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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 22 KB, 522x346, oh come the fuck on man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6718759 No.6718759 [Reply] [Original]

>From Houston, Texas, food capitol of the South
>Going to college in Alabama
>Driving through Mississippi, decide to stop for food
>Stop at local BBQ joint because in my experience, the shittier it looks, the better the BBQ
>Order brisket
>Comes with wheat bread and corn on the cob, which should have been my first warning
>Get food
>Open lid
>It's pulled and covered in BBQ sauce

Why can't other southern states cook, /ck/?

>> No.6718767
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THIS is what brisket should look like, you backwood fucks.

>> No.6718773
File: 266 KB, 1200x761, SB2-brisket-pulled-big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is ABSOLUTELY NOT what brisket should look like

>> No.6718812

Jesus Christ, you southern fags are worse about your barbequeer than shitcago and jew yorkers are with their shitty iterations of pizza. Barbeaue is giving barbeque, some people like it one way, others like it another. Get the fuck over yourselves.

>> No.6718820

Fucking swype.

>> No.6718821

There's a reason why people in Alabama say, "Thank God for Mississippi."

>> No.6718834

Fuck off OP. It's a well known fact that Tennessee is the best food state in the South AND the U.S.A!!!!!!!!!!11

>> No.6718839

>Brisket in MS
You retard, you get pulled pork in Mississippi. The closer you get to Memphis, the better the BBQ.

>> No.6718848

So would you call all this noise, "barbehue"?

>> No.6718854
File: 64 KB, 640x525, texas-277030_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could tell! They tried to make my brisket into pulled pork! Maybe it's the only thing they know

>Better food than TX


BBQ and Tex Mex are the two things that make the South leagues better than the North. So of course we take it seriously. Sports rivalries got nothing on the intense shit-talking of conflicting BBQ recipes.

>> No.6718858

Are you seriously going to try to argue that the swill food popular in TX even holds a candle to that of which is from TN?

>> No.6718864

Tex mex? Heh. I bet you don't even put beans in your chili.

>> No.6718866

I absolutely am. The Mexican influence on all of our food is what makes it better than any other state's cuisine. Why have sweet BBQ when you can have tangy.

>Beans in chili
Ok now you're just tryna bait me

But red beans and rice is the simplest, yet tastiest crock pot dish. That's pretty much the only bean I eat.

>> No.6718868
File: 35 KB, 640x427, gqm2abii9.4-0_1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Objective fact: Best BBQ in Murika is in Kansas City.

>> No.6718871

Oops, the first part was supposed to go to >>6718858

>> No.6718873

>Tangy BBQ

I can't handle this outlandish dribble. I SAY GOOD DAY SIR

>> No.6718876


>> No.6718884


If I wanted a dessert I would have ordered the pie! Take this sickeningly sweet mush back to the kitchen and try again.

>> No.6718887

>From Houston, Texas, food capitol of the South
>the south

I stopped reading there because you clearly don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

>> No.6718894

Ok, I know we aren't the traditional south. I meant Southern side of the US.

I'm glad to be different from the collection of backwoods sister-fuckers to the East.

>> No.6718895

Nice almost quads

Texas food is fucking gerbage, but Texas is colloquially part of "the south" for probably 50 years now; mostly because of it's love of poor education, racism, and hard core right wing conservative christian populations.

>> No.6718899

there's two types of brisket, one is better pulled one is better sliced
you smoke them together
both are good, ur dum

wheat bread is weird tho

>> No.6718902

Texas is pretty much it's own country. It's part southern, part western, and part Mexican.

>> No.6718907

>sports rivalries

I will never understand this. Do people latch onto sports teams and defend them vehemently because they have nothing else going on in their sad lives?

>> No.6718912

It's more of a city pride thing

College sports rivalries are more understandable. You become part of the community and shit, so of course you can get fired up about that.

>> No.6718915

>the south

>> No.6718918

They were part of the Confederates in the civil war. Of course they're part of the south. A loud and annoying part but part non the less.

