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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6742661 No.6742661 [Reply] [Original]

Is there anything more bland and uninspired than italian "cuisine"?

>> No.6742668


found the hipster

>> No.6742679

British takes the cake, I'd say

>> No.6742680

Most authentic cuisine is shit and in no way resembles "authentic".

>> No.6742697
File: 729 KB, 450x253, nipponhole.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NIP food

>> No.6742781

Japanese have mastered the art of making everything they eat taste like some variation of cured meat. Even their fish.

>> No.6742830

>american "cuisine"

>> No.6742832

Mexican food

>> No.6742857

Italian food tends to center around showing off good ingredients simply. If it's lacking in flavor you're not using good enough quality ingredients.
British food can be very delicious just not when made with supermarket level ingredients. American food has the same issue. Industrialized food production gives you cheap food, but it tends to be flavorless, so at the lowest level you're either deep frying everything or smearing it with condiments (or both) to give it some flavor.

The Italians have side stepped this to some degree because they are a little fussier about ingredient quality. But if you make Italian recipes with ingredients from a British or American supermarket they won't turn out very good, because the ingredient quality simply isn't there.

>> No.6742870

That's because Italy uses the freshest, ripest Mediterranean ingredients while ameriboys get watery GMO tomatos, hence you compensate with a buttload of cheese and butter.

>> No.6742877

>Italian food tends to center around showing off good ingredients simply. If it's lacking in flavor you're not using good enough quality ingredients.
This, as an Italian who lives in Italy, i can safely vouch for the fact that local Italian food is 1000x better than the shitty american rip offs of Italian food that you see.

Italian food combines naturally flavorful ingredients, and very little in the form of spices or sauces, etc. unlike asian food which without the spices, etc. would taste like sewage water with low quality meat in it.

I'd honestly say that Italian food followed closely by mexican food is the best food out there.

>> No.6742882

People who usually say
"X cuisine is so bland and is just all terrible"
usually have never actually eaten that type of food or have only been exposed to frozen/fast food versions of it.

Go get yourself Chicken cutlet parm with a side of potato croquettes and pasta from a real Italian restaurant and tell me its bland and uninspired

>> No.6742888

Chicken parm is not even a real Italian recipe

>> No.6742892

>muh gmos

Doesnt even apply to most pizza places

Are you an anti-vaxxer too?

>> No.6742921

When I was there I'd always hit the market at Campo di Fiore. The quality of the ingredients is through the roof.

Batali put it like this:

"Italy became cool in the gastronomic world in the 70's because people went there and the what-the-fuck moments or the holy-shit moments were never based on truffles or super intense technique. It was more like, "God, this is spaghetti and zucchini and it's good?" It was because there was no noise in it. It was spaghetti and garlic and zucchini in season."

That's a big part of why their food is so good: they're fixated on eating what's in season. A dish like pasta Primavera would never have been created in Italy, because it relies on a selection of supermarket vegetables that would never be in season together.

>> No.6742925



>> No.6742927

Its literally Eggplant parm but with chicken cutlet instead of Eggplant

so I'd say its real Italian.

But fine to appease you OP should go out and get Eggplant parm for the Authentic Italiano experience

>> No.6742934

Found the dropout

>> No.6742936

Someone doesn't know the difference between Italian and Italian American food.

>> No.6742948

mhm, I live in Naples, so we get absolutely gorgeous mozzarella and roma tomatoes, because it's all grown on volcanic soil and usually picked the same day that I buy it, (depends where you buy it form, of course), I rarely have to go into a supermarket to buy food, as there is such a large selection at the market, for less $$ too.

And the fact that there are so many cheap Italian chains or pizza restaurants, etc. out there, especially in the west, is a testament to how good Italian cooking is.

>> No.6742951

I was exaggerating, anon-kun

but for you, just replace gmo with tasteless

>> No.6742952

you clearly do so enlighten me bro

what makes Chicken parm some kind of non authentic bastardization when its basically the same thing as Eggplant parm which is an authentic Italian dish?

>> No.6742956

Italian food all taste like tomatoes and cheese.

>> No.6742962

Reminder not to buy imported olive oil from Italy. It's actually just green soybean oil.

>> No.6742965

You've never had Italian food, you wouldn't fucking know.

