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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 46 KB, 500x382, cheddar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6726915 No.6726915 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you color your Cheddar?
What is the point?

>> No.6726923


>> No.6726933

Why do people keep coloring it then? Wouldn't it be cheaper to leave it creamy white?

>> No.6726939

It's so yellow because American cows are fed so much subsidised corn, silly

>> No.6726940

Because it's been orange/yellow for four centuries.

>> No.6726989


So? Food coloring is completely useless if you're over the age of 18 and don't get icky icky grossed out by the color of your food, unless it's mold.

>> No.6726990

We have the worst cheese culture you can think of.

>> No.6726996

That's bullshit.

>> No.6726999

That's aspergers.

>> No.6727008 [DELETED] 

Whoops, it appears you're posting on the wrong board. Please direct repeated America-based memeposts elsewhere.


>> No.6727032

>icky icky grossed out
12 year old girl detected.
Or just a faggot.

>> No.6727035

Cheddar comes from Cheddar.
Americans do not make Cheddar.

>> No.6727036


No, that's about the mentality of someone who is grossed out by the color of fucking cheese. We have too much food coloring in our diets. If parents only taught their kids not to be little shits with food.

>> No.6727042

Red Leicester is coloured, with anatto. It adds a lovely nutty overtone to the flavour.

>> No.6727043

>huur duur I was only pretending to be retarded

>> No.6727048


>Sees mocking comment
>Takes it seriously
>Gets told he was wrong
>"No I refuse to believe that"

Do you do this everytime someone makes a joke or just half of the time?

>> No.6727051

dont think that answers the question

>> No.6727060

>We have too much food coloring in our diets
It's just annatto seed, not as bad as other food colorings.

>> No.6727061


It's unnecessary, though, and so is the reasoning behind it.

>> No.6727131 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6727172


>It's so yellow because American cows are fed so much subsidised corn, silly
>"That's bullshit"

Good man, run that fedora meme to the ground. I'm sick of it too.

>> No.6727213 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6727226
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so why does it bother you if we use it

>> No.6727254

>tips plethora of fedoras


It's pretty unnecessary. What's wrong with the natural color? Too many food products in America have artificial colors in them. Someone who's country doesn't do the same with their food would be amazed with what we put artificial colors in. Shit, I've seen it in some bread.

It's not that big of a deal but it's something worth thinking about when it comes to what we put in our food.

>> No.6727265


Fucking feed corn is barely yellow anyways, it's fucking white.

>> No.6727267
File: 25 KB, 200x200, 1341208132333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what was unnecessary was your anti freedom rant, commie

>> No.6727291

All foreigners obsess over every iota of American activity.

>> No.6727313


I'm as American as sliced bread. Also this is a thread related to food coloring, so it's pretty hilarious that if a foreigner were to respond negatively about it you'd be calling him "obsessive". That's kinda the whole fucking point of this thread.

>> No.6727343


Colored cheddar is only for shithole flyover red states. The reason it continues to be colored is that that's what the consumer expects and will therefore sell better among the shittier demographics.

Source: Cabot Cheddar factory in VT

>> No.6727352

Cheddar doesn't come from VT anon.
Cheddar comes from England.

>> No.6727365



Suck a dick.

>> No.6727366

Cabot makes yellow cheddar too you fucking idiot

As do most English cheese makers...

>> No.6727369


Of fucking course they do, that's why they're my source. How old are you?

>> No.6727371

Cheddar comes from England, anon.

>> No.6727383

I misunderstood what you were implying in your posts. Just FYI, here in this flyover state I live in, we don't even get the yellow variety of cabot - only the white.

>> No.6727384

What a laugh!

I live about 15 Miles from Cheddar in Somerset and the farmers there would be laughing too if they read that. . .. . Worlds Best Cheddar indeed!!!

>> No.6727409

Just as a side note;
Our English cheddar isn't as yellow as OP's picture either, irrespective of whether it's Mild or Extra Mature.

>> No.6727438

OP's cheddar looks kinda plasticky too imo

maybe its just me

>> No.6727448

American cheese IS 'kinda plasticky' . .. it's not just you!

>> No.6727457

You've never even had real American Cheese.

You think it's that single slice garbage. lol
Educate yourself, nigger.

>> No.6727461

>American Cheese
That would be you then.......

>> No.6727467

Nice argument.
So you agree you know nothing.

>> No.6727474

Don't argue with the britsh. They never give up and the never change tactics.

>> No.6727475

Actually, I have been to America and the cheese available IS heavily processed and 'plasticky'.

I will just mention Americans can't make a decent cup of tea either!

