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File: 721 KB, 2048x1152, 20150730_140114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6732039 No.6732039 [Reply] [Original]

How many bottles of various kinds of scotch would /ck/ consider a "decent to good" collection?

Pic related. My most recent purchase.

Also booze general.

>> No.6732040
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>> No.6732044

I'd say you're starting to get there at just a few, so long as you've got the types covered. Anything over a dozen be enough to make me cock an eyebrow in interest.

>> No.6732057
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Yeah I have a good mix of highland and lowland stuff. Even a bottle of Yamazaki.

>> No.6732095

This. The only people who drink scotch are tryhards and alcoholics.

>> No.6732101

I used to collect liquor. Multiple kinds of scotch, rum, american rye whiskey, vermouth, bitters, the whole nine yards.

But you have to understand, the only people who who will be genuinely impressed by that kind of thing instead of just grudgingly amused are people you really don't want to be around, let alone drink around. I started to realize this when I was involved with a woman who was very enamored with me and my supposed great taste in everything. She got really into that stuff too. Developed nuanced opinions about the various regions of scotch, about potato vs wheat vs grape vodka, and the different gins. Cigars. The other random "guy things" women tend to pick up when they attach themselves to a mate. It was clear from her expressed opinions of me and her general belief that I was a great person and that we should be together forever, that there was something deeply, seriously wrong with her, either her judgment about others, or just that she was in fact so terrible that from her perspective I was some sort of "catch". Either way, not good.

But instead of ending things as soon as that dawned on me, as I should have, I just drank more and more so I could pretend things were alright. Not only did it reinforce the relationship (such that it was), but it also numbed my brain. Needless to say this worked for several years.

Anyway that ended, I haven't touched a female in quite some time, I mostly just shitpost on 4chan, and now I just keep one or two bottles of random liquor.

I hope this helps, op. Don't collect scotch.

>> No.6732120

Your clarity is impressive, sir. Life is a bitch sometimes, isn't it?

I bet she was fucking great in bed, at least.

>> No.6732122

I have decided that for every bottle of nice liquor I buy, I am going to for the most part stop drinking it about half way or so and buy a new bottle, which should eventually result in a "collection" of sorts.

I mainly drink whiskey right now, single malt scotch is my favorite but I love bourbon/rye too. Eventually I am going to try some brandy, Cognac, Armagnac, Calvados, some Spanish stuff, but I am still working my way through Islay at the moment.

>> No.6732133



>> No.6732138

She had her ways, for sure. But if I'm being honest, her sex drive was much too high. When a woman enjoys herself to an excessive degree, I can't relax. I worry about cleanliness, or that she will deceitfully allow herself to become pregnant, things like that.

It's probably not healthy in a successful relationship but I have yet to get into one where it was safe to let my guard down. I have found that if you ignore your instincts with women, things have the potential to get life-destroyingly bad.

>> No.6732155
File: 210 KB, 1024x1024, Lagavulin-16-Jahre-07-Liter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic Related

>> No.6732198

you're supposed to drink it OP

>> No.6732201
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>buying no-age jew sherried trash
>not even sherried no-age-statement with a proven track record like Aberlour A'Bunadh
>not the based but discontinued 16 year bourbon cask Nadurra
You're part of the problem that's encouraging distilleries to drop aged whisky.

This will be your friend.

>> No.6732205


>> No.6733847

Ugh seriously. I'm so sick of sherry finishes

>> No.6733850

Scotch is fucking disgusting, idc what anyone says. You can drink it and pretend you like it, but no one, and I mean NO ONE, drinks scotch for the first time and thinks "hmm this shit is kind of good in some weird, non-disgusting way".

It's not like bourbon that you can actually enjoy it if you sip it slowly, and it tastes like something other than toasted dog shit.

>> No.6733855

This guy gets it

>> No.6733856

Wow, seriously making me rethink my entire opinion of my girlfriend.

Why does she still stay with me and like me when I'm such a shit person? Why does she like craft beer now because I started drinking craft beer?

