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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6720486 No.6720486 [Reply] [Original]

how to bolognese end of the month edition

>> No.6720492
File: 1.01 MB, 2592x1936, IMG_0185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chop up 2 onions and 2 cloves of garlic
add minced meat
top with olivo il

>> No.6720493

don't prep by your computer, don't put ingredients by your computer, dont eat by your computer, why is there tin foil. is that a fucking joint on the right, faggot?

>> No.6720503

this is gonna be food gore, i know it from the second pic. just stop.

>> No.6720506

also what country are you from. its almost 3 in the morning here and nobody cooks bolognese at 3 in the morning

>> No.6720508

posting in ebin bread

>> No.6720509
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Keyboard bolognese is my favorite

>> No.6720510

>2 onions for a pound of beef


>> No.6720511

>top with olive oil

it doesnt need any more oil you fuckscum, the fat in the beef is enough

>> No.6720514

i made gulasch at 4 am this weekend. whats your point?

>> No.6720515

If it's 95/5 or something ridiculous I would use olive oil.

But who in their right mind would buy that?

>> No.6720518

is it amphetamines, insomnia, or are you working a beaner schedule?

>> No.6720519

>not getting drunk and high and then cooking dinner

>> No.6720521

fucking retards buy it

duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhh.......I'm buying the healthy meat it barely has any fat. it costs more but so healthy. it sticks to the pan and tastes like shit burnt onto a shingle but I add fat to it to prevent it from being a total shit

>> No.6720531
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fry till onions are invisible and meat grey

>> No.6720533

Does anyone here really not know how to make bolognese?

>> No.6720534
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add 2 tubes of tomato paste

>> No.6720537
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cook pasta!

>> No.6720538


>no carrots
>no celery
>no pork or pancetta
>the size of those onion chunks
>low-fat beef

Just stop, OP, this is a fucking train wreck already. I'll bet you aren't even planning on adding white wine and milk, either. Go and learn how to cook before you start trying to instruct others.

>> No.6720540


Ok, now you're really rustling my jimmies. That pasta has no business being anywhere near a pan of boiling water until the bolognese has been cooking for at least 3 hours.

>> No.6720542

Maximum kek


>> No.6720543

Judging by the state of your benchtop is this the part where you throw it all over place?
It's a pasta disaster but I'm intrigued by your kitchen.

>> No.6720546
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looks like shit

>> No.6720555

Not OP apparently

>> No.6720560
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add kidney beans

>> No.6720563
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a drizzle of your favourite hot sauce for extra spicyness!

>> No.6720572


See, I think OP was sincere at first, but since everyone leapt upon him and told him they could tell how shiftily this was going to turn out from the first couple of images, he's decided to pretend that he was trolling all along.

>> No.6720575



Fuck off you don't know any better

>> No.6720579
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the amount of food should suffice for multiple servings, just add water to your sauce and cook up a new batch of pasta.

>> No.6720580


Or do it, if you want. It's his food, he's not serving this to a restaurant. For all I care, he doesn't even need to wash his hands.

>> No.6720581


I fucking hate americans trying to cook pasta

They are terrible at it and never mix the pasta with the sauce

>> No.6720591

looks like chili

>> No.6720598


If you're dead fucking serious then I hope you take advice into consideration, rather than feel self-assured in your cooking skills that you ignore them.

>> No.6720603
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>> No.6720604

>That wrapped degeneracy
Don't do it anon, it will turn you into one of those pathetic excuses at life they call "stoners".

>> No.6720610


Only if he obsesses over it. Regular users are fine people.

>> No.6720646
File: 1.40 MB, 2592x1936, IMG_0196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was very tasty and filling! also cheap and fast!
rest is in fridge should be okay for 2~ days

sauce will get thinner also added protein from bean also onion is delicious
olivo il is health
sry i make u mad
taste is on tongue not eye
not americano
sauce seperate for multiple portions
chili has no beans
i probably beat you at Ready Steady Cook

have nice day!