>> No.6727486

Supermarkets here typically don't even keep the real cheese near the processed cheese. It's in a whole other section.
American Cheese is white, and sliced to order at the deli counter.

But please do go on about the 45 minutes you spent in America staring at 7-11 shelves.

>> No.6727491

>he thinks kraft singles are representative of all cheese in America

>> No.6727496

he made this same thread yesterday
he's just some lonely british guy, and any attention is good attention.
this is probably the most interaction he gets

>> No.6727500
File: 153 KB, 1024x640, 1437278127479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he watched american tv and thinks the entire country is The Simpsons.

>> No.6727504

>implying Doctor Who is American TV

>> No.6727505

I didn't make this or yesterdays thread but It's true . .. I have been participant on both.

Sorry if another point of view offends your fragile ego.

>> No.6727510

You're the same stupid faggot who misuses ellipsis, and over uses exclamation marks.

You can't hide your faggotry.

>> No.6727517
File: 115 KB, 612x612, 58b41813ff393917f8d48e3b7ef33157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A typical cheese section in America.

>> No.6727522

its more a matter of principle, if americans talk shit about any other nation, they get banned. ive literally paraphrased an insult that was cast at the US and was banned for it, but the guy who posted the original insult wasn't. this happens all the time, almost daily in fact. the mods are blatantly discriminating and its ridiculous. you foreigners have no class, nothing to make you valid as an adult in this world. you're all just vapid children who troll because its all you have in this life. you know you're trolling, but you still plan on riding this thread into the ground because you are genuinely that pathetic, you need this attention.

you simply have nothing else

>> No.6727524

fucks sake.....

>> No.6727525

he got owned yesterday, the thread turned on him pretty quick so he deleted it and started again.

>we dont joust

>> No.6727527

>mods are discriminatin' against are freedumbs
typical american poster.

>> No.6727528

>You're the same stupid faggot who misuses ellipsis, and over uses exclamation marks.

Possibly .. . .but it doesn't detract from the truth.

America cannot make make decent cheese or wine or a cup of tea.

Heck, I will even submit to the fact that food portions in America are huge and excellent value for money, your burgers are far superior to British burgers . . .But for crying out loud, why can't you accept that your cheese is substandard?

>> No.6727529


>> No.6727530

Stopped reading there tbh

>> No.6727532

That's actually much smaller than any in my area. You must live in some shit flyover state.

>> No.6727533
File: 156 KB, 460x306, cheese shop1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying brits know food
>known throughout the world for shit food
>known for desperately trying to copy american trends
>known for having the most violent crime in modern europe

you want this cheese? don't you bitch?

>> No.6727534

Or maybe it's a cropped picture, or a small store in a big city, you mong.

Use your fucking brain.

>> No.6727535

>.But for crying out loud, why can't you accept that your cheese is substandard?

I'm guessing one of two reasons. Or maybe both.

1) A lot of Americans simply haven't tried many other varieties of cheese so they honestly don't know what they are missing. They think you're fucking with them when you say their cheese sucks, but they just don't know any better.

2) People get defensive when their country/race/religion/sports team/favorite band/etc gets attacked. They take it personally and can't help but reply.

>> No.6727537

>America cannot make make decent cheese or wine or a cup of tea.

That isn't true though. You just have to do some work to find them. There are a handful of excellent small creameries in the states. I hate the garbage that passes for cheese here more than anyone. But it isn't all like that if you do some homework.

>> No.6727538
File: 81 KB, 588x400, cheese shop2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still confusing personal taste for facts
>still can't list a single store he went to in the US
>claims to have been to several US states but can't describe any of them other than quoting wikipedia

come get some delicious cheese

>> No.6727539

We import EVERYTHING. If you have it in your country, I guarantee you we have it in ours, somewhere. If you like English cheese, then buy English cheese at our shops. Its there, its not hidden, its fucking exactly the same as the shit made elsewhere, but it had a British company's name on it so you can feel better.

>> No.6727540

>why can't you accept that your cheese is substandard
Because it's not. Okay, sure, the mass produced stuff is shitty, so basically go to the actual fucking cheese section, instead of picking up a brick of kraft.
And never buy American cheese (as in, the product), unless you have a legitimate use for it (like cheeseburgers, or grilled cheese)

>> No.6727541

I can't find a pic of a cheese section in England that's not a wall of processed American cheese singles

No wonder they think our cheese is shit. We send them our slop.

>> No.6727544

>calliing any of that a "typical" cheese section
>giving people an unrealistic view of what American cheese sections look like"
honestly, just seems like another shitpost to me.

