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6730131 No.6730131 [Reply] [Original]

i have heard that europeans cant stand milk chocolate or american chocolate. is this true, is there no normal milk chocolate in europe and do you hate it? can you explain what kind you eat? there are lots of different chocolates here ranging from cheap hersheys milk chocolate bars with barely any cocoa to white chocolate that has no cocoa all the way to stuff thats over 90% cocoa.

>> No.6730205

There is no shortage of milk chocolate in the EU. It is not hated.

American milk chocolate like Hersheys is treated with disdain thanks to its disgusting aftertaste, with flavours specifically designed to emulate the taste of spoiled milk.

I didn't realize America was suffering a drought of capital letters tho

>> No.6730213

I'm American and I can't stand milk chocolate.

>> No.6730247

Milk chocolate is enjoyed throughout Europe. America's mass-produced milk chocolate has a weird flat, chalky/spoiled milk taste to Europeans and isn't compared favourably to the equivalent cheap milk chocolate (Milka, Cadburys, etc) in Europe which tends to have a richer, more chocolatey taste. I'm sure the quality American stuff is great, but this is comparing the kinds of chocolate bar you would pick up while doing your weekly grocery shopping. I don't know whether it works the other way, maybe Americans find European chocolate bars to be too cloying or rich.

>> No.6730257

People don't eat American chocolate because it tastes like vomit.

>> No.6730260

can you elaborate as to why cheap milk chocolate is bad? i don't think cheap stuff necessarily tastes bad, probably because like most americans it was the standard chocolate growing up so i'm used to it. i have no love for hershey's though, i wouldn't choose it over anything else. i just remembers seeing somebody detail out on here how hershey's was fake and had almost no cocoa and somehow used bad milk in processing it. i can't remember, i didn't pay close attention. just curious and thinking about chocolate, i'm having a little of this right now and it seems pretty good to me.


>> No.6730282


Divine is a British company. It is pretty good chocolate though, and you can see how the ingredients list compares favorably to Hershey's even though it's not a fancy artisan product. Though apparently, Hershey's are doing an ingredients overhaul and will be using more cocoa butter and real vanilla instead of cheaper flavorings and emulsifiers, so the quality may pick up.

>> No.6730283

OP I'll be frank I'm french and a great fan of the US. But I find your average "chocolate confectionary" is shit.

In EU we have some good milk chocolate (Cadbury, Milka, Lindt, Nestlé). I and a lot of people around me love the stuff.
So I really don't think we can't stand milk chocolate.
(BTW you can enjoy both milk and dark chocolate. I even love white chocolate.)

But the stuff I tried in the US was nasty:
Hershey's chocolate tasted the way an unwashed asshole smells.
The chocolate in Reese's cups, even that of US kitkats sucked balls (french kitkat are GOAT).

I bet it's an acquired taste, EU milk chocolate may taste shitty to an american but I believe the regulation is much harder on EU chocolate makers (in terms of cocoa butter content, dairy content...) than on their american counterparts.

OTOH I liked some of the See's candies I tried. Especially the motherfucking toffee-ettes. Hnnnggg.

>> No.6730306

Nestle stuff is pretty popular here but not sure if its the same as Europe, its not bad though. Hershey's is the most popular of the big brands and is the worst imo. Out of the big name brands I prefer Mars, I don't know if its in Europe or not. They make m&m's and snickers, I really like both. Higher quality chocolate is easy to find in larger cities and is in most normal grocery stores. Same goes for decent beer, cheese, bread, etc. Small towns are still fucked when it comes to being able to buy things that aren't Hershey's, Kraft, and budwieser

>> No.6730316
File: 146 KB, 500x344, chocolate-at-aldi-500x344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am american and I only eat chocolate from Aldi but it's still hardly ever

>> No.6730322

I'm not sure the names mean the Products are the same.
For instance kitkat is a Nestlé product here, whereas if I remember well they came from Hershey's in the states. Probably explains why I loved the EU one better.
Mars and Snickers exist here too, so do M&M's, under Masterfoods brand (Mars France). But I guess the recipes vary, for instance for M&M's we only have plain, peanuts, dark chocolate and crispy. I remember seeing so many weird stuff abroad like pretzel, peanut butter, mint chocolate, birthday cake...

I know some peoples judge the US by the Products you export, but there is no doubt in my mind there are actual great stuff in US Products.

>> No.6730323

Not all cheap choco, just American.
We used to put choc through a process that would increase its shelf life, but the procedure released butyric acid into the final product, a substance responsible for vomit stink.

Now Hershey's thinks everyone's so used to it they just add it in the chocolate

>> No.6730326

>vomit stink

OK I take back what I said about unwashed asshole, it's indeed closer to wino puke.
Shame really.

>> No.6730373

Who cares? They're europeans, no matter what comes from America they'll hate it. It's kind of like the BBC that sucks up to the arabs, africans, and indians. If any news story in any way goes against the USA they're right on it, especially if it coincides with they're sucking up to arabs.

>> No.6730376

... their ...

>> No.6730377

>good milk chocolate
>cadbury, lindt, nestle

heh heh... heh?

>> No.6730379

They hate us for our freedumbs. Definitely the lizard people's fault.

>> No.6730381

My favourite chocolate is white caramel with salted peanuts by Wedel. It's available in Poland and extremely delicious!

>> No.6730386

With your sarcasm it's really freedums compared to EU nations, at least we can but don't yet boot motherfucking illegals out.

