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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6744091 No.6744091 [Reply] [Original]

Dinner /ck/, you?

This is pretty fucking amazing. I did some kinda beef veggie medley inspired by an Asian dish I saw.

>> No.6744097

nigga u gay. Also, you suck at cooking.


>> No.6744101

Fuck off, you jelly?

>> No.6744104


>> No.6744106

Had a couple of grilled cheese sandwiches with chippy sauce

Fruit for dessert

>> No.6744110

yeah I posted it to FB and then downloaded it so what

still sounds good, thats some nostalgia food nigga

>> No.6744123


Came over to see my parents, ended up getting here very late and they're working in the morning, didn't wanna be too loud and disturb them so I opted for something that didn't require much cooking and crashing about, fucking sucks that their bedroom is right above the kitchen, but even if I had the chance, I wouldn't have made a big meal anyway, too tired

>> No.6744134

I could go for some grilled cheesies right now FUCK

>> No.6744158


>> No.6744166

cilantro is delicious and it went with the flavors of the beef, peppers, corn, onion, and garlic deliciously

>> No.6744167

you do realize everyone who is semi computer literate can now have a direct link to your facebook, Good thing this isn't /b/ or your life might be ruined

>> No.6744176

I cooked it but haven't eaten it yet: lamb in spinach curry.
I could take a picture, if you'd like?

i think curries and stews taste better the next day, so I've stashed it in a yogurt container in the fridge until tomorrow. I'm going to have pasta with zucchine and eggs for dinner. Want a picture of that when I cook it?

>> No.6744184

Good thing my profile is private

Yes please, it sounds amazing. Both

>> No.6744312

Seriously why are all the /b/ fags leaking on to /ck/?
Anyone who spent any considerable time outside of that board would know original images are the norm.

>> No.6744314

Before I enlarged the photo, that looked like a plate of corn spangled turds.

>> No.6744324

Wow, that looks like an ass raped Pad Kra Pao. You should replace that cilantro with basil and that corn with a hot pepper.

>> No.6744372

I wasn't going by a recipe, just made it up.

>> No.6744434

That looks good OP. I'd eat the shit out of that. For the future maybe a peanut sauce would work well for a dish like that, just some food for thought (hehehe)

>> No.6744590
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Just had breakfast.

Breakfast, dinner, same same.

>> No.6744595

hot dogs?

>> No.6744600

You don't eat hotdogs with breakfast?

>> No.6744603

never. i mean i know they're technically sausages, but they usually have a different flavor.

>> No.6744604


look at the ketchup bottle. hotdogs are probably the only thing these dirty foreigner scum can think of when they hear they hear the words "breakfast sausage"

>> No.6744611

i would eat hot dogs for breakfast if i didn't have to eat breakfast with you

>> No.6744622


>implying i want to eat breakfast with you

>> No.6744778
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Lunch... I don't know wtf I made but it was ok and filling

>> No.6744865

Every time I cook I end up making something off the top of my head, without any recipe to base it on.

I'm getting really tired of soup.

>> No.6744867
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I pulled out some frozen cheap ass pork chops that I'd intended to eat with a baked sweet potato.

Instead I found this recipe for vegetarian tacos made with lentils and decided why the fuck not. So I cut up and cooked the pork chops and threw in the cooked lentils, some water and taco seasoning, let it simmer for a bit and ate it on flour tortillas that I made myself because I didn't want to go and buy any. Not bad at all.

Never had cooked or eaten lentils before this. Bought about a cup of both red and green lentils from the store a while back intending to try them out and forgot I had them. I thought it would look nice to have a mix of the red and green but cooking them together just turned it into a green-brown nasty looking mess. They had peppery smell to them while they were cooking. I want to try a spicy lentil soup or maybe something with curry.

Red lentils are nice to look at but I don't know why.

>> No.6744869
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>> No.6744893

oh no

>> No.6744975

Damn, now I'm hungry.

