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File: 180 KB, 2321x1450, double-double[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6731209 No.6731209 [Reply] [Original]

So is In N Out really good or is it just a meme?
Everyone from California I've talked to acts like it's god's gift to earth or something.

>> No.6731215

It's not super great. It's above average for fast foot and relatively cheap. Animal style is better than their normal burgers in my opinion, and their spread is pretty damn good (always get extra). Their fries aren't the greatest, but some people love them.

>> No.6731217

It's overrated but still damn good. Double double mustard fried is very delicious

>> No.6731223

Its alright better than Mc donalds, BK, carls, jack its a dollar more for a combo from each of these locations but its more better. You also have to eat it fresh fries become soggy quick and the bun has a habit of steaming in bag and falling apart.

But for the same price you can get a better bigger burger with better fries at diffrent joints.

>> No.6731228

It's quite good. It's not a restaurant burger, it's a classic fast food burger. But their ingredients are far superior to those of fast food restaurants, and their burger spread is delicious. It's also quite cheap.

>> No.6731234

I've never been a fan but my family swears by it. Their burgers are only okay, their fries are awful and way too crispy.

>> No.6731241

Nowadays they're pretty over-hyped, but maybe like 5 years ago before all of the buzzfeed-style "10 reasons why In-n-Out is God's gift to man" articles, I'd say the hype would be worth it.

For a simple fast-food spot, the burgers are great, although their fries are super hit-or-miss. They don't use the double-fry method that almost every other restaurant uses. For people who prefer In-N-Out's method, their fries are the best since no other restaurant makes their fries like that. For people who prefer the double-fry method, In-N-Out's fries are fucking terrible.

>> No.6731249

Both, it's good enough to be a meme. Don't let it being meme stop you from going or you are meme.

>> No.6731254

only answer you need fam

>> No.6731255

We are all memes anon

>> No.6731259

I got one in vegas, it was awful. The burger was bland, the fries were stale. And there was a soggy moist feel to the bun. I had a bad experience, and i hope that it was just that specific restaurant.

>> No.6731272
File: 58 KB, 630x302, whataburger-double-meat-630x302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It ain't no Whataburger.

>> No.6731279

In and Out must have a lot of paid shills, especially on reddit.

>> No.6731282
File: 251 KB, 630x280, Whataburger-630x280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In N Out sucks, Whataburger is better:
>True Texas Beef
>Actual menu items
>God tier spicy ketchup

>> No.6731286

Non-animal items are inferior to Wendy's

>> No.6731295

its good enough to deserve some hype but its still overhyped for what it is. its cheap, menu is small but there are a few secret menu things, quality is good for the price, its quick. if they had one near me i'd go sometimes but all this hype and memeism is unwarranted. its just a quality fast food burger that california gets all upity about because in n out isn't all over the U.S.

you could say the same I guess about whataburger in texas. yes its great fast food if you have one near, no it is not gods gift to man

>> No.6731306

They are overrated considering how fucking often they are posted, but they really are good.

They are everything McDonalds wants to be: cheap, tasty 1960's american-style cheeseburgers, fries, shakes, and fountain drinks, not any other bullshit. Thin patties, crispy fries, and a 'hidden menu' that allows you to customize the size of your sandwich.

>> No.6731310

It's mostly meme. The food is hit or miss most of the time. The burgers are ok but aren't quite as good as Five Guys or even Whataburger. Cost wise, Whataburger is cheaper and Five Guys is overpriced so you get a middle ground with In n Out. But what the hell do I know, I like White Castle!

>> No.6731313

They're the best fast food burgers out there.

If they're god's gift or not depend on how much you care about fast food burgers.

>> No.6731317

Commiefornian here, its a good burger, fresh ingredients and all that jazz. But yeah, people hype the hell out of it, its just a good fast food burger.

Also its only really worth it if you don't have to go through a huge ass line.

>> No.6731330

its not bad. the burgers are better than burger king/carls jr but worse than islands and most family burger joints.

>> No.6731336
File: 94 KB, 400x400, 59501635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fellow Texan. Nothing I've ever had (as far as fast food burgers) can compare to the mighty Whataburger.

>> No.6731354


>> No.6731360

>So is In N Out really good or is it just a meme?

Nothing special.

>> No.6731392

Texan as well. Whataburger is something that you simply cannot beat. It is truly god tier

>> No.6731397

Whataburger is shit. Why do texans have such terrible taste? Do they have literally no tastebuds? First it's their vomit-inducing "barbecue" and now they've moved onto atrocious fast food joints. I'm tired of it.

>> No.6731441

>It's above average for fast foot and relatively cheap.

