaware you stored friends numbers in your boyfriend's message history and not contacts

>> No.6746362

if you keep actual food in there i'm fucking discusted with you and ashamed we come from the same state. that being said if you can actualy get away with filling it with beer good on you mate, everyone needs a pissbeer while taking a piss.

>> No.6746404


>> No.6746470

>don't eat where you shit

>> No.6746510


lets build a rocket fuel factory next to a grade school.


>> No.6746756

Fuck you.

I know, right?! It gets hungry in there!

Who cares?

Fuck off buddy. There's nothing gross about eating on the toilet UNLESS you touching shit.

Fuck you.


>> No.6746763

bring in a large clear container of Indian curry, the brown kind but add beef and black beans. and "forget" it for a couple weeks so it will smell the way it looks.

>> No.6746838

We decided on a one week policy: At the end of the week, any food that isn't claimed is either thrown out or eaten right there on the spot. Curry would be too smelly and gross.

>> No.6746845

I would try to get some good ol' 12 oz cans of 90%+ isopropyl alcohol.

>> No.6747026

Ypu wouldn't

>> No.6747235


Exactly! It's a lot of fun. Good food going out and coming in.

>> No.6747436 [DELETED] 
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cuckumbers log in for bh

>> No.6748103

What the fuck does this mean??

>> No.6748129

>Good food going out and coming in.
Are you a fucking arab?

>> No.6748132

/ck/ is still the best fucking board on this site

>> No.6748134

For OP, taking a shit is clearly such a huge and draining endeavour, that he needs extra calories mid-shit to be able to finish shitting. And that's not even getting into what is required for wiping (which OP already stated was an ordeal).

>> No.6748149
File: 24 KB, 281x350, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please tell me that not all of you Ameriburgers are like this

This is the weirdest thread I've seen on /ck/

>> No.6748206

Why in the fuck would you put a fridge in the shitter dumbass.

>> No.6748213
File: 24 KB, 330x364, mick jagger lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so fat she needs to use two phones to take a selfie

>> No.6748289

that's a phone with a slide out keyboard, not two phones

>> No.6748290

they mean the same, restroom is the same as bathroom, just in a formal or work setting you would say restroom and not bathroom, since bathroom is a little more...crude? just not as nice sounding.

>> No.6748313

Texas is it's own special brand of retard, which is unfortunate because when foreigners think of the stereotypical American they are thinking of a native Texan.

>> No.6748465

>This is the weirdest thread I've seen on /ck/
First day here, huh?

>> No.6748552

space reasons maybe? i may live in texasnow yes but i lived in chicago when i kept my fridge in my bathroom.

>> No.6748567

This is 100% bullshit.
Food safety laws means that this sort of thing would NEVER fly in the U.S.

>> No.6748573


most people don't report to the locations of their fridges for inspection either, retard

>> No.6748596
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I guess you're the retard here.

>> No.6748602

Inspectors check the bathrooms during their inspections, double moron.

>> No.6748606

Food safety laws are meant to protect food being sold from contamination. As long as they're bringing in their own food for private consumption it's unlikely any law will bar storing it feet away from the urinals and toilets, as dumb as it may be.

>> No.6748623

There are rules and regulations for all food products brought into an espablishment that sells food products. There is no exception for food brought in for the consumption of employees alone.

>> No.6748631


What makes you think that OP works at a restaurant?

>> No.6748656

Where is this restaurant?

>> No.6748689

It's not a restaurant or a breakroom. It's a hotel in Maryland.


>> No.6748696

I don't know who's worse, OP or the quinky sauce dad.

>> No.6750231

Novolog flexpens

>> No.6750920

Guess I know where not to stay in Maryland.

>> No.6751801

what. why. w..what

>> No.6753640
