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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6721854 No.6721854 [Reply] [Original]

which ramen does /ck/ like the most?

chicken flavor reporting in

>> No.6721856

chicken or beef

>> No.6721864

Maruchan chicken

>> No.6721868
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After eating this stuff in college I cannot fucking stand Maruchan anything anymore. Their spice packets are straight disgusting.

>> No.6721884

Someone once suggested I boil Marchand Ramen without the packet, then drain the water. Then add shredded cheese packets and some milk and mix it up, profit.

literally the nastiest fucking thing I've ever tried

>> No.6721923

oh my god
milky cheese ramen sounds so gross why would you do that

>> No.6721939

I prefer super sweet sundae surprise ramen myself.

>> No.6721942

because I'm from /k, not /ck.


>> No.6721958
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>not eating udon
>not throwing away the packet and making dank stir fry

>> No.6722304

I am going to point and laugh at you for 30 seconds..and..go...

okay..better now. but seriously you can boil them plain, dump a lot of the water just leave enough so they don't get sticky, add some soy sauce, terriyaki, whatever you want to flavor it with and it tastes okay. I sometimes use beef flavor packet but just a little of it and like a teaspoon of soy sauce and it's fine. I think it's less salt but who knows.

>> No.6722479

Just buy the frozen udon noodles in bulk if you don't want the packets.

>> No.6722486

first of all, just melt the cheese into the milk and make a sauce to pour over the ramen, and yes, its good as fuck.

second of all, i have been known to boil kraft mac n cheese, then add a ramen packet, and take the neon orange cheese powder, and mix it with butter into ramen. holy fuck i'd kill for that right now.

>> No.6722579

Vegetarian here, in bricks oriental is the only thing I can eat but I can say with some seseme seed oil,ground nuts, mushroom, and about half seasoning, that shit is perfect.

>> No.6722594

Shrimp flavor with an egg in it. Every other type is disgusting to me.

>> No.6722877

sorry my tastebuds like actual flavor

>> No.6723435

thats the shit right there

>> No.6723585

Hey guys, I'm now broke so I am trying to convert to ramen. Which kind of ramen is the best: cup ones, packet ones with spices that you put on boiling water or packet ones with spices you mix in a bowl and then you put cooked ramen on them

>> No.6723830

Wish I'd taken a picture when I made it, but I made ramen with a seaweed soup base yesterday. Shit was really refreshing, although it made the egg taste kind of weird.

>> No.6723840


teriyaki beef

although that too gets a bit putrid unless I'm really hungry

>> No.6724846

Want a recipe?
Take the ramen, and throw away the packet. Add water, some vegetables and broth of your choice. Let them sit in the pot until the water starts to boil.

At that point, add a little oil or butter to the broth, and then either eat it as is or add some meat to the noodles before you pour the broth in. Cost effective and good on a budget. I use kale, turnip greens, carrots, onions, garlic and radishes(Whole). Add a little salt or any seasonings of your choice for flavor or do so beforehand, either way is fine.

My current area doesn't even hold chicken mushroom/vegetable/cajun/chile or picante beef. I miss New York.

>> No.6725120

Finally, someone who gets it

>> No.6725333

maruchan mushroom
it's the only brand i can get where i live

>> No.6725503

Shinbowl for a drunken night sometimes.

maruchan is for section 8 niggers.

>> No.6725510

>not nongshim spicy master race

>> No.6725543

Indomie chicken, only cheap brand here, about 0.60$ a packet
their vegetable flavor sucks, tastes like chemicals.

>> No.6725559

>Ctrl + F
>No Creamy Chicken

You're all fucking stupid

>> No.6725598
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>$5 cup ramen

>> No.6725621
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shin bowl
>sliced jalapeno
>diced onion
>sliced green onion
>season thin cut pork
>soft boiled egg

Dried sea weed is also a good cheap option

comes out to about 4.66 a dish

>> No.6725626

also lime and Clinton are a nice touch

>> No.6725779


Didn't know there was a chicken teriyaki flavor until now, but I bet that's amazing too.

>> No.6725795

Those are $1, what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.6725822

Always go for the packets that require you to boil the noodles on a stovetop.

>> No.6725828

He was obviously exaggerating. Are you retarded, or just autistic? You really think $1 is a good price for cup ramen?

>> No.6725831

Alright. No differences in taste when you mix cooked noodles with spices vs when you mix raw.noodles and spices in boiling water?

>> No.6725878
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Any answer besides Maruchan Oriental is the wrong answer.

>> No.6725954

it sounds disgusting, but I'm a sucker for any chili lime shrimp flavored ramen I can get my hands on, Maruchan or otherwise.

Also, Nongshim is delicious, but much too expensive for what it is.

>> No.6725964 [DELETED] 

You're the only one here with any sense.

>> No.6725997
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Indo girlfriend got me this. Came a little bit with every bite.

>> No.6725999
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Real talk, the best I've had. The noodles are fucking amazing.

>> No.6726002

Creamy chicken

>> No.6726027
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Had this in Thailand, just picked a few random flavors. Dear God it is amazing. Like a nice smoky pork. one of the few ramens I will actually drink all the broth. Pretty sad I won't have it again unless I go back.

>> No.6726039
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best flavor of this brand

>> No.6726042
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Either Shin or Nissin's black garlic. Sesame is good too.

>> No.6726047

On this topic, who's got some neat ramen seasoning recipes?

>> No.6726071

Oriental flavor is goat you autists

>> No.6726169

I like "sweet sundae ramen" the most

>> No.6726196

What I did when I used to eat ramen was just put one american cheese single in the ramen as it was cooking. Seasoning packet, cheese, water, and noodles all together. Good stuff. Better if you add herbs and spices you like.

