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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 65 KB, 1200x880, No-corn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6735067 No.6735067 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /ck/

After half a decade of hating food, becoming deathly thin, and swearing I'd just starve before taking another bite of this "substance" that my body so willingly rejects, I finally decided to stop being a retard and go to the doctor.

Turns out I'm allergic to corn, wheat, dairy, and peanuts, and considering corn and wheat are in almost everything I ate, I've had to do a complete 180 with my entire diet and completely restructure my whole world.

I'm finding a love for food again, despite being extremely limited, because now I've figured out what I can actually eat and why/what was making me hate food before, so I've become invested in making the best with this.

So far I've been eating grass-fed meat, gluten-free rice bread, fruits/veggies, hummus, almond butter sandwiches, grass-fed meat/vegan-cheese/vegan mayo sandwiches, and drinking a lot of juice.

I'm desperate for some more ideas, especially regarding dessert since there's corn syrup or dairy in most of it.

I'm thinking about making some sort of vegan caramel apples, something involving dark chocolate, etc. but I'm totally new at cooking with these new ingredients so I would love some advice on where to go from here.

>> No.6735112

indian food (authentic not the butterycreamy stuff you buy in restaurants)

mainly rice
tons of vegetables

little to no cornwheatdairypeanuts


>> No.6735131

You shouldn't during straight juice, it's all sugar.
Also, look into taking probiotics to get your good gut bacteria back in balance.

>> No.6735196

Make beef stew, always good.

Unless your allergic to starches and thus potatoes too?

>> No.6735273

Well I'm fine with sugar it's just corn syrup I can't have. I've never heard the word "probiotics" until you just said it :)

potatoes are fine. thanks

>> No.6735276


>> No.6735304
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>we /v/ now

>> No.6735335
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Make it happ'n, cap'n

>> No.6735340

If your system is all out of whack, you should avoid sugar. Especially liquid sugar. It fucks with normal, healthy people. The daily recommended intake of sugar is s tablespoon.
One. Single. Tablespoon

>> No.6735349

just go full on keto

>> No.6735353

Also, important to note that this recipe omits cumin when it shouldnt

>> No.6735355
File: 13 KB, 350x262, Whats_Your_Major_Malfunction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice blog post faggot, if you don't like it don't eat it. What's your major malfunction?

>> No.6735356

sugar is still a killer I gave it up and I'm doing a lot better but about probiotics you should look into them they help a lot

>> No.6735362

Broad Dessert Ideas:
>fruit and nuts with honey, coconut yogurt, berries
>research gluten free flour blends and start substituting this into "regular" recipes
>also google vegan nut free food and stay away from xanthan gum if you can't do corn

Specific Dessert Ideas:
Eton Mess
Custard made with tapioca starch and non-dairy milk - add fruit if desired
Macaroons (American or French style)
Mix salt, lime zest and something spicy like cayenne or chili powder, dip fruit in it for a sweet/savoury flavour rollercoaster mix
Sorbet or granite both of which you could make at home (sorbet you can spin in a food processor if you have one, if not, stick with granite)

>> No.6735365

Try dates and thank anon later.

>> No.6735390
File: 453 KB, 1000x3010, pistachioclusters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only peanuts? Are you ok with other nuts?

Pic related Gluten free, dairy free cookies with pistachio (I'll post one after with almonds)

>> No.6735395
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>> No.6735398

Here's a nice baked falafel recipe.
I make this every week.

>> No.6735402
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I can't thank you guys enough for all these ideas!

/ck/ is my new favorite board.

>> No.6735408

peanuts are a legume

>> No.6735419

Yes. but used in cooking as a nut. Since OP didn't mention a widespread legume allergy (which would remove all beans and lentils from him and really suck) I'm asking for other nuts. Often peanut allergies cluster with almond/tree nuts allergies.

>> No.6735456

Wait I didn't see egg allergy in your list and no one mentioned omelettes yet.

Op as long as your not allergic to eggs, you can make omelettes to fit every craving. Add meat, or don't. stuff it with veggies. Get crappy vegan cheese if it doesn't have any allergens, or use rice noodles to make a sort of okonomiyaki

>> No.6735461

Scrolling through my verticals and it appears I have way too many GF and DF friends so lots of safe recipes. Anything other then desert you were looking for OP?

>> No.6735466

lunch ideas? like good sandwiches, soups, salads, etc.?

>> No.6735471
File: 361 KB, 750x2348, carrotsalad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6735474
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>> No.6735476
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>> No.6735481

thank you based anon

>> No.6735489
File: 908 KB, 1275x4016, chickpeachickensalad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're welcome.

Really, the trick is not to find a substitute, but to find recipes that don't require the ingredient in the first place (like cooking vegetarian)

>> No.6735493
File: 802 KB, 1275x4375, butternut squash soup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last soup and I'm leaving you alone.

>> No.6735519

As a fellow food enthusiast, I would recommend that the OP, and perhaps the rest of those with creative culinary inclinations would be best served by learning techniques that can be utilized in addressing any set of diverse food situations (ie chicken is now $20/lb but beef is still $6) and tailor their recipes to their mood/ budget. I find cooking to be a creative endeavour and would find it too much like work to feel bound by a set of standardized recipes. (I know you wouldn't be bound by any hard and fast restrictions at home, but your tone is addressing recipe substitution suggested as much.)

>> No.6735545

Nah, I meant more as a "do not replace steak with a slab of tofu when going vegetarian" or, in this case swapping cheese for vegan make-belief or wheat/bread by the more expensive gluten-free versions.

Really finding something to eat that doesn't rely on the mcguffin item instead of doing unsatisfactory swaps.

>> No.6735581

It says cumin right there you illiterate nigger

>> No.6735589

dropped in to say proud of you OP.
Stay on the road to recovery and eat some delicious food.

>> No.6735601

I see your point.
I still think that having an understanding of food theory can be helpful when trying to be adaptable, because sometimes you want to have a soup that tastes creamy, but dairy isn't an option...so how to achieve this? You can:
Use potato/cauliflower as a vegetable based cream replacement
Use nutritional yeast
(The much less desirable)Use fake sour cream/cream cheese

Having an understanding of some techniques instead of memorizing some recipes can help you take some traditional recipes/concepts/dishes and create something that suits someone's food allergies and is tasty.

I concede that not all swaps will work out, I still haven't had tofu that I was impressed by.. but I do persist in asserting that recipe memorization<technique/ingredient knowledge

>> No.6735611

To make a long story short though: cook what doesn't give you cramps, diarrhea, bloating or makes you constipated..and hopefully you also have some skill in making it tasty and presentable!

>> No.6735664

Regarding desert, use honey and cane sugar as sweeteners, and replace butter with margarine or coconut oil or something.

>> No.6735671

I eat in a similar way OP
I make a quinoa "pasta" salad with chopped tomatoes, onions, cilantro, black beans, olive oil, cumin and other assorted spices. Really good refrigerated.
Baba ganoush and zalouk are two good eggplant dishes that are nice and robust.
Fried rice. Eggs on rice. Eggs on hash--potato hash, sweet potato hash, veggie hash, leftover meat hash.
Fresh fruit is good, fruit salad, almond butter on spit bananas. You can freeze brown bananas and do an assortment of things--add coconut milk and blend to make a "nice cream," use in cooking gluten free muffins. I like to gel chia seeds and add that or shredded coconut to my fruit salads. You can make some nice gluten free cobbler-type desserts with quinoa flakes, which have an oatmeal-y texture.