>> No.6733860
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Heres my little start of a collection
Went to buy a Laguvulin the other day from waitrose and saw that they had Glenrothes reduced from 38 pounds to 22, and Elijah Craig reduced from 36 to 21 quid... so i got them
Glad i did, the Glenroth is great

>> No.6734161

Who gives a shit about having a collection? I don't buy it to have bottles sitting around to admire, I buy it to drink. How many bottles I do or don't simultaneously have is irrelevant. Though I do save the corks to remind me of what I've had.

>> No.6734169

Actual retards

>> No.6734181

lol'ing out loud at the people taking this post as legitimate life advice.

why would you want to be with an unwavering person? she liked you for your complexity, dude. right as she was beginning to understand where you were coming from, you break it off? why don't you just marry a blow-up doll if you care so much about separating your interests from your partner's? the only thing i'm parsing from this post is a pathological level of relationship incompetence and general mistrust. i'm sure you'd even agree with me.

don't listen to this guy.

>> No.6734809
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Someone's only had peated Islayshit.
Laphroaig/Ardbeg/Lagavulin smells like muscle ointment, but some people are into that I guess.

Highland and Speyside whisky tastes like a drier and more tropical smelling bourbon. Pic related, it's damn close to barrel proof Kentucky straight without all the residual sweetness you'd get in a barrel proof bourbon.

Glenrothes is hit and miss, their bottles are either great or shit. I'm glad you got lucky.

>> No.6735499
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Your collection is there to drink, do a decent to good sized collection is however much you want in your rotation.

I picked these two up today, what should I crack into first?

>> No.6735523

The first that was ever recommended to me was Glenlivet. After trying it out I'll say that it's a real good scotch, you can base other scotches off of that but it's real good on it's own.

>> No.6735549

Go for the springbank stuff, it look like hipster shit so after the disappointment of that one you can go on to the next one. They really both look like hipster shit.

>> No.6735604

>americans discussing scotch

>> No.6736885
File: 212 KB, 933x1369, Nadurra-First-Fill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it is bad. I appreciate super peated scotch as well as Speyside stuff, be it sherried or whatever

Also, Glenlivet doesn't even make the single malt in your pic anymore. They discontinued it to phase in a series on no age statement Nadurra bottles. They have the Nadurra First Fill American Oak now, which is close to it, and basically just as good but without the age statement. People say the whiskey in it is a mix of stuff between 12 and 16 but it still sucks.

>> No.6737340

>Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it is bad. I appreciate super peated scotch as well as Speyside stuff, be it sherried or whatever
See, this is how you can tell the people who actually drink and enjoy scotch from the people who force themselves to drink it or just talk about it so they can put on an air of superiority and "culture".

>> No.6737518
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Three.Two bottles Inver House, one bottle Famous Grouse. Drink one bottle Inver yourself, c'mon, not THAT bad. Pour Famous Grouse into empty bottle, reserve for private consumption. Pour second bottle Inver House into Grouse bottle,display and serve to guests and "scotch snobs", most of whom couldn't tell the difference anyway.

>> No.6737752
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Dropped my bottle of distillers lagavulin today, one less now...

Love reading all these posts from people who think that one region is the end all be all of what scotch has to offer. You're fundementally missing the point of different production regions, variety. Islays/ highlands are my personal favorite

>> No.6739378

>people who think that one region is the end all be all of what scotch has to offer
Neckbeards like scotch because they see it as an easy ticket to an unattainable high social status. Since they unconsciously (but correctly) consider actual social status to be at odds with their fundamental nature, they gravitate towards the most unpalatable style because the scotch seems to be rejecting them just as high status people are rejecting the neckbeard.

It's similar to how they all gravitate towards "powerlifting" at the gym (i.e. being a fatass who only worries about MUH BENCH and doesn't give a shit about their massive gut) instead of developing power, speed, aesthetics, and coordination. They set themselves up for failure before the game even begins.

>> No.6739392

I think you mean subconsciously.