>> No.6745020
File: 1.12 MB, 2304x1296, 20150803_204914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pork ribs

>> No.6745041

>asian inspired

yeah, NOPE

>> No.6745061

I see Asian food with cilantro ALL the time

>> No.6745064

Jesus christ, this looks so dry. The rice looks like it sat in a fridge, uncovered for days. The meat and veg have absolutely no juice or sauce to speak of. This looks completely inedible. Could have done so much more with it.

>> No.6745069

the jucies are pooled at the bottom, probably shouldve spooned them over

and the rice looks fine tf are you talking about

>> No.6745070

Nah dude it's all clumped up and shit like it's leftover from the other day. That, or it's minute rice. I would know, my mom fed us that bullshit all the time.

>> No.6745076

Well I guess spooning it on smushed it a bit, but I fluffed it up and everything. And it's not shitty instant rice.

>> No.6745088

Isn't cilantro/coriander used fairly regularly in Vietnamese and Indian cooking?

>> No.6745119


what kinda beef is that? skirt steak?

>> No.6745127


Top sirloin

>> No.6745139

I filled some wontons with a mixture of peanut butter, brown sugar, and cinnamon and pan fried them

they were pretty good

>> No.6745157
File: 2.35 MB, 3264x2448, 20150803_205351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to Rustic Canyon in Santa Monica, I got the pork tasting plate.

>> No.6745176

The rice looks nasty and theres too much persley

>> No.6745258


that looks much more tex-mex-inspired than asian-inspired, really.

>> No.6745288

looks like you need to demand a refund and/or punch someone in the face

>> No.6745306

turn your head 270 degrees on that, the bread looks like a mummy trying to play the viola or something

>> No.6745441
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>> No.6745470
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>> No.6745480


Then post a dish of your own dipshit.

>> No.6745492

lol no.

>> No.6745522

What's wrong with it? Don't you like healthy homemade food?

>> No.6745535


>fancy, overly pretentious plating for maximum privileged effect
>reject shop dollar-a-dozen cutlery
does not compute

food looks good, but. would eat with hands.

>> No.6746683

Going to make a second go at pizza on a charcoal grill tonight. Coals to be arranged in a ring around the outer perimeter instead of mostly at the rear. Extra unlit charcoal pre-added to extend duration of high heat. Oven standing by should the top need to be finished off under the broiler to keep the crust from being over cooked. 4 pizzas instead of 3 and adding additional mesquite chunks mid-point to keep the smoke going.

>> No.6746722

baked potatoes with mustard because nothing at home

>> No.6746727



>> No.6746731

I walked 4 miles round trip to the grocer's this afternoon. Not because I don't have a vehicle - because I'm not a lazy fuck and I can appreciate a little exercise.

You deserve to eat that shit.

>> No.6746744

>have physical problems with ribs, hips, knees
>by the time i'm done grocery shopping after someone drove me i'm ready to just lie down because everything starts to hurt
>it's also 100F outside during the day
i guess

>> No.6746760
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>> No.6746842
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I made a standard meat and cheese lasagna. Was pretty good, it was my first time cooking something with fresh basil.

>> No.6746855

Nice crusty cheese. Looks good.

>> No.6746869

Looks pretty decent, though you filled the pan up a bit much so it got all sloppy and overflowing. I'm sure it still tastes good though.

Makes me want to make some lasagna again. Maybe I'll make some this week whenever I get off my lazy ass and go to the supermarket to buy stuff.

>> No.6746900



Just wow.

>> No.6747032
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>> No.6747316

Looks pretty good, everything except the tomatoes. Tomatoes by themselves are not in my favor.

The rice+broccoli looks amazing though

>> No.6747323

Yeah, but it was the deepest pan we had. Luckily it didn't overflow much, just a few drips.

>> No.6747324

fresh green beans and new potatoes cooked up with some bacon and red onion
shit was tasty

>> No.6748544

thinking of trying something odd, like a curried ground beef, caramelized onion and banana quiche

>> No.6748547

dont ever curry ground beef. dont do anything with ground beef except burgers or pasta.

ground beef is utter shit for cooking.

>> No.6748556

why the fuck not? its just some spices

>> No.6748812

curry ground beef is good you faggot. also, have you ever heard of chili?