>> No.6730405

I don't even know what you are implying with your silly onomatopoeias.
What's with people who can't form basic sentences and expect their readers to grasp the meaning of dumb reaction pictures or gibberish that makes sense to the author only?

We are discussing store bought industrial milk chocolate.
These brands are more than decent, are you implying they do not make legit milk chocolate? Do you want to point us towards good store bought milk chocolate? Why didn't you quote Milka? What's wrong with you?

>> No.6730406
File: 159 KB, 800x371, Milka-Milk_Chocolate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do Americans not know this brand?

>> No.6730414

Those brands are all dogshit, the only difference is that they don't add butyric acid. Hershey's is still dogshit even without the butyric acid. We don't have milka but the rest are familiar to me, and I'm confident it's dogshit like the rest.
>store bought
As opposed to what? Bartered in the zocalo?

>> No.6730415

PROTIP: euros have to be pretentious that's about everything, otherwise the veneer of being more cultured than Americans will peel back and we'll see shit like the pregnant 14 year old chavs, the entire family on welfare for being too fat, the terrible, terrible food of the British Isles, or that they have their own problems they refuse to del with, they're just different than the United States.

>> No.6730434

Yeah PM used to own it. Don't sweat it euro fag, your arrogance preceeds you.

>> No.6730443
File: 28 KB, 400x400, lindt-premium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As opposed to what? Bartered in the zocalo?
Industrial store bought chocolate as opposed to artisan chocolate you dense ignoramus.

If you think pic related is nearly as shitty as Hershey's, and if you think it doesn't taste good as a milk chocolate, then you
a) don't like milk chocolate, in which case you have nothing to say ITT
or b) just want to show us how better than the millions of peoples who by those brand you are. Elitist twat.

PROTIP: UK =/= Euro

>> No.6730558
File: 57 KB, 600x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Regular Hershey bars are shit, but Symphony bars are alright.

>> No.6730569

excuse no schokolad in yurop only borscht and and wurst

>> No.6730581

A reminder that American manufacturers put soured milk into their chocolate because Americans have such poor taste.

They took it out but then sales dropped, forcing them to put it back in. That is how vile the American palette is.

>> No.6730624
File: 108 KB, 665x246, salmiakki_finland_chocolate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here in finland we have this thing called salmiakki chocolate

and fazer brand is good, its finnish
marabou brand is swedish and also good, although it's much sweeter than fazer

milka is decent, lidl stuff is way too sweet
i like most candy bars. don't outright hate any

>> No.6730651

They have a right to be arrogant, they're the creators of Western Culture

>> No.6730663


I love salmiakki chocolate

>> No.6730730

I was raised in Europe but currently live in the US.

Both Europe & the US have shit chocolate and they have high-end stuff. I personally find Hershey's to taste bad, but there are higher end brands which are excellent.

The real issue at hand is that the US and Europe use two fundamentally different ways to process the cocoa which is why they tend to taste different. A lot of US chocolate is made with lypolized milk and that contains small amounts of butyric acid...which tastes bad.

>> No.6730742

You came into this thread claiming that European junk food is better than American junk food, a ridiculous and pointless claim.

It's not like good chocolate (milk or dark) is such a hard thing to find, you're making it sound like you can only find cluizel or valhrona at rare boutiques in the most exclusive neighborhoods of paris or brussels. I can find that shit in my corner store in the US and I don't even live in a nice area. So there is no way you can't, as a European. I don't expect you to have access to the small batch chocolatiers in the US, but you shouldn't need it. These are large scale, industrial manufacturers. Not obscure esoteric stuff.

Just stop posting, you're a confused moron who knows nothing about chocolate.

>> No.6730752

Things that you can only give at rare boutiques in the most exclusive neighborhoods of paris or brussels are the only good things, you fucking pleb.

>> No.6730789

You sure are triggered.

>> No.6731016

I came in this thread answering OP's question about Euros hating milk chocolate. Can't you read?

Are you one of those anons who gets triggered by some words and then can't see anything elsethan what they want to see, focused as they are on the tingly feeling in their anus because someone LIKES WHAT I DON'T LIKE?

Also, plain chocolate is junk food now? Are you fucking kidding me?

I merely said that euro industrial chocolate (Lindt, Milka, Nestlé) was better than the Hershey's chocolate I had tried in various occasions.

And don't you dare compare Valrhona (learn to spell) to industry giants like Nestlé or Hershey's. Fucking elitist twat.

It must be pretty widely accepted that regular Hershey's is shit, since even americans ITT, including OP, are happy to confirm it.

Do you really dismiss anything you deem "dogshit" and can't wrap your head around the fact that different Products can have different tastes/qualities?

Fuck, did your mommy leave your daddy for a chocolatier?

>> No.6732020


All I can see is backpedaling

>> No.6732878

Thanks for confirming exactly what I said
>Are you one of those anons who gets triggered by some words and then can't see anything elsethan what they want to see, focused as they are on the tingly feeling in their anus because someone LIKES WHAT I DON'T LIKE?

I'll fix your post for you:
>I have been proven a fool and stirred an argument that I can't win so from now on I'll pretend I have better things to do and cope out on the great rebuttal of "tl;dr".

You are the one backpedaling dickhead.

>> No.6732886

only thing i have to say is that ronnybrook beats any europoor milk chocolate i ever drank (not too many of them, but most of the famous brands)

>> No.6733031

I just had to post that this was a delightful burn.