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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 235 KB, 1600x1067, Bright_red_tomato_and_cross_section02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6744636 No.6744636 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: we post worst foods

>> No.6744637

op is a fag, but completely correct

>> No.6744651

What do we base these nominations on

Personal preference, health benefits or what?

>> No.6744660
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>> No.6744662
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I well, provoke not thy children to wrath. otherwise known as trolling see what hits.sometimes can be very bad. 9/10

>> No.6744666

Ck thinks personal preferences are the same thing as "objective" or absolute truths and go on autistic rants when people disagree

>> No.6744669

Fish sticks. Fish sticks are the worst.

>> No.6744671
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ding ding ding ding ding

>> No.6744680
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Absolutely disgusting

>> No.6744686


This is true, but I was wondering what OP based his hatred of tomatoes on

I was gonna defend the tomato and call him a faggot as per custom, but thought that I had maybe missed some sort of an unmasking of the evils of the humble tomato

>> No.6744690
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I have an allergy to them. My tongue gets swollen when I eat them.

>> No.6744698

so glad I live somewhere with decent produce, not just some mall supermarket anaemic hydroponic shit

>> No.6744711

lol tomato. you must not like food then. RETARD

>> No.6744728

The only metrics are how angry it makes you, and how many people they can make say something like >>6744666 as if it is an epiphany, or some crazy underlying secret that it's trolling the living shit out of you.

>> No.6744736


Less of an epiphany, more of a statement of fact

>> No.6744739

If you think so

>> No.6744827
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>> No.6744892
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Sauerkraut. Even the thought of it makes me nauseous.

>> No.6744926
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>> No.6744927

So gross.

>> No.6744928

>has never had homegrown actual ripe tomatos

>> No.6744932
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>> No.6744933


It's a lot better if you drain and rinse it first before cooking it with some bacon, onions and white wine

>> No.6744937

Some people think black people deserve the same rights as other humans, but those people are just wrong.

>> No.6744941
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>> No.6744946


Yeah yeah we get it, you fuck your cousin. Move on.

>> No.6744954

Non-hillbillies can hate niggers too. Its really not hard to do.

>> No.6746098
File: 355 KB, 1644x848, Screen Shot 2015-07-14 at 10.59.07 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prove this screenshot wrong. I'm waiting.

>> No.6746241

So... No pizza? No spaghetti bolognese, etc

>> No.6746261

never even been to /pol/ and i hate nigs

>> No.6746320

I thought I was the only one.
Thank you OP.

>> No.6746469

>horned helmets

>> No.6746494


So fucking true it hurts

>> No.6746501

just because you cant connect the dots with jews, doesnt mean everyone else cant.

premise of the image is that whatever the obnoxious stormfags were posting was irrelevant to whatever was discussed, yet a good portion of the time it is.

it may require more acumen than you are used to displaying, but if you try not to use biases, you may just figure things out.

>> No.6746504

Grow some heirloom tomatoes.

The difference between store tomatoes and heirloom is extreme.

>> No.6746505

>try not to use biases

>> No.6746507
File: 2.90 MB, 840x454, Arson in Detroit.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh also not everyone who hates jews is /pol/, jew hate is pretty chan wide and not exclusive to /pol/ or annoying obnoxious stormfags. sorry to dissapoint you, JIDF or not.

>> No.6746515
File: 75 KB, 496x474, 1316019733071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try not to use biases
>just because you cant connect the dots with jews, doesnt mean everyone else cant.
>engaging in this level of mental acrobatics to try and explain why your own shitty biases are the correct ones

>> No.6746520

name one bias i used.

>> No.6746555
File: 51 KB, 814x500, no-country-for-old-men-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>name one bias i used
>just because you cant connect the dots with jews, doesnt mean everyone else cant.

>> No.6746558

you didnt name the bias

>> No.6746569


Confirmation bias. You have preconceived biases so anytime something is vaguely congruent to those, you go "ah-HA! See?! The jews, man."

Not even the anon youve been squabbling with

>> No.6746572

pattern recognition does not denote the use of a confirmation bias, and not to mention that has also no bearing on what i asked.

>> No.6746595


You seem to be confusing pattern recognition with bias. That *IS* your bias.

>> No.6746602


You asked them to name one bias, they named the bias you are clearly using, and now you say that has no bearing on what you asked. Motherfucker do you even understand the things you're saying?

>> No.6746611

no, im saying using pattern recognition has no bearing upon having a confirmation bias.

you are saying using pattern recognition implies you have a confirmation bias, and that is simply wrong via any mathematical series/sequence.

>> No.6746613


No, I'm saying the moment I see him type the word "jews" and use it in the manner he did I know he's a prejudicial racist. That's one form of bias.