>> No.6718919

>What is New Orleans?

>> No.6718924

Spot on yeah

>> No.6718927

None of it is understandable to me. To have a prejudice against someone because they like a different sports team? To become emotionally involved in grown men playing games? That's just pathetic.

>> No.6718932

sports are just a catalyst. Like I'm a pats fan. I hate jets fans more than anyone. But it's not really about football, I just hate Jersey. Sports are a socially acceptable outlet to voice my hatred of that dump.

>> No.6718942

It's not a an actual prejudice! It's all for fun. Nobody actually believes that the dude who likes the other team is some kind of subhuman idiot. It's all just shit talking, lol

>> No.6718945

It's a throwback to our tribal roots. Back in the stone age, you wanted to identify emotionally with the people in your area against others, it was good for your survival.

Not so much anymore, but it'll be awhile before it gets bred out of us. It's no different from pride in your nation, your company, your family, your state, your city, your neighborhood, your dojo, your parking lot, your gang, your school, your college, your team, etc etc etc ad infinitum.

>> No.6719181

>They were part of the Confederates in the civil war
So was Maryland. But I'll be damned if anyone considers Baltimore the fucking south.

>> No.6719197

Athens, GA.
The best BBQ you will ever eat.

>> No.6719207

I tip my trilby to you, enlightened gentlefriend.

>> No.6719219

I actually like the bbq in NC best. They have some yellow sauce that I absolutely love

>> No.6719388

You bet your obese, diabetic ass I am.

>> No.6719393

dc is reasonably southern. I definitely get bbq when I can find it good quality, or make it myself, kinda hard in the city.

>> No.6719396


>> No.6719406
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>> No.6719426

Montanafag pls go

>> No.6719439

>shit bbq
>shit beer
>shit music
>shit handegg
steers and queers all

>> No.6719449

>muh opinions

>> No.6719451

>steers and queers all
Check your fat or homosexual privilege. We can be both, you know...

>> No.6719468
File: 151 KB, 576x432, 1388971299765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fellow Houstonian here. Get that malformed lump of shit out of my sight.

>> No.6719475
File: 1.26 MB, 2028x2793, pol tapestry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Too white

>> No.6719491

Funny OP, I'm from Louisiana and i ask the same question. BBQ is overrated though.

>> No.6719494

For All Sad Words Of Tongue And Pen, The Saddest Are These, ‘/pol/ was right’.”

>> No.6719559

>too white

Gee, I wonder who made this map.

>> No.6719594
File: 494 KB, 500x250, Ihaveaplan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>from Houston
>thinks anyone cares about his mongoloid opinion

>> No.6719615

>N.C. is not in the south


>> No.6719676

Another southerner who thinks anyone gives a fuck.

>> No.6719683

>houston, TX
>food capital of the south

stopped reading after that.

>> No.6719730
File: 39 KB, 656x600, 1336736623822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tex Mex

Okay, motherfucker. Pray that I never find out where you live. Tex Mex is an abomination and insult food - including lunchables. Tex Mex is nothing more than faggot taco bell smothered in puke yellow cheese sauce. I like how you faggots try to pass that turd food off as some sort of mexican/american infusion cuisine lol.

>> No.6719741


>part mexican

Nope. From a beaner thats been living here I'll tell you this much - Most of the hispanics here are nothing but coconuts. They may look mexican, but they're far removed from it. Most of them are like 10th generation born here. Any mexican they might've had has been far removed a long time ago. That's why there's no such thing as good mexican food here in Texas.

>> No.6719905

What school OP? I'm at USA.

>> No.6720002

>the south

charleston is probably the real food capital of the south
and mustard based is master race

>> No.6720427
File: 555 KB, 541x558, 1422149142929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mustard based

>> No.6721035

America wins again. American always wins in the end.

>> No.6721043

Tex mex is fucking horrible. Fuck you and your state for being so proud of such a shit food abortion