>> No.6720649

>i probably beat you at Ready Steady Cook

Maybe you could, maybe you couldn't, I wouldn't know.

So I'm right, you ignore legitimate advice and you're self-assured in your cooking.

You made a thread to simply pat yourself on the back. At least you're out in the open with it.

>> No.6720650


>sauce will get thinner

Isn't that what you don't want with bolognese?

>olive oil is health

It's healthy if you substitute it with less healthy oils. All you had was an excess amount of oil when the olive oil wasn't necessary to cook it.

>sry i make u mad

He's mad because this doesn't sound like bolognese at all. You omitted some of the most common ingredients in bolognese.

>chili has no beans

Chili is commonly made with beans.

>i probably beat you at Ready Steady Cook

And you gave him a childish comeback when he's just suggesting you listen to criticism like any good chef would do.

There goes my appetite for this thread.

>> No.6720654


>implying no celery in bolognese

Go and tell that to the Academia Italiana della Cucina, I'm sure they'd be very appreciative to know that anon says they've been getting the recipe wrong.

>> No.6720831
File: 3 KB, 100x100, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


onions are invisible

>> No.6720858

OP isn't fucking American. We never use the word "bolognese". It's fucking meat sauce. And OP's dish looks like chili on top of noodles, essentially.

>> No.6720866

OP is also an obvious troll, a deluded person, or doesn't know enough English to respond to anyone here.

Most of the time in these threads, the OP actually responds to criticism. Here he has this mentality that he's right and you're all wrong. It's obvious bait.

>> No.6721180

Looks pretty good actually. I like beans.

>> No.6721215
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>he ends up with chili

>> No.6721687
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chili isnt made with beans tho
its neither bolognese nor chili, just noodles with fucking stew

>> No.6721694

Americans also don't say "minced meat"
OP is most likely a brit

>> No.6721714

One of the worst examples I've seen. Please stop posting here.

>> No.6721718

>not mixing sauce & pasta in the pan and leaving for 5-10 mins before serving

Just fuck you absolute hacks.

>> No.6721961
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>fry until onions are invisible

i keked

>> No.6721975


bolognese is a meat sauce, but not all meat sauce is bolognese.

this is the most pleb ridden board on the site, i swear.

>> No.6721984


fucking horrible job chopping the onions. they should be no more then 2mm cubes.

>> No.6721993



onions in bolo need to be cut to a brunoise. OP is a stupid piece of shit.

>> No.6721997
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>I'll bet you aren't even planning on adding white wine and milk

>white wine

>> No.6721998


>not realizing that onions fall apart because they're layers

Watch more Shrek

>> No.6722002
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>> No.6722003


i didn't even catch that.. white wine in a red meat sauce, wow. fuck this board.


anon, pls..

>> No.6722013
File: 7 KB, 150x150, jamie-oliver-crying-150x150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't put olive oil in all of his dishes

>> No.6722036

>chili has no beans
haha love it.
gg OP

>> No.6722044
File: 832 KB, 896x588, me face when making tomato sauce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

excellent thread op

>> No.6722137
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>Americans also don't say "minced meat"
what? im canadian and have even heard it called that on american television.

>> No.6722145

youre literally a dash of cumin away from chili pasta.

8/10 troll

>> No.6722164

In any case, it's really uncommon.

It's mostly called ground beef.

>> No.6722234


we say minced meat in reference to stew meat, like minced chuck etc.

it just means diced meat. it never refers to ground beef.

>> No.6722246

I've never heard anyone refer to stew meat as minced. It's just called stew meat or chunks.

>> No.6722252

What's ground chuck

>> No.6722257

We call it "ground"

Ground beef
Ground chicken
Ground pork

>> No.6722261

Chuck that's been ground.

>> No.6722264
File: 111 KB, 331x498, 1431737846394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guess what, faggot, I like it that way

>> No.6722272

How dare you like things that other people don't like!