>> No.6731464
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Not sure if bait or not. If not you are one dumb motherfucker. "Vomit inducing barbecue." are you serious? Let me guess you are one of those Midwest fucks that think you created dry rubs and vinegar based sauce. Get that Memphis shit the fuck out of here. If you're so tired of it you should get the fuck out of the state. I can only assume you live in the state by your statement.

>> No.6731471

Are you upset?

>> No.6731487


>> No.6731488

He has a point though. Putting BBQ sauce on a burger is fucking disgusting.

>> No.6731495

No one said anything about putting it on a burger. I don't. If you don't like it like that then don't eat it. I'm pissed about him insulting our Barbecue in general. It not about burgers anymore his attacking one of the greatest things here in the state and that's our Barbecue. Not sauce but Barbecue it's self.

>> No.6731822



I have 4 of them within ten miles of where I live.

It's overpriced and extremely average. Only redeeming thing they have is the Cajun fries and the large selection of extra fillings for their burgers. MOD Pizza is cheaper, more filling, and tastes better.

>> No.6731825

compared to other fast food like mcdonalds it's good. id put it on the same level as whataburger.

>> No.6731826

its pretty good probably some of the best fast food on the west coast. keep in mind its still fast food though.

>> No.6731848

Is Whataburger only in Texas?
I seem to recall going to one in Florida on vacation once.

>> No.6731855

They just originated here. Everyone I've meet from out of state has never heard of it. Where they have spread to I have no idea.

>> No.6731862

BBQ sauce on a burger is fucking tasty

>> No.6731863

How many times do we need to have this fuckin thread? I'm in socal and not once has someone raved about in n out jackass. I go maybe twice a year. It's fine. Calm the fuck down.

>> No.6731869

People from So Cal rave about In N Out when they leave So Cal. You wouldn't rave about it to people who've already eaten it and live within a five minute drive of at least two franchises. You rave about it to your friends in Minnesota when you've been away from CA for a while.

>> No.6731878

it is good, but the fact that it became so overhyped, people trying it the first time get disappointed because its not the best burger in the world.

>> No.6731889

I like Steak n Shake more

>> No.6731919

>greatest things here in the state and that's our Barbecue
That explains a lot kek

>> No.6731935

Like a lot of people have already said, it's good but it's not going to change your life or anything. Also, their fries are fucking delicious, but I'm aware that that's a minority opinion.

>> No.6731965

Our gun laws are nice too. Besides that we have crazy religious people who suck dick and that is pretty much everyone. The land is pretty badass too. Aside from that there is too much to talk about.

>> No.6731989

1000x this

>> No.6731991


If you've never been to Five Guys you've never had a good burger.

>> No.6731994

In-n-Out gives you more for your money.

>> No.6732004
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>quantity > quality

>> No.6732012

In-n-out is high quality fast food
Shake Shack is a fast casual restaurant
Don't conflate the two

>> No.6732029

Sorry buster, Steak 'n Shake has drive thrus, it's fast food, but arguably the best out there. You can MaKe it a dining experience inside (which I prefer) but it's fast food.

>> No.6732929

Five Guys has the most nondescript, mediocre burger I've ever ordered at a burger place.

>> No.6732971

In-N-Out has decent burgers but their fries are a shit

>> No.6732973

Worse than mcdonalds

>> No.6733001

its pretty good honestly

i mean, youre not going to write home about the complexity of the flavor or the quality of the patties, but animal style is pretty damn tasty and those peppers do go well with the fries

i wish i lived in california, instead i need to pay 50 bucks for a decent "gorumet" burger

>> No.6733005

It's the GOAT. the fries are average at best but they cut the potatoes there so....

>> No.6733013

Peppers? Its thousand island with grilled onions over cheese fries. Its alright.

>> No.6733016

remember, you're speaking to a man who also believes it's impossible to find a decent burger for under $50

>> No.6733023

no, im talking about the yellow peppers they give out

its true in the east coast, i know meat well, believe me

grew up eating so much of it, itd make idk, a texan i guess (which americans eat a lot of meat?) be ashamed

>> No.6733069

It's just another fast food chain that's a little better than most of the national chains.

Stop being an idiot about fast food.

>> No.6733171

It's really good, but has a specific flavour. I only go there if I want an In N Out burger. If I just want a burger I keep going down the street and go to Five Guys.

>> No.6733179

>Be Navy
>Stationed in Hawaii for a year
>Leave is approved
>Book a trip to SoCal
>Get In-N-Out first thing after plane lands
Tastes Good Man

>> No.6733204
File: 1.53 MB, 1220x822, abecatfish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it's a different kind of burger?