>> No.6727545

ITT Butthurt britfag comes back to bitch some more

This is extremely pathetic. He still calls his personal opinion a matter of fact. Brits can't even make tea, despite all their bragging. They import their tea from asia and call it their own. Why? because you poured nasty brit water over the leaves? go boil some more meat you fucking cunts.

>> No.6727547

^This to some extent.

I have NEVER quoted Wikipedia EVER.

It bothers me that I can see the States doing some things better than Britain and visa versa . . . is it too hard for people to understand this?

>> No.6727548
File: 134 KB, 1134x318, cashel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>American cheese is superior
>posts Irish cheese
>posts English Stilton
Absolute clueless Fuckwit.

>> No.6727552

But it is. What shithole do you live in?

All of the supermarkets within 10 miles of me have a real cheese section.

>> No.6727553


>> No.6727555

Britain isn't even a proper country.
It just freeloads off of America, and American ideas.
Oh, how the mighty have fallen.

>> No.6727559

>ITT Butthurt britfag comes back to bitch some more

Yeah, thats /ck/. we go through this daily. The same shithead just rants and raves and fucks up /ck/ daily. This is why we one the revolution, because the brits act like this 24/7. Its also why democracy failed there, they can't come to any sort of consensus and let the queen and the muslims make their laws for them.
funny how they still try to pretend to be a modern nation while terrorists behead soldiers in their streets and children get arrested for touching the packaging on plastic knives.

>> No.6727560

>American cheese is superior
That's not what he said retard.

Some assface is saying there is no good cheese in America. Which is not true.

>> No.6727563

I was saying that the cheese section in that picture was smaller than any near me, how does that make where I live a shithole? I was saying the person who posted that picture lives in a shithole because of the small ass cheese section.
I live in Western NY, Wegmans is fucking GOAT.

>> No.6727565

Thats exactly the point you shit. We have the same cheeses you do in europe. the faggot was claiming he couldn't find good cheese in american, which is a lie because in addition to our own products we import everything imaginable. We're America, we have that ability.

You just proved my point but you're too stupid to understand whats going on, how very european.

>> No.6727569

I think you need to read the post I was replying to.

>> No.6727572

>never been to the US either

>> No.6727574

There is good cheese in America.
There is no good American cheese.

>> No.6727575

You replied to me, kid.

>> No.6727576

How do you know if you've never had any?

>> No.6727577

>being this retarded
That was the point, read the thread. You have no idea whats going on do you?

>> No.6727583

>there are American products in the UK
>the UK doesn't make anything itself
>british tea is actually asian
>the nation british food is fucking curry
>british opinions on food are completely invalid, they just steal other nations shit and act like its better
>no one in the history of the world has ever complimented british cuisine

>> No.6727584

>behead soldiers in their streets and children get arrested for touching the packaging on plastic knives.
and niggers go on the rampage nightly, churches and schools get shot up regulary, the leader isn't a legal national and we're over run with Mexicans......
>Oh wait a minute

>> No.6727594

Yeah, Britain's a shithole lol.

>> No.6727595

>the leader isn't a legal national
this is what republitards actually believe

>> No.6727598

I wish these threads were a bannable offence. Why are yuros so fucking obsessed with America that they have to keep making "Why do Americans do X" threads.

Just stop it.

>> No.6727603

Cartoons. Because in cartoons the mice have orange cheese, so then we have to,

>> No.6727607

Don't you know anything about cheese?
How dumb are you?

>> No.6727616
File: 335 KB, 458x339, 1282478610602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is bizarre!

I am the Brit that lives near Cheddar.

I have been to the States on a number of occasions and your cheese was crap! . .. . OK so certain deli's in certain towns have a secret stash of decent cheese . . . .but it wasn't readily available!

America does some things better than Britain, notably portion sizes, steaks and burgers, ( In and Out being better than Wendys)

Listen to me:
The fact is - Americans can't make decent cheese, or Americans prefer artificial cheese, the fact is . . .. American cheddar doesn't look or taste like English Cheddar.

Sorry to burst your bubble but it's true.

>> No.6727617

>Using anecdotal evidence to make broad, sweeping statements.

Yeah, you're not very bright, are you?

>> No.6727619
File: 53 KB, 225x225, Hi-Def Pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying we don't know our cheese is shit

>> No.6727628

Obama is American, what the rest of the world doesn't know is that we own Indonesia.
blacks DO rampage nightly, its why we own guns. churches get shot up rarely but schools are statistically the most likely to get shot up out of all public locations on earth. we are also over run by mexicans, they are essentially our version of Indian people.