>> No.6742972

nigga what? If you buy extra-virgin, which is the only olive oil you should be buying, then It's obviously legit, the thickness couldn't be matched by soyabean oils...

>> No.6742976

You're a fucking idiot, son.

>> No.6742982

Hes absolutely correct. Only 4% of exported olive oil is actually olive oil, most of it is 80-90% canola/vegetable oil with some olive oil cut in for flavouring.

Olive Oil is a mafia racket more lucrative than drugs and prostitution for them, and totally legal.

>> No.6742983

He's right, it sounds like a bad fiction movie but the mafia corrupted the fuck out of the industry

>> No.6742994
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>if it's not slathered with grease and smothered by 10 different toppings it's shit

>> No.6742998

i actually have this imgur album saved for something exactly like this.


I know that it does happen, but it's more about just not buying cheapo brands, get the right stuff and you're fine.

>> No.6742999


>> No.6743001

ah okay, link doesn't work cause took it from favorites. http://imgur.com/gallery/nu2ax

>> No.6743005

bad link.
yeah i thought that was bullshit. lol murcans

>> No.6743014

I know you're just a coward who won't research it and discount whatever I post but:



>> No.6743016

see >>6743001, that one works.

>> No.6743017

I went to italy and all the pizza was bland like OP's picture. It wasn't what I was expecting at all.
I know that Italian pizza will obviously be different than American pizza, but I will take Domino's or Papa John's over pizza from Italy 100/100 times, just because I'm used to huge amounts of cheese and meats being on it. I know that what I'm saying is borderline "heresy" for some of you here in /ck/, but that's what happens when you grow up eating Americanized pizza and then go to Italy expecting to find a "perfected" version of that

>> No.6743030

>but that's what happens when you grow up eating Americanized pizza

Yes; your palette and concepts of what is "food" are ruined beyond all recognition, to the point where if it doesn't have a quart of oil, a pound of "cheese", three tablespoons of salt and five tablespoons of sugar, you think it's "bland".

The tragic part is you don't even realise it.

>> No.6743036

That is because this culture of loading up a pizza with shit like fucking sausage and pineapple and stuff is a sin to any Italian.

The original pizza was created with what we had fresh, locally, which was buffalo mozzarella and roma tomatoes, topped with some basil.

Italians eat their pizzas very plain, maybe with some rucola (rocket to you americans) or some prosciutto.

>> No.6743044

I would not call Italian American a non authentic bastardization. It's fucking delicious American food based on Southern Italian. It differs from Southern Italian in that many of the Italian vegetables and olive oil were hard to get in America a century ago, but milk, meat and tomato paste were all cheap. So that kind of dictated how the cuisine evolved. The seasonality of the food went out the window because these things were available all year long.You wouldn't eat fava beans in late spring because you couldn't get fresh fava beans. So you'd enjoy the bounty of your new home by having a meatball sandwich instead.

In Italy the food varies starkly by region, and it's seasonal as fuck. The dishes they're eating in any part of Italy right now are not the same as what they'll be eating two months from now.

Taking a chicken breast, smothering it with red sauce and then melting cow's milk cheese on top is not very Italian. Covering eggplant with cheese makes sense to give the dish some protein. The overkill of covering chicken or veal with cheese is more of an American thing.

>> No.6743051


>> No.6743082

Thats fair

I assumed that OP is American and its hard to find good examples of authentic Italian food.

Also my Grandma is Italian and often makes dishes with season ingredients and uses real water buffalo mozzarella or would bring me to eat at Italian restaurants that have a semi-changing menu based on the season so my experience is a little adulterated

>> No.6743089

>I know that what I'm saying is borderline "heresy" for some of you here in /ck/, but that's what happens when you grow up eating Americanized pizza and then go to Italy expecting to find a "perfected" version of that
This is not heresy. Your point is completely legit. Redneck pizza loaded with cheese and greasy meat in the Pizza Hut/Papa John's/Domino's vein is popular in America because it caters to our love of salty greasy food. Look at how Chinese food adapted to compete with a cheeseburger and fries. Same thing happened to pizza in this country.

