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File: 84 KB, 908x1370, hendricks-bottle[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6720265 No.6720265 [Reply] [Original]

so I walked into a liquor store to have a look around and, being the autist I am, ended up buying a $70 bottle of gin.

what the Hell do I do with it?

>> No.6720283

You make an aviation or a gimlet



>> No.6720295

You pour it in a glass, add tonic water, a wheel of cucumber and a nice solid chunk of ice dry patted with a clean towel.
Repeat until you speak with a british accent and cry over lost colonies.

>> No.6720300

Try not to drink all that shit in one day, it is fantastic. Pour two shots worth in a highball, drop in very finely chopped lime or mint, put the glass in the freezer for 15 minutes.

Don't mix it, it's a waste of money. You want a G&T, just get Seagrams, because it doesn't fucking matter. Hendrick's has taste straight, emphasize it with whatever you have around.

>> No.6720302

I heard that you need lemon for a G&T

>> No.6720303


A gimlet is always a fine choice, especially with rose's lime.

If it is hendricks then it goes pretty well with a slice of cucumber in a g&t. I also really like it in a French 75.

>> No.6720305

Save it to impress the next gin drinker you have over.

>> No.6720306

gin tastes like you're eating out the asshole of a pine tree.

why would you buy such an atrocity?

>> No.6720308

Not with Hendrick's you don't

>> No.6720310

Let me guess, you prefer to lick the balls of peatlands am I right?

>> No.6720312

70 bucks for hendricks? I live in canada, and it's like 45 for 70cl

>> No.6720318

Should have just bought some whisky instead

>> No.6720333

Because he said he was autist, right?

>> No.6720338

Incoming coniferous ass kisser.

I would rather dunk my balls into an arid landscape than drink some gin like the faggot OP.

>> No.6720362

huuurrrrduuurrrrr stop liking what I don't like edgy fedora

All whiskey/whisky drinkers I know can't shut the fuck up about how vodka is water, gin is turpentine, and how men should only drink neat scotch.
They even pretend to enjoy that burning sensation and think we don't see that weird face they make after each sip, and that you can see all their neck tendons as they try to not throw up.

Why do you care what other people enjoy?
Also who forces you to drink Gin if you don't want to? Did your mommy leave your daddy for an English gentlemant with a monocle?

>> No.6720370


>> No.6720382

What tax hellhole do you live in that Hendrick's is 70 bones?

>> No.6720447

Not OP or whatever but tonic water makes me nauseous, what are some other additions?

>> No.6720455

If you are a male, a pair of gonads would be a good addition...4 U.

Lime and ice.
Lime, sugar and egg white, shaked.
Martini dry + one olive (+ one dash of olive brine if you feel dirty).

World is your oyster, anon

>> No.6720458

>If you are a male, a pair of gonads would be a good addition

I wish i could grow them but alas, i've been drinking it on the rocks for months because the tonic makes me sicker than the alcohol.

I will try the rest of your suggestions, though, thanks/.

>> No.6720462

Grapefruit Radler.

>> No.6720464

That better have been a fucking handle mate, because if you payed over $40 for Hendricks you got fokken robbed mate.

>> No.6720477

Glad you could take the banter without foaming at the mouth like a whisky-only drinker.

Made me dig in my cocktails book, you can look for:
Last World
White Lady
Pink Lady
Red Lion
Death Proof
Oh My Dog
Alice Sour


>> No.6720484

I will, thanks for the suggestions. I'll look them up.

>> No.6720485

would this be considered "asswrecked"?

>> No.6720517

Hopefully they were Australian dollars.

>> No.6720554
File: 4 KB, 400x400, 2x2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably the AUD price

>muh manly drinks
>muh overplayed /tv/ gimmicks

>> No.6720571

He's probably Australian. That's what it sells for here.

>> No.6720597

>70 fucking dollars for a bottle of hendricks

damn son that's steep

>> No.6720693


>>muh manly drinks
Yeah, tonic water surely is manly, anon

>muh overplayed /tv/ gimmicks
I have never been on /tv/

On which end?

>> No.6720732
File: 153 KB, 800x614, hendricksgin[1].jpg_1414718856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now you've spent big on gin, you need to buy some organic cucumber and fresh rosemary, or harvest some home-grown if you are lucky enough to live in the right climate.

Serve with half tonic, half soda water (carbonated water, also called club soda).
Add a slice of cucumber OR a sprig of rosemary.

Rosemary/cucumber can be served together, but I find that mix of flavours overpowering.

>> No.6720738
File: 49 KB, 685x1024, flickr-stuartwebster-685x1024[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are feeling brave (mistakes with a $70 bottle are expensive!) try a dry martini.

Use less than the recommended amount of Vermouth, as it is a very powerful flavour.
If used sparingly, it provides a "balance" to the delicate floral notes of the gin. Think of it as the bass line to Hendricks guitar solo.

>> No.6720776

> 70 dollars for hendricks
Holy shit

>> No.6720799


There are so many different types of gin, man.

>> No.6720878


Depends on the gin and I think also the sort of tonic m8. Can also go for red pepper, lime, etc.

>> No.6720881


Kek and agree

>> No.6720926

Hendricks costs like $45/bottle where I live, and I'm in a very heavily taxed state.

