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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6719138 No.6719138 [Reply] [Original]

So, I've grown tired of my fatassery and am currently slimming down. What's /ck/'s to-go light food?

>> No.6719144

Lean meats, vegetables, fruits, whole grains.
Control your portions and exercise regularly.

>> No.6719149

I know and I do. But I'm interested in some recipes.

>> No.6719152

Protein Heavy.

I lost 50 pounds cutting out all sugars and going with a big breakfast of Eggs with bacon or sausage. Maybe ham or whatever you can think of for breakfast. Easy on carbs.

That makes you feel really full all day long so you dont have to snack and you can eat the same dinner you always do.

>> No.6719171

We don't post lots of recipes. They're a pain in the ass to type and all over the fucking internet already. We mainly prefer to make taco bell threads.

>> No.6719180

There are literally hundreds, if not thousands of websites with recipes for light cooking.

Stop being so helpless. The best you'll get here is a bunch of retards trolling you with horrendous /fit/ recipes that taste like ass.

>> No.6719196


You should no by now /ck/ is for fast food threads and ramen.

>> No.6719209

This makes me sad.

>> No.6719211

all i've had this weekend is fast food

right now i'm eating a cup of shin ramen

>> No.6719221

To be completely honest, it's really not the best place to share recipes anyway, it's too impermanent. I've typed up some nice recipes before, good stuff handed down by family. Now it's gone. This place is more for general discussion and amusement, along with occasional cooking challenge shit.

Some recipes here or there when they're interesting, but it's really not the place to request for recipes, as people like op tend to find out. Now if he had made his op more interesting, or provided more information about himself, his thread might have worked better. But expecting a "healthy recipe dump" like this is /s/ or something just isn't going to work.

>> No.6719476

Recipes on 4chan work best if you make them into an image. Easier to reshare.

>> No.6719609

i boil a bunch of vegetables in broth, including cauliflower onoin tomato parsely and dill

add 2T of olive oil and some chilli flake

then I blend it up

Only like 500 calories, very nutritious, and extremely filling

>> No.6719623


baked Sweet potato

helped me lose 2st

>> No.6719629

Soup's your lord and savior. I ate soup every day. I also ate alot of oatmeal and steamed vegetables, and some protein thing for dinner or something. Lost 100 lbs seriously fast. I also started to drink green tea because I heard it helps and I liked it, who knows if that helped but I still drink it so whatever mang.

>> No.6719635

There's no real nutritional benefit, but when i want a light snack I like to eat these. A lot of people think they taste like cardboard, but I think they're kind of nice, especially the texture. Then you can put whatever your favorite veggies are on top if you need, or some hummus or something. I'm not even trying to slim down, I'm just a fattie who loves the fuck out of these low-cal crispbreads.

I like rice cakes a lot too. Also I'm one of the very few Murrkans who isn't a little bitch about celery. Love that shit.

>> No.6719638
File: 237 KB, 1600x1600, lightrye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And my fat ass was so hungry I forgot to post image.

>> No.6719806

Eat that cardboard but put laughing cow spreadable cheese on it or if you like dips I make them out of herbs and light sour cream to dip in

>> No.6719831

>Eat that cardboard but put laughing cow spreadable cheese on it
Cardboard-eating fatass here. I can vouch for this. I also get the small satisfaction that with each individually-wrapped "cheese" wedge, I'm twisting the knife in the planet just a little.

>> No.6720556

Celery :^)
you burn more calories eating than you get from it fatty.

>> No.6720567

just eat enough vegetables

i eat plenty of vegetables but also a shitload of dairy, i'm not fat

>> No.6720569

Fuck i love these. It could be made of real cardboard but I'd endlessly eat it for the texture.

>> No.6721181

This is good except for the saturated fats and heavy amounts of salt from the bacon and sausage.

>> No.6721665

>had two blueberry pancakes
>look on myfitnesspal to confess my sins
>apparently 2 pancakes = 240 cals
>mfw pancakes is lower in cals than my usual breakfast

The fuck? I really think this app is on crack sometimes.

Also, when you measure how much a bowl actually is and it's nearly two cups. Like fuck. Been double dosing on everything. Gotta measure.

>> No.6721684

I tried going extremely low cals the other day to compensate for being over a few days. Snacked on fucking celery. Goddamned vile to have raw. I eat like a fucking rabbit. 2 stalks = 15 calories. At least I managed to only eat 400 odd calories that day. Might just do that once a week. Usually 1200 cals a day.

I'd love to exercise, but currently can barely walk. Only thing I can do is restrict my food ridiculously low.

Diet is fish, eggs, vegetables, more vegetables, fruit, cottage cheese, and oatz. Cut out all junk food, all soda, all added sugar, nearly all bread. Only remaining sin is booze. Thankfully I'm a lightweight and don't need much. Hey, soon I won't be able to afford alcohol, so takes care of that.

Just eat a bunch of fucking stupid ass vegetables until the thought of eating makes you want to barf, because you know what awaits you is fucking veggies on veggies.

Tea is "dessert."