Thank you for being rational.

You're not American.
American's don't pepe. Fact.

>> No.6727629

American made cheese is different than English cheese? Wow, stop the presses! You've got a lot of valuable knowledge. Maybe call a newspaper because this observation is so important and unknown that we need to document it!

Fuck off, what's the point of this thread? It's a bunch of yuros complaining about thing they've never experienced trying to feel superior about things nobody else cares about.

The difference about my country and yours is that I can get the same shit you have in your country, albeit for a premium price. And I can also get the fakest cheapest shit if I wanted. Land of opportunity.

>> No.6727635
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>> No.6727643

Not republican, or democratic, and I don't believe Obama to be an American. Being born in a foreign nation, on foreign soil, and then registering at a Hawaiian hospital weeks later, doesn't make you a naturally born American. He could use his mother to claim US citizenship, which is all he needs to live here but to be Pres you need to be born here, preferably within the continental states. Its a matter of having a connection to your constituents. Obama is completely out of touch with the general public, only a small but incredibly vocal group of people mindlessly follow him. Thankfully those people are concentrated on the west coast and the northern part of the east coast. Adhering to a political party is just as stupid as a brit whose never been to the US making broad statements about the US.

>> No.6727648


You love being fed bullshit.

>> No.6727650

Lol, give it up fatty.

>> No.6727654

>anything you can do we can do better, we can do anything better than you.

Fuck yeah AMERICA!
I really wish we could just invade the world and force our superiority down their throats. I mean, we already are working on it, but we need to stop with the brown nations and just jump on the UK and France when they aren't expecting it. According to US military projections we could completely flatten their militaries within 3 weeks, then we'd have to occupy them for the next 20+ years to quell rebellion.

No, just make a point of reading everything the FBI releases. Sounds like you follow a few too many liberal blogs. Seriously, you have no idea how ignorant you are. I was a registered democrat for almost 15 years, then Clinton came along and changed the game. It stopped being about civil rights and equality and started being about the collection of assets and prioritizing financially beneficial endeavors over morally correct endeavors that actually benefit the people of the US. You are simply too young to understand whats going on in this nation, you haven't been around long enough to have the proper context on how the democratic party has fallen. Its ok though, you're young and head strong and not matter how much proof is provided you are already convinced your right, ignorance of youth is a powerful thing. You probably won't even recognize how ignorant you are until you get into your late 30s.

>> No.6727656

Corn makes the fat (in butter at least) less yellow. Grass fed beef has yellower butter.

>> No.6727660

cattle feed corn isn't the same as subsidized corn that used to HFCS and ethanol.

>> No.6727662

>you need to be born here, preferably
holy fucking moron.
>Obama is completely out of touch with the general public
I think that's you.
>Adhering to a political party is just as stupid as
libertarian scum

>> No.6727665

>but it wasn't readily available!
Just because your stupid ass couldn't find it?

I don't think you even came here. You won't name the stores you went to, or the cheese you ate. You're just a shut in shitposting for fun. Is there really nothing that interesting to do in your shithole town?

>> No.6727667
File: 82 KB, 562x434, 1282471217120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as a brit whose never been to the US making broad statements about the US.
I have already told you I have been to the states, sorry if that pisses on your fireworks!

I admit that British winemaking isn't on a par with that of many other countries . . . ..why the hell can't you admit that you can't make decent cheese????

>> No.6727668

>but it wasn't readily available!
Alright. Tell us where you went?

Because I was in Europe for 1 year and 3 months studying abroad in Lithuania before taking a vacation to Germany (Berlin and Frankfurt) for 2 weeks, for Britain (London & Sheffield) for 2 weeks, and a variety of other nations for a bit less.

During that time I had a fair bit of cheese including medium cheddar and red Leicester while I was there. It was good. But I don't think it was any better than anything I've had in the US.

I'm not sure if you're:
1) Literally trolling everyone
2) Incapable of doing the most basic of shopping transactions in your own tongue
3) Seriously stupid enough to attach a catch-all statement to each and every piece of cheese created for over 300 million people.

>> No.6727672

Take your meds, fatty.

>> No.6727674

>have already told you I have been to the states
You never came here.

>> No.6727676

>why the hell can't you admit that you can't make decent cheese????
Because we can and we do. Kraft isn't all there is in America. kthx

>> No.6727677

>never been the the US
Why the hell can't you admit you've never actually tried our cheeses? the simple fact that you keep saying "american" cheese makes it obvious. In the US we simply don't call any of our cheeses except American cheese except one type of cheap cheese that is mass produced and designed to melt easily. We blatantly advertise that a type of cheese is French, or Irish, or Italian, etc. If you'd actually been here you'd know that. We just steal your methods of making cheese and then make it here. Its not like fucking Roquefort that needs to be aged is a specific cave.
>british aren't on par with the world at anything

>> No.6727680

Why do you type in a manner equivalent to someone who struggles to speak in full sentences because they have to take a breath halfway through?