>> No.6733241

Don't be silly, anon. Everything is a meme when you're a colossal fucking faggot.

>> No.6734806
File: 217 KB, 1000x750, P1060594procres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So is In N Out really good or is it just a meme?


As was mentioned before, it's better than the big corporate franchises.

The prices are better than Five Guys, too.

Really though, you can make better burgers at home with a little effort.

>> No.6734848

Californian here, yes it is very good, most people would say 4/5. There are better burgers out there, but for the price, freshness of ingredients and consistency it is tough to beat. I get a double double animal style no pickles light lettuce. Eat it, don't eat it, they crush it with almost no advertisement, why am i still typing......

>> No.6734926

I'm from California and it's only good cuz it's cheap. If you got da money, go somewhere else.

Now you can't say "everyone from california" anymore, faggot.

>> No.6734954
File: 506 KB, 2212x1677, doublebaconcheeseburger1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you got da money, go somewhere else.

Yeah, like Farmer Boys.

>> No.6735079

I'd say people hype them up to be more than they are, but overall they make good cheap burgers with decent fries. I like to grab it on long drives
Of course if you go to a local burger joint and buy a burger there it will likely be bigger/better but for what it is in n out is great

>> No.6735149

Yeah they have Whataburger in the Florida panhandle. When driving to Jay, Fl From Pensacola, Fl I was like "oh shit, an out of state Whataburger" and being from Texad had to stop and eat. Grabbed like 10 spicy ketchup a and booked it, use to hate ketchup until I had Whataburger spicy ketchup.

>> No.6735172


>> No.6735200

For the price, for the damn price, and for fast foo In-N-Out is really great. I just moved to Texas and having been here for a year Whataburger is just fine when I'm craving a burger but I do miss In-N-Out sometimes. Both are bomb. Also anyone comparing these burgers to homemade and or gourmet $20 burger is a fucking idiot and an troll.

>> No.6735208

You guys got good runners

>> No.6735251

Favorite fast food burger and fries but not my favorite burger.

>> No.6735259

Texan here, and In and Out wipes the floor with Whataburger. They are both still just fast food burgers, but In and Out uses fresher ingredients and their staff can actually lift their knuckles off the ground.

>> No.6735266

>mfw Texas has both In N Out and Whataburger
Texas truly is the best.

>> No.6735286
File: 33 KB, 396x261, Happy-Mexican.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot your face.

>> No.6735341

Had whataburger, was severely disappointed.
west coast best coast

>> No.6735352

fellow texan here, in and out is better

neither are god tier

also texas blows dicks

>> No.6735415

Not many minorities work at in n out.

>> No.6735428

Bullshit, the one in Austin is staffed entirely by white people.

>> No.6735438
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>> No.6735533


>> No.6735550

5 guys is shit, I'd rather have shitty burger king

>> No.6735585

Arizona has all three. Whataburger is like a mcdonalds with more exotic burgers, in n out is just terrible and their fries are the worst offender. 5 guys tries to be gourmet, and they aren't bad (in the same meat vein as burger kind and Hardee's but a small step up and their fries are okay but they are far overpriced. I can actually get a sitdown bison burger for five guys price
>tl;dr just go to wendys

>> No.6735597

Everything is a meme. It's 2015. Everything is a meme.

>> No.6735644

Everything being a meme is a meme.

>> No.6735649
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>> No.6735652


>> No.6735680

Californian with the unpopular opinion that in and out is shit. All imitate is raw onion when I bite into Ione. The meat is flavorless and that's the most important part. As much as people shit on 5 guys here, at least you can taste the burger

Same goes for chipotles, flavorless, bland meat.

>> No.6735685

All I taste when I bite into one*

Really gotta get used to autocorrect when posting mobile.

>> No.6735688

In N Out is a good burger for a good deal. Don't mistake it for the best burger ever. It's just a fast food burger. The fries suck unless you tell them to cook it well done.

Five guys is also a decent burger. Overpriced and the stores are dirty as hell due to all the free peanuts. Don't really recommend them unless you're the type that just likes the million of toppings there.

Good burger for a good price as well as having good fries belong to Carl's Jr.

>> No.6735696

This reminds me, wwhataburgers have just came to california. I saw one at the food court in san jose... shit I should try it immediatly

>> No.6735702

As I recall, In N Out in Texas actually uses Texas beef.

>> No.6735750
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>> No.6736017

Cali is so diverse with food the only people that praise In-n-Out are basically a grade above in mental health of those who only eat McDonalds cheeseburgers. Only teens and kids love it because it's cheap.

>> No.6736107


I'm from Cali and it's overrated. Better value than Five Guys though; the burgers are comparable but the prices are not. Both places have shit fries.