>> No.6748821

>I did some kinda beef veggie medley inspired by an Asian dish I saw

That's an odd and circuitous way to say, " I made stir fry."

>> No.6748834

ok, i forgot chili.

curry and ground beef is just a bad combination, ok? i'm not elloquent enough to expound upon why, but it just sucks together.

>> No.6748836

>dont do anything with ground beef except burgers or pasta.
Or meatloaf. Or tacos. Or sloppy joes. Or spaghetti. Or chili. Or lasagne. Or shepherd's/cottage pie. Or salisbury steak. Or meatballs. Or how about a great heaping bowl of shut the fuck up you ignoramus.

>> No.6748858

ground beef is fucking shit. its chewy, has bones in it, tendons, nerves, cartilidge, etc

>> No.6748867


No all ground beef is that shitty as the stuff you seem to be purchasing.

>> No.6748868

where i live its the cheapest beef you can buy, so it fucking sucks. its nasty.

>> No.6748870


there's not more than one grade available in your area?
you can't ask the butcher counter at the market to grind it fresh for you?
you can't grind it fresh yourself?

>> No.6748878

>there's not more than one grade available in your area?

no, i wish there was. like sirloin ground or something

but theres not. ground beef is just one kind and its the nastiest fucking garbage ever.

>you can't ask the butcher counter at the market to grind it fresh for you?
you can't grind it fresh yourself?

im sure you can ask the butcher to do that, but whats the point? why pay good money to have some ground beef? the allure of ground beef is its low price, no?

>> No.6749085

>>it's also 100F outside during the day
That's when you stop eating hot food. Have a salad, fucking gazpacho, cheese plate with bread or something for christs sake.

>> No.6749091

>but whats the point?
So you can have good quality ground beef for various things like burgers, meatballs, chili, etc.

>>allure is its low price
Not in my opinion. Chicken is far cheaper. And as far as beef goes there are various cuts that are cheaper and tastier than ground beef, like shank, heart, rib, etc.

>> No.6749096

Yeah, that is possible if you ask the butcher to do it. But again, ground beef is meant to be cheap so they would look at you funny for buying a good piece of beef and grinding it up.

No good recipes call for decent beef in the ground form.

>> No.6749099

>But again, ground beef is meant to be cheap

No. You need to get that idea out of your head. Like any other ingredient it exists in shitty quality and in high quality forms.

>>No good recipes call for decent beef in the ground form.
All of them do. There's no point in making a hamburger out of shitty beef when you could make it out of good beef instead. Ditto for any other application of ground beef.

>> No.6749102

I once bought ground beef in a butcher shop in france. The butcher took a chunk of beef (no idea what part, my french isn't very good) and ground it up for me.
No idea if he just ripped me off by selling me the more expensive part, if he was out of ground beef or if that's just what french people do

>> No.6749114

>There's no point in making a hamburger out of shitty beef when you could make it out of good beef instead

uh, poverty? lots of people cant afford good food, which is why shitty, nasty ground beef exists, and why i was whining about it in this thread to begin with.

where i live ground beef is a goddamn nasty catastrophe

>> No.6749119

the french are just like anyone else: if they can make money off you they will

how was the beef?

>> No.6749134


Why not make a different dish then?

Can't afford good beef for a hamburger? Instead of settling for the cheap shit, make something different instead. Perhaps buy a smaller amount of the better beef then make a dish that has more vegetables in it so you can stretch the beef farther. I'd rather have a stir fry with a little beef in it than a 1/2-lb burger made with crappy ground beef.

>> No.6749140

>ground beef is meant to be cheap
nonsense. Tartare isn't made with shit meat.

>> No.6749158

yeah, i tend to agree with you there

>> No.6749161

in usa it is meant to be cheap. we dont do tartare here. ground beef here is just the poor persons chance at eating beef, nothing more.

>> No.6749168


I live in the USA. At my local supermarket there's everything from cheap-ass bulk packs, various fat contents, various cuts (e.g. ground sirloin, ground chuck, etc.), and then there's the fancier stuff behind the glass at the butcher counter.

Taratre isn't made with "ground" meat. It's made from a fine steak and chopped with a knife right before it is served.