The kind of restraint most Italian food displays can be shocking to an American who goes to Italy looking for a more extreme version of Italian American food. What restraint our food might have once had was pretty much lost in the 20th Century. The same it true of our wine. Restraint is not an American value.

>> No.6743126

>5 ingredients, 100 different ways

Just like Taco Bell

>> No.6743128

Words cannot express how much I want that pizza right now. Look at that motherfucker. That's borderline perfection.

>> No.6743137
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>> No.6743147

>get meat
>smother it in sauce and cheese
May be bland, but it werks

>> No.6743162

guys stop posting cp

>> No.6743168

Nice autism, wop

>> No.6743173

I'm not a wop, anon.
Just someone who has travelled.......

>> No.6743183

I'd honestly say that Italian food followed closely by mexican food is the best food out there.

Low quality bait

>> No.6743187
File: 33 KB, 960x960, LOW QUALITY BAIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot img

>> No.6743194

And has become an autistic wop in the process

>> No.6743197

weak my friend, very weak.

>> No.6743199

>just someone who has travelled

To St. Louis? Only a flyover seriously thinks Italy makes better pizza than New York

>> No.6743219

Or any non-American. Neutral Briton here; I've been to both New York and Italy, and while New York pizza isn't bad, it isn't a patch on the real deal.

>> No.6743234

Like your tastebuds

>> No.6743238

Whatever you say, just know that no one that actually knows what they're talking about agrees with you

Next you're going to say American beer isn't the best in the world

>> No.6743401

what's your top pick then?

>> No.6743412

American cuisine

>> No.6743495
File: 254 KB, 500x471, MeatLoversPizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Yorker here, and I'll agree that a proper Neapolitan pizza is the best there is. New York pizza kinda breaks into several different styles, the best of which are very similar to Neapolitan. But even NYC pizza is better than Roman.

But that's neither here nor there. The kind of American pizza some folks are claiming to like better than Italian is redneck pizza like you'd find from a Midwest-based chain. Pic related. This is not New York pizza. This is the kind of pizza than can clock in a 300 calories a slice.

If that's what you're used to the subtlety of a Neapolitan pizza, even a good one will be lost on you. It's like a string quartet playing for people who are used to listening to really loud pop music through a system with a cranked subwoofer - they're not going to get it.

CAPTCHA: choose all the pizza

>> No.6743583

The thing about midwest pizza is (like most midwest things) it's not about the quality of the ingredients or the way in which they're combined, it's a competition to see how much shit you can heap onto the greasy, sponge-cake-like dough

I actually love deep dish chicago pizza, the kind "real chicagoans" trip over each other to denounce and say is just for tourists (>implying I'd go to chicago if I wasn't forced to for work), but the kind in your picture is an abomination

Anyway I agree with everything else you said, although I have no idea what "roman pizza" is.

>> No.6743605

oh nevermind I looked it up, yeah I remember a bunch of those popping up in the village in the 00s but I dunno what happened to them

>> No.6743609

People who say things like this have never had real Italian food. Please, take a moment and realize how ignorant and backwards you sound.

>> No.6743673

>it's a competition to see how much shit you can heap onto the greasy, sponge-cake-like dough
Right. More is better. The pizza is just an excuse to eat greasy meats on greasy bread glued together with as much low quality cheese as possible. And somewhere in there is a little sugary tomato sauce. It's not even Italian American anymore; it's gone full blown redneck.

For many Americans this is the baseline for what pizza is. Give them anything less than that and they'll balk. Because in the end your expectations are based on what you're familiar with. If your concept of pizza is a really trashy fast food overindulgence a more restrained example made from quality ingredients will seem like it's missing the point or the dish entirely.

I don't go in for overkill. But I understand for many Americans overkill just means more deliciousness. That's why Guy Fieri has a career.

>> No.6743692

ya but greasy meats on greasy bread glued together with cheese and sauce taste good. dont care what the label is. But it's funny seeing you guys rage and get all buttfrustrated about it.

>> No.6743744

>it's funny
Said the redneck as he choked back tears of impotent rage between fistfuls of almost expired deep fried twinkies he got at Pubilx or Piggly Wiggly or Wal*Mart for 75% off

>> No.6743774

>ya but greasy meats on greasy bread glued together with cheese and sauce taste good.
If that kind of food is what you're used to eating. Someone who doesn't rat that kind of food could very easily find it disgusting. It might be incomprehensible to you, but there are plenty of people who don't really like low quality meat and cheese, and the idea of that much of each in a single serving would gross them out.