>> No.6726199

Is it possible to cook ramen in a microwave and have the eggs I put in to actually cook evenly?

>> No.6726201

Big diff. One way you get a nice broth, the other you get a very flavorful bunch of noodles. Do whichever you want. Eating it with broth fills you up more too.

>> No.6726202

i tried that when i was young and just learning how to cook. it's better to just boil angel hair which only takes 4 minutes, add butter and parmesan or romano cheese.

>> No.6726208

Tasty stuff right here

>> No.6726419

the chicken

>> No.6726427

Always satisfied with curry flavour, any brand; I could happily eat most flavours but curry tops them all, especially if spicy.

>> No.6726436

I haven't tried all of the instant noodle varieties available or anything, but my favourite so far is extra spicy smoked fish instant ramen from WAIWAI.

Distant second to MAMA's made-for-the-Burmese-market coconut-and-prawn cup noodles.

Even more distant third to either Nissin's HK-only seafood cup instant ramen, Nongshin's no-longer-available lobster bowl instant ramyun, Nissin's made-for-the-US-but-inexplicably-no-longer-available crab or lobster instant ramen cups or MAMA's yentafo instant bean-thread noodles.

If I ever see the WAIWAI spicy smoked fish or MAMA Burmese coconut-prawn ones, I buy a case, because they both happen to be carried only intermittently. It makes me sad.

>> No.6726438

Spicy Beef

>> No.6726458

>tfw spent a billion hours in ms paint making a dozen banners
>the only one that made it was op's pic where i just slapped, "4chan" on the end
>countless anons (who probably do gd and frequent /a/ and didn't make the cut) complained back on /q/
>it was the worst one and only made it in because it was literally the only /ck/ banner submitted, and we apparently qualify for affirmative action

It's still better than occasionally having to look at /sp/ garbage.

>> No.6726467

Who are you quoting? And literally nobody cares, everybody and their brother has a banner up on 4chan. One of the 4chan pass banners is mine.

>> No.6726491
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>> No.6726499

You know where it's at \o/

>> No.6726511

They're $2 and that's if you go to some over priced store. Even the bigger ones are like 1.99. The only expensive one is the udon bowl with the actual udon noodles and it's like 3 or so.

>> No.6726517

It's so good but I can rarely find it.

>> No.6726520

You're proving my point.

>> No.6726521

How often do you not have a fucking dollar for something you broke ass nigger?

>> No.6726526

You said 5.
God you're fucking dumb.

>> No.6726537

That you're a moron?

>> No.6726538

Are you autistic?
I have a buck for things that aren't cup ramen.

>> No.6726551

the mid-market ramen bowls run like 50¢ in the chain grocers in my area

>> No.6726555

>Someone once suggested I boil Marchand Ramen without the packet, then drain the water.
I've always done this. I've added cheese too before, but never added milk.

>> No.6726705


>countless anons (who probably do gd and frequent /a/ and didn't make the cut) complained back on /q/
>one of the 4chan pass banners is mine

Of course it is, anon. Of course it is...

>> No.6726708


>who are you quoting?


...obviously meant to QUOTE you.

>> No.6726711




>> No.6726714

bro what

>> No.6726736


It's called drunk posting.

>> No.6726743

My local store sells this, but I'm pretty sure that I'm the only one who shops there and actually buys it. Also, shit's good with some red pepper flakes.

>> No.6726758
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Pic related

>> No.6726766
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the best

>> No.6726768

I don't get how anyone would settle for the plain beef/chicken flavor ramen. I mean maybe beef. But chicken is literally just noodles in salt juice.

Chili is leagues above all other maruchan flavors, it's just really hard to find. I prefer it even to Shin Ramun or however the hell you say it. The fancy kind in the red package.

>> No.6726813

tape worms?

>> No.6726817

>MLG montage snoop dogg doritos weed memes
hate this picture. it's like all those shitty youtube videos.

>> No.6726850

my nigger.

>> No.6726966
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>> No.6727055 [DELETED] 

>eating top cuck

>> No.6727393

pls respond

>> No.6727411


no you fucking asshat, eggs are impervious to microwave radiation.

>> No.6727427

My fav. too. It also takes hot sauce really well if I want to eat something spicy.

>> No.6727927

Lime Chili Shrimp is the best flavor.

>> No.6727986
File: 33 KB, 358x358, THE GREATEST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold the greatest flavor ever to exist.

>> No.6728027
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So my roommate grills steak often and let's me have left overs. I put them in my ramen. They come out a little tough and I would like them to be softer.
Should I not boil them with the noodles?

>> No.6728054

reheated steak is gonna depend on how it was cooked the first time

your roomate grills well done doesn't he

>> No.6728059

Not usually. Though I think he gets them almost well done cause it's hard for me to eat rare steak, my teeth can't take it.

>> No.6728060

>Should I not boil them with the noodles?
no, slice it as thin as you can, then add it to the hot broth right before you eat

>> No.6728066


>> No.6728075

>$5 cup ramen

>> No.6728076

>trying to revive this thread with that shit

>> No.6728109
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>someone appreciates you helping them
>they don't start swearing at you and hurling insults
feels good man

>> No.6728279 [DELETED] 
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What makes it "special", /ck/?

>> No.6728802


>> No.6728812


Egg will explode

>> No.6728816

I'd kill for miso flavored, what's the best kind?

>> No.6728922
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>> No.6728931

that shit right there, with some canned chicken dumped in. Thats good eatin

>> No.6728939

cutting it into even smaller pieces will help

>> No.6729262

oriental TopRamen