>dont do tartare here
Maybe if all you go to is fast food & national chain restaurants and/or you live out in the sticks, but at nicer places it's quite common to see on the menu.

>> No.6749173

meh. we need socialism so i can also browse your local butchery.

>> No.6749174

I suppose. I was just hoping a french person would say something to the effect of "Oh, that's just what we do".
Beef was ok, rather low fat content for my taste, but that too might be a local thing

>> No.6749186

I'm not French, but in my opinion that's the sign of a good butcher shop. Ground meat should be used quickly after it is ground. Grinding it fresh is the best way to ensure quality. Prepackaging it is convenient but makes for a worse quality product. My guess is that you saw some good 'ol fashioned that's-how-it-is-supposed-to-be kind of service and were confused by it.

>> No.6749196

>My guess is that you saw some good 'ol fashioned that's-how-it-is-supposed-to-be kind of service and were confused by it.
Yeah, that's what I like to believe as well.

>> No.6749200


I'm not talking about some kind of specialist butcher. I'm talking about a plain 'ol supermarket:

And you can browse it online thanks to their website!
....type "ground beef" into the search box. Get 65 results ranging from bulk pack cheap stuff through Prime grade, grass-fed free range, Angus, you name it.

And of course you also have the option of getting whatever meat you want ground at the butcher counter. If I do a cookout or something where I need a lot of burgers I ask them to grind a 50/50 mix of chuck and brisket. It's not a big deal, that's what the counter is there for. Just walk up and ask.

>> No.6749202

is nasty, replace rice with beans and you're golden.

>> No.6749228

hmm, interesting stuff

thanks anon

>> No.6750355
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Keeping it basic.

>> No.6750646
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well here it is, and it was delicious

>> No.6751853
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I eat one meal a day... Just regular frozen dumplings, precut fruit, and some fried/broiled vegetables. Rice would be nice but I'm lazy

>> No.6751863

looks legit. what did you use to "breadify" the dish?

>> No.6751912

It's couscous

>> No.6751935

>One meal
Are you completely sedentary? I'm having a hard time imagining one meal as being sufficient unless you don't engage in physical activity.

>> No.6751937

Ikr le channel 4 hackers will find you

>> No.6751946

I got doxxed once, /b/ actually sent me a pizza.
It was nothing but green peppers and anchovies, but still. I was pleasantly surprised. They even included a message with the pizza that the delivery guy gave to me.

"Fuck you anon, hope you get the shits."

Good times.

>> No.6751970

well, I guess its my one formal meal...
Morning will consist of coffee
Mid-day of one large meal like pic
Evening is chocolate, fruit, and more coffee and other small things
>completely sedentary
pretty much, 15 hours in front of a monitor, one hour exercise, rest is sleep/reading

>> No.6751971

>in usa it is meant to be cheap
Am I being trolled? Talk to a fucking butcher.

>we don't do tartare here

>> No.6751975

Ah, that's how I eat a well. One, maybe two, sit-down formal meals. The rest of the day I munch on fruit or little snacks. The chocolate in the evenings seems odd to me though, as does the coffee. They would keep me up too late.

>> No.6751976

Is that a souffle?

>> No.6752013

>The chocolate in the evenings seems odd to me though, as does the coffee. They would keep me up too late.
somehow you get more tolerant to the caffeine and sugar after a while

>> No.6752018

How long did it take you to build your tolerance?

>> No.6752030

I would say that after a little less than a year of daily consumption you don't really get the same aftereffect

>> No.6753481

Nothing. Caramelized the onions and banana, made the ground beef separately with some garlic and curry spices, beat 8 eggs and about 1 - 1 1/2 cup of plain yogurt, mixed it all together, and baked it in the oven for about 50min

Quiche, as explained above

>> No.6753556
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>> No.6753590

how do you people take pictures lol, mine always end up w/ a hard core yellow tint no matter what the lighting is. My ip4 must suck ass.

>> No.6753611


you can just use the autocorrect thing through your phone dude

>> No.6754594

Looks comfy and lazy.

>> No.6754681
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>> No.6754711

Why the fuck is it green?