I'm somewhere in the middle. I understand why this kind of pizza is popular, especially in the South and the Midwest, where portion size is more important than food quality. But it isn't for me.

>> No.6743787

I'd say its OK, and I also enjoy the American versions too. You could say that about most food though, like Polish or German.

>> No.6744075
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pretty much every pure european dining style is absolute shit.
the worst cultures would probably be arab or african.
english is pretty shitty, but for breakfast they reign supreme.
french is good for sauces, desserts/pastries are for faggots so im not inclined to comment about them.

id go for a garbage plate over pizza margherita any day of the week.

im also down for a sawdust steakhouse where the waitresses wear cowboy hats over some michelin star shitshow where they have to hire a guy to prove its worth it to choose a bottle of alcohol infused grape juice for 7x the actualy price.

>> No.6744093

>real water buffalo mozzarella
I love that this is always baby's first "authentic" italian food moment

>> No.6744096
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lmao cheap ass ingredients on a street corner served up by mexicans and inbred "italians" aka jews named mario making pizza is the best!

>> No.6744183

shitty /int/ threads

>> No.6744216

>American versions
I believe you mean the improved versions.

>> No.6744228
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sure as fuck not pic related

>> No.6744235

oh my god I would eat the shit out of that pizza.

>> No.6744245

>I'd go for a garbage plate over pizza Margherita any day of the week

Aaaaannnnd THAT'S why you're gutter trash.

>> No.6744253

Fucking this. People can't even tell the difference between the flavor of one vegetable and another because all they can register is salt and sugar. Even then they are surprised to find that their sauces include sugar because their senses and brains are so numb that they can't even tell they're eating sweets.

>> No.6744277

Spanish food is really good, even if you're only looking at the recipes are weren't influenced by middle eastern cooking. They have a wonderful cooking culture, it's better than the food of Italy and France but without any of the aggressively pretentious attitude.

>> No.6744288

Italians are pretty cool, at least ones that I've met, and the chicks tend not to wear bras. All around breddy good. Oh yeah most of the food is good but overrated.

>> No.6744316

This. Spanish food trumps both French and Italian. It's just not as well known in the states.

>> No.6744317

ur mum's cunt u lil whallop

>> No.6744342

I recently discovered Spanish cuisine. It's the bomb. It's like the great parts of Mexican, Italian, French, and other Mediterranean foods plus so much more.

>> No.6744351

I feel like a tard for asking this, but why are Italians and French considered "Mediterranean"? When I think of Meds I picture like Muslims or other Arabs, not Fabio or Julia Child.

>> No.6744359

What? Mexican food has almost nothing in common with Spanish food. The Mexican versions of Spanish food are so greatly deviated that they basically have nothing to do with one another.

>> No.6744380
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Geography wasn't your strong subject, was it?

Boy, are you super wrong. Let me list the things Mexican cuisine wouldn't have without the Spanish:

1. Frying anything, oils, fats

2. Pork, Beef, Chicken

3. Onions, garlic, cilantro, oregano, cumin, coriander, wheat

4. Milk, crema, cheese

5. Mole, sauces that aren't part of a stew

That's just the surface. Nearly every technique in mexican cuisine comes from its introduction by the Spanish. A lot of things people associate with Mexican food were actually Spanish inventions.

Also, it's likely if you're American that you've never ever had real Mexican food outside of tacos in the American southwest or certain smaller restaurants. It's quite a bit different than what most people think.

Read up on book related for more information.

>> No.6744412

Your tastes are about as refined as the sack of shit I'm willing to sell you for 100 bucks cause you are paying top dollar for pizza only half covered in cheese.

Are you too poor to cover the whole pizza?

>> No.6745723

Hurr durr moar cheez maeks it beddur!

>> No.6745730

You sound like a drunk three year old.
More cheese doesnt make something better, in fact, it can and will cover other more important flavors when over-used. You have no subtlety or taste, grow up.

>> No.6745739

did someone say drunk slurring dwarves?