>> No.6727687

FBI stated Obama wasn't born in the US back in 2008(2007?), get with the times.

Look at all national polls that are actually taken in a reasonable fashion, as in make sure its actually national and the selection pool is vast. When the dems post a graph or list info its usually canted in their favor, this comes from the FBI again. The simple fact that so many bits of info provided by the Obama admin were false and criminally false is concerning. Seriously, 90% of Obama's public statements regarding ANYTHING are later proven false by numerous accredited sources.
>UBL raid
>Sandy Hook
>Boston Bombing

Obama has been caught in too many lies. More so than both Bush's combined in fact.

>> No.6727688

Flyover, pls go.

>> No.6727689


You sound smart :^)

>> No.6727690


OK, let's assume that you have been to the US.

Why the actual fuck would you make it a priority to try cheeses. Not just trying one or two, but apparently every cheese that America has to offer. You clearly have, otherwise you wouldn't be able to claim that all American cheese is bad. It looks like that's some -massive- projecting you're doing with that picture.

I'm also largely convinced that English isn't your native language. Nobody types ellipses like that, in fact nobody types the way that you do in general, unless they have some mental issue.

>> No.6727692

I'm out of this thread. I hope you all get aids.

>> No.6727696
File: 46 KB, 340x255, conspiracy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet tin foil hat, bro.

Where can I get one?

>> No.6727701

Forget Lithuania and Germany . .. So you spent 2 weeks in England?

I have spent 2 weeks in Florida, 10 days in California, 5 days in Missouri and 7 days in Illinois.

inb4. . . . .Blahhh they are just tourist traps; shit-holes; back of beyond; not representative; etc.

Like I said, I tried lots of different stuff whilst I was visiting some good, some bad. (this could easily be another thread) but to keep it on-topic . . . .the cheese was bad!

That's a fact!

>> No.6727711

No you didn't.

>> No.6727716

This cheese superiority in here

>All cheese made in America is processed cheese product!
>Nevermind the fact that they make all sorts of REAL cheeses and the processed pre-packaged sliced shit isn't technically cheese

>> No.6727723

Guys, seriously. STOP replying to him. Stop it right now, it's pointless. He's some autistic faggot, look at the way he types. It doesn't matter. None of this matter. Just stop it.

>> No.6727724

Go to FBI.gov, look around. They report on this shit and are known for having the some of the best people in the country for info gathering and scientific research.

The FBI has smart people, I just read what they write.

Too bad no one else does.

Just FYI the FBI announced that 9mm is the best pistol caliber. .40SW offers no significant advantages while drastically increasing recoil, and .45ACP is and outdated under performer. Unless you use a suppressor and need the extra mass to make up for how slow your projectile is its pointless and only perpetuated by old men who are too stubborn to advance and people who listen to stubborn old men.

>> No.6727727

>because they totally wouldn't care that obama was a filthy mexican illegal
>they'd just let him take office
>they'd totally let him stay in office after the fact
holy fucking shit. You're fucking retarded.

>> No.6727728

Guess how I can tell you're from the Midwest.

>> No.6727730

I like the way you Americans talk about Kraft slices as though they are readily available . .. In Britain you really have to hunt for this as it's not usually anywhere near the cheese (if it's sold at all) .

>> No.6727731

He does this daily, its hard to tell whats trolling and whats actual misinformation.
Seriously, he does this every fucking day.

>> No.6727732

I thought Obama was Kenyan ?

>> No.6727738

>it's not usually anywhere near the cheese
That's just like the US. The real cheese is nowhere near that shit.

You would know if you were ever really here.

>> No.6727740


>> No.6727742

It honestly doesn't matter. Look at this fucking thread. It's this autist and some retards talking about FBI conspiracies. It's stupid to take any of this seriously.

Just go to another thread or better yet, get off 4chan and forget about this place.

Same to you.

>> No.6727745

That's because America has been strategically trained to like the pasteurized "cheese" product over the real crap.

Honestly I rarely have the Kraft Slices shit anymore. I'll get the Sargento slices of Provolone or Cheddar for my sandwiches, or a brick of Vermont White Cheddar if I'm going to need to shred cheese for salads or chili dogs.