>> No.6754721
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might be the camera. here's the full meal in another pic.

uncropped so sorry for the megabytes.

>> No.6754730


>> No.6754903

Interesting! It looks really lean. Is it gamey?

>> No.6756570

>Is it gamey?
Yup. Rustic too.

>> No.6756991
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>> No.6757083


>> No.6757576

Kangaroo is the leanest meat in the world. ~2% fat.

>> No.6757591

That rice makes me sad.

>> No.6757596
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are those activated walnuts

>> No.6757621

White ppl smh

>> No.6757625

That rice looks like it needs to be taken out back.

>> No.6757641

looks tasty to be honest
couldn't do it myself, being a greedy bastard, but nice meal

>> No.6757812
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Hmmm keoghs bread.

>> No.6759226 [DELETED] 

I made a pizza tonight.


>> No.6759234
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Made a pizza tonight.


>> No.6759246

i'd let myself get doxxed if it resulted in a delicious pizza and what i'm sure was an entertaining performance from the delivery guy

>> No.6759254

it's pretty clearly sticky rice anon, are you retarded?

>> No.6759267
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>> No.6759304

Why do people do this, that is so nasty. Leaving the head and legs on prawns, the fuck.

>> No.6759319

That looks pretty good. It seems like it needs something else though, like some kind of sauce. The meat looks a bit dry.

>> No.6759355

I don't understand what that plate is, what the fuck is that plate made of and why does it look like it's made of 20 different materials.

>> No.6759373

Those aren't prawns retard.

>> No.6759374

It doesn't fucking matter, if they are shrimp it's equally disgusting.

>> No.6759381

>he doesn't suck the head

>> No.6759382

those are not craw / cray fish

>> No.6759483

fat fat fat and carbs

>> No.6759660

what's wrong with walnuts, they're delicious.

>> No.6759663

So what, is protein the only acceptable macro nutrient now? What the fuck do you think a calorie breakdown should look like?

>> No.6759723

chicken, sweet potatoes, broccoli, and gummy bears of course.

>> No.6761275

f-fuck you and your beatiful pizzas

>> No.6761332

>eggs, ham and sausage
>not mainly protein
nice 1

>> No.6761809
File: 380 KB, 1520x2688, IMG_20150809_182745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scallops sauteed in butter, asparagus in olive oil with salt and pepper.

>> No.6762541

i bet you paid like $20 for that retard kek

>> No.6762587

That looks good as fuck anon, remove the olives and it looks like it would be perfect for me

nice job

>> No.6762591

Need a carb/starch

>> No.6762592

why use shit tier olives tho.

>> No.6762599
File: 92 KB, 485x701, tacos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dinner /ck/, you?

Pigged out on three beef crispy tacos, rice and beans from the local hole in the wall Mexican place. Three little cups of hot salsa... my mood improved SIGNIFICANTLY after eating all that. Stuffed. Great food there.

>> No.6762836

Next time maybe I'll do a side of pasta.

>> No.6763565
File: 33 KB, 224x355, article-1034321-01EADB3500000578-166_224x355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One can of this, cold, ate it straight out of the can.

This has been my dinner for the past three years because I never bothered to learn how to cook. I haven't had to do dishes in these three years either because I buy one big pack of plastic spoons and one big pack of plastic mugs every month.

I hate my life.

>> No.6763575

Babby's first keto?

>> No.6763581

At least eat Branston. Heinz a shit

>> No.6763631
File: 823 KB, 1944x1944, IMG_20150809_103443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's breakfast time here. These peaches were so tiny I almost didn't buy them but they are so tasty like goddamn.

>> No.6763632

Wish I took a pic. I took out the ole deep fryer and fried some onion rings, pizza rolls, and egg rolls. I then remembered why I almost never fry because cooking oil smells fucking awful

>> No.6763654

who the fuck cares if someone finds out you posted your stir fry on a Mongolian Candle Photographers Forum

>> No.6763868

Did you really eat unflavored rice?

>> No.6763874

>can now have a direct link to your facebook

Please explain. "this isn't /b/" so no bully

>> No.6763917



>> No.6764007

fuck off summerfag