>> No.6745752
File: 34 KB, 550x412, fucking-cheese-everywhere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this enough cheese, you disgusting blubbery land whale?

>> No.6745907

i'll have some more please

>> No.6745916


moar plox.

>> No.6745917


>> No.6745930

Just like very other ethnic cuisine, it only gets good when it comes to the US.

>> No.6745946
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I'm American with an Italian heritage. This thread makes me sad.

>> No.6745979
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>it can and will cover other more important flavors when over-used.

>over used
>covering the whole pizza
do you hate anything but roman or italian pizza?
what the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.6746036


The market with counterfeit olive oil rakes in almost as much as their cocaine business. My family in Italy never buys olive oil in the super market because of that, you always get self made olive oil from friends and extended family.

>> No.6746044

>is a sin to any Italian.

Maybe in Naples and further down south, it wasn't uncommon for me to see tasty abominations like pizza con wurstel or pizza con patatine on menus in the north and in Sardegna when i was visiting. They definitly had more absurd toppings than i can get here in Germany and we do truly terrible things to pizza.

>> No.6746062

No, but each pizza style should be appreciated for what it is, instead of these huge faglords thinking only one style of pizza is the best.
And, I'm right about cheese and it's abilities.

>> No.6746064

the worst type of person

>> No.6746066

Yup. Your shitty thread, for one.

>> No.6746088
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>cheese and it's abilities.
>pic related
>only one style of pizza is the best.
never said that dumbass, i said margherita was shit

>> No.6746092

Italian cuisine is the 2nd most overrated food in the world. First is French.

>> No.6746113

>pizza nduja drenched in chili-olive oil


>> No.6746131

I'm guessing you've not spent much time in either country. As far as Europe goes the only place I can think of where food is given the level of attention it gets in Italy and France would be Spain.

I'm guessing your opinion of either being overrated is based on expensive but mediocre French and Italian restaurants near wherever you live, and not experiences in either country.

>> No.6746142

You have internet at the immigration camp?

>> No.6746145

and you have eaten neither you passportless fuck.

>> No.6746411

You're opinion is shit. How about them apples, short bus? Apparently you only like pizza when it's so gooped up with cheese you can't taste anything else. You're a gaylord.

>> No.6746423

nice bait

>> No.6746471

>new yorker

>> No.6746740

That pizza is burnt.

>> No.6746992
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>> No.6747136

Really? That's all you have? How pathetic. Go back to stuffing your face with shitty chain pizza, and let the adults talk.

>> No.6747139
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>> No.6747160



no that's british people, we americans call it arugula

>> No.6747166

>look at how cool i am, posting old as shit images.
Fucking sad and pathetic. Cant stand it that you got called out for having shit taste, but are too stupid to come up with anything of interest to say.

>> No.6747175
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>> No.6747178

>implying you don't want a pizza smothered in Wisconsin plastic goop and canned pineapple

Next you'll be telling the Germans Oscar Meyer hotdogs are the best franks on the planet.

>> No.6747184

>tfw sicilian restaurant in Brooklyn by the F train
>been going there my whole life and the same people have been working there for years
>Saturday Pasta of the Day
>It's just farfalle in a garlic tomato sauce
holy fuck that sauce is so fucking good

>> No.6747198


nice, what place if you don't mind me asking? I live by the F and I'm always down to patronize a good italian place

>> No.6747434

California has terrible pizza

>> No.6747507

As does the South and most of the Midwest. Unless that's the pizza you grew up on. Then the terrible pizza is everywhere else.

>> No.6747537

That's simply untrue. As a matter of fact, the best pizza I've ever had was from a hole in the wall in a suburb of Sacramento (can't remember the name).
It was a NY style pizza, but had linguica, mushrooms, onions, crispy fried eggplant, roasted garlic, olives, and feta. Best pizza ever. And the crust was fucking killer, perfectly chewy and crispy.

>> No.6747572

>unlike asian food which without the spices, etc. would taste like sewage water with low quality meat in it.
You do know that Indian food focuses heavily on seasonal vegetables and meat dishes are few and far between in most regional cuisines. The single most common dish is dal chawal. Simply lentils with salt and turmeric, tempered with ghee and cumin seeds over rice(or roti which is unleavened wholewheat flatbread). The most common side dish is potatoes and fenugreek fired with salt and turmeric and maybe a little red pepper. Vegetables dishes are highly seasonal and prepared with only salt, red pepper and turmeric.

