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6727890 No.6727890 [Reply] [Original]

I hear offal(organ meats if you who don't know the word) gets a bad rap, hearing this I decided I wanted to try some. So I thought I'd come here and ask you cooking experts what the best kinds of offal for a beginner to try to get and cook would be. Any recommendations for particular cuts or recipes would be appreciated.

>> No.6728070

I love offals and, as a frenchfag, enjoy our glorious legacy of godlike régimes to prépare nearly any part of a living animal.
Offals are very healthy, low fat and high minerals/vitamin content.

Best one immo is sweetbread but it is expensive and kinda hard to Cook right. Try it at a local restaurant, glazed in a wine sauce or braised on an Argentinian parilla are my fav.

For cooking yourself you can start with calf liver, it's not too strong in flavour, albeit much more metallic and slightly more bitter than steack.
Kidneys are trickier to prepare as you need to clean them well but they are delicious with a Port sauce or some good mustard. Accompany whit mashed potatoes and some arugula and you got yourself a divine meal.

Then you can explore stuff like bone marrow, blood sausage, tripe in tomato sauce, calf head, crusty pork ears in wine etc etc.

>> No.6728080


This rasies a good point. Many kinds of offal are delicious but they go bad very quickly. Sweetbreads are a great example. Kidneys too. Unless you have a source where you can get them very fresh (like a genuine old-school butcher shop) you may have a hard time with either not being able to get them at all, or being able to get them but in poor condition due to age.

I agree that calf liver is a good starting point. It's widely available and not very difficult to cook. In fact, less is more with liver--you really don't want to cook it too long.

>> No.6728244


Ah thank you for sharing your expertise anons, I've already tried a bit of liver and enjoyed it. I will try to see if I can find a good place to get the others.

>> No.6728678

Where else, apart from a butcher, would you get offals anyway?
In Europe kidney and liver are available in relatively good conditions.
Anything else you need to go to your fav butcher from which youbshould be getting your meat in the first place anyway.

>> No.6728958

Two tongues?

>> No.6729084

Organs are pretty tasty except kidneys nothing can make them taste OK. and I don't like the taste of urine.

>> No.6729107

An easy and delicious meal is if you just fry up some liver (I usually use pork because that's what my local butcher has) together with some cut up apples and onions and serve it with mashed potatoes.

>> No.6729118


This guy knows what's up

>> No.6729559
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Definetely Coratella is one of my best offal recipes, look it up!

>> No.6729636
File: 78 KB, 1000x726, boiled-tripe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does tripe taste like? It looks like a goddamn nightmare.

>> No.6729659

Not like much, but it smells like a barnyard. Strongly.

>> No.6729667

What's the texture like? Does it have any redeeming qualities?

>> No.6729673

I don't think so but I'm not hugely experienced. Menudo is my only experience with it. I know this is an offal thread but I recommend cheek and tongue meat.

>> No.6729687

Beef cheeks braised in red wine are fantastic. Never had tongue, though.

>> No.6729732


It doesn't have much taste if washed properly and just a crunchy chewy texture.

>> No.6730018

cheeks is an organ?

Tongue is unbelievable good, lean and tasty. good for tacos and stuff. itsb est seared like filet.

tripes are ok but you REALLY have to have a good recipe to make it tasty.

>> No.6730039

> eating brain

Not even once.

>> No.6730849

lol, why not? Do you even marrow?

>> No.6730870

wow that's the worst offal I ever seen

>> No.6731065

Pan-fried chicken liver with fried onions. It's pretty accessible for people unaccustomed to offal.

>> No.6732150

You are not preparing them well you dumbass.
If you do not remover the pyramids and chalices correctly there is indeed a residual amoníaco/urea taste.
The matin kidney tissue tastes more or less like liver.

>> No.6732151

offal is pretty much a nope for me unless its soup or skewers, I pretty much have no love for the dishes that are centered around nothing but liver and onions and the like.

>> No.6732152

Dice it finely in tomato sauce and it tastes rather good.
You can fry it too and it mixes well in a ragu.
Def not my fav but it's fairly better than lung for example.