Yeah, it's not THE BEST OF THE BEST OF THE BEST cheese, but it's still significantly better than processed american "cheese."

>> No.6727747

It's actually an opinion.

And I think it's quite shitty to dismiss Lithuanian products particularly because of their excellent dairy products.

Do you remember what kinds of cheese you had?

>> No.6727750

>still significantly better than processed american "cheese."

Yeah. 4/10 cheese is better than 1/10 cheese, I'll grant you that. But those are still low-end mass market brands.

>> No.6727753

>jet fuel can't melt American Cheese product

>> No.6727757

This guy's just b8.
He's been told this numerous times, but ignores it.

>> No.6727766

You don't seem to understand how the world works. You realize they also let him order the murder of US citizens? He ordered a cruise missile be shot into Yemen to kill a US citizen suspected of ties to Al Qaeda. No trial, no arrest, just a missle and 34 dead innocents.
Did you know that they let Obama give ordered directly to JSOC completely surpassing military infrastructure? Obama has been personally ordering hits since 2008. We went from killing roughly 200 people a year to killing over 1600 a year via targeted attacks such as drones and special ops teams. Obama also passed laws making the sale of milsurp ammo within the US because it's "armor piercing". Well, its not armor piercing, and its actually unconstitutional to make it legal for the gov to have something that the civilian pop cannot. He also supported the invasion of Bundy Ranch and media outlets will ties to his administration condemned it as terrorism. No one was hurt. Videos of the actual event taken by people who were actually at the ranch showed a farmer picnic that happened to be surrounded by armed paramilitary government troops. Also the CIA has blatantly admitted that the Benghazi incident was Obama's fuck up. He sent the CIA there to buy arms from the Turks so we could arm the various arabic rebellions but for some reason when we got info that there was going to be an attack on their opcenter Obama himself ordered their 4 attached security operators to abandon post and head down the street and wait there. The opcenter was over run, 4 CIA operatives were killed, and they had a rescue team down the block sitting on their hands because Obama would rather give up 4 spooks than let the world know he's up to shady shit. Well, jokes on him, the security team made it public.

You need to wake up, bro.

>> No.6727767

I sound kind of derp here, but what I'm trying to say is this: almost every traditional Lithuanian meal I had was accompanied by excellent dairy products. If it wasn't cheese, it was kefyras(Buttermilk, I guess?) and sour cream. Fresh cream with fruits or a style of curd I've never had in the US before with white bread for breakfast with jam. They had excellent dairy products. The biggest difference was the fact that I couldn't get that curd cheese or that kefyras anywhere (I could make my own), but the rest was the equivalent of what I had in the USA. It was a much smaller part of our diet, but the quality was roughly equivalent.

I don't see how you can maintain your statement with such absolutism despite the fact that it is logically impossible to make that statement. It's like the equivalent of me saying,

"Well. I was only in Britain for 2 weeks but I can say with a fact that every single British-made beer is shit." It's just not true. I don't have the ability to evaluate every single British beer. And you don't have the ability to evaluate every single American-made cheese.

>> No.6727773

no one cares.

>> No.6727778

^Hooray . . .this guy actually gets it

I'm not dismissing Lithuanian products because I've never eaten there, I've have passed through Lithuania to get to a mates house in Latvia and I would imagine that Lithuanian food is pretty similar to Latvian food.

ie. Nill of note and pretty much what we ate in England immediately following WW2.

>> No.6727783

>because he totally wasn't born in hawaii
>the US government, knowing obama was an illegal mexican, couldn't do a thing
>they just flailed their hands around saying "what are we supposed to do? oh woe is me"
>Obama then instated martial law, we are now a police state
>He's running for 2016, unopposed, because the American people know better than to fight the almighty mexican overlord
Buddy, I think your flux capacitor needs replacing, you're clearly in the wrong universe.

>> No.6727794

>^Hooray . . .this guy actually gets it
The Midwest does not represent America.

>> No.6727807

You seem to have conveniently ignored my second point.

>> No.6727813
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>> No.6727873

Went to america recently.

American cheddar is exactly that American cheddar. Its not real cheddar like from england or elsewhere, the taste, texture and colour is different, but thats not to say its not good, its just not cheddar, its something else.

>> No.6727882

>there are 4 different americas
>East, West, South, and Midwest.
All are very different.

Plus Alaska and Hawaii which are distinct enough to avoid classification, and then there's canada, which is pretty much northern MN, excluding Quebec, which is a french colony.

>> No.6727884

>kraft is representative of all american cheeses
no, it's not. If your cheddar was yellow, you weren't having true american cheddar, just the mass produced shit.