Indians do like their heat which is why a green chilli or onion is often eaten raw with these simple meals. But judging Indian food based on eating a chicken tikka masala in Italy is like judging Italian food based on eating a spaghetti and meatballs in Kentucky.

>> No.6747671

Potato and pasta? Two starches fatass.

>> No.6747818

Yeah, it's like the Japanese were on the verge of a food revolution and then they decided to shit on their food and serve their own shit.

>> No.6747832

I went to college in St Louis. St Louis style pizza is like a cracker, cut into squares, has horrible cheese, and sauce heavy on the sugar and oregano. However in Omaha, where I grew up, there was both an excellent New York and Italian style place.

>> No.6747847
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>It was a NY style pizza, but had linguica

Brazilian style pizza I'd assume.

>> No.6747862
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very true

>> No.6747925

I ordered EXTRA cheese you fuckwit

>> No.6747976
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Sardegna has some great pasta

>> No.6748592
File: 1.26 MB, 320x180, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GMOs do make a difference in terms of taste you dingus.

A genetically modified tomato in the supermarket was created to have the best profit margin. So what they do is breed the tomatos that grow the easiest and can survive the longest while looking good on the outside. What you end up with is a nice red lacross ball devoid of flavor. So yeah GMO produce usually sucks ass unless its modified for the best taste rather than the best profit.

>> No.6748603

>So what they do is breed the tomatos that grow the easiest and can survive the longest while looking good on the outside.

What's that got to do with GMO? Selective breeding isn't GMO.

>> No.6748608

I've seen good eats too. Those bullet proof tomatoes do suck for making sauce, but the hard crisp kind are the best on sandwiches. They have different uses.

>> No.6748614 [DELETED] 
File: 1.09 MB, 1920x1080, 1437855215242.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Breed would be the wrong term but its essentially the same. Instead of cross-breading until you get the result you just inject the DNA for the mutation you want. Different method but same result, just quicker. Nothing special about it being GMO makes it bad, its the way they modify them without regard to flavor that makes it bad.

>> No.6748996


nigger italians put all kinds of shit on pizza you don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.6749015

funniest i had was a "pizza pokemon" from a local joint in treviso, it was a simple margherita with some fries on top.

>> No.6749276

Costco pizza, little ceasers, real italian pizza dude I don't fucking care they all taste good

>> No.6749379


italian cuisine in nutshell

>> No.6749390
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>> No.6749396

>The original pizza was created with what we had fresh, locally

>> No.6749412

Reading this thread has me curious, what exactly constituents an authentic Italian pizza. What are the major differences?

>> No.6749418

bread tomatoes n leafy greens

>> No.6749420

yu mami doe

>> No.6749421

See I'm new to cooking, so these questions may sound dumb.
What kind of dough? How is that dough typically prepared?
What is the sauce comprised of?
How about the leafy greens? Spinach and kale? Or?

>> No.6749444


Italian buffalo mozzarella is actually illegal in the US.

>> No.6749679

Not fucking true at all.

>> No.6749699


>The consistency of the " Verace Pizza Napoletana " - (Vera Pizza Napoletana) should be soft, elastic, easy to manipulate and fold. The centre should be particularly soft to the touch and taste, where the red of the tomato is evident, and to which the oil or for the ‘Pizza Marinara', the green of the oregano and the white of the garlic has perfectly amalgamated; In the case of the Pizza Margherita, the white of the mozzarella should appear in evenly spread patches, with the green of the basil leaves, slightly darkened by
the cooking process.

>The crust should deliver the flavour of well prepared, baked bread. This mixed with the slightly acidic flavour of the densely enriched tomatoes, and the respective aroma of oregano and garlic or basil and the cooked mozzarella ensures that the pizza, as it emerges from the oven, delivers its characteristic aroma -- perfumed and fragrant.