>> No.6732154


Beef bone marrow is such a delicacy, on a good slice of bread with a few salt crystals it's fucking divine. Especially when it has been slow cooked for hours in a broth

>> No.6732158
File: 354 KB, 899x600, Cosme-3537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel sorry for people who haven't had bone marrow and uni tostadas

>> No.6732164

chicken gizzards. If you like chicken, and dark meat is your favorite, then you will love chicken gizzards. And chicken hearts

>> No.6732166

>bone marrow
>sea urchins (you can use the proper English word you weaboo)

These three things shouldn't be mixed. I don't see any way this would taste right.
Fucking fusion cuisine

What's next? A sweetbread/caviar okonomiyaki?

>> No.6732171

Don't knock it til you've tried it

Also, umami umami umami

>> No.6732190

Never cooked any offal before but there's a taco truck near me that makes AMAZING beef tongue tacos and I've been wanting to try making it myself at home. Was thinking of following this recipe, Serious Eats has never failed me before:


Anyone in the know want to weigh in?

>> No.6732192
File: 66 KB, 750x751, muh_authenticity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sounds completely epic

>> No.6732202

ive only had it in pho the tastes is not bad but the techture is fucking gross

>> No.6732235

I currently live in America. Of the nearly two dozen (4srs) or so grocery stores within two or three miles of my house, the only ones that don't carry any offal at all are the three Superfreshes, the two Acmes, Walmart, Target and Aldi. All the other ones do, just that the selection is better at some than others or will vary from grocer to grocer. Unsurprisingly, the widest variety of offal is found at the Asian ones, which carry all cuts, except tongues for some reason, from all common animals, except lamb/mutton and kid/goat.

If I want beef tongue, I go to either of the two Mexican grocers. For all lamb's/mutton's organs (including the illegal-to-sell lungs, but excluding sweetbreads and spleen), I go to either of the two North African/Middle Easter grocers. If I want goat's organs, I'm out of luck unless I just want the head, in which case, the Carib and South Asian grocers both carry them.

The only things I seem to be unable to find without going to a specialist butcher are spleens and sweetbreads of any sort. I grew up on both but they are not generally available in my area.

Nor I. I'm not a fan, but the oddest thing, I occasionally get hankerings for pork liver and pork kidneys even though I detest both. I'll eat them, all while making faces of disgust followed by one of satisfaction. It's bizarre. I don't know why I do this.

Beef tripe, not like a hell of a whole lot, really. It's got an odour to it, though. Where I'm from, it's traditionally prepared as a salad with lemon juice, so the odour is mostly neutralised.
Pork tripe isn't a common food for back home, but here in the US, I've only had it stewed in something sweet as a dim sum dish.
I don't know about other tripes.

Yeah, it has to be prepared correctly, or it'll taste really, rather bad. Even when prepared correctly, it's still not very tasty. But then, I don't like organs much to begin with.

Liver paste is good.

>> No.6732240

>that guy who replies to every single post in the thread

Your opinion is not THAT interesting

>> No.6732265

Your mum likes my opinion. She laps it right up. That's what she calls spunk, right?

>> No.6732291

I don't know, I can see bone marrow and tostada working well together, I can see uni and a tostada being fine, and I can imagine bone marrow and uni together actually being pretty good.

Why not all three?

>> No.6732575
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>> No.6732823

Uni and tostada would be okay but not too interesting, the strong Maiz taste and overly greasy aspect of the tostada would anihiliate the delicate taste of the uni. Good combination of textures but it's a bit of a waste of urchins. A regular shrimp ceviche would taste bequally good or better.

Bone marrow/tostada is kinda the same, very greasy and fat combination.you'd have to add fresh vegetables to it which would kill most of the flavour of the bone marrow.

Uni and.marrow is an horrible texture combination and their flavour would cancel each other.

But that's like my opinion. Enjoy it if you want

>> No.6732832

>implying offal is awful in the first place

we have been eating it for generations, only the stupid spoiled boomers refuse to eat anything but prime cuts

and now the whole world is turning to shit buckling under an ever growing agri-business and we dont know why

>> No.6732836

Mostly used to carry stuffing, infuses a bit of taste into the stuffing, but nothing much else! Mostly a fancy way to deliver food. Also good fried in strips.

>> No.6732839

I don't know, you tell me.

I don't know my mom THAT intimately.

The mom I know well is yours.

>> No.6732843

Beef tongue is good, just pressure boil the living fuck out of it. Great with rice and yogurt!

>> No.6732847

Nothing wrong with a bit of cannibalism!

>> No.6732867

>he doesn't order tripe tacos every chance he gets

my favorite, tied with tongue and cheek

>> No.6733905

when you cook tripe chuck in a whole onion in the pot. it greatly eliminates the smell.