>> No.6727891

I've lived in the US most of my life and most of the chedder I've seen was white. Some yellow cheeses are dyed, but many more are yellowish because of the cows diet.

>> No.6727894


I never ate anything kraft, everything from cheddar filled pretzels to cheddar biscuits, or cheddar flavoured snacks, it was the same taste and colour more or less, orange with an odd melting property that real cheddar shouldn't have.

No idea why you are getting butthurt over this fact, I even said it wasn't bad tasting, it just wasn't real cheddar.

>> No.6727898


I saw that some stores stocked "white cheddar" but I never tried it.

>> No.6727904

>everything from cheddar filled pretzels to cheddar biscuits, or cheddar flavoured snacks
holy fuck you were doing it wrong
>orange with an odd melting property that real cheddar shouldn't have.
Yeah, those were probably cheddar "style" products, which really means American cheese (product), flavored more like cheddar.
That's not real cheese. It's not representative of our cheese. btfo

>> No.6727908

I've had 'white chedder' crackers before, tasted like chedder and parm.

I seriously think it was just chedder and parmesan.

>> No.6727910


>Yeah, those were probably cheddar "style" products, which really means American cheese (product), flavored more like cheddar.

So you are saying that the food that I was eating made for me in peoples houses for dinner were actually american cheese products flavoured to imitate real cheddar? I see, makes sense, funny how the taste they were trying to immitate didnt taste a lick like real cheddar should anyway.

>You're wrong and I refuse to believe that a different country got the flavour profile of something non native to them wrong!

I don't need to keep arguing with a sperg to know he's being a sperg.

>> No.6727912

Holy shit you are fucking clueless.

>> No.6727916

Fun fact: I'm the person whose post he's referencing, and I live on the East Coast. Maryland, to be exact.

>> No.6727921

>So you are saying that the food that I was eating made for me in peoples houses for dinner were actually american cheese products flavoured to imitate real cheddar?

Correct. They obviously didn't use proper cheese.

>>taste they were trying to immitate didnt taste a lick like real cheddar should anyway

Well, yes. Imitation foods are rarely very accurate in flavor.

>> No.6727922

I was referring to your statement that Americans (Mid Westerners) are conditioned to love processed shitty cheese.
Not that you yourself are one.

>> No.6727928

>So you are saying that the food that I was eating made for me in peoples houses for dinner were actually american cheese products flavoured to imitate real cheddar
It's highly likely, another possibility is it was a mix of cheap mass produced cheddar, and American cheese (product), American cheese (product) melts really well, and when mixed with other cheeses, causes them to melt really well.
We do have legit cheese, but it's not kept with the fake stuff in our stores, and it costs more. Most people go for the cheap shit.
>>you're wrong but I refuse to believe you're wrong

>> No.6727930
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>Correct. They obviously didn't use proper cheese.

wew lad arent we projecting too much now?

>> No.6727933

m8, you might have literal autism.
Like I'm seriously advising you to consult a medical professional.

>> No.6727944


Projecting? He said it didn't taste like cheddar, therefore clearly it was crap cheese if it didn't taste like what it was supposed to be.

>> No.6727948


"Some cheeses called "Cheddar" are actually flavoured processed cheeses or "cheese foods"; they often bear little resemblance to their natural namesakes. Examples include Easy Cheese: a cheese-food packaged in a pressurized spray can; also, as packs of square, sliced, individually-wrapped, "processed cheese" (sometimes also pasteurized)."

Holy shit you're such a fucking retard. Literally put some stones in your pockets and jump into a fucking river.

>> No.6727950

I live in the midwest, we consider that poor people food. We think its the kind of thing that crackheads in LA eat because its easy to mash into their faces when high. And before you ask, no, I don't eat cheese from Wisconsin. Recently the cheeses I've eaten were either made locally by farmers, or came from Vermont and Switzerland. I have no idea why people on the coast assume we eat the same shit as the poor people in their cities. You do realize that most of the people here are of Nordic and Scandinavian decent, right? People are proud of that shit and do a lot to keep food prep as close to what our great grandparents ate.
This does not apply to Chicago though. No idea where all those Polish people and blacks came from, or why they're all so angry, but they are not like the rest of the midwest.

>> No.6727954


I ate a variety of cheddars while staying there, and I stray from overprocessed/cheap foods.

Give it up m8, your cheddar doesnt taste like real cheddar, let it go.

>> No.6727956
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Why would I do that? When the rocks sink they'll put holes in my pockets!

>> No.6727963
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Nothing to prove to you. Just citing some things so that it becomes obvious what a colossal retard you are.