>> No.6749704

Found the yuppie

>> No.6749705


>The products that provide the base for " Verace Pizza Napoletana "- (Vera Pizza Napoletana) include:

>a. wheat flour type "00": highly refined flour which has been milled to standard “00” (doppio zero). The flour has an almost talcum-powder like appearance, white, fine and is completely free of bran or germ. A small amount of wheat flour type "0" (Manitoba) is allowed to be added providing the percentage ranges from 5 to 20%. This variation is dependent on the external temperature and is used to enforce the ‘00’ flour and not replace it.

>b. Water: must be clean and free of gas. It must also be free micro organisms, parasites or chemical substances that represent a health risk. Water must be fit for human consumption.
> pH = 6-7
> Recommended temperature for production: 20 – 22°C
> Moderately hard: 60 - 80 mg/L as calcium

>c. Salt: sea salt must be used

>d. Yeast: Compressed yeast, biologically produced, solid, soft and beige in colour ,with quite an insipid taste and a low degree of acidity must be used. Yeast must be purchased in packages ranging from 25-500 grams. (Saccharomices cerevisiae) (See Italian Decreto Ministeriale. 21/03/1973 e 18/06/1996). The use of Natural yeast is also permitted (see appendices).

All types of fat must be excluded from the dough

>> No.6749707


>The preparation of " Verace Pizza Napoletana” - (Vera Pizza Napoletana) exclusively follows the below method of production used in a continuous cycle.

>Blend flour, water, salt and yeast. Pour a litre of water into a mixer, dissolve between the 50 and the 55g of salt, add 10% of the total amount of flour, and then add 3g of yeast. Start the mixer, and then gradually add 1800 g of flour (w220-380) until of the desired dough consistency is achieved. Combining the ingredients should take 10 minutes.

>Mix the dough at low speed for 20 minutes, until the dough forms a single ball. To obtain the optimal dough consistency, it is very important to control the quantity of water, so that the flour is able to absorb it all. The mixture should be sticky, soft and elastic to touch.

>The distinguishing product factor and characteristic of the recommended flour used for "Verace Pizza Napoletana” - (Vera Pizza Napoletana) allows it to absorb between 50 to 55% of its weight in water to reach the “optimal point”.

>The preparation of the dough in the mixer should be done without causing the dough to become warm.

>> No.6749710


>2.1.5 Fermentation/Dough Rising:

>First phase: remove the dough from the mixer, and place it on a surface in the pizzeria where it can be left to rest for 2 hours, covered by a damp cloth. In this manner the dough's surface cannot harden, nor can it form a crust caused by the evaporation of the moisture released from the dough. The dough is left, intact, to rise for 2 hours.

>With the aid of a spatula, the mixture is cut into strips from which pieces are broken off and then shaped into balls. The formation of the balls must be done exclusively by hand. This technique, known as ‘staglio a mano’ whereby the dough is made into small balls, ‘panetti’, is reminiscent of the technique used in the preparation of mozzarella – ‘mozzatura’ also done by hand. For "Verace Pizza Napoletana” - (Vera Pizza Napoletana) the dough balls (‘panetti’) must weigh between 180 and 250 g.

>Second phase: Once the individual dough balls (‘panetti’) are formed, they are left in ‘rising boxes’ known as “mattarelle” (alimentary cases – see appendices for further details) for the second rising stage, which lasts between 4 to 6 hours. By controlling storage temperature (keeping at room temperature), these dough balls can then be used at any time for the following 6 hours.

>> No.6749716


>Following the second rising, the dough ball ‘panetti’ can be removed from the rising box using a spatula and placed on the preparation bench in the pizzeria on a light layer of flour to keep the dough from sticking to the work area. With a motion from the centre outwards, and with the pressure of the fingers of both hands on the dough ball, the base is turned over and around many times. In doing this the ‘‘pizzaiolo” (pizza maker)’ forms a disk of dough (disco di pasta).

>From the centre the thickness is no more than 0.4cm (variance ±10% tolerated), and the border that is no greater than 1-2 cm, forming a frame or crust. The crust known as ‘cornicione’ is one of the identifying features of the product.

>The base must be prepared by hand. The ‘‘pizzaiolo’s’ (pizza maker’s)’ skill enables him or her to determine the movement of air in the base ensuring it moves from the centre towards the periphery, thus forming the frame or crust known as ‘cornicione’.

