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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6742238 No.6742238 [Reply] [Original]

Iv'e decided to add more vegetables to my diet. What are the tastiest ones in your opinion?

>> No.6742241


Potatoes are always great

>> No.6742243

Bell peppers are the best, especially roasted
Asparagus is the second best imo, especially griddled
Baby sweetcorn although i personally class that as a grain
Tenderstem broccoli, especially purple
mange tout
Pak choi

>> No.6742261

Chinese cabbage
Green beans

>> No.6742279
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Don't listen to him OP, he's shilling.

>> No.6742323


True story, a lot of people have died on a potato diet

>> No.6742335
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>> No.6742601

bell peppers, spinach, asparagus, zucchini, lettuce, cabbage

>> No.6742695


bell peppers

everyone I know who 'doesn't eat veggies' eats these despite whatever mental disability they have

>> No.6742704

All of them

>> No.6742706

onion, pepper, carrot, lettuce.

>> No.6742723

Spring onion
Red Capsicum

>> No.6742987

I am a big fan of broccoli. Also, tomatoes and cucumber.

>> No.6744068

Steamed broccoli with garlic salt
Raw snap peas are the goat snack veg
Roasted red potatoes and green beans with rosemary and butter

>> No.6744076
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>> No.6744089

Green beans
any legume really

>> No.6744467

Corn is pretty great

>> No.6744514
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>> No.6745065

A bit unrelated but my family never ate veg when I was growing up (our diet was 80% takeout) and now that I'm getting older all those years of fast food are really starting to show.

Starting to eat better but the problem is I can not stand the taste of most vegetables. Any tips for more enjoyable meals?

>> No.6745104

don't eat them raw? honestly though most steamed vegetables are pretty delicious, and if you really want to add some flavor there's a whole variety of seasonings that you can put on them to little to no caloric effect. you can even splurge and pour a little melted butter on them to make em really delicous

just don't eat broccoli with cheese on it. just don't.

>> No.6745110

most veg tastes like crap unless it has vinegar/lemon or something acidic with it

>> No.6745137

Usually what's in season.

>> No.6745234

most of them are pretty good. I dunno, they all sort of just have this "plant" taste to them. you know, its always that same "full of water, made of cellulose" flavour, like a bell pepper or nappa.

so yeah, they're all pretty good....except kale. kale tastes like dick.

>> No.6745236

Always eat fruits and vegetables that are in season

>> No.6745264

>Bell Peppers

In that order OP

Celery is okay but only in juicing.

>> No.6745269


>> No.6745286

> not eating celery chips

>> No.6745291

If you don't like the taste of vegetables by themselves, you basically don't like how food tastes. I don't know why you're here.

>> No.6745327

Broccoli is excellent, and you should eat spinach even if you don't like it because spinach has a shitload of vitamins. I personally don't like cooked spinach, it always leaves a weird coating on my teeth.

>> No.6745347

> potatoes
> a vegetable

>> No.6745523

>if you don't like plain and unseasoned food, there's something wrong with you!!!

>> No.6747080

I like wilting some fresh spinach leaves with some olive oil, a bit of lemon juice and a dash of garlic salt. The yield kinda sucks though, a huge portion of it wilts really small. I love it to death though.

>> No.6747091


>> No.6747110
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>asparagus with just a little butter and salt

>> No.6747118


>> No.6747119

>typical amurikunt

>> No.6747375

Muthafuckin' Brocs, Green capsicum, green beans, stay away from that red spicy shit.

>> No.6747391

>Someone posted something stupid

Fuck off already.

>> No.6747399

tomatoes and carrots

>> No.6747403

dunno how "healthy" it actually is but kale is underrated

>> No.6747406

>stay away from red spicy shit
why do literally all namefags/tripfags have bad opinions
I mean I guess the fact that they choose not to be anonymous already shows they suck at decisions, but how can anyone be this dumb?

>> No.6747412
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These motherfuckers.

>> No.6747418

Because I'm allergic to them so It's my personal opinion cuntmuffin!

>> No.6747429
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I had the hardest time with adding veggies to my diet to start with. It's all about how it's cooked for me.

Garlic, rosemary, and seasons in general were the best way to get me into it.