>> No.6736185


Exactly what this guy said.
On point as fuck.

>> No.6737892

The main problem is that it's largely based in California. Now, as you know if you've ever been outside is that Californians are insufferable faggots, ESPECIALLY when it comes to food. They just keep talking until people accept their word as gospel.

In n' Out is good, definitely above other burgers. It's also cheap, unlike a comparable quality burger like five guys.

So what you end up with is the definition of overrated. Were Californians not so cancerous, it would be a non issue.

>> No.6737934
File: 129 KB, 590x590, beef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not going to portillos

>> No.6737956
File: 114 KB, 900x600, shitcago.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unironically living in Chicago
You weenies think this shit looks good.

>> No.6737996

>food hipster
>browses 4chan on mobile

godamn bro, how does it feel to be a stereotype?

>> No.6738019

>looks good
>not caring only about taste and texture

whats it like being a pleb?

>> No.6738037

Nigga I wouldn't feed that shit to a dog.

Why a Chicacucks so delusional?

>> No.6738048

name a better fast food place then. Probably a Calicuckfagen

>> No.6738063
File: 305 KB, 1024x680, 8105840487_cc3010e947_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try memer.

>> No.6738083

i'm from california and i can't stand In N out

>> No.6738118 [DELETED] 

five guys is better

in n out is a step above wendys though

>> No.6738141

wafflehouse is garbage, looks and tastes like dogshit on a plate.
Even the promo image you posted looks like something that youd find in a clooged toilet at a gas station.

>> No.6738147


>barf inside a misshapen toast with barf garnish


>> No.6738149
File: 48 KB, 640x597, 5287594278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's it like being an asspained liberal?

>> No.6738153


>m-m-muh burger
>they HAVE to like my shit food otherwise their LIBBRULSS /pol/4eva!

Viper yourself.

>> No.6738157

I bet you unironically eat deep dish pizza.

Why are Chicagofats so terrible?

>> No.6738163


>u're librul and from chicago

damn you're dumb son.

>> No.6738167

closer to a stormfag than a liberal, enjoy your southernshit anyways

>> No.6738169

It's a burger joint. Most Californians just have their head up their ass and think anything from California is the best thing ever. Look at their beer scene.

>> No.6738180


You need to stop saying this in every thread and learn some new words.

>> No.6738191

It's as much of a meme as Whataburger.

Can't comment on how In-N'-Out tastes, but Whataburger was fucking garbage.

>> No.6738220


>> No.6738227

Portillos is shit and you know it. Go drink a large cake shake you fat pleb.

>> No.6738259

Show me a burger and fries that you can get for $4 or less that's better and in California.

>> No.6738260

But... unironically is a meme.

And we all love memes, right guys?

>> No.6738265

Fries from Five Guys, Burger from In and Out. If that was a possible combination I'd hit that

>> No.6740290
File: 90 KB, 800x500, P7144784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In all honesty, between 5 guys and fat burger who do you think has the better burger and fries?

I like 5 guy's fries more but the burger is a toss up for me.

>> No.6741679

This is one of the few times the "hype" is not hype. In fact it doesn't do it justice.

And there is no such thing as a "Shitty" in n out. All locations are on point. It's not like McDonalds where you gamble and might get a big mac that looks like the photo. You get what you are looking for at In N Out and you will become a lifetime fan.

I see people pumping up 5 Guys. 5 Guys is a weakling. Over priced, over stuffed garbage. That is East Coast hype like the garbage god tier White Castle.

>> No.6741727

I had whataburger in an airport a week ago was so fucking underwhelmed the party sucked dick

>> No.6741766
File: 224 KB, 1500x1000, Larkburger_Denver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CO here, meanwhile we have Larkburger.

It's gonna be as big as Chipotle one day, without a doubt. Until then, we get to be smug.

>> No.6741776

It's alright. You remind me of this guy shitposting on /ck/ about avocados when it's just a fucking fruit

>> No.6741791

Five Guys tries to be a restaurant burger but then they go and wrap it in foil and it's a soggy mess. Meh.

>> No.6741809
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>> No.6741866

Then you probably will feel the same about in n out

>> No.6741927

The taps still run here...

>> No.6742319
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>> No.6742324

But for how long?

>> No.6742325

haha @ that name

what stupid housewife thought up "lark burger"

>> No.6742350

Maybe she named it after her favorite bird.

>> No.6742355

"why do you like Larks so much, dear"


>> No.6742483
File: 70 KB, 500x500, C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_tom-and-eddies-deerfield-5358373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any of you guys tried tom and eddies? Ive been there a few times, was pretty good but on the more expensive side.