>No other type of preparation is acceptable for the "Verace Pizza Napoletana” – (Vera Pizza Napoletana) Specifically excluded is the use of a rolling pin and mechanical presses.

>> No.6749721


>2.3 Condiments – garnishing the pizza base (‘disco di pasta’):

>Fresh tomatoes – the following variations of fresh tomatoes can be used:
>“S.Marzano dell’Agro Sarnese-nocerino D.O.P”.,
>“Pomodorini di Corbara(Corbarino)”,
>“Pomodorino del piennolo del Vesuvio” D.O.P.”

>Canned Peeled tomatoes – the recommended tomato is the “pomodoro pelato S.Marzano dell’Agro Sarnese-Nocerino D.O.P.”. If peeled tomatoes are used they should be strained, broken up and homogenised by hand.

>All peeled tomatoes that are genetically modified or altered to increase desired traits, resistance to herbicides or increased crop render are not accepted.

>The use of fresh or industrially prepared “Roma” tomatoes (“pomodoro lungo tipo Roma”) is allowed.

>> No.6749722

> local Italian food is 1000x better than the shitty american rip offs of Italian food that you see
As a rural American who grew up on homegrown food -- including the onions and peppers on the pizza I'm eating RIGHT FUCKING NOW -- I suggest you go fu --

>wait I'm not on /k/

...check your privilege

>I'd honestly say that Italian food followed closely by mexican food is the best food out there.
I agree with you there. Hell, when I was a kid I thought the Mexicans and Italians were related somehow. They're philosophically very similar.

>> No.6749726


>Mozzarella – Certified mozzarella di bufala campana D.O.P, mozzarella S.T.G.

>Fior di latte - “Fior di latte dell’appennino meridionale D.O.P” or other certified ‘fiordilatte’.

>Oil – The choice of oil used must be made carefully to ensure the oil is resistant to high temperatures. Providing the conditions for cooking are optimal (i.e. oven temperature is not too high and cooking time brief) the choice of oil must be made to ensure stability and prevent oxidation.
>Cold pressed olive oil that has not been refined, that is, extra-virgin or virgin olive oil, contains natural, biological antioxidants such as toceferol (Vitamin E). It has been found that olive oil, in particular extra-virgin olive oil, remains unaltered when used and has demonstrated an absence of defects.

>Origano – “Origanum vulgare” from the “Labiatae” family.

>Basil – Fresh Basil must be used.

>Cheese – Grated Hard cheese must be used

>> No.6749728

>what exactly constituents an authentic Italian pizza
For most of Italy, being authentic Italian pizza just means that they made it in Italy. It's not that much better than a decent one from anywhere else.

The exception is in Naples. Those guys are fucking serious about producing much better pizza. It's simple as anything: a basic unleavened dough, a simple tomato sauce and mozzarella on top. And that's it. Oh, and cooked perfectly, taking advantage of being in a wood-fired oven; the smokiness from the wood is important. But it's more marked by what they don't do. They don't make a thick base. They don't murder it with sauce. They don't mess about with masses of cheese. They don't over- or under-cook it. They don't mess it up. And they don't charge a lot for it: it's poor-fags' food.

Other pizzas from elsewhere can be pretty good, but that pizza from Naples is the total definition of what God Tier is really talking about. It realigns your whole ideas about what it should be. It also makes fancy chefs jealous as fuck; they'd give their right arm to be as good at pizzas as the Neapolitans. Damn, I'm hungry now and missing those pizzas...

>> No.6749735

Italian is truly the most autistic food

>> No.6749737

>Italian pizza just means that they made it in Italy.
Not really.

>> No.6749744


it is pretty fucking varied though.

>> No.6749755
File: 190 KB, 381x500, 1430769236927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, wasnt even me posting the other butthurt pic

>> No.6749877

To be fair those are the specs for a D.O.C. designation, so that is pretty much a government set of standards. The French are the same way with wine and many regionally produced specialty foods (such as cheese). I guarantee that if our government decided to certify what constituted "real" chili, Texas/Carolina BBQ or jambalaya the specs would be similar. But all our government cares about is keeping food cheap. Certifying quality isn't relevant. Which is a big part of why the French and Italians have better food than we do.

>> No.6749949

found the drop out, fuck off back to portland