I started adding sauteed red bell peppers, onions, and garlic to a lot of things that I like eating. Rice and potstickers, sandwiches, etc.

Also just having quick and easy to cook vegetables on hand can make the habit form with less effort. Having frozen peas and corn on hand to just cook on the side of whatever you're eating. This way you get something. It only takes few minutes to cook in the microwave. Or if you're a tinfoil hat doesn't take long to cook on the stove either.

>> No.6747443

People hate on brussel sprouts but man roasted brussel sprouts with olive oil and pepper are pretty great.

Squash is pretty great too.

>> No.6747482
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radish just the best

>> No.6747512
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I wish I liked it more. I picked these the other day. Sliced open a buttercup, stuffed with apple/butter/cinnamon/brown sugar, and roasted...it was alright. Not big on pumpkin pie either.

>> No.6747554

So because you have retarded genes everyone should stay away from them?

>> No.6747603

~Damn straight mah nigga, I will implement a chilly holocaust reich now!
I am trying to circumvent my allergy by eating a small amount of chilli a day though.

>> No.6748086

Sweet Potato, Bok Choy, Corn, Green Beans, Baby Spinach

>> No.6748208

Leeks, bro. Leeks.
Also Broccoli as suggested by other anons.

>> No.6748286

>Americunts calling corn a vegetable.

Oh wait pizza is a vegetable there.

>> No.6748310

Does it come from a perennial plant? No? Then it's most likely a vegetable.

>> No.6748334


So meat is vegetables?

>> No.6748362
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I made a thread recently over brussel sprouts and honestly have become obsessed with them since, they may not be super healthy tho because I keep frying them up in a little bacon but it's easing me into new things.

I'm similar to OP, I already like veg but there are a lot I don't know what to do with and don't eat.

I would appreciate some methods to cook some certain ones if anyone has suggestions. I bought a stalk of broccoli.

How do I broccoli /ck/?

Also any recommendations for the following:
green beans

Any tasty suggestions on preparing these without ruining the healthy benefit would be greatly appreciated by me and maybe a few more people ITT. Thanks

captcha: find the salads

pic related is what I's been fuckin wif

>> No.6748539

Corn, definitely corn. Broccoli and cauliflower too.

>> No.6748543

shallots are good

>> No.6748548

sweet potato
brussel sprouts
roasted cauliflower

>> No.6748564

If you're interested in eating more healthy op, add spinach to your eggs in the morning. I usually put in a hand full for every egg I'm cooking. Sometimes I chop up a whole jalapeño and throw it in there if I'm feeling spicy that day

>> No.6749697

that gif...laughing so much so cute.

>> No.6749896

>roasted asparagus with olive oil, salt and pepper


>> No.6749920

I fucking love peas. Too bad they're not the most nutritious vegetable out there.

>> No.6749927
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Brussel Sprouts


Bell Pepper
Hot Pepper
Butternut Squash
Delicata Squash
Acorn Squash
Spaghetti Squash
Green Jackfruit

>> No.6749930

Macaroni and cheese

>> No.6750326

Put onions in everything, OP. They are cheap, and add bulk/vegetable matter to pretty much anything without adversely effecting the taste.

>> No.6750489

If you roast broccoli the right way, it loses a lot of its natural bitterness.

I really like this recipe, and it keeps for a few days:

>> No.6750501
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>Sweet Potato
>Bok Choy
>Bamboo Shoots

>Bell Peppers

>> No.6750508

Cheddar cauliflower, rutabaga, potatoes (red, and purple), carrots, spinach on sandwiches, orange things, various things.

>> No.6750524

collards sauteed high in grapeseed oil with turnips and some salt and pepper

>> No.6750538

why not sauteed in bacon fat anon
it's infinitely better AND mammy approved

>> No.6750547

i think it is a better/lighter summer dish in the grapeseed plus the high smoking point means you can get it pretty hot so the turnips cook very well. i love well made collards in the usual southern style (from alabama, myself) but since i started cooking collards this way i have not looked back.

>> No.6750550

> bell peppers and turnips
what are you 9?

>> No.6750563

Broccoli and corn are my favourite veggies.

>> No.6751074

Find a recipe for baked squash. Generally just slice it up, toss in olive oil + salt + optional seasonings, and bake. Baked zucchini is dope too.