>> No.6722275

>chili isnt made with beans tho
Is this a meme or is everyone on /ck/ just autists? Sure, "proper" chili isn't made with beans, but ask 100 people to describe chili and 95 will most likely mention it having beans.

>> No.6722277

So 95% of people don't know what chili is? What does that change?

>> No.6722280


i'm almost 100% positive i've bought diced stew meat from the store that said "minced chuck" on the label.

>> No.6722282

what is chili with beans of chili doesn't have beans?

>> No.6722286

>what is chili with beans


>> No.6722292

but what is it if it isn't chili?

>> No.6722295


Dry white or red, both are acceptable in bolognese, though I find white works better. If you seriously think that you can only use red wine with red meat, then I pity you.

>> No.6722299


why do you find that white works better

>> No.6722302

>an overwhelming majority like to refer to beans with chili as just chili
>"should we just let them call it that? I mean...what difference does it make?"
this is what you people sound like, I bet you go to westernized sushi restaurants and claim that their rice, nori, and fish rolls aren't "sushi".

>> No.6722311

>>an overwhelming majority like to refer to beans with chili as just chili

Just because people think chili should have beans in it doesn't change the fact that chili isn't supposed to be made with beans. I don't really care about chili but changing a dish and keeping it's traditional name is idiotic. How about calling it "chili with beans" to be more accurate?

>> No.6722383


Less dominant. Red can give the dish too strong a flavour of red wine, whereas what you really want is a good meaty flavour. You can use a mix of both, which is probably the best approach of all. I like to stick quite a bit of booze into my bolognese though, and if it were just red it would probably start to resemble boeuf bourginon.

As for some other notes; a little chicken liver adds depth of flavour, dried mushrooms can make for a good addition but might upset autistic purists on /ck/, and stirring in an egg yolk or two after you've taken it off the heat is a good way of emulsifying the sauce and adding a little richness.

>> No.6722415

are people actually this retarded
is this thread a joke

>> No.6722416


what kind of white we talking? something dry but not too sharp/acidic, i would assume. maybe chablis?

>> No.6722441

careful anon, you could turn out like this man.

not to say he isn't having fun

>> No.6722475

would put dem onions on a sandwich, though

>> No.6722506

if you're filipino, you'll add sugar and red hotdogs and cornedbeef.

>> No.6722604

Now I assume you completely cook off the red wine so that its base taste is all but gone, and only the flavour of the beef has been lifted?

But no one is actually going to say that. They are always going to call it chilli because shorthand rules the roost with the common people. Perhaps at a restaurant that served chilli you'd find the "with beans" clause on there, but when you're honest with yourself do you really believe people will say "Chilli with beans" when they still called it a HAMBURGER when it has no ham in it at all?

>> No.6722612

that's not why hamburgers are called hamburgers

>> No.6722643

Right but in common use you know what a burger is when someone mentions one, then if you want to know what kind of burger it is (could be chicken or venison or whatever) and they say hamburger you know its a beef burger. But you won't call it a beef burger in common use, you'll just call it a hamburger because thats what you know it as.

>> No.6722705

Hur fan tänkte du nu?

>OP is SWE

>> No.6722727

This is how I do Bolognese.

Mix some Italian sausage with Ground Beef.

Brown it in a pan.

Dice up mirepoix.

If you dont know what Mirepoix is you dont belong on /ck/

Saute in butter and olive oil. Add a bay leaf and some thyme.

Stir in tomato paste

Deglaze with red wine.

Add the beef and top with stock, let it simmer and add cream at the end.

While it simmers. make the pasta.

1 egg for each 100 grams of flour

Pinch of salt

Spin it in food processor

Dump on table and make a square

Put it through the pasta machine till the pasta is a sheet.

Change to the cutter and cut the Pasta.

Boil it for a min.

Drain and add to the Bolognese.

Dish up and top with cheese. Serve with bread wine ect.

>> No.6722905

all are signs of someone who cooks for a living
except the cooking parts show otherwise

confirmed OP is fggt NEET basement dweller

looks more like a euro trying to make chili, though