Whwre are you from, Op? Canada?

>> No.6720962

>putting vermouth in a martini

what decade is this.

>> No.6720983

Every decade since the martini was conceived

>> No.6720992

maybe in some kind of parallel universe.

>> No.6720999

>hurr no vermouth in a martini
Your meme is so stale, your parents weren't even born yet when it was concieved.

>> No.6721002 [DELETED] 

Where you're not a cuck too, right

I don't know what you're getting at here, unless you're referring to the massive surge in popularity of stuff like Espresso "Martinis" which are just vodka cocktails

Even then a classic dry martini is still more popular and known

Don't trigger me

>> No.6721007

>I mostly drink at Applebees but sometimes TGI Friday's

>> No.6721012

Vermouth has always been an ingredient in martinis, it is what separates a martini from a shot of vodka

>> No.6721014

he's going all out

>> No.6721016

you seem thirsty for some (You)s

>> No.6722913

Real martinis are made with gin, not vodka. Stirred not shaken and with a drop of vermouth.
I usually shake my gin, I like it more.

>> No.6722932

good choice op! i love gin and hendricks is a great gin just know now that every other gin you try now will pale in comparison

>> No.6722936

>a drop of vermouth

That's as memetastic as shaken not stirred

I wish people would stop repeating this kind of nonsense

>> No.6722945

You're autistic, it adds a bit of taste, but I don't like vermouth much. I worked in bars in NYC for 4 years, I think I can tell the difference in my favorite drink.

>> No.6722957

>I worked in bars in NYC for 4 years

Is that supposed to make you an expert? The bartender across from my work thinks that martinis are made from vodka and gin is optional.

Unless you worked at Death & Co or Raines Law Room or the Campbell Apartment, your opinion is shit and you probably just slinged cranberry "martinis" at Splash Bar.

>> No.6722986


He's gonna have to drop another $50-$100 to make a good aviation. Totally worth it IMO, but if OP is the kind of guy who accidentally spends $70 on gin, he might be better off trying an aviation at a craft bar first before investing in a bottle of violette and maraschino

>> No.6722988


Agreed. Just go buy an entry level bottle of gin for now, and save this for when you've acquired the taste. Not like it's gonna go bad

>> No.6723000

Most people don't acquire a taste for gin until they've had good gin. I can't even count the number of people I know who say "I used to hate gin and then I tried Hendricks". It's a gateway gin, sensation seekers quickly move on but a lot of less adventuresome folks just drink Hendricks exclusivity.

>> No.6723001

I wanted to be a guy that liked gin, I really gave it my best effort for years but never developed a taste for the stuff. but of all the gins I have had, I disliked hendricks the least

>> No.6723012

You tried any old Tom, Genever, stuff like that?

>> No.6723013
File: 1.01 MB, 1169x1559, BombayAmber_Bottle_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

iktf OP

>> No.6723030

just do what i do and drink vodka and orange juice out of a sippy cup like real man

>> No.6723388


This is what I thought too. It's like $35 USD in the US.

Hendricks makes a pretty good Fitzgerald and a decent Gimlet. For martinis I've taken to Citadelle, though.

>> No.6723481
File: 21 KB, 384x384, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Assuming this is now a gin general,

Find this and buy it. It's a really nice peppery gin that really highlights what those dirty Australian colonials are doing with gin. So completely different from from those citrus bombs and it really brings a new dimension to what gin could be.

>> No.6723687

Have you tried Tanqueray N°10?

I like it even better than Hendricks.

IMO Gordon's or Beefeater are shit.

Interesting. Have you tried it?

>> No.6725757

Yup. Its the only gin I've ever enjoyed straight.

>> No.6725762

FYI, tanq ten was specifically designed to attract vodka drinkers who want to be able to say they like gin, this was around the time "mixology" started to become cool.

>> No.6726250

Make a Martinez.

>> No.6726267
File: 490 KB, 1528x2752, botanist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of pricey gin this stuff is totally fucking worth it, I drink this shit just on the rocks.

>> No.6726272


They used to be owned by Bruchladdieh if I recall. I haven't tried their product in a while, glad to know its still good.

>> No.6726279

It's made in the same distillery.

>> No.6726307

Whisky drinker here.
I'm getting tired too of my fellow scotch drinkers' pretentiousness. People who need a drink to define themselves and flesh out their social persona are pathetic.

Gin is fantastic. Bombayfag here

>> No.6726409

Ok I didn't know that.
I just got into gin by accident one day at a party (Bombay Sapphire because it was the only drink that wasn't whiskey or fruity sugar bombs like Malibu, Passoa and the like).
Found it 1000x better than my remembrance of Gin OJ when I was a teen wanted to get wasted.
So I bought a bottle of Bombay, and then I'v tried the various gins available whenever I traveled (if usually buy them at duty free shops, alcohol is super expensive where I live).
T10 was really nice and to be honest I don't really mind being silently judged when I drink it.
Also I do enjoy vodka, chilled Zubrowka makes a nice digestif and a well executed Bloody Mary is a great pre-food drink, gets alcohol in you without spoiling your appetite or frying your tastebuds.

>> No.6726416


Seriously though, who gives a shit what OTHER people drink, care about what's in your own glass. No one is forcing you to drink anything other than what you choose.