>> No.6739404

however many you can afford to not keep hanging on when you get through enough of the bottle that they start to lose oomph from sitting around evaporating

>and pretend you like it
>le people can't genuinely like this thing that i don't autism meme

>> No.6739406

>Subconscious and unconscious are synonyms when they’re informal adjectives meaning occurring in the absence of awareness or thought. For example, to say that kittens make you feel anxious on a subconscious level is the same as saying they make you feel anxious on an unconscious level. But unconscious is the more scientific term, and it’s the usual choice in science and medicine. Subconscious is fairly common in quasi-scientific writing, but its definition is fuzzy, and it often signals that the writer lacks real expertise.

tl;dr ur dum

>> No.6739416


>> No.6739419


>> No.6739430

Jesus christ that was like reading an excerpt from a Bukowski novel

>> No.6739442
File: 22 KB, 550x550, ZayaRum_zoom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like this rum

>> No.6739447


>> No.6739785

Not a huge rum fan but that shits fantastic

>> No.6739825

You're evil. And brilliant.

>> No.6740075

Any of you fucks live around Boston/Cambridge? I've moved here from flyover and whiskey is prohibitively expensive here. I could get a bottle of Talisker 10 for like $45 at home but here it's $70 in the stores I've looked at. Is anywhere reasonably priced around here or am I dicked?

>> No.6740080

Talisker prices have skyrocketed in the last few years, probably you were buying old stock back home because all people drink in flyover is bud light (for men) and grey goose (for women).

>> No.6740088
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>> No.6740091

Sigh. After binge drinking about 4 times a week for 15 years straight, I finally gave it up. Miss my old friend.

>> No.6740095
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>mfw I never noticed that

>> No.6740100

That was just one arbitrary example, I was talking about whisky in general. It's all expensive as dicks here.

>> No.6740102

Never been able to collect more than one at a time, tbh.

>> No.6740112

mah nigga

>> No.6740225

Why the fuck would you collect scotch?
Scotch is for drinking, not for collecting.
It's not trading cards.
No one cares to see how much money you've spent on alcohol.
Just buy what you like, drink it, repeat.
Fucking hell OP you pretentious piece of shit, if I ever met you in real life I would backhand you across the mouth so hard.

>> No.6740233

Why do people collect anything? Chill the fuck out and get s hobby. I collect pocket knives that cost hundreds of dollars. Fuck it, I like them

>> No.6740249


>> No.6740277

You don't know anything about how people in flyover states drink my man. :^)

>> No.6740280

One of each.

>> No.6740435

Jesus, projecting much?

Relax man, some people just like strong flavours, nothing wrong with that. Yes, there are people who drink scotch for the perceived "classiness", but don't let that bother you so much.

>> No.6740441

You fucking absolute plebeian.

>> No.6740459
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These represent the minimum entry. I would add Glen Morangie, and Cragganmore. Then expand from there.

>> No.6740463
File: 26 KB, 400x276, Diageo6-classicmalts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, The MacAllan

>> No.6740870

Yes son?

>> No.6742114

>Diageo meaningless marketing trap of "classic malts"
>Pic already has Cragganless, makes a point to shill it extra hard regardless
I'd go for Balvenie 12 Doublewood or Glenlivet/Glenfiddich 15, and ditch the watery, worsening Lagavulin 16 for Ardbeg Uigeadail or Laphroaig QC

>The Macallan's prestige (read:overpriced) marketing
>can't capitalize Macallan correctly
Best ROI sherried whisky these days is Aberlour and Glendronach. Macallan is turning into a lifestyle brand like Gucci or Versace.

>> No.6742141

McAllan is so fucking overrated. I like it but goddamn its not special at all

>> No.6742168


>> No.6742263

only non plebby collection in the thread, +1

>> No.6742368

>Aberlour and Glendronach
Glenfarclas too. Also Aberlour's standard 12 yo is kind of shit, and they charge quite a bit more for their non chill-filtered 8% higher apv version.

>> No.6742375

> hipster trash
> non pleb

>> No.6742399

let me guess, you drink (what am I saying? I mean collect) Macallan & Glenlivet, right?

>> No.6742674

How much more does the non-chillfiltered 12 yo run you? It's $10 more at my local shop, which is a fair enough increase given the higher strength.


Making lifestyle judgements based on someone's choice of drink makes you part of the problem.