>> No.6746623


Yeah seriously, you can't make a statement about connecting the dots with the jews and then say it's just mathematics. The "pattern" you think you are recognising shows your bias.

>> No.6746630

>ts with the jews and then say it's just mathematics.
there are many mathematically simple examples actually, gematria.

>> No.6746633


Well, until you feel like explaining the specific mathematics behind this example you will continue to wear the "racist" and "bias" signs.

>> No.6746635

>He saw the screencap
>Then he did exactly the thing the screencap said

>> No.6746637

>you will continue to wear the "racist" and "bias" signs.
what you say matters apparently.
you were easily proven wrong, if you dont feel like looking up pattern recognition its not my fault.

and proven wrong

>> No.6746642

>what you say matters apparently.

What you think matters apparently.

>> No.6746643


Really though. Go on, give us some examples, tell us in your words what this "pattern" is.

>> No.6746646


Oh shit he said he proved it wrong, without any sort of evidence while doing exactly what the cap said. Shit guys pack up and go home, he's won this one.

>> No.6746649

>What you think matters apparently.
it obviously does with all these replies, were it not it would have already been dismissed
im not here to school children

>> No.6746654

>he's won this one

>> No.6746655

>it obviously does with all these replies

Yeah 'cos this is 4chan, where everything matters. The internet is srs bsns anon.

>it would have already been dismissed

It has been, but your opinion of yourself and your biases are so strong you couldn't let it go.

>> No.6746660

>It has been,
it has not, that anon clearly said i won and he just packed his things

>> No.6746661


No its just cause youre a fag.

I think the jews are schemers as well (and always have been) but you make it so that i cant even talk about the blatantly obvious shit that jews do without being called a stormfag or immediately dismissed

>> No.6746664
File: 15 KB, 528x434, arguments-won.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that anon clearly said i won

>> No.6746667
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>> No.6746926
File: 13 KB, 225x225, cinnamon toothpaste hotpepper fusion of fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6747947

Disgusting alone but dank as fuck on a Reuben

>> No.6747950

Literally kill yourself

>> No.6747951
File: 141 KB, 1024x657, Honeydew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6747959
File: 123 KB, 1024x768, chocolate-chocolate-30471811-1024-768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6747999


How did you come across this video? How were you able to sit through it? What kind of monster person are you?

>> No.6748020
File: 89 KB, 800x600, DirtGarbage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brussels Sprouts
>but anon
>you're just not cooking them right

Nah, I've had them plenty of times, cooked many different ways, and they always taste like dirt.

If food needs some magically perfect recipe just to attempt to make it not taste like crap then it's a crap food.

>> No.6748025

I don't believe you for a second.

>> No.6748046

I do not care for rhubarb.
The only purpose it serves is to fill you with disappointment when you ask somebody "oh is that an apple pie?"

>> No.6748088

Or you have the palate of a toddler.

But your distaste is reasonable given the inability of white people to cook vegetables. Your shit mother may have scared you off them. That's the problem with broccoli/spinach for so many kids in this shithole.

>> No.6748098


I hate no other vegetable except BS. They taste like shit. Don't know how BS farmers make money from them.

>> No.6748101

>screencapping a random post copypasted from the original
For shame

>> No.6748106

>potatoes are shit because they only taste good when prepared. Can't even eat them raw.

>> No.6748895

I eat them raw all the time. >>6748106

>> No.6748910

>singling white people out

Have you seen the shit black/mexican kids eat

>> No.6748919

My girlfriend watches so much buzzfeed that my homepage is like 80% buzzfeed shit and I saw a video that was titled fuck honeydew and I liked it

>> No.6749819
File: 252 KB, 598x398, fucked up cucumbers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6749824

Vikings didn't look like that you nigger.

>> No.6750333

>white people
>Italians, Germans, French, Greeks, Spanish, English, Russian, etc;
>implying they are the cunts who smother it in ginger & soy sauce then call it a day
Where the fuck is your head m8?

>> No.6750337

what is that? a blood onion?

>> No.6750340

Stop posting dad.

>> No.6751176
File: 54 KB, 400x400, salty slices of shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6752509

yeah but non-autistic people don't

>> No.6752514

>non-autistic people
On 4chan? I don't think so, m8.

>> No.6752614


>> No.6752649
File: 398 KB, 800x600, fuckpizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck pizza. Fuck pepperoni. Fuck people who get excited about doughy bullshit bread with cheese and sweet tomato sauce on it. Pizza is bullshit and people who like it have the taste and knowledge of children.

>> No.6752653

When people talk shit on white people food they really are talking shit on Flyover food. White people in coastal states eat well, and black people from flyover states eat bullshit just like white flyovers.