It's a shame you lack even the basic skills necessary to operate in a foreign country and acquire something as simple as cheese.

>> No.6727964

your curry doesn't taste like real curry
your sushi doesnt taste like real sushi
your tea doesnt taste like real tea

Calm the fuck down, different but equal(generally) and to be considered an homage to the originators. Do you bitch that the sushi you get outside of Japland is different than the sushi in the confines of nip controlled territory? Do you bitch that your tea doesn't taste the same as the tea they drink in Asia? Does your cheese compare to France's?

Get the fuck over yourselves, England. The world is tired of your shit.

>> No.6727967

You're so autistic, like holy fuck.
You've been told if it was yellow, it's not legit cheddar. You've been told if it melts well, it's processed. What the fuck else do you need to hear to break your autismo-logic?

>> No.6727991
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That's the thing. There is no cure. He's spinning in his head now. Faulty neurons firing, absolutely sure that the "100% real SERIOUSLY HARDCORE CHEDDAR SNAX" that he ate are a real approximation of American cheese. I mean, they're home-made after all. They must be.

We should all bow down before this veritable master of cheeses. With his vast knowledge of how to "stray from overprocessed/cheap foods" but still find cheese with "an odd melting property that real cheddar shouldn't have."

He will show us the way to the future.

>> No.6727999

10/10 post
I award you with 3 internets, sir.

>> No.6728061

>America cannot make make decent cheese or wine or a cup of tea.

Tell that to the literal hundreds of Gold Medals clogging up Napa Valley for Wine. Napa valley wines are so celebrated that they regularly sweep international competitions. We export so much of it to Europe that local winemakers in Italy and France get butthurt about it. The EU and Canada together account for more than two-thirds of US wine exports.

Tell that to the hundreds of blue ribbons and gold medals that are awarded to Vermont, California, and Wisconsin EVERY FUCKING YEAR. Just look at any top 3s in every category, you'll see Wisconsin and Vermont 70% of the time, California 15% of the time, and occasionally Italy and France.

As far as Tea goes, nobody can touch China, Japan and India.
Europe doesn't even get into the top 10 rankings, and USA barely slides in at #9 with an organic green tea. Tea is dominated by Asia.

>> No.6728069

Anon, you're getting in the way of the britbong b8 thread, pls post your facts somewhere else. thx

>> No.6728092

How do you breath from the inside of your ass?

>> No.6728201

>cheddar looks plasticy
That's the main reasson I started wondering why on earth so they color the cheese. It looks a bit unnatural to me and frankly, not very appetizing.

>> No.6728206

If you'r talking about OP, then no, I did not make this thread yesterday. This is my fisrt post of the week. Stop assuming things, it makes you look weak.

>> No.6728216
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HI, it's OP.

>> No.6728268
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my god you don't need to try so hard

>> No.6728318

Bruh schools are at their safest point basically ever
The chance of being killed in a school shooting is lower than the chance of being attacked by Gary Busey and then a polar bear while being struck by lightning

>> No.6728469


Just U.S.A baby, just U.S.A

>> No.6728660

I actually get kind of grossed out the other way around. As in, really artificial looking food looks disgusting to me. I'm not a picky faggot; I don't make a scene out of it or anything; I'll still consume it; it's just a slight thing that grosses me out.

>> No.6728666

I was born and lived my whole live in America, but fuck this country is filled with ass blasted retards. Every time anyone says something about America, some retard level patriot has to scream about how "THEY'RE OBSESSED WITH US!!!"

>> No.6729859

I'm from Wisconsin cornfields boy.

>> No.6730074

people are simple and will not buy something they are not used to/ something they dont understand

youre also stupid for not assuming this

>> No.6730117

If you live in civilization i.e. not some flyover part of the States, then you can easily find "white cheddar." You can select it right next to the yellow cheddar like you would a load of wheat bread over white etc. Be warned though, some of the natural white cheddars are sold at a higher cost to prey on people's stupidity.

>> No.6730319
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>being this angry over being rightfully called out

>> No.6730907

Because, as Ive realized after living in america for 20 years now, we are all human pondscum. My roommate came home last night and asked if I wanted to share some of his fancy cheese with him. It was white american. He came home and asked if I wanted to try a cool beer he bought; Im always coming home with weird craft beers after all. Its an alcoholic rootbeer. I just cant do this anymore. /ck/, please tell me other places arnt like this?

>> No.6731033

I'm 39 and I think you're a ticking time bomb on the same level as klebold or roof. Now time for your grasping at straws trying to write off my opinion based on the reptilian agenda.